Monday, 2018-08-20

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openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_panko master: Add bionic to galaxy_info metadata
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client stable/rocky: Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons.
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client stable/queens: Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons.
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client stable/queens: Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons.
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: Hi, Please, take a look at when you'll have some time08:35
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Remove the last remnants of
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openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Ensure that tests fail early if network interfaces are down
openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: AIO - Improve robustness of network configuration.
openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Ensure that tests fail early if network interfaces are down
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PradiprwtHi Everyone, I have installed openstack setup using openstack-ansible and created a flat provider network, the problem is if I am lunching a instance in provider network it is not getting ip... Is there any way to make it work ?09:30
evrardjpPradiprwt: the multi-node AIO has an example of network creation -- it's in the ops repo, multi-node aio section, service setup. Have a look .09:35
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Introduce OpenStack Healthchecks
odyssey4meI have loads of reviews ready folks, please review if you have some time:
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odyssey4mealso a few other key reviews: & &
Pradiprwtevrardjp: I am not able to find service setup in mlti-node aio section in git,...... Floating IP is working for me, only problem comes if I lunch the vm direct in provider network09:54
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jrosseroh whoops what did we do to ceph
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Fix to setup notify mq service
noonedeadpunkjrosser: it seems because of but ansible_port seems to be a default variable....10:40
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noonedeadpunkI'll place patch now then10:42
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_aodh master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
jrossernoonedeadpunk:  i guess this should really have been caught in the role test - can you see if you can extend the test coverage a bit?10:47
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: Setting default port if ansible_port is not defined
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cloudkitty master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_congress master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_masakari master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
noonedeadpunkjrosser: I really didn't catch these such problem, as ansible_port was always defined for my environment... I've placed as for quick fix of this10:49
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client stable/queens: Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons.
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tacker master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client stable/rocky: Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons.
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_watcher master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_zun master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
noonedeadpunkjrosser: I'll take a look on tests now10:51
jrossernoonedeadpunk: perhaps related to this? <- would be worth seeing if that also affects 2.510:52
evrardjpodyssey4me: I see you voted
odyssey4meevrardjp: yep, just saw a fail related to that and was about to patch it when I saw it already done :)10:54
evrardjpmaybe we should think about other cases, like I explained in the comment10:54
evrardjpwhat's your opinion?10:55
evrardjpI checked in our code, there is no place where we use ansible_ssh_port10:55
evrardjpso ansible_port is more likely10:55
odyssey4meyeah, we cleared that up some time ago10:55
jrosseris there a good reason for it being undefined?10:55
odyssey4meI think in the move to ansible 2.010:55
evrardjpI thought it was the other way around odyssey4me10:55
evrardjpand that was a remnant10:55
odyssey4meansible_ssh_port is pre 2.010:56
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noonedeadpunkevrardjp: isn't ansible_ssh_port deprecated since 2.0?10:57
odyssey4meit is, yes10:57
evrardjpahah ok I confused the two10:57
evrardjpit's still in code so...10:58
odyssey4mewell, for now providing a default is fine - at least to unblock things, the question of why it's undefined is something worth considering once the bleeding stops10:58
noonedeadpunkjrosser: according to error message this bug differs a bit...10:58
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evrardjpodyssey4me: because we don't need it defined?10:59
evrardjpif it's not defined, it's defaulting to 22.11:00
odyssey4meapparentyl not
evrardjpwe are always using connection plugin to not ssh, or ssh to port 22, so no issue there11:00
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evrardjpodyssey4me: nah that's not what I meant11:00
evrardjpodyssey4me: I mean for ansible to run we never needed ansible_port to be defined, until we had as task to explicitly require it11:01
odyssey4meso you're thinking that perhaps we should just remove its mention?11:01
evrardjpwell I think this is error prone:11:03
odyssey4meok, what's the better alternative?11:03
odyssey4mewait_for ?11:03
evrardjpI think we should instead build dynamic host list (add_hosts) based on ceph_mons var, and wait for connection11:03
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: I was thinking about providing ceph conf and keys in config, but had no time for this11:04
evrardjpor wait_for11:04
evrardjpor we stop messing with the ssh connection ourselves11:04
evrardjpand require users to fetch the configuration beforehand11:04
evrardjpI know some ppl that will be unhappy11:04
odyssey4mewait_for or wait_for_connection would be better - depending on how that connection is used11:05
evrardjpodyssey4me: indeed11:05
evrardjpand you can delegate to the appropriate node if necessary11:05
odyssey4meI think that the way it's used is through the ceph client to fetch the keys, so wait_for_connection is not really appropriate given that ansible doesn't access the mons.11:05
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evrardjpI am also surprised this is not run only once11:05
odyssey4meIT's the ceph client that accesses the mons.11:06
odyssey4meSo I think that wait_for is perhaps the better option here, but meh - I don't really know the depths of this role.11:06
evrardjpodyssey4me: I guess wait_for is less reliable than ssh command11:06
evrardjpit's just a tcp thing11:06
odyssey4meyep, could also do ssh-keyscan11:07
evrardjpthat's probably better.11:07
evrardjpbut why is this a local action?11:07
odyssey4melol, legacy11:08
noonedeadpunkDoes wait_for_connection establishes SSH connection?11:08
odyssey4menoonedeadpunk: yes it does, through ansible's transport11:08
evrardjpodyssey4me: haha11:08
noonedeadpunkSo, I may test it and apply a patch11:08
odyssey4melol, same purpose - so funny11:09
evrardjpodyssey4me: yeah11:09
evrardjpI'd rather be implicit after all for once11:09
odyssey4meand yes, it does seem that this should be run from the target host - rather than the deploy host11:09
odyssey4megiven that it's the target host that has to fetch the keys, I think?11:10
evrardjpodyssey4me: that depends on where you put your ssh config file :)11:10
evrardjpodyssey4me: makes sense to me11:10
evrardjpso for me we should replace this with ssh-keyscan and get over with11:10
odyssey4meok, I'll leave the improvements to jrosser,  logan- and noonedeadpunk given that they use this stuff :)11:10
evrardjplet me check if ssh-keyscan takes the ssh config file by default11:10
evrardjpyeah, but it's good to dig deep to understand what we should be achieving11:11
* odyssey4me runs away :p11:11
noonedeadpunkSome further actions are delegated to ceph mon, like retrieving auth keys, so yes, deployment host should be able to login to at least one mon11:11
evrardjpodyssey4me: hahaha11:11
odyssey4meaha, if that is the case then wait_for_connection is better - for that to work you'd have to do it in the playbook I think?11:12
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: aren't these two different things?11:12
evrardjpodyssey4me: yeah11:13
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evrardjpAfter reading the code, it should be done differently: ceph_mons are added into the play, you fetch things from there, and test connection11:13
evrardjpbasically I don't consider this to be a feature of the ceph client role11:14
evrardjpthis doesn't configure ceph_client in itself, it merely find the things needed to ceph_client to function11:14
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests stable/rocky: Fix to setup notify mq service
evrardjpthe same way you can pass those things as arguments :)11:14
evrardjpso it deservers to be a separate thing IMO.11:15
evrardjpbut that's a larger refactor11:15
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noonedeadpunkevrardjp: yeah, you can provide all auth keys and ceph config in user_variables, but's it's not as convenient, as it's retrievement from ceph mons. And without auth keys ceph client won't be really operational11:17
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noonedeadpunkactually, there's not option to provide ceph keys in variables right now11:18
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: but probably I've missed smth, or get it wrong.11:20
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client stable/queens: Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons.
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client stable/rocky: Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons.
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: please add where you cherry pick it from in the commit message:)11:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: Setting default port if ansible_port is not defined
evrardjpit's just not written the way I am used to : p11:23
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: should I write it the master patch in the commit message as well?11:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-pip_install stable/ocata: Ensure get-pip cannot be modified
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: no it's fine I could track it. But it's a combined cherry pick of two patches, so two references should be provided, not only one.11:27
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: ok, got it. should I abbandon cherry-picks to stable branches?11:28
noonedeadpunkas actually it's not enough to specify ceph_mon in your users ssh config, as ansible seems to ignore it. Or I just did smth wrong...11:29
evrardjpansible reads the ssh configuration11:29
evrardjpmaybe the name didn't match a section of your config?11:30
evrardjpthis was the reason the ssh command was used in the first place11:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-pip_install stable/rocky: Ensure get-pip cannot be modified
noonedeadpunkok, I'll try it one more time then11:30
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: if needed, we can revert both patches in master branch11:31
evrardjpit is fine, that's just code11:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-pip_install stable/pike: Ensure get-pip cannot be modified
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-pip_install stable/queens: Ensure get-pip cannot be modified
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: but I think changing ceph user is still pretty usefull11:32
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: yeah but I think it needs a spec if we want to rewrite things properly11:33
evrardjpor at least you should discuss it with jrosser logan- and mnaser  :)11:33
noonedeadpunkfor the next release?11:33
evrardjpfor master indeed11:33
evrardjphere I'd say I don't see any bug to fix11:33
evrardjpI can be convinced otherwise11:34
evrardjpI only see a new feature11:34
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evrardjpnew feature -> master except if we decide together to release a major version bump11:34
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noonedeadpunkevrardjp: ok, and how/when master appears in stable relase? Only with new release?11:36
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: btw, here's patch for horizon we've discussed
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_congress master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_watcher master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cloudkitty master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_masakari master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
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odyssey4meevrardjp: with regards to the ceph_client thing - I guess if it was possible to already do this before, the issue is that it's not documented how to12:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
odyssey4meperhaps the next step here is to actually revert the change to that one task, and to add docs for how to do it the way that works in the stable branches today12:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tacker master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
odyssey4methen the low impact 'feature' change to allow a different user can be ported back with the other adjustments12:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_zun master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
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mgariepygood morning everyone12:40
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/rocky: Bump SHAs for rocky release
odyssey4mehowdy mgariepy12:41
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odyssey4mecores - I have loads of reviews ready, please review if you have some time:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
mnaserWell speaking of that13:06
mnaserWho wants to see a fun surprise13:06
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mnaserGo look at ceph_client job logs13:06
evrardjpodyssey4me: I agree with you on the ceph client13:06
evrardjpmnaser: something new?13:07
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mnaserI don’t know how long it’s been this way13:08
mnaserBut I feel it’s more fun if you discover it yourself evrardjp :p13:08
odyssey4memnaser: the test does nothing - that's well known13:08
odyssey4meunless you're talking about something else13:08
evrardjpyeah it's vague13:08
evrardjphow can I know what you mean without a log url? :p13:08
mnaserYeah it was the fact it isn’t running any tests13:10
mnaserWith our EPEL removal we lost support for ceph deploys on CentOS13:10
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odyssey4metwo reasons why there are no tests - it's hard; and we've been hoping for a long time to get rid of the role13:11
mnaserAlso: is anyone looking at our periodics? The reason I removed them was because they’ve been just failing non stop for a really long time13:12
mnaserIf someone is actually looking at them and fixing them I’m all keeping them but it looks like they’re neglected13:12
odyssey4methe ones you removed have not been, because we gat eon the same jobs13:12
odyssey4methe ones remaining have been, and yes I look at them sometimes - but not all the time13:12
odyssey4mewe do know that p->q upgrades are broken due to timeouts - because pike takes forever to deploy13:13
odyssey4meI'm hoping that using the compute kit for all tests as a base may help us overcome that13:13
noonedeadpunkodyssey4me: ok, than let's revert commits for ceph_client. Feature for different user must have specs?13:13
odyssey4menoonedeadpunk: no, the different use is nice - but that change to that one command was unnecessary because apparently it can be done another way (I have no idea how)13:14
spateljamesdenton: You there?13:14
jamesdentonspatel sure am13:15
mnaserodyssey4me: A’s someone who looks at these jobs, which ones would you want to stay in at least?13:15
spatelFound something interesting in F513:15
spatelHey morning13:15
spatelDid you read my email?13:15
spatelif not then i can explain here13:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
odyssey4memnaser: the bitrot jobs are good for stable branches, and upgrade jobs can't be done in gate due to the long runtime - so periodics is the only option13:15
* jamesdenton looking...13:15
odyssey4meideally I'd like upgrades in gate instead, but until we can cut runtime down, that's not going to happen13:16
evrardjpthe purpose of those periodics is to be able to test because it takes too much time to run them on gates.13:16
jamesdentonok spatel. anything new?13:16
spatelso since i switch to F5 i am seeing that error everywhere in logs "(2006, "MySQL server has gone away (error(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))") [SQL: u'SELECT 1'] (Background on this error at:"13:17
evrardjpfor ppl who followed it, I said on last PTG, summit, and ML we need ppl to help there.13:17
spatelI have tried everything, tried oneconnect profile... tried standard vip everything but issue was there..13:18
evrardjps/for ppl who followed it/for the question of who is working on the periodics/g13:18
spatelFinally when i switch from "SNAT" to "automap" that resolved that issue...13:18
spateljamesdenton: ^^13:18
spatelI have noticed in tcpdump, F5 was sending RST tcp flag to client every minute13:19
evrardjpI did it for almost 3/4 of a cycle in Queens, and I got almost nothing done in that cycle, except fixing other ppl things. THat's why I wanted to split responsibility on those.13:19
mnaserWell the thing is most periodics are just failing so if once they fail there is no ownership for it, no point in them using up CI cycles13:19
evrardjpnow, it's up to you mnaser -- you keep them, you leave them, it's up to you.13:19
spateljamesdenton: Do you have any explanation, that why SNAT causing issue here?13:19
mnaserIt’s up to us :) I don’t take decisions I just try to help us all to figure out what’s ideal13:20
evrardjpmnaser: ownership is not mine to decide anymore.13:20
evrardjp:) *13:20
odyssey4memnaser: ideal is to have attention on those periodics, because they expose more coverage issues13:20
evrardjpwell what's ideal is to have ppl on it13:20
mnaserI do think however that right now my focus is on getting OSA integrated jobs stable and slowly adding back the things that were dropped out13:20
mnaserYeah, do we however have a volunteer to monitor those jobs?  If someone steps up I’m all for making it13:20
mnaserOr maybe 2 people to share that responsibility13:21
evrardjpthat's been the problem for all queens and rocky -- nobody wanted to take that.13:21
evrardjpAt some point I just stopped doing it.13:21
odyssey4mewell, it might be easier if we discuss it in the meeting - and also discuss what the resposibility entails13:21
jamesdentonspatel I'm not sure of your SNAT configuration, unless you were using the SNAT pool from the script. It's very possible there is/was an IP conflict. Automap uses the self-ip or floating self-ip of the F5 interface13:21
odyssey4meI would suggest that it not be the responsibility to fix it, but instead just register bugs for it13:21
evrardjpodyssey4me: then we need someone that actively fixes things too.13:22
mnaserodyssey4me: that’s reasonable too (both on the fact of not having to fix it and discussing in meeting)13:22
evrardjpit's reasonable to me13:22
odyssey4metriage of the bugs can be done in the weekly meeting, and fixes done by whoever picks it up13:22
spatelI have cross check SNAT IP its not used anywhere.. if its used anywhere F5 won't let me put there also other application working fine.. only MySQL doesn't like this..13:22
spateljamesdenton: ^^13:22
mnaserI can work on CI stuff.  It’s been mostly what I’ve been doing13:22
jamesdentonQQ: What is the preferred styling for a long if statement/conditional > 79 chars? Specifically, line 211 and others like it?13:23
odyssey4mein order to scale the resources we have, we have to make each responsibility work within the time and skills people have13:23
mnaserGiven the split in users however, I feel like we either gotta agree to never put jobs in non voting and be forced to fix other operating systems if they need to land their stuff13:23
mnaserOr allow anyone to put jobs to non voting for any other OS if there isn’t reasonable progress in fixing it13:23
evrardjpjamesdenton: use black :p13:23
spateljamesdenton: I am going to ask this question to F5 community to see if they have something to say on this..13:24
jamesdentonspatel I can't really say. I would expect the behavior to be the same. automap is fine. A snat pool just gives you flexibility to not run out of ephemeral ports13:24
mnaserBecause I’ve noticed the more a job is non voting the more likely it will further break and be harder to fix13:24
odyssey4memnaser: that only works if we have active people available on a consistent basis with the expertise to fix on each platform13:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
jamesdentonevrardjp thanks!!!13:24
evrardjpjamesdenton: tool of choice when not caring about formatting.13:25
evrardjpit's a beta thing but I like it13:25
spateljamesdenton: I totally agreed about SNAT solution, even i have 4 million connection running on same F5 with 20 IPs of SNAT on same hardware :) I know the pain of running out of ports :)13:25
odyssey4memnaser: and if that's an approach you'd like to take, then quite honestly we need to reduce our test matrix to things the active contribution base want... because right now we support too many options to reasonably cover with the active contribution base13:26
spateljamesdenton: ^^ I will try to switch SNAT IP and check if incase something funky going on13:27
jamesdentonspatel sure. or hop into a container now and see if you can ping or arp for that other snat addr13:27
jamesdentonthe f5 may very well still respond, tho13:28
spatelI did that same test, before used SNAP IP but i will do it again..13:28
mnaserodyssey4me: i agree with you 100%13:28
mnaseri think given the amount of deployment choices we offer and the resources we have, it's too much13:29
spateljamesdenton: I asked to F5 folks and they said this "You can try to configure SNAT and attache new FastL4 profile with PVA acceleration to None or Offload State to EST."13:29
odyssey4meit's fine to have them - but then we need to be clear about the things we support and test, and the things we have code for, but don't test or actively maintain13:29
mnaserodyssey4me: that's very fair, and things that are actively tested and maintained are ones where there are relatively quick-to-respond maintainers13:30
mnaserso it doesn't block our gate forever13:30
odyssey4meas a community we can choose a time-boxed timeframe to invest in a new option, like we did for centos, but then it needs to bring in new contributors by the close of that time-box otherwise we should abandon it or put it into sunset mode or something13:30
jamesdentonspatel i've never really had an issue with any snat configuration that couldn't be explained by something at a lower level (i.e. arp conflict)13:30
jamesdentonbut who knows!13:31
odyssey4meif we don't do that, the burden just grows on the active contribution base and the pain escalates13:31
spateljamesdenton: give me little time to find out :)13:31
mnaserodyssey4me: i agree, though for centos given that we deploy it, i kinda understand we might be a bit of an outlier and i'm always here to fix stuff up to make it work13:31
odyssey4memnaser: sure, but you're one person13:31
mnasermgariepy deploys centos, spatel i think deploys centos too :)13:32
odyssey4mequite honestly, the model only works if there're at least two13:32
mnaser(and in other news, guilhermesp is officially with us and he'll be working on OSA and focusing on centos too)13:32
mnaserso i'm making sure that there is right resources on it13:32
mnaserso it doesnt lag behind13:32
odyssey4mefor those of us who don't use centos for production, we need those who do to be accessible to help figure things out and do active improvements13:33
odyssey4meso yeah, thanks for persisting to getting it back into the green13:33
odyssey4mehopefully that can be maintained13:33
guilhermespo/ it is a pleasure to be with this awesome team! Thanks mnaser13:34
odyssey4meIt might be worth considering limiting the support to distribution builds only if the contributor base is too small.13:34
odyssey4meah, fantastic :)13:34
mnaserodyssey4me: i think that decision could be up to the maintainers of the distro13:36
mnaserif they want to support both and can carry/support the extra load, sure13:36
mnaserthough the only reason i still have/need deploy from source is because distro deploys are not fully there yet13:36
jamesdentonevrardjp Thanks:
odyssey4memnaser: yep, makes sense - perhaps it'd be good to somehow formalise who the core maintainers are for different subsections of work - distributions, or perhaps other things like nspawn, lxc, etc13:38
mnaserodyssey4me: ++ yes, i agree13:38
mnaserwe need some sort of processs to handle all of that in a reasonable way that allows for folks to integrate but ensures accountability to not slow down the existing other contributors13:39
odyssey4meyeah, that'd be nice13:39
evrardjpmnaser: I started the idea of having SIG in the past, including one for upgrades13:40
evrardjpnot openstack SIGs, but you understand the idea13:40
evrardjpodyssey4me: was all in IIRC :p13:40
odyssey4meyeah, everyone trying to do everything just doesn't work13:42
evrardjpThe goal was double: Introduce more ppl to responsibilities based on what they care, even not core (and a path to core), and dilute the responsibilities into groups instead of individuals13:42
odyssey4meif you have a smaller focus area, it's much easier to come up with ways to cut tech debt and improve things13:42
mnaserodyssey4me: i added something there13:43
odyssey4meoh bother, apparently ansible_user isn't defined either:
mnaserit might not be a template-able field13:43
odyssey4meit may be time to revert that whole change now13:43
mnaserkinda how like the python interpreter was not templated for a whiel13:44
odyssey4menoonedeadpunk: ^ I think it's best we revert those two patches to get ceph back to working13:48
odyssey4mewhatever patch comes next will need to be tested using a dummy patch to the integrated repo and a depends-on13:48
noonedeadpunkodyssey4me: very strange thing, but yes, lets revert it13:50
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: Revert "Setting default port if ansible_port is not defined"
openstackgerritJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Modify provider_network plugin to compare group_binds to group_names
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: Revert "Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons."
openstackgerritJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Provides group_names for use with provider_network plugin
odyssey4menoonedeadpunk: I'd suggest doing a combined revert, and please state the reason for the revert in the commit message.13:52
noonedeadpunkodyssey4me: so commit revert just makes another commit? And how to make combined revert?13:54
odyssey4menoonedeadpunk: you'd need to revert from the git cli13:55
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noonedeadpunkand then use git review?13:55
noonedeadpunkok, should I abandon reverts made from gerrit in favor of git cli?13:56
odyssey4menoonedeadpunk: you can download the current revert, then 'git revert <sha>' the other one, then 'git rebase -i HEAD~3' and squash them, then git review13:56
noonedeadpunkSorry, I've never used gerrit before and some things are really new for me13:57
odyssey4meno worries, this is how we learn :)13:57
mnasernoonedeadpunk: i have been using gerrit for over 5 years now13:58
mnaserand i'm still learning and breaking things :D13:58
jrosseri wonder how many people actually know where/how the periodic jobs come to be and how to see whats working / not working14:01
jrosser^ btw i am *not* one of those poeple14:01
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guilhermespgerrit is love in form of a review system <314:02
guilhermespbut I'm still breaking things to learn hahah14:02
mnaserjrosser: neither am I.. i dont really know how they work14:03
noonedeadpunkodyssey4me: probably I'd add default user for ?14:04
jrosseri would love to see i screen with a grid of red/green vs job and time <- will be totally unsurprised if this already exists14:04
mgariepyjrosser, result are here :
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: Revert "Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons."
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: Revert "Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons." Revert "Setting default port if ansible_port is not defined"
noonedeadpunkodyssey4me mnaser ^14:28
noonedeadpunkI suppose I did revert right now, but it's not 100%14:28
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: MNAIO: When saving VM images RC=2 is not a fail
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: Revert "Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons."
odyssey4menoonedeadpunk: ^ I just added a reason to the commit msg and removed the second title14:49
jamesdentonhello cloudnull14:52
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openstackgerritJacob Wagner proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add ability to deploy Ceph into a Multinode AIO
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Ensure package cache is updated for nspawn containers
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: When gating nspawn containers use a simplified config
spatelmnaser: are you talking about running openstack-ansible on CentOS ?14:57
spatelIf that was the question then yes we are running Openstack-ansible QUEENS on CentOS 7.514:58
spateland its on production14:58
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odyssey4med34dh0r53 cloudnull got a min to review ?15:02
jamesdentonevrardjp are you responsible for these opensuse failures???15:03
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evrardjpjamesdenton: if the police officer comes, it's not me.15:12
evrardjphow can I help?15:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add FS detection in metricbeat for containers
jamesdentonFor me, there have been some recurring failures with the opensuse tests. and specifically
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odyssey4mecores - need another review on this revert asap:
mnaserodyssey4me: +W15:26
mnaserthank you for following up with that15:26
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mnaserjamesdenton: pushing up all sorts of cool networking stuff to os_neutron :D15:27
jamesdentoni'm trying not to break too much ;)15:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: MNAIO: When saving VM images RC=2 is not a fail
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: Revert "Added possibility to specify ssh username and port for ceph mons."
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cloudnullodyssey4me sorry missed the message15:39
cloudnullhere now15:39
kaiokmoguys, which one of those expressions should work properly for a "suse-42.yml" named vars file?
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jrosserkaiokmo: you might want to have a poke around some of the other roles, i noticed before that list is not consistent everywhere15:45
kaiokmojrosser: that's what I was thinking...15:46
kaiokmojrosser: will do. thanks :)15:46
mrhillsmani just finished a new install where the setup-openstack playbook failed so i re-ran and now it keeps saying ansible_env is not set15:55
mrhillsmanthe only way to resolve was to modify os-keystone-install.yaml and set gather_facts to yes as it says no currently15:55
mrhillsmanis this a known thing?15:55
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odyssey4me default is true, not false?15:56
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odyssey4methe only time it's set to false is when gate-check-commit is set as far as I know15:56
mrhillsmantask above that one15:56
mrhillsmanthat's where it fails15:56
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odyssey4meah, interesting15:57
odyssey4melooks like we either need to switch these to use a lookup, or we should gather facts:
odyssey4megreat find, thanks mrhillsman15:58
mrhillsmanvery welcome15:58
odyssey4meyeah, seems gathering facts would be best15:58
mrhillsmanwas not sure if a bug should be filed so figured i would ask first15:58
odyssey4mewant to patch that up, or shall I?15:58
mrhillsmanyou would probably be faster lol15:59
mrhillsmanif you have something now you're focused on i can though15:59
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Gather facts for openstack_openrc role
odyssey4memrhillsman: if you can test and verify that's good, that'd be most useful - you can then comment/vote as such16:03
mrhillsman++ doing that now16:03
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evrardjpjamesdenton: I have seen that in the past16:08
evrardjpbut I thought this was fixed. Let me try your patch and find it out.16:08
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Adds DPDK support for Open vSwitch
evrardjpodyssey4me: that's interesting, but lookup isn't doing exactly the same thing. It would lookup the user of the user running ansible on the deploy, where this was, I guess, intended for the destination user after connection to the host.16:13
evrardjpwhich is probably root16:13
odyssey4meevrardjp: yeah, that's why I opted to gather facts instead16:13
evrardjpodyssey4me: well16:14
evrardjpit's nice but it is the default16:14
evrardjpso utility shouldn't be impacted16:15
evrardjpI prefer explicit though : )16:15
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dwi've got an ubuntu 16.04 AIO vm i'd like to preserve (dev tools and junk installed), does anyone know why ssh is hanging up on me after some idle time? it does not appear to be TMOUT variable inserted into /etc/profile by ansible-hardening16:22
dw..aaand i lied, somehow the variable reappeared :)16:23
dwseems i can just tweak the default to something huge, and no problem if it gets reapplied16:24
mgariepydw ?
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jrosserdw: if you stick that var ^ into /etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml you can set it to whatever you need16:29
dwClientAliveInterval is just checking for hung connections, the smoking gun is security_rhel7_session_timeout16:30
dwthx jrosser, still no clue how these files are laid out :)16:30
jrosserdw: theres a match for those user_<>.yml file and they all get turned into -e ansible vars files, so win over everything else16:31
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jamesdentonthanks evrardjp16:41
d34dh0r53is stein going to be bionic only or both bionic and xenial?16:43
mnaserd34dh0r53: i think we don't have much of a say in that16:43
mnaserd34dh0r53:  because canonical said no xenial packages for stein16:43
mnaseri remember odyssey4me telling me the details of that16:44
odyssey4memnaser d34dh0r53 yeah, I think openstack is going for bionic only, so we will have to - otherwise UCA will be too far behind16:44
odyssey4merocky will have to be our transition release16:44
d34dh0r53yep, that's what I figured, just wanted to double check16:46
odyssey4mewe'll have to start flipping the bits to remove xenial from master quite soon16:46
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* jrosser still bashing away at bionic16:58
jrosseri've spent the entire day so far trying to get networkd to bring the boostrap-hosts interfaces up in a way that is functional16:58
odyssey4mejrosser: :( sounds ! fun16:59
spatelcloudnull: hey i want to set MTU 9000 on lxcbr0 interface who does that?17:00
jrosserits certainly not.  sys-subsystem-net-devices-br\x2dvlan.device <- i mean what kind of nonsense is that :((((((17:00
odyssey4mespatel: there's no need to do that - that bridge is only used for internet access from the containers17:01
spatelI am seeing  strange MTU issue...17:02
spatelFrom HOST machine i can ping -s 900017:02
spatelbut from container i am not able to do that only 1450 MTU is working17:03
spateleven in container i set 9000 MTU and i can see its there17:03
odyssey4mewhat're you trying to ping? something on one of the bridged networks, or on the other side of L3?17:03
spatelTrying to set MTU 9000 for br-storage to access ceph17:04
spatelI did set MTU=9000 on br-storage on infra node so that is good and i can ping 9000 bytes packet from infra node17:04
spatelI have ceph-mon container which is map with br-storage  and i want to set MTU=9000 on ceph-mon container17:05
odyssey4meok, and are you doing a ping from a container which is bridged to that?17:05
odyssey4methe higher mtu shouldn't be needed for a mon though, FYI - data is accessed directly from compute to storage... the mon just tells it where each OSD is17:05
spatelodyssey4me: from container (ceph-mon) to bridge interface i am not able to ping 9000 bytes packet17:06
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spatelodyssey4me: my ceph-mon and all OSD running on same network so they need to communicate.. I had very big discussion with someone here about that..17:07
jrosseri think you need 9k mtu from infra nodes to ceph for cinder/glance17:08
-spatel- # Ceph network17:08
-spatel- monitor_address_block: ""17:08
-spatel- public_network: ""17:08
-spatel- cluster_network: ""17:08
spatelThis is my Ceph configuration,  monitor_address & public_network on same LAN so they need to talk right?17:09
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spateltechnically if i set MTU on br-storage and container then it should work...17:11
spatellook like its not working17:11
spatelbr-storage: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 900017:11
odyssey4meok, sorry I need to run - I think jrosser and logan- may be best positioned to advise you17:11
spatelodyssey4me: no worry! i will keep digging17:12
odyssey4meI'm out folks - have a great day/evening!17:14
d34dh0r53see ya odyssey4me17:18
spotzseeya odyssey4me17:24
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jamesdentonevrardjp guess that rebase did the trick. thanks!17:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/rocky: Revert "Revert "Work around nested virt issues on OVH test nodes""
spatelodyssey4me: after reboot full infra node that fixed my MTU issue... sometime i hate computer :(17:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/rocky: Drop non-voting jobs and increase timeout by 20 minutes
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evrardjpjamesdenton: it's just the conditions that changed :)17:43
evrardjpI will check in my env17:43
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evrardjpbut glad it worked better :)17:46
jamesdentonLike a good lobbyist, now i need to solicit reviews17:48
jamesdentonfree beer in Berlin!17:48
TahvokHey guys! Having some production issues after latest osa run..
TahvokAfter checking /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini I saw that local_ip is wrong17:53
TahvokIt's different on each compute, but the ip is completely wrong17:54
TahvokFor example, in the above log the ip should be and not
TahvokI'm trying to understand how it takes the ip, and so having some hard time.. Hope you could help me with it17:55
noonedeadpunkdoes anybody experienced problems with live migration on libvirt? As I'm having not more than 8mbit for live migration on 17.0.5 on one installation. Probably I've missed something... These all configs related to live migration
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TahvokOk, found the culprit. The machine we ran from, had some old ansible facts cache, with some old computes..18:02
jamesdentonright on18:03
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Convert test network setup to use the networkd role
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Clean up tests a bit
openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add qdrouterd role for oslo.messaging backend deployment
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
noonedeadpunkwhen do we plan to add new version for queens? I'm asking, as 1 critical bug (as for me) has been fixed in nova recently
openstackLaunchpad bug 1786346 in OpenStack Compute (nova) rocky "live migrations slow" [High,Fix committed] - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)18:51
mnasernoonedeadpunk: evrardjp usually takes care of bumps, if this is urgent, we can do a push for one of them, but you can also override it locally18:53
mnasernova_git_repo: ..18:53
mnasernova_git_branch: COMMIT_ID18:53
noonedeadpunkmnaser: yep, you're right, forgotten about this)18:53
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openstackgerritMarc Gariépy (mgariepy) proposed openstack/ansible-hardening master: Add makestep to chronyd config.
mnasereveryone: if you'll be in attendance at the ptg, can you please make sure you're added here:
mnasermgariepy: will you be attending this time as well?19:03
mgariepymnaser, nop19:03
mnaseraw, bummer, okay :(19:03
mgariepyi won't be there.19:03
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mgariepymnaser, i would like to attend at some point. but not this time. maybe the next one.19:05
mnasermgariepy: might be easier next time with the most-probable-merge of both events19:05
mgariepyyeah maybe19:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Remove octavia_requires_pip_packages
mgariepyif anyone has a comment on i would appreciate it.19:07
openstackgerritMarc Gariépy (mgariepy) proposed openstack/ansible-hardening master: Add makestep to chronyd config.
prometheanfirewhen is the next sha bump scheduled for stable branches? friday?19:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Set quota for octavia service project
spotzd34dh0r53: Hey if you know Denver, add more recommendations for places. Even if we don't use them other groups might like them:)19:26
d34dh0r53spotz: I only lived there for a year and mostly hit up small dives, and it was 20+ years ago but I still have some friends in the area.  I'll ask around19:27
spotzd34dh0r53: Thanks! I went by google and no national chains. Doesn't seem like there's much within walking under 3019:28
spatelfolks what is "/openstack/venvs/nova-17.0.8/bin/privsep-helper" ?19:29
d34dh0r53spotz: denver does has pretty good public transportation, the busses are nasty but the light rail is nice (at least it was 20 years ago :)19:29
spotzd34dh0r53: Small enough group it'll work coordinating 20.. we're walking!19:30
d34dh0r53hah, yep19:30
spotzd34dh0r53: I still haven't figured out Berlin yet:( hotels are pretty far from the citycube19:32
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mnaserspatel: thats a nova detail19:45
mnaserevrardjp, odyssey4me, cloudnull, prometheanfire, cjloader, spotz, d34dh0r53: asking as you've put yourself down at the ptg, is there any specific time that you can't be free for taking team photos?19:46
spotzmnaser: M/T I'll be at OPs meetup, right now it's looking like UC will be meeting Wed AM, and fly out about noon on Fri19:46
prometheanfiremnaser: atm no19:47
d34dh0r53Not that I know of at this point19:47
prometheanfirefirst come first serve19:47
mnaserany preferences in time? :)19:47
prometheanfiretuesday right after relmgmt?19:47
mnaserwe've got anywhere ffrom 9:30 to 3:30 on tuesday and wendesday19:47
mnaseri'll put us down as that and we can always look into it later19:48
prometheanfireI like batching them, I may schedle reqs around then too19:48
spatelmnaser: thanks, do i need to put that in monitor "privsep-helper" ?19:48
spatelI am setting up monitoring19:48
mnaserprobably not19:48
mnaserspatel: ^19:48
cjloadermnaser: not atm19:49
cloudnullmnaser im in sunday out early friday19:49
cjloaderi'm flying back Friday evening19:49
spotzI vote for Wed afternoon19:51
prometheanfiremnaser: actually, can we switch?19:51
spatelmnaser: I am setting up monitoring for openstack and checking all running PID on compute node.. i found "/openstack/venvs/nova-17.0.8/bin/privsep-helper" so wonder is this something i should worry about or bot19:51
mnaserprometheanfire: so requirement then osa?19:51
prometheanfiremnaser: since there's a lot of crossover between relmgmt and reqs19:51
mnaseryeah sure19:51
mnaseroops i messed up the editing19:52
prometheanfireya, saw that :P19:52
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Leo_mchanged: [localhost] => (item={u'device': u'/dev/sdb1', u'mount_point': u'/openstack', u'fstype': u'ext4'})20:05
Leo_mfailed: [localhost] (item={u'device': u'/dev/sdb2', u'mount_point': u'/var/lib/lxc', u'fstype': u'ext4'}) => {"changed": fa20:05
Leo_mlse, "failed": true, "item": {"device": "/dev/sdb2", "fstype": "ext4", "mount_point": "/var/lib/lxc"}, "msg": "Error mounti20:05
Leo_mng /var/lib/lxc: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb2,\n       missing codepage or helper program,20:05
Leo_m or other error\n\n       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try\n       dmesg | tail or so.\n"}20:05
Leo_mhi, has somebody seen this issue while deploying an AIO ^^20:05
mnaserdid you see anything useful in syslog20:06
Leo_mERROR: can't access '/var/lib/machines': No such file or directory20:07
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Leo_m[1118696.056220] EXT4-fs (sdb2): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem20:11
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cloudnullLeo_m was this an AIO ?20:42
cloudnullor something in prod?20:42
Leo_mnah an AIO20:42
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cloudnullwas it running a the gate script to setup ?20:42
FrankZhangLeo_m: did you meet this problem on phobos lab?20:42
Leo_mI was just running the ./script.sh20:42
Leo_myes in phobos20:43
FrankZhangif so, I got a magic script for you20:43
cloudnull^ boom !20:43
Leo_mdidn't saw it last time I did the AIO20:43
cloudnullcommunity :)20:43
Leo_mcool! lol20:43
FrankZhangcircle it back to RAX20:43
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dwbeen working with ansible for years, and OSA if the first playbook where i've been genuinely mystified :P~20:56
dwi'm trying to grok how group_by functions, but none of the ansible docs, ansible src, or OSA example are particularly useful to understanding what's going on20:56
d34dh0r53dw: :) you're welcome?20:56
cloudnulldw group_by in the inventory ?20:57
dwat the top of /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/containers-lxc-create.yml in this case20:57
cloudnulloh, looking20:57
dwstruggling to replicate a bug, and this dynamic inventory stuff might be related, it's the only thing (i think) my local test doesn't replicate20:58
cloudnulloh, the ansible task "group_by" ?20:58
dwyup. the docs are written like "lxc_containers" is a per-host fact, but i can't even find it defined anywhere, and besides it doesn't seem to be named like a fact20:59
cloudnullthis ?20:59
dwthat's the one20:59
cloudnullI think its set dynamically in facts but idk if its accessible other than in a playbook20:59
dwoh! i'm reading things wrong. it adds the /current/ host to the group, and in OSA's case, when the when: is true21:00
cloudnullmaybe dump the hostvars to see if tis something set there?21:00
cloudnull++ yea we're sorting the container types by OS and CPU architecture.21:01
dwyeppers, i understand what it's intending to do, but not quite how :)  i think it comes down to the 'key' parameter would be better named 'group_name', because that's exactly what it is. i thought it was some sort of indirect lookup key21:01
dwthe action API part, you don't actually specify the host as being added, that's implicit, the actual host-added-to-group bit happens way down elsewhere in the guts of ansible21:02
cloudnullthat would be better!21:02
dwis there a way to run e.g. 'ansible-inventory' with all the OSA environment setup, like 'openstack-ansible' does for 'ansible-playbook'?21:05
cloudnullyou can execute the script directly21:06
dwof course :) thanks21:06
cloudnullyou can also run `ansible-playbook -e @$USERVARIABLE_PATH ...`21:07
cloudnullthe `openstack-ansible` command is just a convenience+ wrapper.21:07
cloudnullbut `opt/openstack-ansible/inventory/` will return the inventory in JSON format21:08
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dwi can't replicate the bug.. because i'd fixed it already21:32
dwstopping for dinner = endgame :( hehe21:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Increase Amp Active timeout for tests
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cloudnulldw there's anything I can do to help let me know, I'd be happy to help wherever possible21:55
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dwcloudnull: thx! i just have to grin and bear it for the time being. but that's one bug out of 4 out of the way, so off to a decent start21:57
dwcloudnull: i want to get used to OSA anyway, the setup is huge, it's a perfect test for the next piece of work i have (and it'll also probably benefit from it)21:57
cloudnull++ absolutly looking forward to it21:57
dwthe new work is a total rewrite of the strategy, rather than a monkeypatch. it needs a lot of exercise21:57
dw(but it's also a hell of a lot faster! esp for multi-target)21:58
cloudnullsounds like itll be amazing !21:58
dwit gets ansible's process model into sufficient shape that the ssh client can be moved in-process, itching to do that, but haven't finished the previous step yet21:59
cloudnullbaby steps :)21:59
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dwis it normal for a string of "Terminated" to be printed on the console when the run finishes? is that some wrapper, or some bug mitogen is tickling?22:17
Laszlo-74hello everybody!22:17
Laszlo-74I need some help with openstack-ansible22:17
Laszlo-74I need to add an entri to the nova.conf and neutron conf files22:18
Laszlo-74I'm using the user_variables.yml file to define the neutron_neutron_conf_overrides and nova_nova_conf_overrides as follows:22:19
Laszlo-74neutron_neutron_conf_overrides:   DEFAULT:     host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.example.intra"22:20
Laszlo-74   DEFAULT:22:20
Laszlo-74     host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.example.intra"22:20
Laszlo-74this is adding the corresponding line in each host and container but I have a problem with the underscores form the names of the containers. Neutron is complaining that the name that I got with the mentioned expression is not a valid hostname22:22
Laszlo-74I would like to replace the underscores to hyphens (network1_neutron_server_container -> network1-neutron-server-container)22:23
Laszlo-74can I use the following line:22:23
Laszlo-74     host: "{{ inventory_hostname | regex_replace('_','-') }}.example.intra"22:24
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-nspawn_hosts master: Document adding "extra" networks
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Laszlo-74any ideas are welcome  ...22:25
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cloudnulldw I've never seen "terminated"22:31
cloudnullcould be something conflicting with our default plugins ?22:31
cloudnullterminated I would assume is coming from a thread being killed?22:31
dwit sounds like something SSH might print when sent a SIGTERM, like the extension does during shutdown :) but i've never seen it before22:31
dwwill run the whole thing under strace and go digging22:32
cloudnullwe have a couple ssh options we run by default22:32
dwdo you know where those options are set? i see nothign related in openstack-ansible.rc22:33
dwaaha :)22:33
cloudnullmaybe something there is causing the issue?22:33
dwnothing immediately obvious. sometimes ssh prints extra stuff with multiplexing enabled, but nothing special going on ehre22:34
cloudnullLaszlo-74 can you use: host: "{{ ansible_hostname }}.example.intra"22:34
cloudnullLaszlo-74 you could also set it to the fqdn option - host: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"22:35
cloudnulldw we also run with pipelinning on, would that cause any known issue?22:35
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Laszlo-74cloudnull what are the values of ansible_hostname and ansible fqdn?22:36
cloudnullLaszlo-74 those are facts generated by ansible.22:37
cloudnullshould be the hostname / fqdn of your hosts22:37
cloudnullwhich should be RFC-1034/3522:38
dwcloudnull: nopes :) have a rather slowww run right now with strace, it should catch it being printed somewhere in the logs22:40
Laszlo-74cloudnull I see ... that's what I want to avoid. my hostname is in the form datacentername-chassis-blade (dc-c1-bl01) and the name that I would like to use for the host in openstack is compute122:40
cloudnullso should probably get you want you need22:40
cloudnullLaszlo-74 there's ansible_nodename ?22:41
cloudnullrun `ansible -m setup $inventory_hostname` and look for those options22:42
Laszlo-74how could I check ?22:42
cloudnullmy hope is that one of them will get  you there.22:42
cloudnullotherwise you can do the regex replace.22:42
cloudnullit won't always be an RFC compliant hostname, but it should work 90% of the time22:43
Laszlo-74is this syntax correct for the regex?  host: "{{ inventory_hostname | regex_replace('_','-') }}.example.intra"22:44
Laszlo-74cloudnull  An other option for me would be if I could restrict the override to be applied only to the compute nodes. Is that possible somehow?22:49
cloudnullLaszlo-74 the syntax looks good to me22:49
cloudnullyou can restrict it to just the hosts. if you put in the openstack_user_config for all compute nodes under "host_vars"22:50
cloudnullsomething like so22:51
cloudnullbut that could be a lot more config22:51
cloudnulldepending on the number of compute nodes you have22:52
dwfound it.. it's coming from an intermediary /bin/sh process that's injected as part of the container namespace transition. grmbl22:52
cloudnullis that from our ssh plugin ?22:53
cloudnullor local to mitogen>22:54
Laszlo-74cloudnull that means that I have to set the override for each compute host individually. I was thinking whether there is a way to do it for the entire group of compute nodes at once?22:54
cloudnullor both :)22:55
cloudnullLaszlo-74 what release?22:55
dwcloudnull: it's local to mitogen. actually this connection method shouldn't be used for here, but it's the only one jrosser could get working :) the real lxc plugin is broken for you somehow, i haven't looked at that yet22:55
cloudnullyou could create /etc/openstack_deploy/group_vars/nova_compute.yml22:56
cloudnulland put that config there22:56
cloudnullI believe that still works.22:56
* cloudnull hasnt tried in a while 22:56
cloudnulldw ah ok22:57
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openstackgerritKaio Kassiano Moura Oliveira proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca master: Add support for openSUSE
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Change AIO ZFS pool to be at /pool
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-nspawn_hosts master: Document adding "extra" networks
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-nspawn_hosts master: Add documentation for routed interfaces
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