Friday, 2023-11-03

*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest567015:18
fungispotz: does not seem to include our agenda item15:50
fungii don't know if it's too late to get it included now that TheJulia has announced it15:51
fungialso not sure what the state of the redlined charter wording is15:52
TheJuliaoh hai16:00
TheJuliauhh.. would it be quick? I'm unaware of the agenda item your speaking of16:01
fungiTheJulia: the charter for the d&i wg is outdated, from the time before the foundation rename, so we wanted to update it before moving it from the wiki to a more permanent page on the site, but since the charter was approved by the board we're concerned that any edits to that charter will need a board vote to be official16:07
fungiwe came up with the edits we wanted to make in last month's wg meeting so were going to try to get it approved in the next board meeting (since otherwise it was likely to have to wait until next year)16:08
TheJuliaThis is reasonable16:12
TheJuliacan you get me the redline version? If y'all can get me updates before monday morning I'm good with trying to carve out 5-10 minutes16:13
fungiTheJulia: sure, based on i think spotz was planning to check with you on whether one would be needed and preferences for the format you'd want it in16:18
fungi is where our crude edits were occurring16:18
fungii'll need to merge in some edits we discussed in the meeting that aren't reflected in that pad16:19
fungi includes the current text of the charter16:21
TheJuliaSo I guess sans a redline, the edit in question are fairly minimal16:48
fungiTheJulia: yes, mostly changing the foundation name and adjusting things to no longer assume openstack is the only project/community16:53
fungiTheJulia: what format would make the most sense for a redline? i've never done one before... would it be a pdf with the old sentences struck through with red and then replacements for those sentences written in red?16:57
TheJuliaText being removed struck out in red, with text being added in a separate color16:58
TheJuliaFor example, Allison Randal's proposed redline I sent out to the board this morning was red struck out text, green added text which was underlined16:59
fungiaha, thanks! examples are perfect. i'll emulate that16:59
TheJuliaas a PDF please :)16:59
fungiyou bet16:59
TheJuliacool cool16:59
fungiTheJulia: oh! i went looking for that on the foundation-board ml and ran across this which i'd forgotten about:
fungilooks like the html version of her post (in the linked attachment) has actual strikethroughs which didn't convey in the text part displayed by default in the archive view17:03
fungianyway, point being, spotz already posted it to the foundation-board ml a month ago asking to have it added to the meeting agenda17:04
fungipossible it got overlooked when building the agenda17:04
TheJuliaWell there you go, I didn't see it17:08
* TheJulia pulls up the agenda17:09
TheJuliafungi: if you could still whip up something real quick that I can send out to the directors which has the visual highlight difference that would be awesome17:10
fungion it, thanks!17:12
TheJuliaI've updated the agenda, I'll send out a note to the board with the redline, since Amy sent an email to the foundation-board ml on October 10th, it shouldn't be a big deal17:14
TheJuliaand really, it is a quick change17:14
fungiTheJulia: will this pdf do?
TheJuliathat should work just fine17:55
fungii don't normally work in pdf, so i made an sgml version at and then printed it as pdf in my browser17:55
fungii suppose if i wanted proper geek points i'd have done it in tex/latex17:56
fungibut i'm not much good with typesetting languages17:57
fungialso, i can't muster much more on a friday afternoon. this has been a week18:01
* TheJulia nods18:16

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