Friday, 2018-11-02

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jungleboyjspotz: odyssey4me I figured out how to get the console to work.  It is related to SSL being enabled.  Need to click to open the console in its own window so you can deal with the certificate error.  Then the console actually loads.03:51
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francoisgood morning!08:53
francoisI'm trying to deploy octavia with openstack-ansible queens, the network configuration is driving me crazy08:54
francoistrying to use a vlan based provider network with the standard neutron-linuxbridge08:55
francoisthe default flat network setup mentioned in the doc looks overkill in small deployments08:59
francoisor maybe I'm missing something obvious... anyway would love any pointer from people that have already deployed it :)09:00
francoismy config:
francoistwo vlan interfaces are being configured on the controller nodes br-vlan.1796 (neutron) and bond0.1796 (/etc/network/interfaces) and only bond0.1796 gets traffic09:07
hwoaranghello cores: anyone to get in? we need it for opnfv. TIA!09:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone stable/rocky: Add memcache flushing handler on db migrations
hwoarangodyssey4me: rocky + metal appears to be broken on centos and suse but not sure when that regressed09:37
hwoarangnot sure if there is an in-flight fix for that already09:37
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openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance stable/rocky: zuul: Switch the Xenial distro job to Bionic
odyssey4mehwoarang hmm, odd that it's happening on metal only09:43
odyssey4meI guess it's likely because we get the host with the python env setup already with py3 I suspect... whereas with the containers we control it more09:43
openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: zuul: Switch the Xenial lxd job to Bionic
hwoarangyeah looks like it. centos suse only do py2 for now09:44
hwoaranggood catch09:45
odyssey4mehmm, I'm not sure I understand why the error is coming out like that though - given the instructions:
odyssey4meoh, it must be virtualenv that's giving that error09:48
hwoarangit recently got regressed it seems09:48
hwoarangi can see builds from 31st being OK and on Nov 1st i see failures. either it regressed or there is a race somewhere09:49
odyssey4methe thing is that virtualenv is now trying to find python2.7 in the venv, but removes it on purpose and virtualenv is supposed to put it there09:49
odyssey4meor something changed upstream09:50
odyssey4meas in the build images, or a package change for virtualenv09:50
hwoarangi see09:50
hwoarangbtw any further objections on ?09:51
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odyssey4mehwoarang nope, lgtm09:53
hwoarangawesome thank you09:53
odyssey4mewoot - we have a new option for creating images when dib releases next:
odyssey4mewe should prep a similar element for suse & centos09:54
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hwoarangaha that's useful10:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server stable/rocky: Start rabbitmq service when config is in place
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: WIP - Enable python-tempestconf support
openstackgerritDamian Cikowski (dcdamien) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Make open-iscsi as requirement just for volume and backup services
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fghaasQuick question here before I file a bug: is running openstack-ansible with sudo considered unsupported? In rocky that is broken, at least when it's sudo without -H, because of things like this: (openstacksdk expects to find the `clouds.yaml` file in the users $HOME, as in /home/foobar/.config, whereas openstack_openrc drops it11:22
fghaasin /root/config). openrc_openstack_client_config_dir_dest defaults to "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.config/openstack"; I'm not sure if that's perhaps an off-label use of ansible_env.11:22
fghaassorry, /root/.config not /root/config.11:23
odyssey4mefghaas yes, we assume it is run as root - not as another user11:24
odyssey4mefghaas if we don't have that documented somewhere, we should do that11:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Remove unnecessary package install duplication
fghaasodyssey4me: right. If I see "must be run as root" somewhere, then I assume it means the euid must be root, i.e. that running it with sudo is perfectly legit.11:25
odyssey4methere is a spec up to allow a non-root user for the deploy host, but it's not been approved and it doesn't seem to be much of a priority for anyone to actually do the work11:26
odyssey4meI'd personally like to see it done, but am stretched already.11:26
fghaasRight, like I said though, I think I'm not alone in thinking that "run this as root" only means "be sure to run the process with an euid of 0". Not "be root, and have an environment that's fully configured for root" — specifically since up to Queens just running "sudo openstack-ansible" definitely worked.11:27
fghaas(even without -H, that is)11:27
odyssey4mefghaas I'm surprised that it does, and if there's an easy fix to be done then we should do it11:28
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odyssey4mefor rocky we did a bunch more isolation of pip installs to keep them in venvs only, and to use the ansible modules with localhost delegation for the service setup - so that's why it's happening now and not before11:29
odyssey4meso it's possible that when we run the openstack_openrc role, the variables used there aren't quite right for a non-root11:31
fghaasYeah I think the easy fix is to just clearly document we mandate "sudo -i" before running openstack-ansible, or instead running "sudo -H openstack-ansible".11:31
fghaasWe could however also fail explicitly on ansible_env.HOME != /root11:32
fghaasOr can you run a POSIX system where root's $HOME is *not* /root? Not sure11:33
persiafghaas: You can (and many do).  You can't run an FHS-compliant systen where /root isn't $HOME for root.11:34
fghaasWell yeah I meant can you run such a system without being guilty of breaking standards. :)11:34
persiaI suspect there are enough bits of OSA that assume the base system is Linux that assuming FHS is probably safe, but if there are codepaths to support other SUS-compliant systems, then assuming FHS probably isn't safe.11:36
fghaasThe thing with this issue is that it hits you comparatively late in the setup process, and the error message is very unintuitive for pointing you to the root cause of the problem. I'd really like to see that being flagged a wee bit earlier.11:37
odyssey4meyep, agreed11:37
odyssey4mewe should probably rather do some sort of check in the 'openstack-ansible' script to verify that it's being run as the root user, and perhaps that the right value for the home directory is present11:38
fghaasIt already checks for the uid. It doesn't check for $HOME.11:38
fghaasafk for a bit, back in about an hour. But I reckon we already agree that this is a bug (either doc or functional), so I can file that later.11:40
odyssey4meok, let me try and think through the original problem here - because maybe we can get it working like you'd want it to11:40
fghaasodyssey4me: Right. No rush, like I said we know the root cause and we can always push a doc patch to begin with.11:40
fghaasThen consider options for how to fix sudo invocation, if we want to.11:41
odyssey4mehmm, ok - I think I see the issue here11:45
odyssey4meansible_env.HOME is the running user's home, but ansible_user_id is root, as is ansible_env.USER11:47
odyssey4meansible_env.HOME is the running user's home, but ansible_user_id is root, as is ansible_env.USER - we could try using ansible_env.SUDO_USER if it is available, and fall back to ansible_env.USER11:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance stable/rocky: Make glance cache management cron task idempotent
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins stable/rocky: Allow basic auth in netloc_no_port filtered URLs
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odyssey4mehwoarang I'm booting up a vagrant box now to see what's going on with
hwoarangok odyssey4me. let me know if i can be of any help12:06
* hwoarang is looking at some ceph+leap15 issues right now12:06
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vollmanodyssey4me:  Do have time to take a look at this one?
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Retry waiting for initial nova-compute with rescue
bertyshi cores - may I draw again your attention to ? Thanks in advance for your feedback13:00
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fghaasodyssey4me: yes exactly. ansible_user_id gives you the euid, however ansible_env.HOME is, well, $HOME, and since sudo doesn't reset that unless invoked with -i or -H, that's where the trouble starts.13:10
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vakuznetodyssey4me could you take a look
hwoarangbertys: looks good to me13:24
hwoarangvakuznet: approved based on the previous discussion since i am not familiar with the octavia role13:27
openstackgerritJimmy McCrory proposed openstack/ansible-role-systemd_service master: Allow services to provide after_targets directly
jrosserodyssey4me: fghaas if you add a “must be root” bailout to openstack-ansible wrapper please make it possible to opt out of the check somehow13:46
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fghaasjrosser: no, for the time being I lean just towards a doc patch13:46
openstackgerritJimmy McCrory proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Avoid looping systemd_service role include
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fghaasjrosser: out of curiosity, have you done a rocky deployment with ceph-osd hosts where osd_objectstore was set to bluestore?14:06
openstackgerritMichael Vollman proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Fix ansible path for elk_metrics_6x tests
dcdamienodyssey4me: open-iscsi related proposal ready and pending review:
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jrosserfghaas: i upgraded my lab Q -> R yesterday, however my deployments are always with OSA consuming an already existing ceph cluster14:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: Ubuntu distro install uses testrepository
jrosserbut that ceph cluster is mimc/bluestore currently14:28
fghaasright, I was (a) wondering why we still default to filestore, and (b) I just deployed a Luminous test cluster with osd_objectstore set to bluestore and my OSDs wouldn't peer.14:29
jrosserin truth, i can't keep all the moving parts in my head with the OSA/ceph combined deployment14:30
fghaasdo you run ceph-osd and nova-compute on the same nodes?14:30
jrosserso it's easier for me/my team to treat it as two seperate things, and theres a very small bit of data (the mon/rgw ips) and some auth keys to share between the two14:31
jrossermy ceph and openstack hosts are entirely seperate14:31
jrosseravoids two possibly contradictory sets of deployment tooling trampling on each other14:32
logan-fghaas: do we set filestore in OSA? I think that might be the upstream default still :/14:32
odyssey4mefghaas I know that logan- does a combined deployment, and is using bluestore.14:32
fghaaslogan-: you mean "upstream" as in ceph-ansible, not Ceph proper?14:33
logan-correct ceph-ansible14:33
fghaashuh. Let me go check.14:33
logan-i don't think we override whatever their default is, but i thought I saw a PR a few months ago changing it to bluestore14:33
fghaasTheir defaults sometimes confusingly change with releases14:33
fghaas(and we don't track stable branches in OSA, as mentioned here yesterday)14:34
fghaaslogan-, jrosser: confirmed, filestore in stable-3.1, bluestore in stable-3.214:35
fghaasthe problem with that is, I think, that that means in OSA stable/rocky we just flipped that default without so much as a reno14:36
fghaas(by just refreshing the sha for ceph-ansible)14:36
logan-yeah we should definitely reno the ceph-ansible major version bumps, maybe not every detail of it but a pointer to some appropriate upstream changelog or something14:37
jrosseri mentioned similar yesterday about the var setting the ceph release14:37
logan-bear in mind the filestore->bluestore change will only affect new osd preparations, it won't touch the existing filestore osds14:37
jrosseri'm not sure that is necessarily meaningful with all the combinations of distro/uca/ packages vs. centos/suse/ubuntu release that folks can choose from now14:38
fghaasI am acutely aware of that, but still you'll get massive performance discrepancies if you just sprinkle bluestore OSDs into a filestore cluster willy-nilly14:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: octavia container network address pool
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance stable/rocky: zuul: Switch the Xenial distro job to Bionic
openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: [DNM] - Testing debug log collection
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build master: Ensure pip/setuptools/wheel are up to date in the wheel build venv
odyssey4mehwoarang ^ that fixes one issue I encountered, which will need porting back to rocky15:03
hwoaranginteresting patch... let me understand it15:05
odyssey4methe wheel build failed at cryptography which needs a newer version of setuptools which is placed there by virtualenv15:06
hwoarangok i see15:07
odyssey4methis is pretty much the same as was done in
odyssey4mewe may unfortunately end up having to do this in a lot of roles15:08
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spotzAnyone still needing a hangout invite for Berlin please DM me to get you added, we're already doing plotting:)15:18
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build stable/rocky: Use --never-download instead of --no-download
odyssey4mehwoarang ^ another one15:20
odyssey4meWe don't see that in gates because infra puts a new version in the base image.15:20
spotzodyssey4me: So just changed from --no-download to --never-download?15:24
odyssey4mespotz yep, --no-download requires a newer version of virtualenv which is not present in suse 4215:24
spotzodyssey4me: Ha, well if we need that change pushed out multiple places let me know! My favorite kind of patch:)15:25
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odyssey4mespotz it shouldn't be needed elsewhere15:25
odyssey4mebut thanks for the offer :)15:25
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spotzodyssey4me I'm strange I like the tedious and mundane:)15:30
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openstackgerritAntony Messerli proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Adds option to enable ara during upgrades
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openstackgerritAntony Messerli proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Adds ara during upgrades
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openstackgerritJimmy McCrory proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Update ansible to 2.7.1
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/ocata: Update Ocata SHA for Keystone memcache flush
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openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [DNM] Demonstrate the use of Mitogen with OSA
openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [DNM] Demonstrate the use of Mitogen with OSA
dcdamienodyssey4me: You've introduced this I'm doing Q -> R upgrade. On keystone playbook when it's checking if service is already available (using URI module) it fails because it delegates to deployment host which doesn't have resolver set to unbound (i'm using dns name as internal URL). Isn't it some kind of logical bug?16:59
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dcdamienodyseey4me: Why we are not defaulting openstack_service_setup_host to utility container?17:05
odyssey4medcdamien because you may not have one - it's not required17:08
odyssey4meyou definitely need a deployment host17:08
odyssey4medcdamien which is the task that's failing? the review you linked is totally unrelated17:09
dcdamienAh, sorry. One sec17:10
logan-seems like youd run into the same issue if you were using a dns name for your internal vip without unbound too, since i doubt we run the hosts file syncing on localhost17:11
odyssey4meare you talking about this one?
logan-though i guess the internal vip might more likely to be publicly resolvable in that case17:12
dcdamienyeah, this fails with default service setup host in my case when i'm using dns name for internal VIP17:12
odyssey4medcdamien in that case it will expect that the service setup host can resolve the name17:12
dcdamienok, maybe we just need to highlight it in documentation17:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build stable/rocky: Use --never-download instead of --no-download
jrosserodyssey4me: if the utility container is optional you might have a better idea of what to do here
jrosserperhaps openstack_service_setup_host instead?17:14
dcdamienjrosser: your issue looks pretty similar :D17:15
jrossersame end result, different root cause i think17:16
odyssey4mejrosser that play, and all the other bits around controlling the galera upgrade in the upgrade script pre-dates the implementation of serialisation in
dcdamienIn my case it waits for keystone to be available as I see you wait for MariaDB. Both requires connectivity (and resolvability).17:17
odyssey4mejrosser it's highly likely that much of that can just be removed nowadays17:18
dcdamienodyssey4me: isn't better option to choose utility if available with fallback to localhost as default?17:20
odyssey4medcdamien I don't think so. If that's what you'd like, then it's a single variable to set.17:21
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mnaserodyssey4me: so with python_venv_builder, repo_server is mostly just a pypi cache at this point?17:25
odyssey4memnaser yes-ish, slowly moving towards making that the case in stein17:26
mnaserodyssey4me: ok gotcha, so really our installs should speed up way more because most dependencies are most likely pulled in from pypi/cache17:26
odyssey4memnaser they always have been - this work is not about improving speed, it's about making it easier to understand17:27
odyssey4meit may speed them up marginally because the build will be spread over the roles, not all done at once17:27
mnaserodyssey4me: ah okay, i thought we built wheels before but i assume that was just openstack wheels only17:27
odyssey4meso therell be less io contention17:28
odyssey4menope, we built all required python packages into wheels in the repo_build, then packaged them into venvs, then each role pulled down the venv and unpacked it17:28
odyssey4meright now we've pulled out the venv packaging because it was getting harder and harder to maintain17:29
odyssey4mewe're still always building wheels and consuming them17:29
odyssey4mebut once repo build is gone, the wheels will get built on demand17:29
mnaserah so that was the "stage 2" you were talking about17:29
odyssey4meyep - next step right now is to eliminate the pip.conf so that all instructions are clearly in the task, not hidden in a file17:30
odyssey4meto do that we need to pull all the constraints into the roles - and I'm working on that17:30
mnaserodyssey4me: cool, gotcha.  on a seperate note, do you remember a role on the top of your head where we used jmespath instead of having 6 lines of when:17:31
odyssey4megiven that we build from git SHA's, it makes it a little more complex than I'd like - but that's the brief17:31
odyssey4meI don't. :/17:31
mnaserok ill try to remember where to find an example17:32
jrossermnaser: not sure if this is the one you mean but.....
spotzmnaser  openstack-ansible-ops openstack-ansible openstack-ansible-repo_build  openstack-ansible-tests all have hits on jmespath when using codesearch17:37
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Drop legacy HA tool from being installed
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Drop name2int as it's no longer used
mnaserspotz: ah good idea17:42
spotzmnaser: We defitinely have a version requirement in those17:42
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Drop legacy HA tool from being installed
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/rocky: Ensure pip/setuptools/wheel are up to date in the utility venv
odyssey4mehwoarang ^ yet another one crawled out of the woodwork17:44
odyssey4memnaser could you review that one and too please17:45
mnaseri like the rescue thing17:46
odyssey4meI'm working through a vagrant build of rocky on suse 42 and hitting all sorts of broken, which is good because we get to fix them.17:46
mnaserinstead of a bunch of tasks17:46
guilhermesphello all! Seems that we have os_placement repo in place
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Refactor pre-install checks into neutron_check.yml
guilhermespnow it's time to begin the development17:49
odyssey4meawesome, thanks for picking that up guilhermesp !17:50
guilhermespnp odyssey4me ! just wondering, I have a really basic directory/files structure for the role. Would be good to create an initial PR for this?17:50
mnaserguilhermesp: i say you can just have one big commit that includes a .zuul.yaml file -- that way we can test it as we merge it the first time17:51
odyssey4meguilhermesp Sure, reviews are much easier to look through when they're in smaller parts17:51
odyssey4meif you get the scaffolding in first, and add the basic tests for linters, docs, releasenotes, etc - but leave out functional tests for later17:52
guilhermespcool thanks odyssey4me and mnaser this is the skeleton that I built till now
odyssey4meI'm out for the night folks, and probably the w/end. Have a great one!17:53
mnaserlater odyssey4me !17:53
guilhermespI was using this as I reference
guilhermesphave a nice weekend odyssey4me !17:53
odyssey4meguilhermesp that's a bit dated - make sure you look at changes in the current head of one of the simpler roles that's well maintained - like cinder/glance17:54
guilhermespyep, I was using os_glance as reference17:54
guilhermespI'm still using btw17:54
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/rocky: Ensure pip/setuptools/wheel are up to date in the utility venv
guilhermespmnaser: when you say .zuul.yaml it is something like this , isn't it ?18:06
guilhermespwithout functional tests for now18:06
mnaserguilhermesp: yes but you should use the zuul file from roles like os_glance18:06
mnasernot use the project one18:07
guilhermespyes, I used that link because I couldn't find .zuul.yaml in os_glance repo18:07
mnaseri think its in zuul.d/project.yaml18:07
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: OpenStack infra's mirror nodes stopped accepting connections on ports 8080, 8081, and 8082. We will notify when this is fixed and jobs can be rechecked if they failed to communicate with a mirror on these ports.18:08
guilhermespyes, that one I was wondering18:08
openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_placement master: Initial commit to os_placement role
guilhermespmnaser: just a kick off ^18:15
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Avoid including nova_virt_detect if nova_virt_type is set
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Drop old placement NGINX code
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Refactor libvirt default network remove task
mnaserand that explains our failures18:22
mnaserguilhermesp there's a few references still of glance18:22
guilhermespgoing to change18:22
openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_placement master: Initial commit to os_placement role
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openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_placement master: Initial commit to os_placement role
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The firewall situation with ports 8080, 8081, and 8082 on mirror nodes has been resolved. You can recheck jobs that have failed to communicate to the mirrors on those ports now.18:52
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openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_placement master: Initial commit to os_placement role
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jrosserooooh theres the first build of any kind to complete successfully with mitogen
jrosserthe prise goes to opensuse20:02
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Drop deprecated memcached settings
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Drop UUID token tasks
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openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift master: Correct swift replication service units
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Drop un-used nova_nginx_conf_path
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Remove un-used nova_compute_manager
mnaserwhat type of black magic21:14
jrosserperhaps theres a node with some magical afterburner on it and that job got lucky21:14
jrosserit's a metal job, so no containers which is some of it21:15
jrosseryeah, i randomly looked up another of the same kind which was 1hr1021:16
mnaseris there a reason its using your own branch right now?21:16
jrosseri have a small but necessary patch to mitogen21:17
mnaseri see21:18
mnaseris it upstreamable?21:18
jrosserwe should look at whats going on there - someone who understands the connection plugin / inventory better than me would be useful21:18
jrosserit used the wrong data, ip rather than container name when using lxc-attach / nsenter21:19
jrosserso i just dumped the dict in mitogen and changed it that to use a var that had the right value21:19
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Switch to openstack-ansible-role-distro_install-jobs
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jrosserotoh, the metal deploy won't actually use any of that.....21:20
mnaserah we probably need to make some dynamic_inventory changes then21:20
guilhermespis there any thing I'm missing here?
mnaserthat is a weird error guilhermesp21:22
mnaserbut i think that error is ok?21:22
mnaserthis is what is failing21:22
guilhermesphum yeah, probably the title21:24
guilhermesplet me fix it21:25
openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_placement master: Initial commit to os_placement role
mnaserguilhermesp: added a few comments too21:27
mnaserjrosser: of course ;)21:28
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openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_placement master: Initial commit to os_placement role
guilhermespdone mnaser ^21:38
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: refactor: remove the blacklisted packages
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: refactor: remove unused proxy settings file
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: refactor: never set no-cache
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Drop COPR priority settings
guilhermespall green for now thanks mnaser21:59
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: lxc: stop mirroring COPR locally on CentOS 7
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum stable/queens: Add multi-region support for Magnum
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