Tuesday, 2023-12-05

fungiyay! now i can go update the wiki and ask the openinfra.dev site admins to start importing it to a more permanent home16:02
fungispotz[m]: when you have a moment, can you check over https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Diversity and see if that seems suitable for moving to somewhere like https://openinfra.dev/diversity ?16:47
fungii've incorporated the charter update the board just approved an hour ago, and also the other changes/additions we brainstormed at the october meeting16:48
fungiaprice: ^ also a heads up, feel free to make/recommend adjustments to that. it can be swizzled around, the main things that are important to preserve are the hyperlinks and the (exact) text of the charter, obviously16:50
spotz[m]Going to look now!20:58
spotz[m]fungi: Looks great!20:58
fungicool, i'll get things moving on the staff side then20:59

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