Tuesday, 2023-08-08

fungijust a heads up that spotz isn't around today. if anyone wants to discuss something in the context of the diversity and inclusion working group, i'm happy to chair this month's meeting at 10:00-11:00 utc (about 90 minutes from now), but won't bother unless there are others around who want it12:30
fungier, 14:00-15:00 utc i mean12:30
*** elvira2 is now known as elvira12:50
*** elvira1 is now known as elvira13:11
fungianybody around who wants a meeting?14:04
spotz[m]No one huh?:)16:56
fungispotz[m]: nada16:57
fungijust as well, i have too many meetings today already16:57
spotz[m]I’m on a train heading for dinner. Today is actually warm17:10
fungihave fun!17:13

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