Monday, 2021-12-06

fungispotz: i'm going to have to miss the meeting today, have an appointment and will be away from my keyboard for a couple of hours16:02
fungii'll catch up from the log when i get back16:03
spotzfungi sounds good. We'll see if anyone shoows16:08
spotz_If anyone is here for the meeting let me know and I’ll start it17:05
spotz_Ok calling it for this month17:28
SWDevAngelHappy holidays.17:30
spotzAck didn't see you pop in!17:40
spotzSWDevAngel: The only thing I really had was maybe putting a doodle out to see if a different day and time would attract morempeople17:41
spotzMind you more folks answer the doodlle then over show up17:41
spotzWe can't go much earlier you're on west coast and we can't go much later for EMEA17:42
spotzbe back in a bit 17:53
fungii'm back, seems like i didn't miss much ;)19:21
spotzI missed Lisa logginf in and then she wasn't here when I did see her:(19:51
spotzfungi: What's your thought oon a doodle to see if this time slot is the attendance issue?19:52
SWDevAngelYeah I joined late so I missed your question.19:54
SWDevAngelHere’s a thought… how about going back to doing them on a conference call or video and shortening to 30 mins. If we are taking live we can get through an agenda efficiently and also reintroduce the community building element of our group. @spotz @fungi ?19:56
spotzIt's a thought but then we need notes they're not really there20:01
SWDevAngelBut we might get people to rejoin. Like Beth, who we lost when we went written/IRC only… and others.20:01
SWDevAngelOMGosh happiness. I FINALLY fixed my and can finally log in from my computer. I've been on the phone app for the past few months. This is MUCH better.20:03
fungipolls sound fine to me. we just also need to be prepared for having very few people fill out the survey20:04
spotzSWDevAngel: While Verizon still runs OpenStack I'm not sure we'd get Beth back. Fungi I'm more prepared for follkls to give feedback and never show20:08
fungiheh, fair point ;)20:08
spotzAnd we can allso doodle whether folks want video vs IRC20:09
fungiworks for me20:10
spotzI think we can combine it20:13
fungiyep, seems like a good plan20:14
fungifewer surveys should help maximize responses anyway20:14

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