Thursday, 2024-04-04

mattoliver#swift book ocata-MonC100:57
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on MonC1 for swift00:57
mattoliver#swift book ocata-MonC200:57
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on MonC2 for swift00:57
mattoliver#swift book ocata-MonC300:57
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on MonC3 for swift00:57
mattoliver#swift book ocata-TueB100:57
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on TueB1 for swift00:57
mattoliver#swift book ocata-TueB200:58
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on TueB2 for swift00:58
mattoliver#swift book ocata-TueB300:58
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on TueB3 for swift00:58
mattoliver#swift book ocata-WedB100:58
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on WedB1 for swift00:58
mattoliver#swift book ocata-WedB200:58
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on WedB2 for swift00:58
mattoliver#swift book ocata-WedB300:58
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on WedB3 for swift00:58
mattoliver#swift book ocata-ThuC100:58
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on ThuC1 for swift00:58
mattoliver#swift book ocata-ThuC200:58
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on ThuC2 for swift00:58
mattoliver#swift book ocata-ThuC300:58
openinfraptgmattoliver: Room ocata is now booked on ThuC3 for swift00:58
mnasiadka#kolla unbook kilo-TueB307:09
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo (previously booked for kolla) is now free on TueB307:09
mnasiadka#kolla unbook kilo-TueB407:09
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo (previously booked for kolla) is now free on TueB407:09
mnasiadka#kolla unbook kilo-ThuB107:09
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo (previously booked for kolla) is now free on ThuB107:09
mnasiadka#kolla unbook kilo-ThuB207:09
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo (previously booked for kolla) is now free on ThuB207:09
*** mklejn_ is now known as mklejn09:38
TheJuliafungi: is it possible to add an entry for interop type discussion next week?15:26
TheJulia~add interop15:46
openinfraptgTheJulia: Need op for admin commands15:46
TheJuliagah, :)15:46
TheJuliaIt was worth a quick try15:46
TheJuliadiablo_rojo:  ^15:46
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o fungi16:41
fungi~add interop16:41
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o fungi16:41
fungiTheJulia: it's added now. make sure to match up the pad name in the etherpad with the room name in the url16:42
TheJuliafungi: thanks!17:19
fungiof course, and feel free to reach out if you need help17:20
TheJulia#interop book folsom-ThurB417:20
openinfraptgTheJulia: Slot 'folsom-ThurB4' is invalid (or booked)17:20
TheJulia#interop book folsom-ThuB417:20
openinfraptgTheJulia: Room folsom is now booked on ThuB4 for interop17:20
TheJulia#interop url
fungi#interop etherpad
fungiTheJulia: ^ that was the other half, fyi17:39
TheJuliaperfect, thanks17:40
fungiany time!17:42
fungiin the future we can more directly link those, but for this round we just punted on it and it's up to everyone to keep them in sync17:43
fungimainly because nobody had the available time to rework the bot's internals17:43

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