Wednesday, 2021-10-20

*** ChanServ sets mode: +o diablo_rojo00:59
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep05:08
yasufum#tacker now Support handling large query results by ETSI NFV06:10
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk06:34
yasufum#tacker now Support FT of Multi tenant06:42
yasufum#tacker now Sample Ansible Driver06:51
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep|trng07:03
yasufum#tacker now Support Robot Framework API07:10
yasufum#tacker now Add Tacker-horizon Unit Test Cases 07:21
yasufum#tacker now done for today07:35
ttx~motd add info The PTG will be back at 13:00 UTC!08:33
ttx~motd reorder 4 1 2 308:34
*** iurygregory_ is now known as iurygregory09:00
gibi#nova next gather at 13:00 UTC in zoom (newton room)09:37
gibi#nova next how to handle python version pinning in tox.ini?09:37
lajoskatona#neutron next 13:00 UTC gather at Essex room09:40
lajoskatona#neutron next  job reorganization recap09:40
*** ysandeep|trng is now known as ysandeep|afk10:19
rosmaita#cinder next 1300 UTC: second thoughts from yesterday, then os-brick NVMe next steps11:54
iurygregory#ironic color #1ac49f12:17
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep12:21
ildikov#edge now Gathering12:50
ildikov#edge next Containers at the Edge12:50
ildikov#starlingx now Gathering12:50
ildikov#starlingx next 6.0 Feature Updates12:51
bauzas#nova now starting with tox pinning discussion13:01
rosmaita#cinder now second thoughts about yesterday13:02
rosmaita#cinder next os-brick for NVMe - The Next Steps13:02
gthiemonge#octavia now Improving health-manager scalability13:03
gibi#nova now gathering13:03
gibi#nova next how to handle python version pinning in tox.ini?13:04
gouthamr#manila now manila share transfer between project13:07
vkmc#manila next project testing improvements13:07
gibi#nova now how to handle python version pinning in tox.ini?13:08
ildikov#edge now Containers session - OpenYurt presentation13:14
ildikov#starlingx now 6.0 Feature Updates13:14
rosmaita#cinder now os-brick for NVMe - The Next Steps13:19
rosmaita#cinder next Clarify the Volume Driver API (participatory activity)13:19
gthiemonge#octavia now Compression Support13:21
lajoskatona#neutron next  ryu / os-ken13:24
gibi#nova now db coalation and chartersets13:28
ttx~motd del 113:37
gthiemonge#octavia now QUIC/HTTP313:37
vkmc#manila now project testing improvements13:38
vkmc#manila next break13:38
abhishekk#glance next Policy Refactoring - Part 2 14:00 UTC to 14:25 UTC13:39
gouthamrvkmc++ :)13:40
slagle#tripleo now Break13:43
slagle#tripleo next at 1405UTC (CI) Update on CI and centos9 prep work
gthiemonge#octavia now Defining test list for Interop WG13:51
iurygregory#ironic now gathering - Juno room13:51
lajoskatona#neutron next Nova-Neutron cross-project session 13:52
gibi#nova now breaks until 14:00 UTC13:52
gibi#nova next Nova-Neutron cross-project session13:52
bauzasthanks gibi13:53
gibilajoskatona ,bauzas: have you agreed on which room we will use for that?13:53
bauzasgibi: I assumed this was nova13:54
bauzasas the main etherpad for discussion is the nova one13:54
bauzaslajoskatona: wfy ?13:54
lajoskatonayes, we assumed it will be nova room :-)13:54
gibi#nova now breaks until 14:00 UTC13:54
gibi#nova next Nova-Neutron cross-project session in the Nova zoom room(newton)13:55
iurygregory#ironic now Main operator areas of interest for improvement13:59
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o diablo_rojo13:59
abhishekk#glance now Policy Refactoring - Part 214:00
abhishekk#glane next Database readonly checks 14:30 UTC to 14:55 UTC14:00
openinfraptgabhishekk: Unknown track 'glane'14:00
abhishekk#glance next Database readonly checks 14:30 UTC to 14:55 UTC14:00
slagle#tripleo now (CI) Update on CI and centos9 prep work
ildikov#edge now Quick break14:03
gibi#nova now Nova-Neutron cross-project session in the Nova zoom room(newton)14:03
ildikov#edge next Edge architectures14:03
slagle#trileo next at 1455UTC Team Photo14:03
openinfraptgslagle: Unknown track 'trileo'14:03
slagle#tripleo next at 1455UTC Team Photo14:03
gibi#nova now Nova-Neutron cross project: ovn live migration14:04
gibi#nova next Nova-Neutron cross project: RBAC14:04
rosmaita#cinder now Clarify the Volume Driver API (participatory activity)14:04
rosmaita#cinder next Happy Hour (at 1600 UTC)14:04
icey#charms now welcome14:04
gibi#nova now Nova-Neutron cross project: RBAC14:10
gibi#nova next Nova-Neutron cross project: network backend dependent plug time vif-plugged event14:12
ildikov#edge now Edge Architectures14:24
*** vishalmanchanda_ is now known as vishalmanchanda14:24
ildikov#edge next APIs: Do we need new ones?14:24
*** fabiooliveira_ is now known as fabiooliveira14:25
gouthamr#manila now All things CephFS 14:27
gouthamr#manila next Manila at the Edge14:27
gouthamr#manila next Manila at the Edge (~1510 UTC)14:27
gouthamr#manila next Team Photo (~15:09 UTC) :)14:28
johnsom#octavia now Done, thanks for another productive PTG!14:28
icey#charms now CharmHub release tracks / stable release management14:30
abhishekk#glance now Database readonly checks14:32
abhishekk#glance next Secure RBAC - System Scope/Project Admin scope 15:10 UTC to 15:55 UTC14:32
ildikov#starlingx now Planned features for the 7.0 release cycle14:36
gibi#nova now Nova-Neutron cross project: Improved testing of move operations14:44
gibi#nova next Nova-Neutron cross project: off path dataplane spec14:44
vishalmanchanda#horizon next Priorities For Yoga Cycle at 15:00 UTC - 15:20 UTC in Cactus14:53
slagle#tripleo Team Photo14:54
openinfraptgslagle: Unknown command 'team'. Did you mean: tripleo now team... ?14:54
slagle#tripleo now Team Photo14:54
lajoskatona#neutron next Interop changes and new neutron-tempest-plugin tests ( )14:54
slagle#tripleo next at 1500UTC Dependency clashes installing branched and non-branches repos in Zuul jobs
gibi#nova now Nova-Neutron cross project: off path dataplane spec14:55
lajoskatona#neutron clean14:56
lajoskatona#neutron next Interop changes and new neutron-tempest-plugin tests ( )14:56
fnordahl#charms color #E9542014:57
gagehugo#os-helm url
iurygregory#ironic now Break - back at 15:10 UTC14:58
slagle#tripleo now Dependency clashes installing branched and non-branches repos in Zuul jobs
slagle#tripleo next at 1540UTC RDO Releases14:59
gagehugo#os-helm now starting14:59
vishalmanchanda#horizon now Priorities For Yoga Cycle15:01
gibi#nova now finishing up the neutron cross project15:02
noonedeadpunk#os-ansible now future of hardening role15:02
gibi#nova now central vncproxy15:04
gibi#nova now move instances between projects15:04
gibi#nova next central vncproxy15:05
gagehugo#os-helm now helm 315:06
gagehugo#os-helm next gate optimizations15:06
iurygregory#ironic now Bulk operations15:10
oneswig#scientific-sig now meeting on google meet
noonedeadpunk#os-ansible now protecting plaintext secrets15:14
lbragstadTheJulia i'm tied up with glance secure RBAC discussions - did y'all have any questions in the ironic session?15:15
abhishekk#glance now 15 mins break15:15
abhishekk#glance next Secure RBAC - System Scope/Project Admin scope 15:30 UTC to 15:55 UTC15:15
ildikov#edge now Do we need edge specific APIs?15:16
gibi#nova now central vncproxy15:16
gibi#nova next unified limits15:16
gouthamr#manila next Manila at the Edge - running late now ~15:3515:22
gouthamr#manila next Team Photo (~15:25 UTC) 😊15:23
icey#charms now break15:24
gibi#nova now unified limits15:27
abhishekk#glance now Secure RBAC - System Scope/Project Admin scope15:30
abhishekk#glance next Delete newly created metadef resource types from DB after deassociating  16:05 UTC to 16:30 UTC15:30
vishalmanchanda#horizon now Done with the PTG, thanks everyone!15:30
gouthamr#manila now Break15:30
gouthamr#manila next Manila at the Edge ~15:40 UTC15:31
lajoskatona#neutron clean15:33
lajoskatona#neutron now Quick introduction of the Tobiko15:34
slagle#tripleo clean15:34
iurygregory#ironic now Is it time to prioritize 3rd ci in a box?15:39
gagehugo#os-helm now clean up repo15:41
gibi#nova now breaks15:48
gibi#nova now breaks until 16:00 UTC15:48
gibi#nova next interop discussion15:48
bauzasyou're too fast :p15:49
gibiI can write while you still talking :)15:49
funginova now breaks? that's great news ;)15:50
gouthamr#manila now Manila at the edge15:54
gouthamr#manile next break15:54
openinfraptggouthamr: Unknown track 'manile'15:54
gouthamr#manila next break15:54
icey#charms now CharmHub release tracks15:54
gibifungi: story of nova :)15:54
bauzasgibi: I won't tell that because we now have a French PTL, Nova knows how to take some time off15:56
gagehugo#os-helm now k8s version15:57
gagehugo#os-helm next done15:57
gagehugo#os-helm next upgrading15:58
rosmaita#cinder now Happy Hour in meetpad:
ildikov#edge now Done for the event!16:03
rosmaita#cinder next all done for Wednesday16:03
ildikov#starlingx now Done for the day, starting again tomorrow at 1300 UTC16:03
lajoskatona#neutron now Done for the day, starting at 1300 UTC tomorrow16:11
gibi#nova now interop discussion16:12
noonedeadpunk#os-ansible now discussing changes required for rbac16:12
oneswig#scientific_sig clean16:20
openinfraptgoneswig: Unknown track 'scientific_sig'16:20
oneswig#scientific-sig clean16:20
oneswig#scientific-sig next lightning talks session on Google Meet 2100 UTC
gouthamr#manila now break16:23
gagehugo#os-helm now done16:24
gouthamr#manila next Metadata APIs (16:30 UTC)16:24
icey@charms now done16:25
icey#charms clean16:25
gouthamr# manila next Done for the day \o/ (1700 UTC, see you tomorrow at 1300 UTC)16:26
openinfraptggouthamr: Unknown track ''16:26
gouthamr#manila next Done for the day \o/ (1700 UTC, see you tomorrow at 1300 UTC)16:26
rosmaita#cinder clean16:38
rosmaita#cinder next Done for the day, restart Thursday at 1300 UTC16:39
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|away16:41
icey#charms next Done for the day, restart Thursday at 1400 UTC16:43
gibi#nova now Placement: continue storyboard or move back to Launchpad ?16:43
gouthamr#manila now Done for the day!16:49
vishalmanchanda#horizon clean17:04
gibi#nova now yoga schedule17:14
bauzas#nova clean17:18
ildikov#edge clean17:21
ildikov#starlingx clean17:22
abhishekk#glance now clean17:29
diablo_rojo#glance clean23:15
diablo_rojo#os-helm clean23:15
diablo_rojo#manila clean23:15
diablo_rojo#octavia clean23:16
diablo_rojo#neutron clean23:16
diablo_rojo#ironic clean23:16
diablo_rojo#os-ansible clean23:16
diablo_rojo#scientific-sig clean23:17

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