Wednesday, 2023-10-11

tobberydberg#publiccloud-sig book liberty-WedA407:33
openinfraptgtobberydberg: Room liberty is now booked on WedA4 for publiccloud-sig07:33
tobberydberg#publiccloud-sig book liberty-TueB107:33
openinfraptgtobberydberg: Room liberty is now booked on TueB1 for publiccloud-sig07:33
tobberydberg#publiccloud-sig book liberty-TueB207:34
openinfraptgtobberydberg: Room liberty is now booked on TueB2 for publiccloud-sig07:34
*** d34dh0r5- is now known as d34dh0r5313:05
whoami-rajat#cinder unbook cactus-WedB215:10
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus (previously booked for cinder) is now free on WedB215:10
whoami-rajat#operator-hour-cinder book cactus-WedB215:11
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Unknown track 'operator-hour-cinder'15:11
whoami-rajatguess the placeholder slots aren't available yet15:12
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-WedB215:12
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on WedB2 for cinder15:12
JayFdiablo_rojo_phone: can you setup operator-hour-cinder for whoami-rajat 15:26
diablo_rojo_phoneYes I can! Gimme ten min. 15:28
fungii can also do it if diablo_rojo_phone is busy15:29
diablo_rojo_phonefungi: up to you. I'm just in the middle of something that I'm wrapping up.15:30
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o fungi15:31
fungi~add operator-hour-cinder15:31
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o fungi15:31
fungiwhoami-rajat: JayF: diablo_rojo_phone: done!15:31
JayFthank you! 15:31
JayF#cinder unbook cactus-WedB2 15:32
openinfraptgJayF: Room cactus (previously booked for cinder) is now free on WedB215:32
JayF#operator-hour-cinder book cactus-WedB215:32
openinfraptgJayF: Room cactus is now booked on WedB2 for operator-hour-cinder15:32
JayFwhoami-rajat: I am pretty sure that's the setup you wanted, please validate15:32
diablo_rojo_phoneThanks fungi! 15:34
whoami-rajatJayF, yes that's exactly what i wanted. thanks JayF fungi diablo_rojo_phone !!17:35
*** Guest2219 is now known as diablo_rojo20:09
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Another short Gerrit outage for updates on This update ensures we are using the current versions of all Gerrit plugins.23:45

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