Wednesday, 2023-01-18

ildikovspotz: I’ll be at FOSDEM! We should catch up there!00:45
spotzildikov: For sure! I get there Wednesday have some CentOS stuff on Thursday and Friday. Luckily our dinner Saturday night is almost next to the Happy Hour so I'll stop in there before and after:)00:46
ildikovspotz: if the meeting gets rescheduled I’ll make sure to let the community manager know. I haven’t heard back from StarlingX people on the topic yet. Will keep encouraging them!00:46
ildikovspotz: sounds good! I’ll arrive Thursday evening and fly out Sunday evening00:46
spotzOk and I'm there until Tuesday:)00:47
spotzTrying to figure out the best way to pack 87 RDO t-shirts for the stand00:47
spotzYeah we're doing a CentOS docs day on Monday00:47
spotzSo many t-shirts! 01:14

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