Wednesday, 2023-11-08

fungispotz[m]: do you recall roughly when the board delegated oversight for most working groups to the uc? i went hunting in board meeting minutes to try to confirm my recollection that the delegation didn't include the d&i wg15:16
fungiseems like it was an in-person meeting, because i vaguely recall being in the audience when they talked about it15:17
spotz[m]fungi: It was before my time on the UC. I don't think it included the D&I WG15:19
fungiright, i don't think it did either, just trying to hunt down actual proof of that recollection15:20
spotz[m]WoO was doing most of the D&I except the survey itself then I just renamed things about, probably shouldn't have been able to:)15:20
fungidigging in the openstack/governance-uc commit history, melvin proposed a change on 2017-02-21 to add a bunch of working groups (auc recognition, api, enterprise, fault-genes, lcoo, scientific, public cloud...)15:28
funginot sure if that's approximately when they were delegated from the board, or if it was catch-up much later15:29
spotz[m]Those all make sense to be UC15:44
fungii did more digging. the december 2016 board meeting approved changes to the uc's part of the bylaws, and the redlined copy lists some teams and working groups delegated to the uc:
fungiso basically, the board chartered the d&i wg in mid-2015. at the end of 2016 the uc was restructured and some working groups were delegated to them, but that delegation did not appear to include the d&i wg15:48
spotz[m]Yeah no hits on diver15:48
fungialso there's a record of d&i wg representatives continuing to occasionally report their activities in board meetings thereafter15:49
TheJuliaSo sounds like a board vote is the right path forward on the bylaws19:01
TheJuliaat least, that is my 10,000 ft takeaway19:01
fungiTheJulia: on the workig group charter? yeah, that's what i'm finding so far, but jbryce wanted to double-check so i'm waiting to hear back from him as well19:03
TheJuliaThat was kind of what I was remembering, but short of digging through those meeting minutes :\19:04
fungiTheJulia: yeah, which is what i ended up doing. unfortunately i couldn't remember when those things happened, so it meant looking through *lots* of board meeting minutes19:05
TheJuliaWe need a library sciences intern19:06
fungii was hoping we could have brought it up for a vote in yesterday's board meeting, but i didn't anticipate that jbryce was going to want to double-check that the wg is still officially board-chartered19:11
fungi(i had unfortunately taken that as a given)19:11

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