Friday, 2022-09-02

*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep05:22
mrunge#telemetry book folsom-TueB206:08
openinfraptgmrunge: Room folsom is now booked on TueB2 for telemetry06:08
mrunge#telemetry book folsom-TueB306:09
openinfraptgmrunge: Room folsom is now booked on TueB3 for telemetry06:09
*** arxcruz is now known as arxcruz|rover07:12
ttxgmann: fungi is correct that this extra data is currently not supported by the bot. Creating ops-$team tracks is for each interested team is probably the best workaround, but we'd need to collect all interested teams. Alternatively, those "operator hours" could be tracked on a separate doc -- the slot would just be a "nova" slot on the bot but some etherpad would track that this time07:22
ttxis an operator hour, so that ops would know where to go. Not sure what's the most convenient07:22
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fungittx: diablo_rojo: this use case isn't new though... thinking about future design options i wonder if some explicit method of "double-booking" a room and listing the multiple tracks that share that slot would also be useful for things like cinder+nova cross-project discussions11:18
fungi(for next year, of course)11:18
fungithe biggest challenge is not overcrowding the schedule view, as it's already busy enough to make it somewhat hard to follow11:19
fricklerthe topic seems to be wrong, the days should be 17-21? also maybe add a year number just to avoid more confusion?11:22
* frickler just stumbled about this when entering it in the calendar11:22
*** carloss is now known as carloss|afk11:28
fungioh, good call. you actually have access to update the topic, but i'm happy to do it11:37
*** ChanServ changes topic to "The next PTG is October 17-21, 2022! Check out the schedule at"11:38
fungifrickler: done!11:38
fricklerI know, I just didn't want to change it without some kind of consensus11:51
fungibeing pragmatic, i'm taking the dates published everywhere else as consensus ;)11:52
*** carloss|afk is now known as carloss13:03
ttxfungi: yeah that's a good idea. Unsure how the "the database is a JSON file" model will support that but that would be worth a look :)13:03
fungiwe could probably change the model to use a track list per slot, and normally only supply zero or one items in the list for each slot but optionally allow more13:07
gmannttx:  fungi : idea for having 'operator hours' in ptg bot is for operator to find these slot easily as they are not use to PTG things  13:53
fungigmann: yep, i completely understand the reasoning. if you need something more flexible than making individual tracks for each of those, it will require code and data model changes for the bot, which we really shouldn't do while it's already in use for scheduling the upcoming ptg13:54
fungibut we can consider features for implementation after this ptg is done13:55
fungiif a future iteration of the bot allowed a slot to be booked for e.g. both the "ops" and "nova" track, would that satisfy this use case?13:56
gmannyeah that should work13:56
gmannand cross project sessions can also be doe that way13:57
fungione thing we'd need to work out is how to decide which etherpad and conference url to map to that particular session, but could probably infer it from which track is first in the list for a multi-booked session13:57
gmannfor this PTG,  let's add 'Operator hours' track which TC can use to book 2 slots per day and let projects to ask for 'Operator-Hours-<project>' track to reserve those13:58
fungiso if you booked a slot for "ops+nova" it would use the ops etherpad and conference url, vs "nova+ops" using nova's13:58
fungigmann: yep, sounds like a plan13:59
gmannmake sense, 13:59
gmannfungi: can you add 'operator-hour-placeholder' (or something showing this is placeholder slot only not actual one) track and then i can ask project to reserve as per their need on ML?14:01
fungisure, i just need to look at the docs to see what the command is (and probably op myself in channel)14:01
fungii'm in the middle of several things at the moment but should be able to do so shortly14:02
openinfraptggmann: Need op for admin commands14:04
gmannyeah need ops role14:04
gmann~add TRACK operator-hour-placeholder14:04
openinfraptggmann: Need op for admin commands14:04
gmannfungi:  ^^ this is command i found in doc14:04
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o fungi14:04
fungi~add TRACK operator-hour-placeholder14:05
openinfraptgfungi: Available tracks: TRACK barbican blazar cfn cinder cloudkitty designate diversity edge enviro-sus first-contact glance heat horizon interop ironic kata keystone kolla kuryr magma manila neutron nova-placement octavia openstack-ansible openstack-charms openstack-helm openstack-helm openstack-ops openstack-security openstack-tc operator-hour-placeholder os-ansible-modules qa rel-mgt sdk-cli14:05
openinfraptgstarlingx swift tacker telemetry tripleo14:05
fungigmann: ^ thanks for looking it up!14:05
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o fungi14:05
gmannfungi: thanks14:05
gmann#openstack-tc color blue14:16
gmannfungi: ttx : one more request about slots, in yesterday TC meeting we discussed about the TC slots and to have more member joining TC slots we decided to have TC slots from thursday/friday 15-19UTC. I have booked 15-17 UTC slots but as 17-19 slots are not available currently, can we have those slots open in ptgbot so that we can book. 14:18
gmannthursday and Friday 17-19 UTC14:19
fungigmann: 17:00-19:00 are not times the ptg is running. we schedule 4-hour blocks of sessions with 4-hour breaks between blocks so that people don't spend all day in sessions and/or can get some time for rest or other activities between blocks. though in the case of friday it's that the ptg itself ends at 17:00 utc. the tc could still unofficially meet during those times, they're just not14:22
fungipart of the ptg schedule14:22
gmannfungi: yeah, we know about 4 hours things. but TC slots will be having maximum conflict in time as most of TC will be joining projects sessions. that is why we thought of 15-19 UTC slot.14:24
gmannwe can meet during those time it is just if ptg bot also can show those info it will be helpful for community members to know otherwise many will think it is ended as 17 UTC14:25
gmannI think opening more slots in different TZ can help to avoid conflicts as many of us are involved in multiple projects/group14:26
gmannfungi: for example if openstack-tc can be shown in cactus-ThuB5 cactus-ThuB6 and  cactus-FriB5 cactus-FriB6 lines? I mean if we can open these 4 slots only?14:30
fungichanging the official times for the ptg schedule is a much larger discussion than just you and me, and should involve the conference organizers14:31
fungibut my personal opinion is that the tc should operate within the scope of the event as it's been designed, and supply feedback on altering the scheduling model for future ptgs14:32
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gmannI understand. let me check with conference organizers if that can be done otherwise 21UTC slot is one option but difficult for members from Europe side. 13-17 UTC slots have conflicts for many members14:36
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book austin-MonB115:39
openinfraptggmann: Room austin is now booked on MonB1 for operator-hour-placeholder15:39
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book cactus-MonB215:40
openinfraptggmann: Room cactus is now booked on MonB2 for operator-hour-placeholder15:40
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book cactus-TueB115:41
openinfraptggmann: Room cactus is now booked on TueB1 for operator-hour-placeholder15:41
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book diablo-TueB215:42
openinfraptggmann: Room diablo is now booked on TueB2 for operator-hour-placeholder15:42
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book essex-WedB115:42
openinfraptggmann: Room essex is now booked on WedB1 for operator-hour-placeholder15:42
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book folsom-WedB215:43
openinfraptggmann: Room folsom is now booked on WedB2 for operator-hour-placeholder15:43
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book grizzly-ThuB115:43
openinfraptggmann: Room grizzly is now booked on ThuB1 for operator-hour-placeholder15:43
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book havana-ThuB215:43
openinfraptggmann: Room havana is now booked on ThuB2 for operator-hour-placeholder15:43
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book icehouse-FriB115:47
openinfraptggmann: Room icehouse is now booked on FriB1 for operator-hour-placeholder15:47
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book juno-FriB215:47
openinfraptggmann: Room juno is now booked on FriB2 for operator-hour-placeholder15:47
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book austin-TueA115:52
openinfraptggmann: Room austin is now booked on TueA1 for operator-hour-placeholder15:52
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book bexar-WedA215:52
openinfraptggmann: Room bexar is now booked on WedA2 for operator-hour-placeholder15:52
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book cactus-ThuA315:52
openinfraptggmann: Room cactus is now booked on ThuA3 for operator-hour-placeholder15:52
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder unbook cactus-ThuA315:53
openinfraptggmann: Room cactus (previously booked for operator-hour-placeholder) is now free on ThuA315:53
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder unbook bexar-WedA215:53
openinfraptggmann: Room bexar (previously booked for operator-hour-placeholder) is now free on WedA215:53
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book bexar-WedA115:53
openinfraptggmann: Room bexar is now booked on WedA1 for operator-hour-placeholder15:53
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book cactus-ThuA115:53
openinfraptggmann: Room cactus is now booked on ThuA1 for operator-hour-placeholder15:53
gmann#operator-hour-placeholder book diablo-FriA115:54
openinfraptggmann: Room diablo is now booked on FriA1 for operator-hour-placeholder15:54

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