Wednesday, 2025-03-12

spotz[m]fungi: ildikov 14:00 UTC work for you all?14:58
spotz[m]Basically puts us back in our old slot an hour earlier14:58
fungiyeah, i have 14:00 utc open at least until usa dst ends15:00
ildikovI already have some calls in that slot which will likely collide with our cadence during winter15:01
fungii have a feeling we'll end up changing it again come winter15:01
spotz[m]Remember we're typing:) Yeah we move back and forth to squish in between non-UTC meetings15:02
ildikovMy calls are 1:1, so I can’t do two meetings at once even if one is voice the other is text15:04
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: One of our Zuul job log storage providers is experiencing errors. We have removed that storage target from base jobs. You should be able to safely recheck changes now.20:22

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