Wednesday, 2021-10-13

croelandt#glance etherpad
*** bhagyashris is now known as bhagyashris|rover05:21
elodilles#rel-mgmt etherpad
abhishekk#glance etherpad
*** bhagyashris|rover is now known as bhagyashris13:39
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o diablo_rojo17:24
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Error loading DB: Extra data: line 1 column 11 (char 10)17:34
fungidiablo_rojo: is that going to reset everyone's room settings?17:35
fungi(when you get it to work, i mean)17:35
fungii think some teams have already booked at least a few of the open slots17:35
diablo_rojofungi, ehhh yeah- with the updates that we had communicated to us via email. 17:37
diablo_rojo- kuryr and telemetry17:37
diablo_rojoI needed to fix up the Urls to include the redirects. 17:37
diablo_rojoI could skip the schedule parts and just do the urls en masse and then do the schedule changes manually17:38
diablo_rojoerr individually17:38
fungisome teams have also already updated their teleconfernece urls to meetpad or bluejeans rooms, and set different etherpads17:38
fungibut maybe the fetchdb doesn't touch those17:39
diablo_rojoDamn. Okay. Yeah I am not sure exactly how that works.. I don't want people to lose their work though. 17:39
diablo_rojoI will just change the urls for now and then go back through the channel logs to see who has update that. 17:39
fungimaybe best to take a look at the ptgbot source and see where those things get stored and whether it's separate from what fetchdb would update17:40
fungiahh, "Any JSON key specified will replace existing data in database." (per the readme)17:41
fungiso if those things are stored under different keys in the db then this is safe. i'll take a look17:41
diablo_rojofungi, thank you!17:42
fungithat's the db17:42
fungiseems like it should be safe. schedule is a separate top-level key from urls and etherpads17:43
diablo_rojoYeah I see the changes at the bottom of that17:44
fungilooks like it probably dislikes the quotes on the associative array key name17:44
diablo_rojokeystone and helm have overridden things17:44
fungimmm, no, it's not the quotes, the json in the db has them too17:45
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Loaded DB from
diablo_rojoSeems like that worked..17:45
diablo_rojolooks like helm and keystone still have their changes17:46
diablo_rojolooking at
fungii concur, the etherpads are still correct too for the ones i remember being switched17:47
diablo_rojoSweet. 17:47
diablo_rojoThanks for the sanity checks + extra caution fungi. 17:47
fungino worries, sorry for the brief alarm ;)17:49
diablo_rojoNo problem :) 17:50
diablo_rojoI would rather have the alarm than go back and do a bunch of things by hand!17:50
diablo_rojoOr worse yet, mess up other's work and need them to do it again. 17:51
diablo_rojoUpon further review.. I think the schedule changes got overridden but not the etherpad ones.18:25
diablo_rojo#tacker book Austin-WedA318:25
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin is now booked on WedA3 for tacker18:25
diablo_rojo#tacker book Austin-WedA418:25
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin is now booked on WedA4 for tacker18:25
diablo_rojo#tacker unbook Austin-TueC318:25
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin (previously booked for tacker) is now free on TueC318:25
diablo_rojo#tacker unbook Austin-TueC418:25
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin (previously booked for tacker) is now free on TueC418:25
diablo_rojo#tacker unbook Austin-FriA318:26
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin (previously booked for tacker) is now free on FriA318:26
diablo_rojo#tacker unbook Austin-FriA418:26
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin (previously booked for tacker) is now free on FriA418:26
diablo_rojo#kuryr book Juno-WedB118:26
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Juno is now booked on WedB1 for kuryr18:26
diablo_rojo#kuryr unbook Juno-WedB118:26
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Juno (previously booked for kuryr) is now free on WedB118:26
diablo_rojo#manila book Austin-WedB118:26
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin is now booked on WedB1 for manila18:26
diablo_rojo#manila book Austin-WedB218:27
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin is now booked on WedB2 for manila18:27
diablo_rojo#manila book Austin-WedB318:27
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin is now booked on WedB3 for manila18:27
diablo_rojo#manila book Austin-WedB418:27
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin is now booked on WedB4 for manila18:27
diablo_rojo#manila unbook Austin-MonB218:28
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin (previously booked for manila) is now free on MonB218:28
diablo_rojo#manila unbook Austin-MonB318:28
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin (previously booked for manila) is now free on MonB318:28
diablo_rojo#manila unbook Austin-MonB418:28
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin (previously booked for manila) is now free on MonB418:28
diablo_rojo#manila book Austin-MonB218:28
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room Austin is now booked on MonB2 for manila18:28
ashferg#edge book Havana-MonB218:28
openinfraptgashferg: Room Havana is now booked on MonB2 for edge18:28
fungidiablo_rojo: good catch. yeah i should have double checked the ad hoc bookings hadn't been unbooked18:29
ashferg#edge unbook Havana-MonB418:30
openinfraptgashferg: Room Havana (previously booked for edge) is now free on MonB418:30
melwitt#nova etherpad
ashferg#heat book Mitaka-MonB218:33
openinfraptgashferg: Room Mitaka is now booked on MonB2 for heat18:33
ashferg#heat unbook Mitaka-MonB418:34
openinfraptgashferg: Room Mitaka (previously booked for heat) is now free on MonB418:34
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Both Gerrit and Zuul services are being restarted briefly for minor updates, and should return to service momentarily; all previously running builds will be reenqueued once Zuul is fully started again22:49

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