slaweq | hi frickler and fungi - qq about zuul jobs, do we have any job that can be used in e.g. "post" queue to trigger's webhook to build container image there? | 10:44 |
frickler | slaweq: I think you wanted #opendev instead of this channel which is almost dead | 12:03 |
slaweq | frickler ah, ok. I am always not sure which channel should I use for questions like that | 12:43 |
fungi | openinfra is the nonprofit foundation representing kata, openstack, starlingx and zuul | 13:08 |
fungi | opendev is a collaboratory code forge hosting git repositories and developer communications for some of those projects (as well as a few others not represented by the openinfra foundation) | 13:09 |
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: One of our Zuul job log storage providers is experiencing errors. We have removed that storage target from base jobs. You should be able to safely recheck changes now. | 20:22 |
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