Tuesday, 2025-02-11

spotz[m]Hey do we want to actually start a log for working today or save the space. If we start a log I'd say we work in the agenda if not we can make an new etherpad for this15:01
fungii'm not sure what start a log and save the space mean15:03
spotz[m]Hey ildikov! Our plan today is to work on our newsletter piece15:03
fungioh, you mean #startmeeting15:04
spotz[m]Start meeting and taking up the log space for that:)15:04
fungiyeah, let's have it saved as a meeting log/minutes15:04
ildikovspotz[m]: noted15:04
fungiit really takes up essentially no space15:04
fungiit's just a bit of text15:04
spotz[m]#startmeeting diversity-wg15:05
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Feb 11 15:05:10 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:05
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:05
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'diversity_wg'15:05
spotz[m]#topic roll call15:05
fungihey there15:06
spotz[m]#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/diversity-wg-agenda15:07
spotz[m]I just made a session for today so we can just work in there15:07
spotz[m]So what tone do we want to take with this? An intro to what we do and our goals for the year?15:09
ildikovIf our goal is to raise more awareness then I think that's a good direction to go15:11
spotz[m]I know the group was formed by the board I want to say during liberty as the first survey results were presented at the Mitaka summit - that's if we want to go that back15:11
spotz[m]that far back...15:11
fungiyeah, we could probably start with a combo of the bits on https://openinfra.org/about/diversity/ and the things we noted at oid-na/ptg needed adding15:11
fungisummarize the history and charter, plug the survey and mention our other recent-ish activities, talk about where to find us to get involved15:12
spotz[m]I'm also working with DMitry to hopefully get some funding for Outreachy 15:13
fungiyeah, that's a great addition15:15
spotz[m]I'm going to put words in the agenda section and feel free to add/change/etc. 15:15
ildikovthat all sounds good overall15:15
fungipast foundation member involvement in conferences like ghc?15:15
spotz[m]That started as WoO but when I combined the 2 groups it carried over for maybe a few years before it got dropped15:16
fungii wonder if it would be appropriate to preface the feature piece with a comment about how diversity and inclusion efforts are coming increasingly under attack, making these efforts even more important to invest in?15:17
ildikov@fungi that feels a bit too close to politics to me, and it's also more US-centric15:19
fungiyes, agreed. it's some of the motivation for doing the piece now, but maybe we don't need to point it out directly15:19
spotz[m]Yeah though I think we can still talk about the importance. Maybe as part of why the group exists to begin with. Let me tie that in to the part I've got going15:19
ildikovI like the note on DEI efforts being more important than ever, if we can highlight that in a different context15:20
ildikovspotz[m]: +115:20
fungii do want to avoid making it seem political or geo-specific15:20
spotz[m]Ok read what I got15:21
fungii'm waffling on whether we should refer to it as the openinfra foundation and then parenthetically mention that it was going by the openstack foundation at the time15:24
fungii think we mostly try to avoid unclarified mentions of the foundation's former name15:24
spotz[m]We could leave that to editorial:)15:24
fungisince audiences who are coming along now may not know the history15:25
spotz[m]Wow I guess it has been a while15:25
fungi6-ish years?15:25
fungibut yeaj, we can get help from hspease[m] and aprice in polishing it too once we have the content nailed down15:26
ildikovWe can also choose to share less of those details and just say 'the working group was created with the mission of ...'15:26
spotz[m]No, I want to say the vote was while I was on the board already15:26
ildikovand since then the OpenInfra BoD and community took it to where it is today15:26
ildikovso we put more emphasis on the mission, rather than who worked on it at the beginning15:27
fungimmm, yeah foundation name change press release dated 2020-10-20 so it's only been ~4.5 years. anyway, getting off topic15:27
spotz[m]Ok let's get back to words in the agenda and we can get it coherent later. We do have a hard stop in 32 minutes15:28
fungihspease[m]: do you have a target length for this? words/sentences/paragraphs/whatever?15:29
fungii threw in some stuff about the inclusive language effort, coc overhaul, the about page on the foundation site, and shamelessly copied bits about the meetings and mailing list from there15:41
fungialso added links. please feel free to reword any of what's there15:42
spotz[m]Yeah saw you doing your magic. You're much better at words then me:)15:42
funginot at all, mostly copy-paste ;)15:43
spotz[m]I think we have something Helena and Allison can start with and we can edit what they make of it15:43
fungiwell, we've still got 15 minutes to think of other stuff to cram in there or polish some of what we already added15:44
spotz[m]It's hard not know exactly what they want/need15:45
fungii think it's just a theme, and whatever we want to make of that15:45
fungiopportunity to try to get more people involved in our activities, highlight the various kinds of diversity our projects enjoy and where we need to improve, whatevrr15:46
spotz[m]Well so far we've given some background on the start, things we've done in the past, and how to find us. How about goals for this year?15:47
fungiyes! that would be great15:47
fungilast meeting we talked about some goals and to-do items15:47
fungialso if we talk about what we have planned, that might give readers a little better idea of where they could pitch in15:47
spotz[m]SO looking at the section underneath translations I think might be the best to bring up. The survey results just are depressing or I should say the lack of results. I pushed it at FOSDEM in the session there. And landing page we could use help there but it's not a life or death thing there15:49
spotz[m]Ok new point added for current endeavours15:53
fungiyeah, i think that's great, thanks!15:54
spotz[m]I saw we leave it like that for now and see what feedback we get15:55
spotz[m]saw = say15:56
fungiyep, sounds good. i also gave hspease[m] a heads up with the link to where we drafted it15:56
fungiand i'll get her the link to the meeting minutes too15:57
spotz[m]Ok I'm going to close the meeting if no one else has anything so I can get a drink before the next meeting15:57
spotz[m]Thank you!15:58
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Feb 11 15:58:27 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)15:58
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/diversity_wg/2025/diversity_wg.2025-02-11-15.05.html15:58
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/diversity_wg/2025/diversity_wg.2025-02-11-15.05.txt15:58
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/diversity_wg/2025/diversity_wg.2025-02-11-15.05.log.html15:58
ildikov@fungi @spotz[m] I polished up the first two paragraphs and put the text in the etherpad. I hope it helps. If you don't like it, feel free to just discard.16:00
spotz[m]Saw it pop in, it's definitely an improvement:)16:00
ildikovcool :)16:25
ildikovsorry it took so long16:25
fungino not at all. the meeting was only an hour16:26
ildikovfair enough :)16:26
fungiand it's not as if there's nothing else important going on today. thanks for finding the time!16:27
spotz[m]I've had 4 meetings today so far, TC is next up. Then one about Outreachy17:59
fungiyeah, my worst tuesdays have a solid 5-hour block of back-to-back meetings18:02
spotz[m]My window for riding today got rained out18:03

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