Friday, 2024-03-15

jakeyiphi is this the right channel to ask about Apr PTG? (title still says Oct 2023 PTG) 10:20
jakeyipanyway I seem to have some trouble with the links on For example if you click Fri 06UTC, it goes to which is Mon.10:21
jakeyipcan anyone confirm?10:21
ttxjakeyip: yes I can confirm12:46
ttxThe realtime field in the JSON is off12:50
ttxfungi: diablo_rojo if you look at the slots in the "slots" array have their realtime fields set incorrectly (except for Monday)12:51
fungiyeah, looks like the wrong dates got put in12:51
fungii was just double-checking it myself12:52
ttxNeeds download, fix and reupload of the JSON file12:52
fungior i can just edit it in-place probably?12:53
fungibut i might as well get in some practice with the download/upload interface since i've never used it12:53
fungithis is going to include all the tracks and scheduled slots too, yeah?12:54
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openinfraptgfungi: Loaded DB from
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fungijakeyip: ttx: diablo_rojo: better now?13:05
fungihad to be careful with that edit because monday (correct) and friday (incorrect) had the same dates entered13:06
ttxyes, looks good to me now! Thanks13:09
fungicool, i was mildly worried it would lose everyone's bookings13:16
fungibut seems it kept everything13:16

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