Thursday, 2016-02-25

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openstackgerritTravis Truman (automagically) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Docs: Editing deployment config README for clarity
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meteorfoxhi all, I think I'm almost there with configuring multi-region for Swift, but I have a question about swift-remote.yml. What IP address should I use when specifying the proxy nodes? Is it the host's storage ip, or the proxy_container IP address?01:02
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openstackgerritMichael Carden proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Doc: Path error in Adding new Roles and Services
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meteorfoxso, I was able to os-swift-sync.yml for my region1, I tried os-swift-sync for region 2, but I get this error:01:25
meteorfoxI did propagate the deployment host public keys to the swift-remote_hosts in region101:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Store openstack_host_sysstat_enabled as lower case value for sysstat.default.j2
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Docs: Keystone AD/LDAP cleanup
stevellemeteorfox: which task was that error on01:45
meteorfoxTASK: [os_swift_sync | Get public key contents and store as var] **************01:46
stevellemeteorfox: running liberty? master branch?01:47
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meteorfoxthat's kilo01:47
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meteorfoxstevelle: 11.1.201:50
stevellemeteorfox: and you can verify that file doesn't exist on that host?01:52
meteorfoxstevelle: right it doesn't exist but I don't understand why not.  It worked from the primary region to the secondary region, but not the other way around.01:53
stevellethe swift user on that host should have /var/lib/swift as home dir01:53
meteorfoxyes it's set01:55
stevelleok, the meteorfox: os-swift-setup.yml playbook should have lay down that file under [os_swift_setup | Create the swift system user]01:56
meteorfoxstevelle: I see. how safe is it to re-run that playbook if I already ran os-swift-sync.yml?01:57
stevellemeteorfox: if region 2 hasn't put together a ring yet, and doesn't have data, it should be ok01:58
stevellewith --tags=swift-key-create to just run the point fix01:58
stevellelooks like you failed on the first task of the sync playbook on region 2 so you should be fine01:59
meteorfoxstevelle: well some of it when through, but I'm not sure if it's all or nothing01:59
stevelleafter you do setup again on region 2, you should return to region 1 and sync before trying to sync region 201:59
stevellebut that is a recommendation from my fuzzy fuzzy memory. I need to find the docs on this02:00
meteorfoxstevelle: ok, I see the ring files on region 202:01
meteorfoxstevelle: I'm ok deleting it though, there's no data02:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Do not setup messaging host and user when Rabbit is not installed
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Move swift memcache conf into separate file
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Docs: Manual nova_spice_console removal
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Docs: Horizon ssl config for Kilo
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Clarify user config loading in dynamic inventory
stevellemeteorfox: we designed the sync playbook to first do no harm, but then again we may have missed a use case.  I expect the playbook would have failed rather than destroy an existing ring in region202:04
meteorfoxstevelle: so, I ran the os-swift-setup.yml, and it didn't lay the file02:05
stevellethat task I mentioned, did it skip?02:06
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stevelle(on the host in question)02:06
meteorfoxit's only laying the file on swift proxy containers, but not on the host of that container02:08
stevellethat's a paste of the task before the one I am looking for02:09
stevellebut if it's skipping the remove then that tells me the file isn't there02:09
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meteorfoxstevelle: right, I could find the task you were saying, but I'm inferring that if didn't check for it, then it's probably not putting it there either02:10
meteorfoxsorry I meant I could *not*02:11
stevellemeteorfox: playbooks/roles/os_swift/tasks/swift_pre_install.yml should contain "Create the swift system user" on line 37 by my reading.02:13
stevelleline 46 contains generate_ssh_key: "yes" which is where that key is generated02:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Update PLUMgrid Appendix Doc paths
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meteorfoxstevelle: I do see  the Create the swift system user task02:14
openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Add condition to local IP for overlay net
meteorfoxI think the problem is that my swift-remote.yml has the storage IP for the hosts with swift-proxy containers, but that doesn't have the ssh public key02:15
stevellemeteorfox: that sounds like a good lead to follow02:17
stevellewhat you want in that swift-remote.yml is effectively every storage and proxy ip that exists in the other region02:20
meteorfoxstevelle: right, but that's what confuses me, is it the proxy container's IP or its host's IP on the storage_network?02:20
stevellemeteorfox: both02:21
stevellethe storage is on the hosts02:21
stevelleit will want those, and for storage_network specifically02:22
meteorfoxstevelle: in my case I run the proxy containers on infra nodes02:22
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stevellefor listing the proxies, you want to list the proxy container's IPs02:23
stevellebut everything has to talk to everything else02:23
meteorfoxstevelle: so then, is it correct to say that I should be able to ping from the other region's host to the proxy container itself?02:23
stevellethe major distinction is that things in all other regions need to be in the swift-remote file02:23
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stevellemeteorfox: I can definitely say you should expect to ping from a proxy container to another region's storage node and I am pretty sure you should be able to reach another region's proxy containers too02:28
stevelleI didn't do any of the work on network prerequisites though, so I'm at the edge of my familiarity with this.  I would direct you at d34dh0r53 and rackertom02:29
meteorfoxstevelle: so I can ping from the swift-proxy container to the other regions' storage node, but not the proxy-container on that other region02:29
meteorfoxstevelle: also I can't ping from the storage node to a proxy-container on the other region02:30
stevellemeteorfox: yeah I'm guessing that is a problem but as I said, I would want to point you at one of them for verification and then follow up on more clarity in the docs for this02:30
stevelleI don't know where I have any of the scripts I used to rig up a network on public cloud that would give me clues on this02:31
meteorfoxstevelle: ok, andymccr was helping me out earlier, but I'm not sure what his time zone02:31
stevellehe's back in EU02:32
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meteorfoxok so he's sleeping02:33
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stevelleyeah. And it's well past time I found a refreshing beverage.02:33
palendaemeteorfox, Yeah, UK time. rackertom is on EST US, d34dh0r53 is on vacation02:34
meteorfoxpalendae: thanks02:35
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meteorfoxI guess the main question then is. Should a swift proxy container, its host, and the other storage nodes in one region be able to reach another swift proxy container in the other region? If yes, then I have to verify my network configuration02:38
stevellemeteorfox: you using a single deploy host for all regions?02:41
meteorfoxstevelle: no02:41
meteorfoxstevelle:  by default the 2 regions can't talk to each other, we configured a VPN between them.02:42
stevellemeteorfox: I found some of the docs on this, rereading now02:43
stevelle"Static routes to the inter-region network from the containers should be defined in the openstack_user_variables.yml file"02:44
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meteorfoxstevelle: right I have that02:45
meteorfoxit works from region1:proxy -> region2:host but not reverse02:45
stevelleyaml something like "group_binds: [ swift_proxy ]" in the docs here seems to be suggesting the containers should be on the repl mesh02:47
stevellewhat I'm hearing is that region 1's pub keys were distributed to region 2 correctly, but the reverse is not true, and last we left things reigon2 doesn't even have pubkeys to distribute02:48
meteorfoxstevelle: first part is correct. region 2 has pubkeys, but the region1 doesn't have the pubkeys on the host that has the proxy-container02:50
stevelleto be real specific, region1's proxys don't have the keys files that belong to region2, that is to say the region2 deploy host hasn't been able to put them onto the hosts listed in region2's conf.d/swift-remote.yml02:52
stevelleto return to where we started, the place where the region2 hosts and containers are supposed to be generating their keypairs ( is resulting in no keypairs on the proxys02:57
stevellethat's what I mean by no pubkeys to distribute. The file is missing:
stevellethe recap here is for my benefit meteorfox but if I'm wrong please correct me02:58
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meteorfoxstevelle: there are keypairs in the proxys but not in its hosts03:01
meteorfoxstevelle: swift-remote.yml has the remote proxy's host IP, not the container's IP itself since I cannot reach it03:01
stevelleI don't *think* the infra hosts need keypairs here03:02
stevellecan't really recall and digging through the tasks now to see03:02
meteorfoxstevelle: if that's the case, then my network is not correct which explains the problem03:02
meteorfoxstevelle: that's what I'm trying to get confirmation for03:02
stevelleall my testing put storage on the infra hosts (3-nodes per region, each looked like an aio)03:05
stevelleso this is a question that all my materials are fuzzy on03:05
meteorfoxstevelle: even our docs at Rackspace are not clear on this lol03:06
stevelleI blame the devs :)03:06
stevelledocs did the best with the notes we gave them on stained napkins03:06
meteorfoxyeah, pretty much. :) they had to piece it together03:07
stevelleok, I'm going to guess this is a networking issue.03:07
meteorfoxyeah, that's what I think as well03:07
meteorfoxI sent an email to andymccr, I'll wait for his response03:08
stevellebut I'm also gonna make you verify that with andymccr or perhaps rackertom03:08
stevellethere ya go03:08
meteorfoxstevelle: thanks for helping me out though, I appreciate it03:08
stevellesorry I wasn't able to resolve03:09
meteorfoxstevelle: no worries, you gave me so good leads, actually helped me out define my problem better03:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Flatten deployment host section
openstackgerritAla Raddaoui proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Add a function to check accuracy of user config
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clacofyi, looks like a bad wheel has broken the requirements for 12.0.5, and maybe more: via SQLAlchemy-Utils05:21
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openstackgerritJaveria Khan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Update PLUMgrid Appendix Doc paths
openstackgerritJaveria Khan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Update PLUMgrid Appendix Doc paths
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jitekafail :D08:37
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hughsaundersmattt: you know you want to
* mattt accidentally knocks his computer getting to
matttthat is a horrible commit message :P08:52
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tiagogomesIt is a bit odd to suggest adding 3rd-party roles to ansible-role-requirements.yml09:46
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mattttiagogomes: is it ?  :)10:16
tiagogomesmattt I thought the recommended way to extend openstack-ansible was to use it as a submodule of a larger project, and not having to modify the sources of openstack-ansible.10:25
tiagogomesYou could use the ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE variable to specify a custom role requirements file, but then you'd have to duplicate the entries which are in the ansible-role-requirements.yml file in openstack-ansible10:26
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tiagogomesAnd with the plan of moving out roles of openstack-ansible to different repos, ansible-role-requirements.yml will grow (if it is the mechanism used for installing the roles)10:28
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odyssey4metiagogomes doing the submodule thing is not really the best way to do things10:38
tiagogomesI don't like submodules either. But creating a delta in openstack-ansible is worst IMO10:39
odyssey4meif you think there's a better way to facilitate things then I'd love to see suggestions10:39
openstackgerritHugh Saunders proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Retry tempest cirros image creation
odyssey4meperhaps the bootstrap should have the option of a list of files, and the one file in repo is always included10:39
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Add Kilo to Liberty upgrade scaffold
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odyssey4memattt hughsaunders
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Gate: Use apt sources configured on the host
openstackgerritgit-harry proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Upgrades: Cleanup RabbitMQ / vhost
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Flatten the troubleshooting section
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odyssey4mesearch for 'pip<8'12:43
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-pip_install: Ensure that the appropriate combination of setuptools, wheel and pip are installed
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-pip_install: Ensure that the appropriate combination of setuptools, wheel and pip are installed
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-pip_install: Ensure that the appropriate combination of setuptools, wheel and pip are installed
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-pip_install: Cap and install setuptools, wheel and pip together
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os-testerDoing the "Setup hosts" in the ansible setup guide, but having some issues with null entries.13:12
os-testeropenstack_hostname_ips.yml container entry 'container_address' are all null.13:13
os-testerany known and/or missing steps not documented in the current online version?13:14
os-testerBeen following the guide step-by-step so far.13:15
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odyssey4meos-tester it sounds to me like you haven't completed the openstack_user_config correctly13:35
odyssey4metake a look at the example provided, and use the .aio file as an additional reference13:35
os-testerodyssey4me: i'll take at look at it, thanks.13:36
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tiagogomesAnyone seeing this: error in SQLAlchemy-Utils setup command: 'extras_require' must be a dictionary whose values are strings or lists of strings containing valid project/version requirement specifiers.13:49
tiagogomesIt appeared today13:49
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mattttiagogomes: yep, it seems like a fair bit of openstack is broken by that14:01
mattttiagogomes: it's due to a new release of setuptools14:01
odyssey4metiagogomes yes, setuptools introduced a bug - we're waiting for an upstream fix14:02
os-testerodyssey4me: so, the setup playbook went all ok now.14:02
odyssey4metiagogomes note that we'll be discussing the issues arising in the community meeting later:
os-testerbut all containers have an ip-address that does not exist anywhere in my playbook or configuration files...14:04
os-testerAll ip's are within the network14:04
os-testerThat range is not specified anywhere in the configs.14:05
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Cap and install setuptools, wheel and pip together
odyssey4meos-tester those addresses are the default lxc natted network address for the container14:11
odyssey4meI think14:12
os-testerBut containers is not getting an ip address from br-mgmt network. The network is defined in the user config and the br-mgmt network is running. Should it use DHCP on that network?14:15
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hughsaundersodyssey4me: lgtm14:27
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admin0os-tester: maybe you hti somet bug like i did :D14:29
admin0i have a big history of not getting ips :D14:29
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Cap and install setuptools, wheel and pip together
os-testerSo, it seems like the containers get a random ip-address, it will be natted before going further.14:32
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-pip_install: Cap and install setuptools, wheel and pip together
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odyssey4meos-tester your containers in the end will have multiple addresses - one is the address attached to the lxc default bridge14:35
odyssey4meothers will attach to the other bridges (br-mgmt, br-storage, etc)14:35
os-testereth0 (connected to the container bridge) and eth1 (connected to host management)14:38
openstackgerritTravis Truman (automagically) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Docs: Removing redundant config README
os-testerStep 4 (, container_interface, is that the interface seen by the container or how it should connect on the outside of the container?14:42
odyssey4meautomagically I didn't do a thorough check of all the info in there - if you can validate that each bit of info that's useful is covered then it may be good to specify it in comments in the review so that reviewers can see and don't have to research14:44
odyssey4meautomagically assuming you have the time to do the research, of course :)14:44
automagicallyodyssey4me: I think you are fundamentally correct14:44
automagicallyI have read and re-read most of the docs many times over14:45
automagicallyThe only real missing piece is the list of host_groups, but that can be derived from reading through env.d/*.yml14:45
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openstackgerritTravis Truman (automagically) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Docs: Removing redundant config README
automagicallyodyssey4me: Updated the commit message with the overall rationale14:48
odyssey4meautomagically that sounds like something that might be useful to have somewhere in the docs so that people can implement different container->host allocations if they want to (or do on metal deployments)14:48
automagicallyAgreed, and I might find some time to add it14:48
automagicallySince its something I’ve been digging into quite a bit as part of my deployment use cases14:48
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openstackgerritTravis Truman (automagically) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Dynamic inventory: correct the inline commentary
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openstackgerritTravis Truman (automagically) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Docs: Explanation of dynamic inventory
palendaeautomagically: That edit's incorrect15:03
automagicallyHow so?15:04
palendaeautomagically: Unless the --file parameter changed in another commit15:04
automagicallyExactly: there a deprecation notice for that?15:04
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automagicallyNo, didn’t realize one was desirable15:05
odyssey4mepalendae should there be, considering that the dynamic inventory cannot be hooked into from outside and it's therefore an internally used function?15:05
automagicallyThat was my assumption, that such a change was purely part of the “developer” internals15:06
palendaeodyssey4me: It totally can, it's a python file, and that's the only argument15:06
odyssey4mehmm, I suppose the CLI parameter is something like an API15:06
odyssey4meok, fair enough15:06
palendaeGranted, calling it that way is more for developers15:06
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automagicallypalendae: Yep, my assumption was that our dev community would figure it out reading source/doc or simply executing the inventory script with --help15:06
palendaeThere's a lot of weird baggage around that script, too, so I dunno if ansible ever calls it with the parameter. So actual deployers can't change it15:07
palendaeautomagically: I can see that, but even for developers I'd rather have a notice15:07
palendaeThere may be scripts out there depending on it, which is why I was hesitant to change it (I like the change fwiw, just thinking it may bite people)15:07
odyssey4mefair point - I think perhaps adding a release note to indicate the CLI parameter change would be good15:08
automagicallyK, makes sense. Looks I’ll be learning how to do a release note then15:08
palendaeThanks - it's fairly easy15:08
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palendaeodyssey4me: Should we be doing a bunch of rechecks on gates failing because of the mysql utils thing?15:13
palendaeEr, sqlalchemy utils15:13
openstackgerritTravis Truman (automagically) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Release note for dynamic inventory args change
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odyssey4mepalendae nope, not yet - the issue has not yet been resolved so all branches are likely to fail builds15:15
palendaeWill sit on my hands then :)15:15
odyssey4mepalendae we need to discuss how we tackle this properly in the meeting15:15
odyssey4mepalendae  see
palendaek. I'm not sure what the problem is other than hearing from our australians late last night15:16
odyssey4mepalendae see the etherpad :)15:16
palendaeYeah, seeing now15:17
odyssey4metl;dr setuptools released a broken version, everyone's waiting for a patch version15:17
odyssey4mebgmccollum note that gate failures since 3am UTC all relate to this bug15:17
palendaeNot sure that anyone would read the topic, but that might be worth setting here :p15:18
odyssey4melemme change the topic, and perhaps set a notice too15:18
andymccrid like to get the fallocate_reserve feature added to swift, by default, for OS-A: looking for more reviews/comments15:19
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openstackgerritAla Raddaoui proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: change host_containers group names in inventory
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openstackgerritAla Raddaoui proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: change host_containers group names in inventory
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odyssey4mecommunity meeting in #openstack-meeting-4 cloudnull, mattt, andymccr, d34dh0r53, hughsaunders, b3rnard0, palendae, Sam-I-Am, odyssey4me, serverascode, rromans, erikmwilson, mancdaz, _shaps_, BjoernT, claco, echiu, dstanek, jwagner, ayoung, prometheanfire, evrardjp, arbrandes, mhayden, scarlisle, luckyinva, ntt, javeriak, automagically, spotz, vdo, jmccrory, alextricity25, jasondotstar, KLevenstein, admin0,16:00
odyssey4me michaelgugino, ametts, v1k0d3n, sever ion, bgmccollum16:00
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palendaeIs there a way to link to another rst document within the same tree? Would rather not use the rendered html URL if I can do an RST-style link16:01
palendaecloudnull: Is your Jenkins off completely, or just the emails?16:01
hughsaunderspalendae: the RPC-AIO job should be a good start, that already deploys kilo and runs tempest. So you can add the upgrade bits to the end of that.16:02
cloudnulli nuked the vm running it16:02
palendaecloudnull: rgr16:02
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NepocGood morning, well my day is off to a bad start. Suddenly I'm getting " InsecurePlatformWarning" when running neutron on the utility container16:46
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Nepocnevermind... it's all my fault16:47
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openstackgerritNolan Brubaker proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Docs: Explanation of dynamic inventory
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openstackgerritAla Raddaoui proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: change host_containers group names in inventory
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cloudnullsigmavirus24:  i'd love to see a core  group of stable maintianers setup to maintain the branches outside of master however at this point we've not seen that group come to be as of yet.17:00
sigmavirus24cloudnull: I'm talking about openstack stable maintainers17:00
sigmavirus24I think once a stable/codename branch is made and has been formally released we should pin SHAs when making tags17:01
odyssey4meWelcome jmccrory and automagically to the core reviewer group. Thank you for your service to this community and helping us make it better!17:01
sigmavirus24Not when starting a new release cycle17:01
sigmavirus24Good job jmccrory and automagically17:01
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odyssey4mesigmavirus24 that's what's happening from liberty onwards as I understand it17:01
odyssey4meeach project tags whenever they're ready17:01
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: I'm talking about OSA updating SHAs at release17:02
odyssey4mepersonally I'd like us to switch from pinning sha's to rather using project tags - and let sha's be an option for deployers if they want to.17:02
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: personally, I think we should be able to deploy any version of a stable branch with any version of our playbooks17:02
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 we pin SHA's at the beginning of every two week period to ensure that we get to test on that SHA for the whole period17:03
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 sure, the facility is there to do so - but we also have to test something and put a stake in the ground regarding what we tested17:03
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sigmavirus24odyssey4me: no I get that, I still think it's wrong because the released branches are stable for a reason17:03
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 as far as I recall logan- uses different SHA's and some others use their own forks with their own SHA's17:04
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cloudnulli think it would be a mistake to use the tag names instead of the SHAs from a branch . when using the SHA we're able to get fixes in faster.17:04
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 ah, so you're saying that our kilo tags should always deploy the head of stable/kilo upstream?17:04
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: again, this is a decision I've disagreed with from the beginning so I'm not expecting this conversation to take a different turn17:04
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: correct17:05
sigmavirus24The volume of changes taht get backported upstream is a tiny fraction of what OSA backports17:05
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 I don't disagree - from liberty onwards a deployer may make that choice.17:05
odyssey4meas a project right now, though, that is not the convention17:05
sigmavirus24In part because there are people dedicated upstream to ensuring the changes meet certain requirements and do not disrupt the stability of teh branch while fixing import user-facing issues17:05
odyssey4meanyway - I'd like to go back to the issue at hand17:05
cloudnullsigmavirus24: that'd work so long as we never tag using the branch names.17:06
sigmavirus24cloudnull: right17:06
sigmavirus24that's what I'm saying17:06
sigmavirus24use branch up until a tag, the tagged version has SHA pins17:06
sigmavirus24Same with python dependencies17:06
sigmavirus24Uncapped until a tag, then a version with constraints of some sort17:06
sigmavirus24And if the gate breaks in that two week period we can blacklist the version(s) that break us17:07
sigmavirus24(unless we want to fix the underlying cause)17:07
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sigmavirus24(assuming it is something we can fix)17:07
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cloudnullthe place where this has bit us in the past was when it broke on the day of the tag.17:08
cloudnulland thats happened more than a few times now.17:08
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cloudnullwhich is why the two week sha set came to be17:09
sigmavirus24So maybe the companies relying so heavily on OSA need to be convinced to pony up stable maintainers?17:09
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cloudnullwe do need more stable maintainers.17:10
sigmavirus24Again, i think fundamentally I have a different philosophy of how releases for software should be done17:10
sigmavirus24And I don't think it will work well with the wounds of the times in the past where openstack has hurt us17:10
cloudnullwounds aside if its better and we can do it, lets.17:11
sigmavirus24I think it will allow us to ship CVE backports faster and with less effort but that's my chief concern with our pinning17:12
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cloudnullso what are we doing with and ?17:13
cloudnullodyssey4me: ^17:13
odyssey4mecloudnull I'm trying to get us back to that discussion, but the discussion digressed into how we do pinning and tagging in a space that is not relevant to the issue at hand.17:16
odyssey4meSo I've been waiting for that tangent to complete.17:16
cloudnulli believe thats run its course for now17:16
odyssey4mewe can do what's in those patches and it will band aid the situation for now, but it doesn't solve the fundamental problem17:17
odyssey4mewe're already not using the same versions of things for our builds as all openstack testing17:17
odyssey4methat presents a risk to us that there may be issues experienced by our consumers which aren't issue if using the right versions of pip/setuptools/wheel17:18
odyssey4methis may be a risk that we're prepared to manage, but it needs to be made clear17:18
odyssey4meI would prefer us to figure out a better solution than pinning.17:18
cloudnull -- i think those are the only requirements we have outside of os-g-r17:19
odyssey4meI prefer the option of using an upper constraints based on a known good set17:19
odyssey4methose are in g-r, mostly17:19
odyssey4mewe have additional packages - ansible, and its deps17:19
cloudnullso which "other" requirements are we pulling in outside?17:20
odyssey4mealso wheel, setuptools and some of
cloudnullthose are un-pinned just as they are in os-g-r17:20
odyssey4meg-r only blacklists things that have come to be a problem - it doesn't cover all requirements of requirements17:20
odyssey4meour file covers absolutely everything we have in the repo17:21
odyssey4meif a deployer has additional packages, it lists them too17:21
odyssey4methis is why I think it's the best upper bound we could wish for to ensure that our deployers get the same results every time they build a tag17:22
odyssey4meI agree that the use of it should be optional and that the URL for the file should be something that a deployer can override.17:23
odyssey4meI'm happy to put together a proposed patch.17:23
odyssey4mewith the patches you listed above - we can implement those for now as a stop gap.17:23
cloudnulli like logan- have concerns with that approach because it tightly couples OSA to OS-infra17:24
odyssey4meyou mean like we're now tightly coupled to rpc-repo?17:24
odyssey4mewe're not in either case17:24
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cloudnullexcept we're adding yet another one17:24
odyssey4meboth URL's can be changed to whichever URL you like17:24
odyssey4meand in time the rpc-repo link will shift to openstack infra instead17:25
odyssey4meas a default, at least17:25
cloudnulland rpc-repo is something that is being used in prod and rackspace is fine with making public, however os-infra may not appreciate folks depending on it for production17:26
cloudnulland it is yet another place to override for offline installs17:26
odyssey4mecloudnull they are expecting people to - I've had many discussions with them in that regard17:26
odyssey4meif that approach is such a problem, I'm all ears for an alternative solution17:27
odyssey4menote that part of my goal is also to eliminate caps we carry that override openstack constraints, and also to eliminate the manual work from keeping this stuff maintained17:28
cloudnullthe fundemental problem is we require pip<8 and are not capping the other things it needs. so why isnt this the solution  so long as we're requireing pip<8 ?17:29
odyssey4meno, the fundamental problem is that we're capping pip at all - and that we have packages being installed on the repo server without constraints or any sort of repeatability17:29
odyssey4meif we cap pip and anything else openstack does not cap, then we assume greater testing responsiblity17:30
cloudnullno more so than we've already assumed17:30
logan-sorry--i am mostly afk--but I am not opposed to doing constraints or caps, I just think if any of that is implemented it needs to be done inside osa somehow so the tagged osa itself has the constraints rather than an upstream thing17:30
logan-especially if it is going to be done once per tag and not dynamically updated for past tagged releases17:31
odyssey4mecloudnull the point is that we should not be assuming it17:32
odyssey4mewe implemented a stop-gap, thinking we were doing the right thing17:32
odyssey4meand it wasn't the right thing17:32
odyssey4mewe can achieve the goal (repeatable results) in a different way17:32
odyssey4meok, so taking logan-'s suggestion into account - I can make changes to the source branch updater17:33
cloudnulli have to run off to a meeting. sorry i cant carry on right now.17:33
odyssey4meit can ensure that our requirements are up to date with g-r, and that the repo-server role installs package versions constrained equal to the current sha's upper-constraints17:33
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cloudnullhowever many of these solutions seem like to much machinery around this problem. maybe we simply need to re-order the repo-server tasks to always source the upstream constraints or we need to be able to live with pins at times.17:35
odyssey4mebut that's creating a dep which you didn't want17:36
odyssey4mehow is that different from my original suggestion?17:36
cloudnullidk whats best. but i'd like  us to not go invent a bunch of things.17:36
odyssey4meit may be a different file17:36
cloudnullodyssey4me:  its a dep that already exists17:36
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cloudnullnot yet another dep17:36
odyssey4mebut we'd have to put new machinery down to use it17:37
odyssey4meand that machinery is more complex17:37
cloudnullis it ?17:37
cloudnullidk that it is17:37
odyssey4memeh, ok - I'm going to propose some options17:37
odyssey4memeanwhile - in order to unblock the gate and allow things to move on - I'll remove the WIP on those three caps17:37
admin0odyssey4me: give me points/hints on how to add the new cluster as a 2nd endpoint .. and i can test and  contrinute in making the documntation17:38
cloudnulli mean living with seems like the simpelist solution if we're not going the blacklist route17:38
admin0this is regarding the enable installation as an alternate region   specs17:39
odyssey4meadmin0 set the service region to whatever you want to name it, set the keystone endpoint URL's to the one you want, make sure you set the keystone admin token appropriately... that should take care of most of it17:40
odyssey4meadmin0 if you want to be a little cleaner, you can also set the keystone container affinity to 0 to ensure that no keystone containers are created17:40
odyssey4mecloudnull that patch only takes care of part of the problem... I'm talking in circles here and code wins... so I'll propose options17:41
odyssey4mein review, not in theory17:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Set the storage address for cinder
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woopstarHi there. So i've been trying to setup an entire openstack environment now with ansible. When running chapter 5, everything runs fine and it seems to create alot of LXC containers. But the containers does not get an ip. I've added the br-mgmt network on the hosts, and configured the cidr container in user_config. But when attaching to a lxc contain18:12
woopstarer, there is no eth1, only a eth0 which is DHCP18:12
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skamithiodyssey4me: i'm ready to upload my blueprint for vagrant AIO . I'm reading but cannot find the specs directory. could you or someone help me for a few minutes to point me in the right direction.18:14
odyssey4meskamithi great!
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woopstarmaybe a pastebin of my config and interface config would help?18:15
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woopstarthing is when i'm done running step 4, all containers in openstack_hostnames_ips.yml is null, but servers are fine added with ip and such18:17
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woopstar - -
woopstarAny ideas on why the containers would have a null ip18:21
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skamithiodyssesy4me: thx cloned just read the spec/template.rst. I have to draw my diagram using asciiflow then will submit the blueprint for review.  very new at using gerrit. played on the sandbox a little so hopeful i wont make any stupid mistakes the first time around.18:25
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sigmavirus24skamithi: mistakes are fine :)18:27
sigmavirus24skamithi: feel free to ping one of us if you run into problems though :D18:27
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woopstarDoes the network maybe need a DHCP?18:30
palendaewoopstar: Yep - indent your whole provider_networks stanza to be underneath global_overrides. is a patch for that18:31
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woopstarOh, it must be a sub section to global_overrides ?18:32
palendaewoopstar: Yep. I know it's hard to tell, but it's a list of dictionaries within global_overrides18:33
woopstarOkay.. Then it sure makes sense nothing works :D18:33
palendaewoopstar: Yeah, someone else found that and raddaoui kindly contributed a patch, but that's not merged yet18:34
woopstarWhen setting everything up. There was a few thing i noticed. The official liberty docs uses chrony for ntp, but ansible uses ntp etc. There are alot of different things. Also this part with LXC containers for everything18:35
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palendaeFor liberty upgrades, I want to go from to in a way that is digestable to reviewers. However, I'd like to get patches up without having to wait on reviews for next change in the line18:44
palendaeAre people comfortable with me starting on the next one in sequence while that first patch is in review?18:45
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jmccrorypalendae sounds good to me18:52
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palendaeManaging my own "branch" via gerrit dependencies isn't too appealing18:52
palendaeBut neither is just sitting on my hands18:52
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automagicallypalendae: I’m a +1 on that as well18:53
admin0if i want to install a new cluster, but  use a managed database ( by dba team ) .. how do I tell ansible to use an existing database  ?18:53
automagicallyThanks for all the work going into the upgrade stuff18:53
odyssey4meadmin0 all the db connection string can be overridden18:53
automagicallyadmin0: Check out the vars in galera_client role18:53
palendaeOk, I'll actually build off the vhost change, cause that's further along18:53
woopstarpalendae: They got ip now. Thanks.. Now the wait for ssh connection fails. Seems there is some connectivity issues. I can ping the container on the host, but not from other hosts, which i guess i should18:53
odyssey4meadmin0 you can set the galera_server affinity to 0 as well18:54
admin0odyssey4me: i know all can be overritten :D just exactly how to override them is the question :D18:54
openstackgerritNolan Brubaker proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Docs: Explanation of dynamic inventory
odyssey4meadmin0 just add the full string to whatever is needed to connect to the db in question18:54
odyssey4meadmin0 alternatively, if you want to use some of the vars in place, then just override the bits you want18:54
admin0odyssey4me:  i use the playbooks to install clusters like 10+ times . but not a develper . so i need a bit of guidiance on that part :)18:55
odyssey4meadmin0 an example:
odyssey4meadmin0 if it's a mysql back-end, then change the keystone_galera_address var in user_variables to the db server address you have18:56
odyssey4meadmin0 if the db name is different to the default, then set keystone_galera_database in user_vars to the right one18:56
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odyssey4meand the other vars for the username/password18:56
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odyssey4meif it's an entirely different database back-end, then you'd have to use a config_override mechanism to replace the whole string18:57
odyssey4methe DBA will give you what you need18:57
odyssey4meconfig_override guidance is here:
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admin0there is no keystone_galera_address in user_variables18:59
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odyssey4meadmin0 the stuff in iser_variables are simply there for convenience18:59
odyssey4meyou can set any var you find in a default file in user variables18:59
odyssey4meany var you find in a role's defaults/main.yml file19:00
admin0so i can pick any variable that i see in template files, and to override, i just place the value in user_variables :D ?19:00
admin0that sounds great19:00
odyssey4meyep, and if there's no var then just use the config_override mechanism19:00
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odyssey4mesigmavirus24 if I have the name of a pypi package, and want to determine all its dependencies - which python module should be used? the module will not be installed on the host doing the query19:12
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sigmavirus24odyssey4me: that's not something that is necessarily easily solvable19:17
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: you need to download the package itself. Based on what kind of distribution it is, there are different ways to get the dependencies only some of which are deterministic and going to be correct19:18
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 do I have to pull something down, read it, then continue recursively?19:18
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: if you're only handling wheels that's easier19:18
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: correct19:18
sigmavirus24this is how pip works19:18
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odyssey4melovely - it sounds like this is going to be fun19:18
sigmavirus24Download whatever is passed to "install", parse requirements to the best of its ability, download requirements, parse those19:18
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: absolutely19:18
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: sdists are hard to parse because you basically need to execute the to get information19:19
odyssey4mebleh, yuk19:19
odyssey4meso I suppose I'll have to setup a venv, put things into it - then read all the bits out to produce my results19:20
odyssey4methat's the only way to automate this in the source branch updater, which seems to be the preferred method (which I hate, for the record)19:21
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: oh I found a thing19:21
odyssey4meit's far better than maintaining caps which get forgotten though19:21
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 tell me about the thing :)19:22
sigmavirus24A source dist, provided it was generated with setuptools, should have a {{package_name}}.egg_info directory which should have a requires.txt file19:22
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sigmavirus24so if you do `tar xf downloaded.tar.gz` and then inside of the unpacked directory you'll find that .egg_info directory19:22
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sigmavirus24That said, if it doesn't exist, you should be able to do `python egg_info` to generate it19:23
odyssey4meso that still requires the download to happen, which I was hoping to avoid - but thanks... that could be useful19:23
odyssey4melet me get home, then I'll try and figure this out19:23
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odyssey4mepalendae the very simplest way of doing the upgrade stuff to prevent you ending up with merge conflicts is to make each patch in order depend on the former one19:26
palendaeodyssey4me: Right...19:26
palendaeBut then as each parent gets reviewed, you get conflicts down the chain19:26
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palendaeAlso my current one i might have to split even more than intended19:26
palendaeAssuming reviewers find things that need to change, that is19:27
odyssey4meotherwise base everything on the scaffolding and we'll just have to deal with conflicts once the review process reaches the point of the patch being approved19:27
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palendaeWhich I think is a fiar and valid19:27
odyssey4methe hard part is getting all the initial nits and corrections in documentation out the way - so perhaps the latter is the better approach19:27
palendaeActually starting my work off of Harry's rabbit vhost patch19:27
odyssey4mesure, that's fine as it was already approved19:28
palendaeThat said, I've not actually pushed any of this up19:28
palendaeSo it's not a problem til I do19:28
palendaeI just feel uneasy having it just on my machine :p19:28
openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server: Removed pip requirements from the repo-server role
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Doc: Path error in Adding new Roles and Services
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openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Added the pip packages for the repo-build process
cloudnullodyssey4me: ^ the last two commits we're what I was talking about using the cloned os-g-r upper constraints file19:32
openstackgerritNolan Brubaker proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Docs: Explanation of dynamic inventory
cloudnullthat should solve the constraint problem you were talking about without any additional machinery19:34
cloudnullor deps19:34
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openstackgerritBjoern Teipel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server: Adding ERLANG VM tuning parameters
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible: Update PLUMgrid Appendix Doc paths
stevellepalendae: just push the branch to your fork on gh and sleep easy?20:04
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palendaestevelle: Yep, doing that20:05
openstackgerritNolan Brubaker proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Docs: Explanation of dynamic inventory
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openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Add support for the nova_api db
openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Add support for the nova_api db
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openstackgerritBjoern Teipel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server: Adding ERLANG VM tuning parameters
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Nepocwhich endpoint is used when using the glance module you've created for ansible? I have secured the public and admin endpoints and left the internal non ssl and pointing to the internal lb address. When using the glance module to do "image-create" I'm getting SSL connection failures where I wasn't expecting it to communicate over ssl.20:51
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palendaeraddaoui, izaakk, neillc: This looks like it's working it's way through Zuul's queue, but hopefully will provide you all with a reference/place to add changes as you look at the inventory pieces.
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stevelleNepoc: look at the openrc file in the container to see which endpoint it is using (
Nepochmm yes I see the problem it has https20:59
Nepocno wait20:59
Nepocignore that20:59
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Nepocso it should be fine21:00
Nepocglance       | image        | True    | internal  |
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Nepocoh... actually my problem is keystone21:03
NepocThank you for pointing me in the right direction21:03
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openstackgerritTravis Truman (automagically) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts: Allow cert validation to be toggled by deployers
izaakkgot it, thanks palendae21:17
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openstackgerritHector I Gonzalez Mendoza proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Store openstack_host_sysstat_enabled as lower case value for sysstat.default.j2
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cloudnullodyssey4me: around ?21:33
cloudnullyou have a chance to review the two PRs I dropped here
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jwitkoHey All,  I'm about to deploy my second openstack cluster in our production environment but its been a while since I deployed my first.  I'm using the netapp plugin but I can't seem to remember or find where the IPs for the iSCSI interfaces on the netapp are configured21:37
NepocI'm not sure how only the glance container is having trouble connecting over ssl to keystone_service21:38
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odyssey4mecloudnull I saw them - unfortunately our dependencies between repositories don't work, so I'll have to try them manually21:41
cloudnulljwitko:  those should be set in the openstack_user_config.yml file21:41
odyssey4meI like the idea though21:41
odyssey4mecloudnull I'll try and work out how to make the deps work properly for us tomorrow, with a fresh head.21:41
cloudnullis that a thing we can make go ?21:42
cloudnullI just kinda assumed it would always be busted and would be a good way to cross link21:42
cloudnullalso in the meeting we never got to talk about
cloudnullsave it for another day ?21:43
jwitkocloudnull, so here is an example of the config I have from openstack_user_config.yml:   - but no where in that config are the Logical interfaces for iSCSI connections on the netapp specified21:43
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odyssey4mecloudnull yeah, I think we can make it go - I have a pointer from infra and just need to try it out21:44
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cloudnulljwitko: hum... is it something that you've specified specifically for cinder or is that part of your nova config21:44
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cloudnullmaybe something youve set as an override in your user-variables.yml file ?21:45
jwitkocloudnull, negative.  I've checked all my variable files.  I basically grepped my entire OSAD configuration directory for the IPs of my existing working iSCSI LIFs, but they are no where to be found21:46
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odyssey4mejwitko check the netapp config guidance for openstack21:48
jwitkoodyssey4me, looking it but not seeing anything there either!21:48
odyssey4meok, lemme peek - it's been a while :)21:48
cloudnullwas there something set for the old cloud ?21:48
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jwitkocloudnull, sorry not sure I understand what you mean21:49
cloudnullmaybe the iscsi pathing is assumed.21:49
automagicallylater all21:49
jwitkocloudnull, I'm starting to think that may be the case?21:49
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cloudnullhave a good one automagically. also congrats on core21:49
odyssey4mejwitko netapp_server_hostname:
jwitkoodyssey4me, thats the hostname of the netapp unit to SSH into21:49
jwitkonot the IP for the logical interface to connect via iSCSI21:49
odyssey4meah, but that is configured on the netapp itself as I recall21:50
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cloudnulllooking at
odyssey4meso basically the hostname needs to map to the IP which you bind to the right interface on the netapp21:50
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cloudnulli dont see anyting for specific iscsi pathing21:50
jwitkocloudnull, -- this would be the appropriate one for me21:50
cloudnullyes .
openstackgerritByron McCollum proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Set the storage address for cinder
cloudnullliberty -- if thats what youre deploying21:51
jwitkodeploying Kilo21:51
jwitkoso maybe an SVM can only have one set of iSCSI LIFs and it just finds them and uses them ?21:51
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cloudnullits sounds like yes.21:52
jwitkointeresting... I'll check it out more21:52
* cloudnull not a netapp expert though21:52
jwitkoas always thank you guys very much  cloudnull, odyssey4me21:52
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cloudnullbest of luck.21:52
cloudnulllet us know how it goes21:52
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odyssey4mejwitko when I last touched all this two years back we would setup the 10gb interfaces in a bond and attach an address to the virtual interface21:53
odyssey4methat was the address to configure in DNS for access21:54
jwitkoodyssey4me, pretty much doing the same thing.  my nodes will have a bonded interface pair on the storage network with its own IP21:55
jwitkoI believe it then does an iSCSI for the LUN or ID or something as a broadcast21:55
jwitkoand thats how it connects... maybe21:55
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bgmccollumpalendae  the install guide don't make it clear those blocks should be indented...they're treated in isolation...21:58
odyssey4mejwitko I forget who the netapp cinder guys were, but they were extremely helpful when I approached them on IRC for help doing the config21:58
odyssey4methey should be noted as the authors of the whitepapers21:58
bgmccollumthinking about how to handle that better. maybe a skeleton file that show the correct structure before filling out each section.21:59
jwitkoodyssey4me, great thanks.  I think I understand it now21:59
jwitkoI believe its done as a broadcast to the network range using the iSCSI initiator groups created by the netapp driver and reported back to openstack22:00
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odyssey4mejwitko heh, I just confirmed in my old configs - we used 'netapp_server_hostname=' and that IP was setup like 'ifconfig data_1 netmask partner data mtusize 9000' in the netapp22:04
odyssey4mein fact my old configs were the basis for (see right at the bottom)22:05
jwitkoodyssey4me, so you're actually setting the netapp server hostname to the iSCSI LIFs?   I guess that could work22:07
jwitkobut that is not how my currently operating cluster does it at all22:08
odyssey4mejwitko I figured removing a DNS query would be better for storage access :)22:09
odyssey4mejwitko that said, I basically learned how to configure the netapp and how to do the config for openstack in a saturday after spending six months asking vendors to do it22:10
odyssey4meso I may have done a bad job of it - rely on your better judgement :)22:11
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palendaebgmccollum: Ah, yeah, the install guide doesn't help there22:20
palendaebgmccollum: I think the example yml files have it right, but you're correct...22:20
palendaebgmccollum: Maybe playing a global_overrides: line above in the provider_networks piece?22:20
bgmccollumif your following the install guide, and just copy-pasting, you're heading for fail whale22:20
bgmccollumwill all the var file dicts get merged? cause i know the conf.d/*.yml files have a global-overrides too...22:21
bgmccollummaybe thats a special case22:21
palendaeconf.d is merged22:21
bgmccollumbut can you have global-overrides *in* the same file22:21
palendaeAh, you mean multiple references to it?22:22
bgmccollumyeah sorry22:22
palendaeI think the last definition wins, but I have to test22:22
bgmccollumyeah, even the install-guide uses it multiple times22:22
bgmccollumwell, provider-networks22:22
palendaeProbably cause they're broken out code blocks22:23
bgmccollumi think a skeleton dict for reference might be beneficial22:23
bgmccollumthen just reword, to say "under section `foo`, add the following"22:23
palendaeBut still, I've now seen at least 2 people being bit by not indenting it22:23
bgmccollumor just bake the indentation in to the code blocks22:25
palendaeYeah, that's what I was thinking22:26
palendaeIndentation with a comment that all this lives under global overrides22:26
palendaeAnd is provided for explanation, copy/paste will be dangerous22:26
bgmccollumill see if can put something together that is a little clearer22:27
bgmccollumbecause this wont be the last person to ask22:27
palendaeI know automagically started in on some docs making more clear what groups are expected in conf22:27
palendaeBut yeah22:27
palendaeThe good news is master has an automated check for that on the way in22:27
palendaeBut clearer docs help from hitting that in the first place22:27
bgmccollumyeah can't wait for that too22:28
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bgmccollumBofu2U -- cinder storage network fixes merged to master --
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jwitkoodyssey4me, so I've moved past that... but now I'm a bit confused on how netapp driver is chosing which volumes to stores the data to22:42
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Use current, but pinned versions of pip, setuptools and wheel
palendaeZuul's catching up on our gate, but I think it's a little loaded right now. May be worth double checking before you ask for another recheck, it just might be in queue23:03
palendaeWith that, good night :)23:03
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odyssey4mejwitko I remember scratching my head on that one too, whcih is when I finally asked for help23:04
admin0failing here:   TASK: [galera_client | Install pip packages] **********************************23:05
admin0failed: [c11_galera_container-66834f37] => (item=MySQL-python) => {"attempts": 5, "cmd": "/usr/local/bin/pip install MySQL-python", "failed": true, "item": "MySQL-python"} msg: Task failed as maximum retries was encountered23:06
admin0never failed here before23:06
admin0trying to understand where/what could have gone wrong23:06
jwitkoodyssey4me, yea I'm pinging in #openstack-netapp, no responses so far.23:07
odyssey4mejwitko as I recall, by default the driver uses a vserver (or maybe it's something else I can't remember the term) called 'openstack'... create that and the driver will automagically start creating LUN's in it23:07
jwitkoodyssey4me, correct it uses a SVM  (storage virtual machine)23:07
jwitkobut those contain many volumes23:07
jwitkoso its creating these LUNs, you're correct on that23:07
odyssey4mecreate one volume called 'openstack' and try it?23:07
jwitkoand some luns go to "/vol/a" and some go to "/vol/b"23:07
jwitkothere doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason23:08
odyssey4mejwitko it's something rather simple which I laughed and had a stuff drink after finding out23:09
odyssey4mejwitko try #openstack-cinder too23:09
odyssey4mealso note that they may take a few hours to respond23:10
odyssey4mejwitko one of these guys helped me eventually:
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Use current, but pinned versions of pip, setuptools and wheel
odyssey4mecloudnull ^ tweaked a little to add support for updating the requirements files in-repo23:22
bgmccollumadmin0 how man repo containers do you have?23:22
bgmccollumhe gone23:22
cloudnullhe needs a bouncer  :)23:23
bgmccollumisn't there something broken with syncing between multiple repo containers?23:23
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bgmccollumcurl, 404, curl 404, curl 20023:23
cloudnullbgmccollum:  what are you seeing ?23:23
odyssey4mebgmccollum not usually, but it does sometimes happen23:23
bgmccollumwas referring to admin023:23
bgmccollumcause ive seen it fail at that point too23:24
cloudnullcheck that lsync is running on the first node23:24
odyssey4meand that it's completed its sync23:24
bgmccollumrecall a review out there in the ether...searches23:24
odyssey4meyep, hughsaunders has one in the list23:24
bgmccollumcloudnull  thanks23:26
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: Add support for the nova_api db
odyssey4mecloudnull tweaked your releasenote - now it's up to spotz_zzz or mcarden to do the final nits on it :) ^23:34
cloudnullsounds good to me23:35
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odyssey4mecloudnull posted a Q on
openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: IRR - Implemented for os_keystone
openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible: IRR - Implemented for all os_* and dep roles
cloudnullodyssey4me:  replied23:40
odyssey4mecloudnull I think you misunderstood - there is no task to install those packages23:42
odyssey4menot that I see anyway23:42
cloudnullright after the  clone23:42
cloudnullit clones the repos needed which we know contains the global requirements repo and uses the upper constraint it provides.23:43
odyssey4meah, I must've been tired - I mistook that for the repo-clone process instead of the git-clone process23:43
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mcardenodyssey4me: Nitted as requested. :)23:48
jwitkoodyssey4me, its the cinder scheduler.23:49
jwitkoodyssey4me, since I had no filters it was defaulting to whichever volume was best suited according to filter defaults at the time23:49
jwitkoso as one filled up, it would use the other23:49
jwitkohence why its using multiple volumes for me23:49
* jwitko durrr23:49
cloudnullodyssey4me:  updated
cloudnullit now has all of the repo upstreams23:50
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cloudnullwhich are copy/paste version of the bits in the main repo23:50

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