Thursday, 2025-01-30

*** hspease99[m] is now known as hspease[m]19:04
hspease[m]Howdy folks! 19:11
hspease[m]We would love to feature the OpenInfra February newsletter on the work the D&I WG has been doing. The send-out date we are planning is Feb 26, meaning content for the newsletter would be due Feb 21. If you all are interested in this idea, I will need your help crafting a 1-2 paragraph summary of the work the WG is doing/anything you would like to promote. 19:11
hspease[m]Let me know what you think?19:11
fungihspease[m]: i think it's a great idea! spotz[m] will have some input i'm sure, but her availability is probably spotty (pun intended) until she gets home from fosdem19:19

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