Friday, 2022-04-08

gmann#tc clean00:04
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep00:14
*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest144901:34
yasufum#tacker unbook austin-FriA301:43
openinfraptgyasufum: Room austin (previously booked for tacker) is now free on FriA301:43
yasufum#tacker unbook austin-FriA401:44
openinfraptgyasufum: Room austin (previously booked for tacker) is now free on FriA401:44
*** gthiemon1e is now known as gthiemonge05:37
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|lunch07:55
*** ysandeep|lunch is now known as ysandeep08:56
bauzas#nova next sessions start at 1400UTC with a nova-neutron x-p discussion09:05
lajoskatona#neutron next Nova Neutron cross project discussion, 14:00UTC, room:
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk09:58
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep10:16
*** bhagyashris_ is now known as bhagyashris10:19
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk12:06
carloss#manila next start at 13:00 UTC with NetApp CI Zuul v3 Migration - Challenges and lessons learned12:41
gtema#os-sdk next starts at 13:00 UTC with SDK and CLI updates in
gmann#tc next "Testing strategy" at 13 UTC12:50
whoami-rajat#cinder url
whoami-rajat#cinder etherpad
carloss#manila now discussing NetApp CI Zuul v3 Migration - Challenges and lessons learned13:01
elodilles#rel-mgt next Release Management session starts @ 14:00 UTC13:02
whoami-rajat#cinder now discussing  FIPS13:02
whoami-rajat#cinder next implement a force-delete-from-db command13:02
carloss#manila next at 13:55 UTC FIPS Compatibility/Compliance13:02
gmann#tc now "Testing strategy" at 13 UTC13:03
gmann#tc next Improvement in project governance13:03
gmannping fungi clarkb melwitt rosmaita ^^13:03
*** diablo_rojo__ is now known as diablo_rojo13:04
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o diablo_rojo13:04
clarkbI'm not getting any audio on the call13:04
clarkbits a problem on my end13:04
clarkbthat was weird. disconnected my headset from bluetooth and reconnected and now it works13:05
diablo_rojoelodilles, around? 13:08
diablo_rojoCan you join essex if you are? 13:08
fungidiablo_rojo: gmann is looking for help claiming host in mitaka again this morning for the tc discussions13:08
diablo_rojottx, around? Your voice would also be appreciated13:10
diablo_rojofungi, okay I will join in a minute13:10
fungidiablo_rojo: host problem solved. bauzas noted that the alphanumeric host key can be entered via the webclient, but people trying with the zoom "app" are only able to enter purely numeric host keys13:11
diablo_rojoOh interesting, that would be good to note in the feedback etherpad13:11
fungiseems like the app has some input validation which assumes host keys consist only of digits13:11
bauzaswell, I haven't noted anything13:11
diablo_rojobauzas, can you add it there? so we can note that for next time? 13:11
fungis/noted/stated/ ;)13:12
bauzasI just took the mitaka number and I provided it in the popup when asked13:12
bauzasby hand, not pasted tho13:12
bauzasdiablo_rojo: I can surely write some words :)13:12
diablo_rojobauzas, thank you! 13:13
diablo_rojoYeah I have been typing them in, not copy + paste13:13
gmannzigo: in case you are around, we are discussing lower constraint testing things in TC room 13:16
abhishekk#glance next Image Export with metadata at 1400 UTC13:32
openinfraptgabhishekk: Message added, but please note that track 'glance' does not appear to have a room scheduled today.13:32
abhishekk#glance book icehouse-FriB213:35
openinfraptgabhishekk: Room icehouse is now booked on FriB2 for glance13:35
abhishekk#glance book icehouse-FriB313:35
openinfraptgabhishekk: Room icehouse is now booked on FriB3 for glance13:35
abhishekk#glance book icehouse-FriB413:35
openinfraptgabhishekk: Room icehouse is now booked on FriB4 for glance13:35
abhishekk#glance url
abhishekk#glance etherpad
whoami-rajat#cinder now discussing implement a force-delete-from-db command13:44
whoami-rajat#cinder next Reporting of storage_protocol13:44
gtema#os-sdk now done13:53
dmendiza[m]#barbican url
whoami-rajat#cinder now discussing Reporting of storage_protocol13:55
whoami-rajat#cinder next discussing os-brick rootwrap config (Cross project with nova)13:55
abhishekk#glance now Image Export with metadata13:58
abhishekk#glance next Priorities for zed cycle13:58
carloss#manila now discussing FIPS compliance for Manila13:59
carloss#manila next Tech Debt13:59
lajoskatona#neutron now Nova Neutron cross project discussion, 14:00UTC, room:
bauzas#nova now nova-neutron x-project discussion14:02
gmannTheJulia: starting the performance testing discussion in TC14:02
elodilles#rel-mgt now Release Management -- see topics at:
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep14:05
gmann#tc now Improvement in project governance14:24
gmann#tc next current state of translations in openstack 14:25
gmannelodilles: ttx release related discussion in TC if you can join14:27
whoami-rajat#cinder now discussing NVMe-oF efforts 14:27
whoami-rajat#cinder next discussing os-brick rootwrap config (Cross project with nova)14:27
gmann#tc now current state of translations in openstack 14:40
gmann#tc next break for 10 min14:41
carloss#manila now Tech Debt14:43
carloss#manila next Manila CSI updates14:44
bauzas#nova next nova-cinder x-pr discussion at
ttxgmann: sorry release team PTG meeting at same time15:00
dmendiza[m]#barbican next Gathering15:01
gmannttx: sorry I did not realize that, but we kept it open and I will schedule that discussion in TC weely meeting later15:01
gmann#tc now break for 10 min15:01
gmann#tc next Cross community sessions with k8s steering commitee team15:01
openinfraptgttx: Unknown user command. Should be: in, out, seen, or subscribe15:05
carloss#manila now Manila CSI updates15:06
carloss#manila next Community Hour15:07
whoami-rajat#cinder now discussing os-brick rootwrap config (Cross project with nova)15:07
whoami-rajat#cinder next Bugs found with glance backed by cinder15:07
bauzas#nova now nova-cinder x-pr discussion at
bauzas#nova next manila/virtiofs support in nova15:09
dmendiza[m]#barbican now Break until 160015:09
dmendiza[m]#barbican next Interop coverage for Barbican @ 160015:10
gmann#tc now Cross community sessions with k8s steering committee team15:10
gmann#tc next TC Zed Activities checks and planning15:10
abhishekk#glance now Concluded PTG15:11
abhishekk#glance clean15:11
elodilles#rel-mgt clean15:11
lajoskatona#neutron clean15:11
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|out15:55
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep|PTO15:55
bauzas#nova now break until 1600UTC15:55
dmendiza[m]#barbican clean15:59
dmendiza[m]#barbican now Interop coverage for Barbican15:59
bauzas#nova new manila/virtiofs support for novza16:03
openinfraptgbauzas: Unknown command 'new'. Did you mean: nova now new... ?16:03
bauzas#nova now manila/virtiofs support for nova16:03
gmann#tc now TC Zed Activities checks and planning16:06
gouthamr#manila now Happy Hour16:14
bauzas#nova now DONE FOR THE WEEK \o/16:36
bauzasfungi: heh, was a productive week and thanks for the tooling :)16:43
fungiotalways my pleasure16:44
fungier, it's always my pleasure16:44
dmendiza[m]#barbican now All done!  See y'all online!16:45
gmann#tc now Done for the PTG!16:55
carloss#manila clean19:29
gmann#tc clean22:33

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