Friday, 2015-03-27

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openstackgerritgit-harry proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Update cinder services to kilo
openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: [WIP] Heat config changes for kilo
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openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: [WIP] Bump requirements in preparation for kilo
openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Bump requirements in preparation for kilo
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openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add neutron neutron_num_sync_threads variable
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svgIs it possible to use the ansible rpc setup in combination with a ceph backend? Or perhaps possible but not recommended? If so why? thx11:09
andymccrsvg: via the os-ansible-deployment plays, no - but it will setup the openstack bits, you could then add ceph as a backend in the same way as you normally would. I don't see why you wouldn't/couldn't except that it wouldn't be managed as part of the plays, and potentially the cinder configuration will be overwritten when you re-run the plays so that could be problematic for supporting it.11:16
svgso that would be the cinder config on e.g. the compute nodes? even if no cinder hosts are configured in the user config?11:17
andymccrsvg: you could specify no cinder hosts, that'd work11:18
andymccrthat way they wouldnt be managed by ansible (if you are looking to use ceph as a cinder backend that is)11:18
svgyes, no need for cinder, only ceph here11:18
andymccrahh ok11:18
andymccrso the only issues are any shared config, e.g. config that needs to be adjusted to reference ceph that is also managed by ansible11:18
svgsomething else: It's not clear to me, how the scripts calculate how many containers of the different components get deployed, in only see one gets to configure a number of hosts as infra_hosts11:19
andymccrbut of course, if thats something youre interested in, filing issues that prevent it from working/make it difficult to work could move it towards getting that going more efficiently11:19
svg(in the process of reviewing and selecting our options to manage openstack deployment)11:20
andymccrsvg: we'll be exploring how we can add ceph support at some point - not sure when, but yeh currently its not "managed" but the actual OS install would work as normal if you added ceph on top manually11:22
svgthanks andymccr ; something else: It's not clear to me, how the scripts calculate how many containers of the different components get deployed, in only see one gets to configure a number of hosts as infra_hosts11:24
andymccrsvg: so you can configure an affinity11:25
andymccrand set that to 0 if you dont want a specific container type11:25
andymccror 2 or 3 if you want more of that container type on the same host11:26
andymccrlet me find an example11:26
svgok, and what happens by default? 1 of each type per physical infra_host?11:26
svgminimum is 3 nfra hosts, so that would mean 3 x 1 of each container type?11:27
andymccrsvg: yeh 1 per host.11:27
andymccryou dont "need" 3, its just what we used as a default for resilience etc. we have an aio for gating which only uses 111:28
andymccras an example i set to use swift as a standalone11:28
svgyes, that's what I presumed based on the aio setup11:29
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment-specs: Add master-kilofication specification
svgso right now I'm looking into doing a test deploy, and I have only three physical machines available right now11:30
svgI'm thinking of doing 2 hosts infra + logging, and one separate for computing11:31
andymccrthat "should" work the only issue is that for db etc 2 is a bad idea for quorum, so its usually less beneficial to go with 2 than it would be to just stick with 1 or 3.11:31
andymccrbut its just for testing so its not a real issue11:32
svgyes, sure, I'm aware; only to test the ease of deployment basically11:32
svgthank you for your advice andymccr11:33
svgbtw, those playbooks are quite impressive; I've been an ansible user and contributor for two years, and this is refreshing advanced stuff11:33
andymccrthanks svg! if you have any issues deploying let us know11:35
openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: [WIP] Bump requirements in preparation for kilo
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openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: [WIP] Bump requirements in preparation for kilo
openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: [WIP] Bump requirements in preparation for kilo
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openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add neutron neutron_num_sync_threads variable
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svgIs there a particular reason, why the proposed interfaces configuration is based on two separate bonds?12:58
Sam-I-Amthats what the rackspace dc uses13:04
Sam-I-Amso its the default13:05
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Removed lxc templates that are no longer used (icehouse)
openstackgerritHugh Saunders proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment-specs: Manage resolv.conf
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andymccrsvg: do you mean the interface sample confs? its to show how you can set out the networks using bonds on the physical hosts. we want to split management traffic and instance traffic (for example).13:35
svgyes, we have one big 2x10g bond for everything here13:35
svgso i keep just 1 bond013:36
Sam-I-Amtheres no limitations or requirements, really.13:37
andymccryou could use 1 bond, we used vlans in that sample to split 1 bond into 2 bridges as an example.13:38
Sam-I-Amas long as the bridges know where to connect13:38
svgthe used_ips example:  -,   are these separate ip's, or a range 1-50?13:40
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andymccrcomma separated is a range13:41
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svgok, next :) what is the service net? snet  it is referenced in the user config, but not in the networking docs (section 4 of the install docs)13:52
andymccrsvg: thats rackspace specific should probably be removed from the sample conf to avoid confusion13:52
andymccrim pretty sure it was just left because when we did the "de-rackspacifying" of the repo it doesnt actually mention rackspace so grep failed!13:53
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Sam-I-Amandymccr: wonder if it makes sense to include example files for different scenarios14:00
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Sam-I-Amandymccr: like $config.rax $config.aio $config.allthethings14:00
Sam-I-Amthen in the guides we can have people copy those over as a template to start from14:00
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svgandymccr: fyi, commeting the snet key yields a key error, leaving it to none, also KeyError: 'snet_netmask'14:15
Sam-I-Amsvg: where are you seeing this?14:20
svgWhen running openstack-ansible playbooks/setup/host-setup.yml14:20
Sam-I-Amwhat version of os-ansible and whats in your user config file?14:21
svgat initialisation, when it's parsing the inventory14:21
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matttsvg: you are using openstack_user_config.yml.example ?14:28
matttsvg: if you're commenting out snet under cidr_networks then you probably want to comment out the following also:
svgyes based on the .example one14:34
svgok, that's rpc_deploy/rpc_user_config.yml here (using v10)14:35
svgso is that master branch some kind of development branch? They all look like three big separate branches.14:36
matttsvg: eys14:37
matttsvg: we have a bunch of reviews in progress to get kilo into master14:38
svgthat would be the upcoming 11 then I guess14:38
matttsvg: if you want to start hacking on the project, i'd recommend using master14:40
matttsvg: if you're looking to deploy a prod deploy, master may not be the best choice :)14:41
svgobviously :) which is why I'm on v10.1...14:41
svgI like how you guys pinpoint all software versions14:42
matttsvg: we will be cutting a kilo branch once the dust settles, and it could be good for you to work off that14:42
svgwell, for now, I'm testing the setup, in competition woith colleagues who try out other alternatives (miranties fuel amongst them)14:42
svgI'm confident ansible will be quicker :)14:43
svgbtw, the openstack-ansible script doesn;t take $HOME into account to look for the rpc_deploy dir14:43
svgfor now, I think an occasional patch on the juno branch might happen for me14:44
svgah, that would be bummer, I really liked the non-priviledged install way14:46
svgso far only ansible needs a system wide installation14:46
git-harrysvg: please consider reviewing the patch so add your thoughts to the discussion14:48
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alextricityIs the containers_all host group in the inventory not in 10.1.2?15:17
alextricityAh,'s all_containers15:17
sigmavirus24alextricity: containers_all_containers would be a better name, no?15:18
alextricityThat would make a lot more sense, given the naming of the others. haha15:18
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openstackgerritSudarshan Acharya proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Managing policy file with default file and user variables.
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Update rabbitmq_package_url
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openstackgerritSudarshan Acharya proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Managing policy file with default file and user variables.
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openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: [WIP] Heat config changes for kilo
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bluebox_hi, newbie here, I'd like to add some enhacments to the ansible playbooks, do I need to file a blueprint/feature request (get it approved) before I can contribute?17:48
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Apsubluebox_: I think that mostly depends on what kind of contribution you want to make. If it's really just minor enhancements and not really new "features", design overhaul or major refactoring, you could probably just file a launchpad bug and push a gerrit review for the code change.18:00
bluebox_Okay, so I'd like to make the neutron_plugins play more modular, as right now it uses ml2 by default,18:01
bluebox_and a few others that it installs18:01
ApsuYes indeed. ML2 and Linux Bridge agent, which we proxy the config of through the ml2_conf.ini18:02
bluebox_in essence make using any other neutron plugin easy to incorporate within the main openstack-setup18:02
palendaebluebox_: There was a recent PR for that, one sec18:03
ApsuSo, that sounds like minor playbook changes to modularize what's there and additional variables/tasks/plays/templates to wire in new plugins.18:03
palendaeAnd contributing guidelines are at
bluebox_Apsu exactly, palendae what you just shared is an addition to the ml2 itself, I actually want to be able to use another plugin instead of ml2 for the networking18:06
palendaebluebox_: Gotcha18:06
Apsubluebox_: Is the plugin you want to use not proxying its config through ml2? Because the ml2 layer is the standard mechanism in modern neutron these days, since post-havana.18:06
ApsuIts goal was to modularize the plugin API layer so all plugins can be managed and communicate more consistently :P18:07
ApsuI'm not sure I'd want to accept a change that skips ml2 unless there's a compelling reason18:07
bluebox_the plugin I"d like to use is monolithic plugin which is in good standing in current neutron, plumgrid18:15
bluebox_Also plumgrid doesn't require some of the agents being installed, since it provides the functionaity, so we would optionally like to include/exclude those agents as necessary18:17
bluebox_hence making the whole neutron play more modular18:17
palendaebluebox_: I for one would like to see at least a blueprint for that18:18
Apsubluebox_: Gotcha. I'd qualify that as an appropriate abdication of ml2 then :)18:19
bluebox_Ok great, so I'll go ahead and file the blueprint. Do I need to wait for it to be approved before committing any changes?18:21
palendaebluebox_: I don't think we'll push back on code just because the BP isn't approved18:22
palendaeWe're actually specs now18:22
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bluebox_Apsu, it would be good to provide support for both monolithic & ml2 in the plays :)18:23
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cloudnullbluebox_: no need to wait for BP approval to start getting code up for review. sometimes its nice to have a rough implementation to reference.18:24
Apsubluebox_: Sure. Just want to make sure we're supporting the goals of ml2 going forward as we agree with them and remember how bad it was before them. But I realize there are still monolithic plugins that live in their own world and yet are good technology.18:24
Apsucloudnull: Was just going to say that. +118:24
* cloudnull a helper 18:24
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bluebox_Apsu yes I agree, the support for ml2 will remain, this change set should introduce a wider use case for the plays18:30
ApsuYep. I look forward to seeing it18:31
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Fix dedicated replication network logic
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sigmavirus24BTW, while working on getting keystone up-to-date for Kilo, I noticed a couple things that I put into a bug I added both dolphm and dstanek as I expect they'll both have opinions20:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1437481 in openstack-ansible "keystone httpd conf security hardening" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Ian Cordasco (icordasc)20:18
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Keystone config changes for Kilo
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openstackgerritgit-harry proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: WIP: Revert cinder changes
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Removed lxc templates that are no longer used
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blueboxhey guys, the CONTRIBUTING.rst page says that "Before creating blueprint/spec an associated issue should be raised on launchpad. "  Does that mean I should file a Bug first even for feature/enhancements?22:54
* sigmavirus24 knew that would come back to bite us22:55
sigmavirus24I'm not sure it is really necessary since you discussed it here with us22:55
sigmavirus24I'll let cloudnull make the final call though when he sees all of this22:55
blueboxinteresting :), I'll keep the bp draft on the side until cloudnull gets back to us..23:02
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Removed lxc templates that are no longer used (juno)
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cloudnullBluebox sigmavirus24 no need to raise an issue for a feature that we discussed in channel. Seems like a but of additional work that doesn't need to happen.23:39
cloudnullWe should fix that in the doc23:40
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cloudnullThe premise of the bp fits inline with our goals anif executed modularly, as described, should have no issues being accepted.23:41
cloudnullSo I say submit the spec and let's start reviewing it.23:42
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