Thursday, 2023-10-26

vishalmanchanda#horizon clear03:35
bauzas#nova clear09:06
bauzas#nova next see you back at 1pm UTC 09:06
mnasiadka#kolla unbook kilo-ThuB210:19
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo (previously booked for kolla) is now free on ThuB210:19
mrjoshi#glance clean11:32
bauzas#nova now Avengers, assemble !12:59
bauzas#nova next to be decided : AZ related discussions or PCI devices support13:00
whoami-rajat#cinder now New Quota system13:04
whoami-rajat#cinder next Force volume unmanage13:04
bauzas#nova now PCI devices affinity passthrough13:09
haleyb#neutron now RFE review13:14
kopecmartin#qa next Nothing scheduled, session is hosted only if there are any questions13:16
TheJulia#ironic now Redfish13:23
timburke#swift now hybrid storage policies13:25
mrjoshi#glance next Unified limits @1400 UTC13:26
gtema#sdk-cli clean13:28
bauzas#nova now any way of grouping PCI devices ?13:30
whoami-rajat#cinder now Force volume unmanage13:47
whoami-rajat#cinder now Encryption retype13:47
TheJulia#ironic now break until top of the hour13:54
TheJulia#ironic next Back to Redfish - Network Interface Configuration13:55
mrjoshi#glance now Unified limits13:57
mrjoshi#glance next Introduce common configuration option(s) at base store level which can be used/accessible as a common for all available stores? @1430 UTC13:57
kopecmartin#qa now Nothing scheduled, session is hosted only if there are any questions13:59
TheJulia#ironic now Continuing Redfish Topics13:59
carloss#manila now Human readable export locations14:00
TheJulia#ironic next The status of OVN related to Bare Metal14:00
carloss#manila next Backup/Restore implementation for Manila shares14:00
mrjoshi#glance now New Location APIS14:03
kopecmartin#qa now Done for today, thank you everyone14:05
tonyb#ptgbot book austin-ThuB214:09
openinfraptgtonyb: Room austin is now booked on ThuB2 for ptgbot14:09
tonyb#ptgbot unbook austin-ThuB314:10
openinfraptgtonyb: Room austin (previously booked for ptgbot) is now free on ThuB314:10
diablo_rojotonyb: thank you14:10
haleyb#neutron now ovn db sync14:11
mrjoshi#glance next New Location APIS  @1500 UTC14:11
mrjoshi#glance clean14:13
mrjoshi#glance next New Location APIS  @1500 UTC14:13
whoami-rajat#cinder now Encryption retype14:13
diablo_rojo#ptgbot now Changing the Default from Zoom to Meetpad14:13
whoami-rajat#cinder next OSC + SDK work 14:13
dmendiza[m]#subscribe rbac14:25
openinfraptgdmendiza[m]: Subscription set to rbac14:25
bauzas#nova now break until 2.40pm UTC14:35
bauzas#nova next availability zones discussions14:35
haleyb#neutron now active-active l3 gw multihoming14:40
TheJulia#ironic now break until the top of the hour14:45
mrjoshi#glance now New Location APIS14:58
mrjoshi#glance next Break @1525 UTC14:58
JayF#os-tc now Leaderless Projects @ 1500 UTC14:58
kopecmartin#interop now Does anyone care about/depend on/require interoperability in OpenStack? Let us know15:00
TheJulia#ironic now Resuming Redfish - OS Status15:00
haleyb#neutron now cross-project in nova room15:01
whoami-rajat#cinder now OSC + SDK work 15:04
diablo_rojo~motd del 115:04
whoami-rajat#cinder next Cross Project with Manila 15:04
diablo_rojo~motd add success Welcome to Day 4!15:04
diablo_rojo~motd reorder 3 1 215:04
carloss#manila now Share backups15:05
diablo_rojo#ptgbot now Done for the day!15:05
carloss#manila next Tech Debt Roundup - 1 ; multi-release efforts that need attention15:05
kopecmartin#interop now Done. Feel free to write smth to the etherpad15:07
bauzas#nova now neutron/nova meeting in our room15:09
bauzas#nova next SQLAlchemy 2.015:09
TheJulia#ironic now Redfish - Purging Boot Records15:18
TheJulia#ironic next Status of OVN with Bare Metal15:18
TheJulia#ironic now Status of OVN with Bare Metal15:32
TheJulia#ironic next cook book?15:33
mrjoshi#glance now Miscellaneous deprecations15:37
mrjoshi#glance next Image Encryption15:37
mrjoshi#glance now Image Encryption15:46
mrjoshi#glance next Done15:46
carloss#manila now Barbican integration15:46
carloss#manila next Cross-project with Cinder (in Cinder room)15:46
TheJulia#ironic now Lets make a cook book!15:50
JayF#os-tc now break until 1600 UTC15:52
bauzas#nova now SQLA2.0 support15:52
JayF#os-tc next 2023.2 TC tracker review15:52
bauzas#nova now unified limits 15:59
whoami-rajat#cinder now Cross Project with Manila 16:01
whoami-rajat#cinder next Done16:01
haleyb#neutron now Done16:04
TheJulia#ironic now Done - OVN side discussion of DNS issues16:08
*** pranali is now known as pranali|afk16:16
mrjoshi#glance now Done16:17
mrjoshi#glance clean16:17
carloss#manila now Cross project with cinder (Cactus room)16:25
carloss#manila next Done16:25
JayF#os-tc now Leadership Shadowing; Communication; Misc topics17:05
carloss#manila now Done17:14
timburke#swift clean17:30
sean-k-mooney#nova clean17:31
sean-k-mooney#nova now done for the day17:33
JayF#os-tc done for the day18:04
openinfraptgJayF: Unknown command 'done'. Did you mean: os-tc now done... ?18:04
JayF#os-tc now done for the day18:04
TheJulia#ironic clean23:50

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