Monday, 2024-04-08

*** jroll07 is now known as jroll001:54
Akasakaanyone out there?02:49
tonybAkasaka: what's up?02:52
*** liuxie is now known as liushy03:04
*** gthiemon1e is now known as gthiemonge12:08
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Get rid of 3rd party mock
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Replace 2024.1/Caracal key with 2024.2/Dalmatian
SvenKieskeis this link wrong? the cinder agenda is empty?
SvenKieskeit's linked here:
fungiprobably worth asking in the cinder channel, or in #openinfra-events14:26
SvenKieskeyeah, sorry, will do14:26
clarkbfungi: thank you for dealing with the AFS thing. If we look in the email/ticket history was it the same device as last time?15:41
clarkbI'm wondering if we have a particularly sad device and maybe we should do lvm magic to replace it15:41
fungii didn't think to check, but can probably find it faster grepping irc logs, just a sec15:42 on 2024-02-2915:44 on 2024-04-0615:44
clarkbok not a single unhappy device then. Worth watching I guess but not worth any action now15:45
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove old infra-root-keys content
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Add a new infra-root-keys for 2024
clarkbinfra-root ^ feel free to update 915289 if you'd like to change your key17:44
fungiclarkb: meta-observation... i really like jitsi's handling of hand raising17:49
fungieveryone with their hand raised in the tc call has a yellow outline around them, and there's a count of total raised hands at the top of the screen17:50
JayFonly confusing bit is the count at the header17:52
JayFfor a while I thought it was showing a raised hand over the user on that tile17:52
fungiyeah, relative placement of some layers in the ui could be better (and has gotten better over time)18:02
fungianother minor ui observation that was made at the start of that call: having the video streams continue displaying behind the shared document is a little weird and distracting since you still may see some edges peeking out from under it18:03
JayFand eats up valuable system resources18:06
fungii already finished lunch, but yes great idea18:11
qowiejrI have some questions regarding devstack19:45
qowiejranyone awake?19:46
fungiqowiejr: you probably want the #openstack-qa channel in that case19:46
qowiejrok, thankyou19:46
clarkbqowiejr: I would do something like `tcpdump -i any port 53` and trace your dns packets to see where they get lost then work backward from there20:44
clarkbNot sure if ovn interfaces are tcpdumpable though (ovs are not by default)20:45

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