Tuesday, 2024-12-03

clarkbthe smaller backup server just hit 90% utilization again. A good reminder we have a change up to retire some backups so they can be purged00:00
clarkbfungi: maybe we land the retirement first thing tomorrow, then manually prune (to exercise that with retired repos) then purge?00:00
clarkbthat should get the backup server into shape00:00
clarkbanything people want me to add/remove/edit from the meeting agenda?00:01
clarkbI may have to work off of last weeks email if the wiki is too sad to do it now00:01
clarkbI'm glad we did the gerrit update today in order to have plenty of time to work through this00:03
fungisounds good00:03
clarkbwould've been annoying to do 3.9.7 -> 3.10.3 and hvae to debug this with a much bigger delta00:03
clarkbif anyone asks about the weirdness you can have then refresh the page they are on before logging in or just accept they have to nvaigate to wherever they want after loggign in00:04
clarkbfungi: should I drop the mm3 vhost renaming or do you want to recap?00:06
fungiclarkb: at this point i expect we can drop it00:06
clarkbor will be when I finish the other edits and post them00:08
clarkbanything else to add? I'm removing the us holiay announcement and the mm3 vhost renaming. Adding a bit more info the gerrit upgrade entry00:09
clarkbwe've already got gitea upgrade on there00:09
clarkband backups thats the bulk of my inflight stuff right now00:09
clarkbfungi: did we restart mailman services to pick up the verp_probe config update? I can't remember if that is manual or not00:16
mordredclarkb: I joined the gerrit discord ... but sadly the #general channel is weird in the matrix bridge :( 00:17
clarkbmordred: ya you have to use discord at this point00:18
mordredyeah. it's sad - because the channels in in the "Gerrit" space work fine - just the three channels in the "General" space are hidden00:18
clarkbmeeting agenda should hit inboxes momentarily00:18
clarkbmordred: wait some of the matrix bridge does work?00:19
mordredoh yeah00:19
clarkbliek to the cicd room?00:19
mordredI use it for teh signalK discord very well00:19
mordredand yes - I can see the cicd room just fine00:19
clarkbmordred: can you share with corvus and I how to do that?00:19
fungiclarkb: i think the containers should be set to restart automagically when the configs update, but i'll need to check the deploy log00:19
clarkbwe semi regularly get pinged with zuul questions there then I Have to play telephone between amtrix and discord00:19
clarkbfungi: I seem to recall we may have manually restarted for the queueing thing but can't recall if we made it atuomatic as a result00:20
mordredclarkb: I am running mautrix-discord v0.7.1 (Nov 16 2024, 16:26:41)00:20
clarkbmordred: oh you have your own bridge?00:20
clarkbmaybe that is the solution though00:21
mordredyeah - there is a bridge bot that I had to login with using the "login-qr" command00:21
mordredthen - I can join "guilds" via the web interface. once I have done that, the "guilds status" command will show me what guilds I have joined. And I can then, using that output, issue a command like guilds bridge 775374026587373568 --entire00:23
mordredwhich makes all the things00:23
clarkbthey had a bridge set up for the general channel I wonder if moving it into this general space broke it00:24
clarkbbut that is what we relied on preivously00:24
mordredoh - yeah - I now see the general room - it's in a different location00:25
mordredI just tried creating a distinct portal for it, but the bot told me it was already portaled00:26
clarkbif you figure out how to make that work without running an extra bridge that would be great but it also isn't super urgent I've just accepted I have to discord to interact with them00:26
mordredclarkb: I'm using a hosted homeserver from etke.cc - so having them add a bridge is the path of least resistance for me :) 00:29
fungiRUNNING HANDLER [mailman3 : down containers]01:18
fungiit did re01:18
fungier, did down and up all the containers because of the config change01:18
fungiso we should be all set therre01:19
opendevreviewVladimir Kozhukalov proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Respect image registry in container roles  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/93690903:44
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/project-config master: Update Neutron channel projects  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/93691808:37
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed opendev/system-config master: Update IRC channel docs  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/93680611:34
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update IRC channel docs  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/93680614:26
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Update Neutron channel projects  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/93691814:31
karolinku[m]clarkb: during further work on running centos 10 image on nested-virt label (for support x86_64-v3 I need at least Haswell), I discovered that probably AVX flags for them are turned off. I deducted that by analysing syslog[2... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/Afba9Ni75fekik2axi4BPsbXYQ_gUxVyYv2dClAiAf8RqoGO-opOU4AcV0viOAnqzb6bwdwa_XvOOzyZxjUf_qZCeT1QizCwAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvaHRTd0JsdmRuamdyWVNlVUF4WUlWTFFJ>)14:32
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add repository for OSA's httpd role  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/93569314:36
fricklerkarolinku[m]: note that your last message was cut off by the matrix bridge. when using that bridge, please make sure to only send single-line messages that are not too long14:38
karolinku[m]ok, let me check for alternative client14:46
fungiyeah, this is what people on the irc end see for excessively long messages over the matrix-oftc bridge: https://meetings.opendev.org/irclogs/%23opendev/%23opendev.2024-12-03.log.html#t2024-12-03T14:32:1714:49
fungiwhich isn't the end of the world, but they do need to then use a web browser to find out what the entire message content was (if they're even willing to)14:50
karolinkuI see. so here is a full message14:57
karolinkuduring further work on running centos 10 image on nested-virt label (for support x86_64-v3 I need at least Haswell), I discovered that probably AVX flags for them are turned off. I deducted that by analysing syslog[2] from job[1] and by checking console output from VM based on C10 image[3] saying ``` Deprecated Hardware is detected: x86_64-v2:GenuineIntel:Intel Core Processor (Haswell) will not be maintained(...)```. Could you take a 14:58
karolinkulook or advice how to enable those flags?14:58
karolinku[1] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/diskimage-builder/+/93602414:58
karolinku[2] https://156c043409960ed94eb1-a1d06e2d26608a8f46317a106e743309.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/936024/9/check/dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-10-stream-src/abfd4db/syslog14:58
karolinku[3] https://156c043409960ed94eb1-a1d06e2d26608a8f46317a106e743309.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/936024/9/check/dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-10-stream-src/abfd4db/instances/797394c5-d01f-48df-8fa6-2a5e902d4053/console.log14:58
fungithe test nodes are virtual machines booted in openstack-based public cloud providers (rackspace, ovh, vexxhost, et cetera) so we don't control anything other than maybe what can be switched on by setting specific glance image create properties15:00
fungii know some cloud providers will allow you to, e.g., switch between different supported i/o drivers by setting image properties, but i don't know if the same is true for cpu flags15:01
karolinku[m]is there any other label which would support ISA v3?15:03
fungisince cpu flag mismatches break live migration, cloud providers tend to be conservative about which ones they enable in case they might need to migrate to other compute nodes with different processors15:03
fricklerIMHO if centos 10 continues to be so strict on CPU flags, they'll have issues on a lot of clouds. so I don't think it makes much sense to try to work around that just in our special case15:06
fungiif none of the nodes with the nested-virt label are presenting avx support for their processors, then probably not no. that's essentially our label for cloud providers who have newer hardware and use kvm (no xen)15:06
fungiyeah, basically it sounds like centos 10 is not made for running in openstack public clouds, if it won't run on any of the ones we have nodes in (which are some of the largest and most popular openstack cloud providers worldwide)15:07
fungiwe have an essentially "private" cloud in openmetal, but 1. it's just one region so no redundancy/resiliency, 2. it's only got a handful of nodes worth of capacity, and 3. i wouldn't know how to go about turning on avx nor whether the processors we have there support it15:10
fungi(it's built with kolla-ansible, so we could probably figure it out)15:10
karolinkuCentos 10 is close to RHEL 10, so i'm not sure if they willing to do rebuilds for v2 - again (Centos ISA SIG already did v2 and v3 for C9). that would need to be consulted15:17
clarkbkarolinku: note the nested virt label was a shot in the dark that may have restricted you to nodes that have the necessary cpu flags I wasn't sure if it would or not. Seems not. I just don't want there to be an impression I was trying to say it would work15:48
clarkbI have two thoughts on the bigger high level problem. The first is that I really like the approach opensuse has taken. Which is to detect cpu compatibility and mix in packages that take advantage of that where they will have the most impact (python is one such case iirc). Now I understand arguments against doing this as well in that the mechanisms for this mixing in could be a15:49
clarkbsecurity vulnerability surface?15:49
clarkbthe other thought I've got is that this is not really our fight. If red hat wants to push a certain instruction set then they should coordinate with cloud providers to ensure it is available15:50
clarkband maybe they have but not broadly enough or there is still a lack of info on how to take advantage of that15:50
clarkbbasically this is between red hat and the clouds imo and we should take advantage of whatever comes out of that rather than solving it ourselves15:52
clarkbon tumbleweed the special packages have a -x86-64-v3 suffix for example python312-x86-64-v315:54
clarkband they are automatically selected if hardware detection notes the hardware is capable15:54
clarkbinfra-root https://issues.gerritcodereview.com/issues/381996067 is the upstream gerrit login weirdness issue15:55
karolinku[m]yes, but that's a decision I'm very far from :) im just trying to add support for c10 DIB, I didn't expect to end up with such serious infra disussions, I hoped for some labels which would support v3. Now I have more insight into infra situation, I'll check what's on Centos side. Thank you for all suggestions!15:59
clarkbkarolinku[m]: you can identify the clouds that have failed in the job logs and collet that for feedback to the clouds and/or red hat16:02
clarkbas a side note linking to logs in zuul rather than the raw files makes them a bit more easy to navigate as you can link to specific lines16:03
clarkbkarolinku[m]: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/abfd4db97bae4610be3b7b99f737acb7/log/job-output.txt#48 for example this is the provider from the logs you linked above16:05
karolinku[m]sure. can I somehow browse though the zuul labels to check if there could be any kind of suitable hardware? (I know where are labels in a code, but specification behind them?)16:06
clarkbkarolinku[m]: not on our side because that is determined by the clouds as fungi noted above16:07
clarkbhttps://docs.opendev.org/opendev/infra-manual/latest/testing.html this is what we have documented16:07
fungiRamereth: i've heard through the grapevine that nvidia has funded a gpu-heavy supercomputer at osu, any idea if that's openstack-based or some other platform?16:58
clarkbinfra-root fyi I haev rechecked https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/893571 and will put a new hold in place for the 3.9 job there in order to try and test https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/c/gerrit/+/444801 this is still just a workaround trying to get the initial login to a page that isn't "broken" but shouldn't redirect us ot the page we started on :/17:00
clarkbI think I'll still need to reconfigure that server to do openid login or something but I'll test with the normal logins first as it may be reproduceable that way too17:01
clarkbinfra-root I'd also like to land https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/936203 if this change checks out for another reviewer to retire old backups on the vexxhost backup server. Once that has applied we can manually run the prune script there to trim down the size of things and confirm the retirement handling works17:02
clarkband once that is done we can do a purge of those retired repos to further reduce the disk consumption on that server17:02
fungii've approved 936203 just now17:04
fungithought i had already reviewed that one, but i guess not17:04
fungiah, i had only reviewed the initial ethercalc entry17:04
fungiand then tested it17:04
clarkbhttps://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/lodgeit/+/935712/ is another one that would be good to land. It does have the +2's needed but I've been half treating my +2 as a +1 since I've been helping fixup tests and adding a test via system-config to capture the captcha rendering17:05
fungii'm happy to do the manual steps on the backup server once it deploys17:05
clarkbfungi: thanks!17:05
clarkb935712 is the lodgeit captcha rendering fix17:05
clarkbI'm hoping that this afternoon I'll go through the 3.9 to 3.10 upgrade and downgrade process again with our newly built images too17:09
clarkbI'll update the upgrade etherpad with any changed details there though I don't expect there to be much if any17:09
fungithere are a couple of other outstanding changes i've been meaning to revisit...17:21
fungihttps://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/git-review/+/934745 Support running on systems setting GIT_SSH_COMMAND environment variable17:21
fungihttps://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/927462 Update openEuler mirror repo17:22
fungii think the latter is going to need us to address the full quota issue with the volume though17:22
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Retire more backups on the vexxhost backup server  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/93620317:23
clarkbfungi: for 927462 it starts with a delete existing content step17:23
clarkbfungi: if we think the new content isn't any bigger than our quota that may work17:23
clarkbfungi: 936203 didn't trigger the backup jobs. I believe this is a file matcher problem. I will work on a fix17:34
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Trigger infra-prod-service-borg-backup when vars update  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/93696517:40
clarkbfungi: ^ that should get things updating before the periodic jobs run in ~8 hours17:40
clarkbfungi: I +2'd https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/927462 since it seems worth a try to see if deleting old content first is sufficient to get new content to fit17:53
fungithanks, i'll do the sync manually once it deploys17:55
opendevreviewMerged opendev/lodgeit master: Captcha: Fix text layer location calculation  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/lodgeit/+/93571217:55
fungii've got the openeuler-mirror held in a root screen session on mirror-update17:56
fungier, the openeuler-mirror lock held17:56
clarkbfungi: I left a comment on https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/git-review/+/934745 with a concern and a potential solution if that concern has merit18:00
fungiyeah, since i don't override ssh behavior with either GIT_SSH_COMMAND or GIT_SSH i'm unclear on the possible use cases for doing so18:07
fungithe release note for addition of GIT_SSH support seemed to indicate it was universal, but as you observed it's only getting used for query commands18:08
clarkbI suspect that 99% of the time the prurpose is to use a proxy or specific keys or something in which case overloading the env var is probably fine18:08
clarkbfungi: well I think when git-review invokes git commands git is honoring the env var for us18:09
clarkbso its only where git-review explicitly runs ssh that it also needs to do similar18:09
clarkband git review is a subcommand of git technically so honoring the env var makes sense. I just wanted to make sure we don't create an inverse problem18:10
fungithat's a good point, that may be the only place git-review directly invokes ssh18:10
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update openEuler mirror repo  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/92746218:33
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Trigger infra-prod-service-borg-backup when vars update  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/93696518:33
clarkbfungi: the mirror job completed18:37
clarkband the backup job has queued up for 936965 as expected18:39
fungithanks, i have the openeuler-mirror-update script running in a root screen session now18:40
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add support for building Fedora 40  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/diskimage-builder/+/92210918:45
fungii notice the openeuler mirror script is pulling riscv64 packages, those could presumably be filtered19:23
fungiEPOL/main/riscv64/* specifically19:24
clarkbyes they should imo19:25
fungibackup change deploy succeeded, i'm starting a prune in a root screen session on backup02.ca-ymq-1.vexxhost19:40
clarkbfungi: did you check for retired stamp files in the backups?19:40
clarkbjust to confirm the retirement action occurred as expected (I'm sure it did)19:40
clarkbthe borg-ask01 entry got the stamp file so I think we're good19:41
fungi-rw-r--r-- 1 borg-ask01 borg-ask01 0 Dec  3 18:50 /opt/backups-202010/borg-ask01/.retired19:41
fungii can do the lodgeit pull/restart now too19:42
fungiopendevorg/lodgeit           latest    sha256:bc8154e427fe127f3e91347ded28faf014bc0bef4a2e16ded99ce6c1923c7137   2 hours ago     260MB19:44
fungiopendevorg/lodgeit           <none>    sha256:34b9cbb9cb52842a1f8c9de46adfe09470ec8e1274f50c1444bc826f85f7e13c   6 days ago      260MB19:44
fungithat's after a pull19:44
clarkblooks about right the 6 day old image is what we got for updating python testing for 3.11 onto jammy instead of default noble19:44
clarkband then this most recent change to fix the captcha built on top of that19:45
fungi#status log Restarted the lodgeit container on paste.opendev.org to pick up a captcha rendering fix19:45
fungicaptcha's are working for me when i try to paste a url19:46
opendevstatusfungi: finished logging19:46
clarkbhttps://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/936297 was the related chagne used to test that19:46
fungii'm going to pop out for a quick bite and then check back on the openeuler mirror progress as well as the results of the backup prune19:47
clarkbits not super important to have long term I expect btu also doesn't hurt and is a nice use of the test framework tooling19:47
clarkbya I too need lunch19:47
clarkblooks like pruning got us down to 68% disk utilization20:28
clarkbso retiring and pruning does help over just retiring (thats all the delta content we don't need for the additional backups)20:29
clarkbfungi: if you confirm the pruning output looks correct then the next step is pruging those repos. I can push a change for that when we think we are ready20:29
clarkbdoes anyone know how to convert a gerrit install from the login type of development (in use on our held nodes) to openid? I updated the config and restarted gerrit but after authing with login.ubuntu.com I get a not found error. Maybe I need to rerun the init step?20:55
* clarkb will try that next20:55
clarkboh wait maybe the problem is it tried ot redirect me back to review.opendev.org20:57
clarkband then that login pass wasn't found20:58
clarkbI think that may be it and I need to edit /etc/hosts locally ugh20:58
fungidropped us from 91% to 68% used on that volume21:01
fungiprevious runs were only getting down to 77% used, so this was a fairly drastic improvement21:02
clarkb/etc/hosts was the ticket21:03
clarkbI get the same behavior with paladox's fix in place. I'm now going to try modifying the apache reverse proxy rules21:04
clarkband see if we're appending an unwanted / there21:04
clarkb(this is all on my held test node so shouldn't affect anything)21:04
clarkbremoving the trailing / from the proxypassreverse role does not chagne the behavior21:09
fungigood to know21:10
clarkbunfortunately I think this means that paladox's workaround isn't good enough for us21:10
clarkbwe could potentially solve this how fungi suggested though by rewriting // to just / until we understand it better?21:10
clarkbbut I think we can avoid that and keep poking at the code to figure this out properly21:10
fungi#status log Pruned backups on backup02.ca-ymq-1.vexxhost.opendev.org reducing volume utilization from 91% to 77% following addition of the server retirement change21:10
clarkbfungi: 68% !21:11
fungi#status log CORRECTION! Pruned backups on backup02.ca-ymq-1.vexxhost.opendev.org reducing volume utilization from 91% to _68%_ following addition of the server retirement change21:11
opendevstatusfungi: finished logging21:11
fungithat's what i get for copying and pasting the wrong bits21:12
clarkbfor the record for anyone looking at logs wanting to test this kind of thing in the future, gerrit supplies our canonical url to the openid provider which means you get redirected to the canonical url after successfully authenticating. This means you have to modify /etc/hosts if setting up a test gerrit with openid to point review.opendev.org at your test server21:12
clarkbbut once you do that it seems to work just fine21:12
opendevstatusfungi: finished logging21:13
fungiopeneuler update is still in progress21:16
clarkb"good" news is I don't think paladox's change makes anything worse etiehr21:17
clarkbso we can safely update to that cleanup (which it does seem to be a reasonable cleanup) and be fine21:17
fungihttps://grafana.opendev.org/d/9871b26303/afs shows volume utilization is very low compared to quota, at this point, but i don't know how far or near completion it is21:18
clarkbI think I see why openid is different for upstream21:28
clarkbhttps://gerrit.googlesource.com/gerrit/+/refs/tags/v3.9.8/java/com/google/gerrit/httpd/auth/openid/OpenIdServiceImpl.java#478 this defaults us to a token = PageLinks.MINE (that constant is defined as '/') then at the end of the method we append the result of that token to rdr. I believe the append method there is doing path appends and separating things with /s21:30
paladoxinteresting problem you have. I couldn't reproduce the error you had locally but decided to strip the %2F.21:35
clarkbno that append method is for StringBuilder I think what happens when we do /login is we create an empty rdr then append and empty req path to that. Then at the end we append a single / from that default I noted and it works. If we do /login/ then we append empty string and / together then finally at the end append another /21:35
clarkbpaladox: the problem is reproduceable in upstream gerrit through21:35
clarkbpaladox: and also in our systems using local logins21:35
clarkbspecifically the problem with the sign in links that lead to the behavior we observe. But I think if you don't use the openid auth system then you don't get the callback method above which appends extra stuff21:36
clarkbso you just redirect to your /dashboard/self instead21:36
clarkbwhich I think is still broken because if you refresh the page the sign in links update and then you redirect back to where you logged in from21:37
paladoxI just logged in but didn't get the problem you had. Or is it expected it goes to /dashboard?21:37
clarkbpaladox: if you go to gerrit.server/c/org/project/+/123456 and look at the sign in link it will be to gerrit.server/login/%2F or gerrit.server/login/ after your change. This is buggy it should go to gerrit.server/login//c/org/project/+/12345621:38
clarkbpaladox: ^ that issue is 100% observable in every gerrit I have checked newer than 3.9.821:38
clarkbif you refresh the chagne path then the sign in link updates and is correct21:39
clarkbso thats bug one the sign in links are non consistent and they don't point you back to where you start when you log in21:39
clarkbthen separately I think there is another issue in the openid provider where it over appends an extra / when you start at /21:40
paladoxI went to https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/c/gerrit/+/444763 directly and logged in. Seemed to work?21:40
clarkbpaladox: yes login works but it does so in a wrong way. After you login there it redirects you to /dashboard/self not /c/gerrit/+/44476321:40
clarkbpaladox: if you refresh the page at /c/gerrit/+/444763 before clicking sign in then it works as epxected21:40
paladoxit redirected me successfully.21:40
clarkbpaladox: did you naviatge to that change by typing in the url completely and hitting go?21:41
clarkbI think that also acts like a refresh. But if you navigate there from a dashboard or whatever then it is wrong21:41
paladoxI could only reproduce when I do https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/ and it going to /dashboard21:41
paladoxI filed https://issues.gerritcodereview.com/issues/381996067 for that problem21:42
clarkbif you start at https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/ you get redirected to https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/q/status:open+-is:wip then if you click on one of the changes tehre you go to https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/c/git-repo/+/444841 for example nd the sign in link is https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/login/%2F21:42
clarkbI just went through all of that in a new incognito tab in crhome to make sure I wasn't doing it wrong21:42
paladoxok I see the problem21:43
clarkbmy hunch is that the openid extra / if going to / has always been there or has been there for a long time21:43
paladoxguess it's the same problem as I reported in the issue21:43
clarkbthe problem is that we notice it now because the sign in links are wrong21:43
clarkbif the sign in links are wrong then you redirect to /q/status:open+-is:wip or /c/git-repo/+/444841 and oepnid handles those properly21:43
paladoxalthough that one has href=21:44
clarkbthis sign in link problem also exists if you go to https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/ and get redirected to https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/q/status:open+-is:wip the sign in link is for /login/%2F not login/q/status:open+-is:wip21:44
clarkbupstream and in developer mode you don't really notice this unless you are surprised to have been redirected away from the page you originated on because it sends you to your /dashboard/self page21:45
clarkbbecause we use openid it sends us to // and there is nothing there and its weird21:45
clarkband I feel fairly confident the sign in links are wrong because if you directly enter the full path to a url and hit enter and don't get redirected the sign in link is different. Or if you refresh one of those pages after being redirected to them21:46
clarkbbasically at least one or the other is wrong and personally the old behavior and post refresh behavior makes more sense to me which is to return you to where you started from21:46
clarkbthen separaetly there is the issue in the openid auth driver but I think we can ignore that if we fix the sign in links21:47
clarkbpaladox: hopefully all that rambling makes sense? I'm going to try and pop out for some exercise while the sun is out and it isn't absolutely freezing outside but I'll be around and can help with more info/debugging if it is useful after (or tomorrow etc)21:50
paladoxyeh it does, it's basically what I reported above21:51
paladoxI just dunno how you fix it.21:51
clarkbpaladox: ack I'll try to respodn to there pointing out that there is probably a second issue with openid that makes it worse for us and also that your workaround doesn't address it in the openid case as a result21:51
clarkbI can also add the addition of navigating to a change page from the change listing you get redirected to has the same problem since it isn't just the list pages. I think the code for all of that is shared in some header typescript thing though21:53
clarkbso fixing it for one will likely fix it for all21:53
paladoxok this is just weird21:55
fungiwell, other than reverting the url handling refactor anyway21:55
paladoxI can see the query in pathname21:55
paladoxbut then I use it, it just returns either the base url or / (for non base urls)21:55
fungiand i think we established that the fedora gerrit is old enough (for now) that it doesn't exhibit this behavior21:56
fungiif you need one for direct comparison21:56
paladoxthink I maybe have found the fix21:58
paladoxnope :/21:59
clarkbya its 3.7.something22:02
clarkbok popping out now. Back in a bit22:02
fungias for openeuler mirror progress, looks like the top-level WSL, edge_img and embedded_img trees could also be pruned22:31
fungistill only using about 18% of the volume quota though22:33
paladoxissue is using page.js redirect(). Which also explains why clicking on a change even tho it has href set on <a> has the problem.22:51
clarkbpaladox: do you still want me to udpate the issue?23:33
clarkback I'm working on a hacky openid debugging patch that will also attempt to trim the trailing / if there are two at the end23:44
clarkbonce that is pushed up in some sort of fashion I'll update the issue too23:45

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