Wednesday, 2022-06-22

*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest281701:44
fungigmann: i just heard about the project interaction wg call, but unfortunately can't join as i have a prior engagement. with my openstack community manager hat on, i'd like to participate in the wg and if you announce such calls in the future i'll make sure to be available for them13:46
gmannfungi: ack, thanks13:49
fungidid i miss a public announcement for this call somewhere?13:50
fungididn't see it on the foundation ml nor the public foundation board ml13:50
fungianyway, i'll eagerly await your detailed summary of what gets discussed on today's call13:58
gmannsure, we will announce in public14:05
*** diablo_rojo__ is now known as diablo_rojo17:43

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