Saturday, 2017-11-18

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create stable/pike: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia stable/pike: Remove ignore error and unnecessary when
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gun1xcan i get ceph backup images to be stored on HDD and cinder rbd volumes to be stored on ssd ?01:43
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Tune-up the galera role for efficiency
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cloudnullgun1x: I want to say yes. however I 'm really no ceph expert.01:58
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Tune-up the galera role for efficiency
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SamYaplegun1x: yep04:11
SamYaplegun1x: really easy todo on lumionus04:11
SamYaplegun1x: not as easy on jewel and before, but completely possible04:11
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Tune-up the galera role for efficiency
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Improve the speed of execution for Galera
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Enable support for hardware that brings the network up slowly
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gun1xSamYaple: is that possible with OSA also?10:10
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests stable/pike: Force SUSE repo refresh and switch default mirror.
odyssey4megun1x OSA uses ceph-ansible to get ceph deployed, and doesn't restrict the architecture in any way - so yes, you can do whatever ceph can do using the deployment tooling OSA provides10:31
odyssey4meyou'll still have to figure out how to do it with ceph yourself - we don't have any shortcut formula10:32
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gun1xodyssey4me: no need, i plan to deploy ceph with osa. i will read the docu and try to figure it out. it's good to have object storage on hdd and block storage on ssd because object storage is usualy backup and cinder is required for compute11:38
odyssey4megun1x sure, but with ceph you don't have to make a hard and fast choice... you can use ssd for caching transactions to hdd's too - and you can change how you configure your hardware over time too... it gives room to experiment11:41
odyssey4mebut yes, in the beginning it's usually better not to overthink it - keep it simple, put good monitoring in to observe how it behaves, then experiment with variations until you find the sweet spot of cost vs benefit11:42
odyssey4meyou can also implement multiple 'types' for your block storage if you want - so people can choose slow/medium/fast based on their own needs11:43
odyssey4methose can be backed by different hardware profiles11:43
gun1xodyssey4me: i started to use prometheus for monitoring. i use it at home, and i added a node_exporter on each vm template, so i deploy all vms with exprter ... and i got a cool dashboard for desktop and another one for VMs11:43
gun1xodyssey4me: prometheus has a ceph exporter but i didnt have time to test it. it should provide the info required to redesign if something is bad11:44
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odyssey4meawesome, sounds good11:53
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Allow deployment without glance-registry
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Allow deployment without glance-registry
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odyssey4meFYI to anyone coming online, it appears that all releasenotes jobs across openstack are failing - if you see that on your test results, please do not bother rechecking until they get it resolved12:50
gun1xodyssey4me: what do you use for deploying to physical servers? so that you have the compute with all 4 bridges?12:53
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Retry apt cache update
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odyssey4megun1x some use cobbler, some use a simple pxe boot system with a preseed, some use other systems12:57
odyssey4methe tooling actually implements a pxe-boot/preseed combination which does that all and may be useful to reference12:57
gun1xodyssey4me: i find it easiert to pxe boot an ubuntu with DHCP and run a script on it that bootstraps the server for OSA...12:58
odyssey4methere it is - it looks like it templates out a net config onto the web server here:
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odyssey4methen it fetches it in a post install script here:
gun1xodyssey4me: oh, ansible can do for statement? cool!13:05
gun1xodyssey4me: yea, that is exactly what i wanted to do. deploy via pxe and have post install script13:06
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Allow deployment without glance-registry
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Allow deployment without glance-registry
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SmearedBeardhey, Im including barbican with my deployment but hitting an issue with missing files,
SmearedBeard it looks the same as but this was closed with saying a fix was going in another direction13:44
SmearedBeardI pulled from stable/pike13:44
odyssey4meno, those two things have nothing to do with each other13:44
odyssey4mewhich OS are you deploying on to?13:44
odyssey4meat this time there's only support for ubuntu-xenial in the role:
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odyssey4methat is very possibly not hard to fix - the start would be to add an appropriate vars file for redhat and figure out the equivalent package list13:46
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Allow deployment without glance-registry
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Retry apt cache update
SmearedBeardodyssey4me so just cp debian.yml centos.yml and fix the package names?14:18
odyssey4meSmearedBeard that'd be a good start14:18
odyssey4methen run it and see what falls out next14:18
odyssey4meor you might get lucky and it'll just work (tm) ;)14:18
SmearedBeardodyssey4me sounds easy, and something I could definitely send upstream when done14:18
odyssey4meif you can push your changes up then we can help you figure out where things break14:19
odyssey4meFYI, the right file name would be 'redhat.yml' because it'll cover both RHEL and CentOS14:20
SmearedBeardodyssey4me cool.. how come postgresql-libs is needed? I dont recall seeing postgres is using somewhere14:23
odyssey4meSmearedBeard I can't recall - it may not be necessary, but it might also be a dependency for some sort of build thing14:24
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Allow deployment without glance-registry
gun1xodyssey4me: wheny you have 4 network interfaces on the compute/controller, how do you get ansible to bootstrap the bridges required for OSA? :D14:51
gun1xodyssey4me: i mean, how do you know from ansible which nic does what :D :D14:51
SmearedBeardodyssey4me I dont wanna jynx it but looking good so far14:57
odyssey4megun1x that's exactly why we don't have something to automate the process - it's too specific to the environment, the hardware, etc15:01
odyssey4meit's especially hard if your hardware is not homogenous15:02
odyssey4meSmearedBeard awesome - may as well push a patch up while you wait ;)15:02
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gun1xodyssey4me: this is annoying because i just want to do another osa deploy for testing and i have no ideea if i should waste half an hour to bootstrap with bash scripts or do some ansible to learn and get something done for long term configs15:05
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SmearedBeardodyssey4me might as well look at suse, as long as aws has that image for me to find packages15:09
odyssey4megun1x do whatever you're most comfortable with right now, then later when the pressure if off you can iterate with something different/new15:09
SmearedBeardwhat version of suse does osad support?15:09
odyssey4meSmearedBeard you can just use vagrant - every repo has avagrantfile setup with the tests and all that15:10
* SmearedBeard looking now 15:10
odyssey4mebut for suse it's leap 423 IIRC15:10
odyssey4mebut, for example, if you have vagrant and virtualbox - just do: vagrant up opensuse42315:11
odyssey4methat will execute exactly the same tests as the stuff we use in openstack infra15:11
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SmearedBeardodyssey4me cool, I vaguely aware on how vagrant works, but had the change to actually use, so this will be good... my play failed but ill fix it and send after some testing15:21
odyssey4meSmearedBeard I suggest that regardless of whether it works or not, push up a patch before you finish up for the day. It's a good practise for a number of reasons - 1 is that it signals to others that you're working on it, so no-one else ends up doing the same thing. 2 is that someone else may be able to help figure out the things you haven't figure out yet and will give you feedback in the review. :)15:23
odyssey4me3 is that if you never get around to completing it, it gives the opportunity for someone else to pick up where you lfet off15:24
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use correct name for networking-odl git group
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Tune-up the galera role for efficiency
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savvas anyone else getting errors with building RabbitMQ servers on stable/pike checkout?16:02
savvasI don't have it on 16.0.2 release but on this one it just won't build, have tried starting fresh twice now16:02
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odyssey4mesavvas I've not seen that16:02
savvascrashes on various points, the rabbitmq cookie check, the above paste16:02
savvasI've tried destroying and recreating the containers to let it rerun the playbook as well, but no luc16:03
odyssey4mecloudnull if you don't mind, I think it'd be good to see broken out into its own patch - I'm hitting issues with haproxy failing when building without some things in the inventory, and that solves it nicely16:03
savvasany suggestions on how to troubleshoot odyssey4me ? I've tried running the lxc destroy/create, I've tried running the rabbitmq-install by itself and I've tried destroying the rabbitmq containers and letting setup-hosts recreate them followed by running setup-infra again16:05
odyssey4mesavvas not sure - take a look at what's going on in the containers I guess and try to figure out how to fix it16:06
odyssey4meI'm doing some other work and can't afford the distraction to dig into the logs in more detail.16:07
savvasye did that, last error says process ain't running but when I enter the container it does seem to be16:07
savvasno worries, was just trying my luck here ;>16:07
odyssey4mehmm, perhaps it just needs a delay/retry loop or something to give it a bit more time to start?16:07
savvasperhaps, although I figured if I rerun the playbook, it should recognize that it is running hte next time.16:09
savvasI haven't seen the pid change16:09
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SmearedBeardfirst time using Gerrit and it is.... different16:37
savvas this is what I get when starting fresh on the rabbitmq playbook, it starts with the cookie issue which eventually will lead to when rerunning it at a later stage16:39
savvasI'll format the nodes one more time, start fresh, see if I've overlooked anything but I don't think so16:40
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odyssey4meSmearedBeard it is different, but once you get used to having the history of a patch in patch sets, it's hard to go back to github and other tools which don't have that16:56
SmearedBeardwe'll see :) just running some tests now16:57
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gun1xlogan-: where you the guy doing osa + ceph ?17:23
gun1xlike all dya ?17:23
bndzorchecked url history matching logan, found
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gun1xbndzor: you might want to check
gun1xthis is 2016, but maybe good info. its from his blog17:25
bndzorAwsome! Thanks17:25
bndzorI have about 40 machines i want to try running17:25
gun1xbndzor: for tests you should go with cirros17:26
gun1xbndzor: its a special distro for opesntack tests, really lightweight17:26
bndzoris there anyway to make ansible to use more threads somehow, to speed it up? It feels like its really doing one thing at a time17:26
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gun1xbndzor: if you mean getting ansible to run playbooks faster, no, sorry.17:28
logan-the blog info is fairly outdated now that the ceph-ansible integration is done in OSA17:28
logan- is the best doc to look at currently17:29
bndzorYep, foudn that cheers logan-17:29
logan-be aware that only stable/pike and master currently support this config17:29
logan-16.0.2 (latest pike tag) does not have a necessary commit to support that config17:29
bndzorYeah thats what im going to setup17:29
bndzoroh, which one should i go for ?17:29
odyssey4mebndzor gun1x you can up the number of threads ansible uses, and you can customises the serialisation if it's a test environment or new deployment17:30
logan-stable/pike (which will be 16.0.3 at some point)17:30
logan-so instead of 'git checkout 16.0.2', you need to 'git checkout stable/pike'17:30
odyssey4methe playbooks are delierately serialised to minimise disruption when doing changes on an existing environment17:30
gun1xlogan-: so atm we need to get pike upstream (unstable) to get that to work?17:30
bndzorgotcha, thanks17:30
logan-correct until the next pike tag (16.0.3) is cut, there will not be a tag which includes
gun1xoh shit: storage-infra_hosts: *infrastructure_hosts17:31
gun1xAT LAST17:31
gun1xno more code repeating17:31
odyssey4mehaha, yeah using yaml tags can be quite useful17:32
bndzorim doing a test of the b production setup, once im done il try out the ceph17:32
gun1xodyssey4me: yea man ... some parts of osa looks like you get payed per lines of code, no offence :D17:32
bndzorceph-osd_hosts, are thoose the ones that contain the storage ?17:32
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logan-yes bndzor17:33
odyssey4megun1x nothing stopped you from customising the groups to include a bunch of children and thus make your openstack_user_config smaller... but then you have to validate it on every upgrade17:33
bndzorused_ips, are thoose ranges defined for dhcp ?17:33
odyssey4meand we're targeting changing that whole system to a much simpler inventory this cycle... hopefully it gets done in time17:34
bndzorand, i see 3 cidr_networks and 4 used_ips in the ceph example17:34
bndzorbut in thoose 4, 4 cidrs are used17:34
odyssey4mebndzor they're blocks to reserve IP's in the cidr's that get allocated to containers... the reservations are to prevent an ip being allocated that you're using for something else - like a router, switch, storage device or something17:35
bndzorAh ok, makes sense17:35
gun1xodyssey4me: i am really bad with ansible. i should learn it inside out.17:35
odyssey4megun1x we all start somewhere - learning is continuous17:36
bndzormm, i come from a xen and puppet environment so i have lots of things to read up on17:36
gun1xodyssey4me: i would learn all my life, than die ... but i will learn all my life, then die. :D17:37
gun1xthan/then joke. nvm. sorry if that was too nerd17:38
bndzorOne thing im a bit curious about is, lets say that i do a config with 10 compute nods, and i want to add in 10 more. How would it be done, append them to the config and just run the playbooks ?17:38
odyssey4mebndzor yep17:38
bndzorbut damn the ansible process is painfully slow :p17:39
gun1xbndzor: it gets the job dne without failing17:39
bndzorI did my own bash scripted installation, from clean machines to a full system running (without ceph tho) in less than 5 minutes, but it did not feel professional17:39
gun1xbndzor: you want to join a boat ... having proper deployment tools mean a lot. manually configuring stuff is bad. anyway osa is a good boat to join17:41
odyssey4mebndzor yeah, I hear you - we're doing some evolutions to speed things up, but of course we have plenty of existing environments and odd edge cases so we would rather be slow and careful17:41
bndzorodyssey4me: yeah, i guess its more flexible17:42
odyssey4mebndzor it's a little tricky to do, but it is possible to not use containers and things deploy very quickly... but then you have to deal with losing the ability to just trash a container if it's misbehaving and rebuild it17:43
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bndzorah im gonna cancel this deployment and try out the ceph one17:46
bndzorDo i need to configure the drives somehow on the machines ? ( i have 3 machines, the raid is on /dev/sdb)17:46
bndzorand question is, higher replication in ceph, or raid0 on hosts ?17:47
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Disable glance-registry and the v1 API by default
odyssey4methat'll have to be for logan- to respond :)17:48
logan-bndzor: couple things -- first I would set osd_objectstore: bluestore in user_variables with your other ceph variables. bluestore is the new default backend in Luminous, but ceph-ansible is still defaulting to filestore. if you're building a new cluster now you should probably use bluestore unless you have a good reason not to.17:51
logan-i wouldn't raid the drives unless you really have a good reason. ceph will distribute the replicas on its own according to the placement policies you set and the typical recommendation is to just feed it raw block devices17:51
logan-if they're blank (no partition table etc) you're good to go, ceph-ansible will use 'ceph-disk prepare' to partition and configure them as osds17:52
logan-if they have old data, you can use 'ceph-disk zap /dev/sdX' to wipe them before you start running playbooks17:53
bndzorChecking the storage nodes now. thanks17:55
bndzor(im reinstalling all with maas)17:55
bndzoril just remove the drives from mounting on /storage and format them17:55
gun1xlogan-: how is bluestore different than other backends ?17:56
logan-gun1x: nice writeup here on it:
logan-the same hardware performance gains over filestore are 1.5-2x in many situations17:58
gun1xlogan-: i think they got this idea from scaleio17:58
gun1xis it ok to use luminous since its not LTS? or is it? i mean, don't you have to update next year to new version? or is this easy on ceph ?18:02
logan-luminous is the current ceph LTS release18:02
bndzorso reading the doc, the table that shows IP assignments, i assume i should set it up on the hosts, correct ? Or is mgmt enough and ansible does the rest ?18:02
gun1xach ok18:02
logan-bndzor: you'll need to configure the bridges on the hosts18:03
bndzorbut do i assign the ips to them ?18:03
logan-well, for management yes. i get your question now.. I don't think the hosts will need an IP on the other bridges necessarily18:04
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bndzorYeah, thats a bit unclear :) But i can assign that no issues18:04
logan-gun1x: ceph upgrades have been pretty painless in my experience, but yeah I wouldn't recommend running the non-LTS releases in prod as they tend to be testing out features in development for the next LTS.18:06
bndzoris rsyslog server required, or can  run it on infra1 for example ?18:08
logan-it is not required18:08
bndzor(its just for testing right now, so i dont need / require logging)18:08
logan-but yes you can place the container on one of your infrastructure hosts18:08
bndzorah ok, thats nice. il try that then18:09
odyssey4mepart of why the host group allocation is a bit verbose is to give the flexiblity to scale out as wide as you want, but also scale in as much as you want18:13
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bndzorI like it, it also looks cleaner18:14
savvasbndzor: also make sure you define your drives in user_variables.yml or per host in openstack_user_config.yml if you use osd_scenario collocated18:15
logan-yup ^... or use something like this:
bndzorhow do you mean savvas18:17
savvasyour playbook will fail if you don't define your osd devices18:17
logan-you'll need to define which disks to provision as osds:
savvasor enable auto discovery18:17
bndzorIl just go for osd_auto_discovery: true18:18
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Disable glance-registry and the v1 API by default
bndzorAnything else i should think of? If not, im ready to start the deployment18:21
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savvasbndzor: I am yet to run a successful setup on stable/pike checkout18:22
savvasso I am curious to see if you get any further18:23
bndzorWhat issues do you have18:23
savvasMy rabbitmq containers won't setup18:23
savvasjust started fresh on everything again, ended up redoing my ansible node as well as I had checked out different versions alrdy, wanted to be sure my files are clean18:24
savvasI also noticed certain processes will fail on setup-infrastructure if I don't run the haproxy playbook first18:24
bndzori just rm -rf /opt /openstack /etc/openstack* and /usr/local/lib/* and /usr/local/bin/* :p18:24
savvasyou should remove your /etc/ansible/roles as well from what I've been told18:25
odyssey4mesavvas that's odd, because haproxy's setup is included in setup-infrastructure:
bndzorsavvas: thanks for the heads up, will do18:25
savvasye I noticed, but I've had it on 2 different playbooks already that my galera won't setup without running haproxy first18:26
odyssey4meyes, but galera is setup after that18:26
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odyssey4meif you're re-using hosts then it makes sense18:26
savvasyes I am18:26
savvasI run a 3 node all-in-one setup18:26
savvasinfra, compute, storage18:26
odyssey4mebecause when you wipe the containers, you also wipe the apt cache service that the hosts are configured to use18:26
savvasmm could that expalin for the errors I am getting with rabbitmq as well odyssey4me?18:28
odyssey4meunlikely, as that only affects the hosts - and rabbit is in a container18:29
savvasI've also noticed various errors on getting pip files18:29
savvaswhere it only succeeds over the fallback url18:29
odyssey4mealso IIRC your issue related to the cluster init failing, wasn't it? that sounds very specifically like r arabbit issue after it's been installed18:29
savvasI think that may have something to do with me using the same internal/external ip for haproxy18:29
odyssey4mewell, that won't work unless you disable https on the public endpoints18:29
savvasI did that18:30
odyssey4mehttp and https cannot saher the same ip:port18:30
odyssey4meok, but the pip things will fail if the repo isn't there and youve had the pip things configured before18:30
savvas## Disable SSL due to intenral and external lb IP being the same18:30
savvasopenstack_service_publicuri_proto: http18:30
savvasopenstack_external_ssl: false18:30
savvashaproxy_ssl: false18:30
odyssey4meso yes, if you're not cleaning up properly, and wiping and rebuilding containers, then you're going to hit plenty of odd issues18:30
savvasI added this to my user_variables.yml18:30
odyssey4mewhich is why we keep recommending that test labs are rebuilt rather than cleaned up18:31
savvasI've rebuilt my ubuntu nodes every time18:31
savvasjust the ansible node I've been rm -rfing the directories18:31
odyssey4meok, then I'm not understanding what you're seeing - sounds more like you're going through a proxy or something?18:32
savvasthis is where setup-infra crashes on now18:32
savvaswhen using 3 newly installed bare metal nodes for deployment18:32
savvassetup-hosts completes without errors, but can't get through setup-infra18:33
odyssey4meyou're getting a 503 from haproxy for some reason:
odyssey4mewhy is that18:33
savvasye that ain't right18:34
savvas let me due my diligence, sec18:34
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Disable glance-registry and the v1 API by default
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Disable glance-registry and the v1 API by default
bndzorfinally deploying.. perhaps should go and make some tacos meanwhile18:38
savvaslol odyssey4me alright this one's on me, when restoring I copy pasted the original container cidr18:39
odyssey4mehaha, doit18:39
savvaswill containers reinitialize networking if I rerun setup-hosts.yml with a changed container cidr?18:40
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odyssey4meI'm not really familiar enough with what goes on there to answer.18:42
savvasmay as well start over to be sure18:42
savvasI am thinking I may have had this error in there while I was going through the rabbitmq errors18:43
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Implement testing using tempest
savvassomewhere in between what I troubleshooted on the ceph-osd issue and after I ended up copy/pasting a few config lines from docs.oa to avoid any typos, it may have snuck in there18:44
odyssey4menetworking is the most common problem area for new starters, unfortunately18:44
odyssey4memost openstack deployments use a very simple network setup, and suffer for it later18:44
savvasit is a good way to get familiar with it though18:44
odyssey4mewe do tend to force thinking through it properly and gaining a fair understanding of networking up front18:45
savvasye I can see that18:45
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savvasI just started with openstack ansible but I love the concept18:45
savvasespecially the idea behind use of the LXC containers18:45
savvasit actually enables you to build fault-tolerant HA clusters with very few nodes18:46
odyssey4meyup, you can actually do it on a single node if you want, although that kinda defeats the purpose of being fault tolerant18:47
savvasye I had a few runs on virtual box vms on my workstation at first18:47
savvasbut virtualbox doesn't allow mac flooding so that presented a whole new challenge by itself18:47
savvasdecided yesterday to bring up a few servers to actually try and get it working properly the wayit should be18:48
odyssey4meback in kilo we actually used to gate our integrated build with a setup which had multiple clusters on the same host, but we can't do that these days - all the services are too resource hungry for the little 8 vCPU/8GB RAM instance we use for testing18:48
savvasyes I noticed that as well18:48
savvasmy playbooks would crash randomly with weird errors which turned out to be a resource problem18:49
savvasI couldn't get it running on a 8GB VM, think my first working infra was on a 10G VM18:49
odyssey4meby mac flooding you mean something like mac spoofing? ie the vm can't communicate to other vm's using anything other than its assigned mac from a virtualbox standpoint?18:49
savvaswell the containers could communicate with the host18:49
savvasand the host could communicate with the other hosts in the cluster (the other virtual box vms)18:50
savvasbut the LXC containers couldn't communicate to the other hosts18:50
odyssey4meyeah, I think it is possible with virtualbox - I've been meaning to spend some quality time working out some nice vagrantfile implementations to demonstrate OSA in various configurations18:50
odyssey4mebut, well, time18:50
savvasye I hear you18:51
savvasvagrant could be great for it18:51
savvasbut from what I've read there will be no way to get it properly working on virtualbox though18:51
odyssey4meI find myself more inclined to develop a new feature, and hope that someone else gets the inclination to do it and wants to do it more than I do.18:51
odyssey4meheh, that sounds like a challenge ;)18:51
savvaswell if you manage to do it, I'd surely be interested to figure out how you did it ;p18:52
savvasI've got the br-mgmt on the 3 nodes configured in a natnetwork with promiscuous mode allow all on all18:52
savvasI've tried bridging too18:53
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odyssey4meI may try it out some time, but it's unlikely to be soon.18:56
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Disable glance-registry and the v1 API by default
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Implement testing using tempest
savvasI'll give it another go as well when I get a chance19:00
bndzorhmm, it failed during the Ensure that the LXC cache has been prepared19:16
bndzortook too long i guess19:16
openstackgerritmichael rice proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: fixes errors caused when using keystone federation
bndzorAny idea how i can increase the amount of retries ?19:20
odyssey4mebndzor I think it's hard-coded right now - I've been meaning to push a patch to make it customisable.19:21
odyssey4medefault is 10 mins:
bndzorwhere do i edit that ?19:21
odyssey4methat should bein /etc/ansible/roles/lxc_hosts/tasks/...19:22
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bndzorthanks odyssey4me, gave it 600 times to try :p19:25
bndzoris it ok to just rerun setup-hosts.yml ?19:26
bndzoror do i need to cleanup somehow19:26
errrodyssey4me: I got the first one of the patches submitted for the keystone federation issues. There is still one more I think but Im having issues getting my current AIO to build so I can test it19:26
odyssey4mebndzor no cleanup, just re-run19:28
odyssey4meerrr okie dokey, thanks!19:28
errrodyssey4me: if there is anything I need to do please let me know, the customer install is coming up in the next 4 days or so so I need to try to get that into newton as soon as possible19:29
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Make the cache prep timeout configurable
odyssey4meerrr that totally makes sense19:34
odyssey4meerrr could you tweak the subject line to be a little more targeted - suggestion in review19:36
errrsure thing, thanks19:36
odyssey4mebndzor you may find handy19:36
openstackgerritmichael rice proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add missing domain parameter to _get_group_roles
errrdone :)19:38
odyssey4methanks, I see a lint error is showing up but that's unrelated19:38
odyssey4meI'll push a patch to resolve that tomorrow morning. Time for me to take a break tonight.19:39
odyssey4meCheers all - have a great w/end!19:39
bndzorCool, thanks!19:43
bndzorI just modified tasks/lxc_cache_preparation.yml for now19:43
bndzorTHanks for the help odyssey4me, have a good evening19:43
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bndzorHmm, so it completed, but for some reason it does nto resume.. its just keeping retrying20:03
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errrIm having an issue on stable/pike building an AIO. The galera container keps failing trying to get pip and pip packages.20:33
errrI checked and there is an entry in haproxy pointing to the repo container, but when I check ss or netstat nothing is bound to port 8181 and if I try to restart haproxy it never restarts, and I cant stop it either..20:35
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bndzorAny ideas ?21:40
savvas@odyssey4me fresh attempt with reinstalled bare metal crashes again on galera21:40
savvasignore that21:43
savvasbndzor: is your partition full?21:45
savvaserrr: what do you get when you "curl http://INTERNAL_LB_IP:818121:45
bndzornothing is full21:47
bndzorbut i rerun the playbook because of some issues i had21:47
errrsavvas: connection refused, but I just destroyed the server and am trying again on another server.21:47
bndzorjust ran a lxc-containers-destroy and giving it a try again to see if this fixes the issue21:48
savvaserrr: check your haproxy.log to see if it establishes a connection with your containers, if not check the keepalived conf to see if your IPs are correct there and if so check that your container have connectivity21:52
savvas8181 is for the repo container21:52
savvasso also check if /var/www/repo has files in it and that nginx is running21:53
errrsavvas: it was like haproxy wasnt running properly, it was never bound to port 8181 on the main deploy host so it was never passing the connection to the container21:53
errrthen it wouldnt restart or reload or even stop21:53
errrsystemctl stop haproxy.service wouldnt stop it21:54
bndzornope still happening21:54
savvasok ye probably best to restart the playbook or start fresh, I had an issue before but mine had to do with my keepalived settings21:55
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savvasodyssey4me: does this ring any bell for you? The rabbitmq install fails, same errors as before. I notice that my physical nodes are able to acces the LB ip and also grab from it22:14
savvashowever the containers are not able to, they can ping the LB ip but not grab any files from the repo url, connection refused22:14
savvasif I check my haproxy log22:16
savvasto me it sounds like I may have messed up my bridge settings somehow but I can't find my mistake22:21
savvasmy galera containers can reach the repo over 8181 as well as the memcached containers22:25
savvasNONE of the others do, so my guess is that somewhere during setup of the playbook something is enabled on the containers that simply hasn't been done on the rabbitmq and any of the other containers which come after that22:26
bndzorrebooted all nodes, and seems like problem solved it self22:31
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gun1xodyssey4me: how do you up the number of ansible threads ?22:38
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savvasforget it thought I saw ap attern there but completely random. Destroying and re-creating all the rabbitmq hosts gets me 2 who can reach the LB IP, 1 that can't.22:42
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