Tuesday, 2022-05-17

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clarkbMeeting time19:00
clarkbWe'll get started shortly19:00
clarkb#startmeeting infra19:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue May 17 19:01:14 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is clarkb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:01
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'infra'19:01
clarkb#link https://lists.opendev.org/pipermail/service-discuss/2022-May/000336.html19:01
clarkbOur Agenda19:01
clarkb#topic Announcements19:01
clarkbA friendly reminder that teh Summit happens June 7-9. I expect some of us will be traveling for that and distracted that week and probably on either end of it as well19:02
clarkbAlso I'll be out tomorrow19:03
clarkb#topic Topics19:03
clarkbTime to dive right in19:03
clarkb#topic Improving CD Throughput19:03
clarkbI don't have much new on this topic. But did want to call out something ianw_ noticed yesterday. If our base job fails then we don't periodicallyrun manage-projects19:04
clarkbWe should probably monitor https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?project=opendev%2Fsystem-config&pipeline=periodic&skip=0 and check that it is running through its list of jobs19:04
fricklermaybe add it as a regular topic to check that?19:05
fricklerworks fine in the qa meetings19:05
clarkbfrickler: to the meeting? We can do that19:05
clarkbsure, I can add that and we can give it a try19:06
clarkb#topic Container Maintenance19:06
clarkbianw_: mentioned wanting to look at mariadb upgrades when doing the Gerrit 3.5 upgrade.19:07
clarkbianw_: have you had a chance to look into that yet? Looks like you were working on holding a test node19:07
ianw_not yet sorry, but yeah, working on it with that held node, and also testing the downgrade there19:08
ianw_(meant to do it yesterday but got distracted by other things)19:08
clarkbno problem. Just wanted to check if there was new info on that as it was something I identified under the broad container maintenance header19:08
clarkbWill be interesting to see what we learn about it19:08
clarkb#topic Support for Jammy Jellyfish19:09
clarkbwe're still waiting on wheel mirrors for Jammy before we consider this done.19:09
clarkbI did want to mention that I think the openafs cleanups that jammy triggered are largely compelte with exception of xenial removal19:09
clarkbhowever, even without xenial removal we have freed up significant disk space and managed to reset quotas to better reflect current volume consumption19:10
ianw_i can get onto that soon, but what was the latest on reprepro?  it's sort-of-working-but-with-errors-that-we-can-seem-to-ignore-for-now?19:10
clarkbianw_: for the PPA stuff do we have jammy openafs packages built now and managed by changes to the new repos?19:11
*** ianw_ is now known as ianw19:11
ianwyes we do, there is a test ...19:12
ianw#link https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/84152519:12
ianwbe good to get that in19:12
clarkb++ I'll review that19:12
clarkbSounds like we mostly just need to push changes to add wheel mirroring and review them etc. No major issues at this point?19:13
clarkbnew afs volumes will need to be created too. Note I set all the wheel volume quotas to 20GB today19:13
clarkbAre there any other Jammy spin up concerns at this point?19:14
ianwi still need to fully look into the phased deb bits from the dib side, on the todo19:15
clarkbSounds like that may be it19:18
clarkb#topic Gerrit 3.5 Upgrade19:18
ianw(oh and tangentially to jammy openafs, i also fixed an issue with the new bionic openafs packages that were built relying on the backports repo being enabled.  i've disbled that in the ppa and rebuilt them)19:18
ianwthanks to frickler for noticing that19:18
fungithat was a great find19:20
ianwi put the gerrit 3.5 upgrade on the agenda19:21
clarkbya sorry being distracted19:21
ianwi have started a checklist at19:21
ianw#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/gerrit-upgrade-3.519:21
clarkbI left some notes on there which you seem to have noticed19:22
clarkbthe main thing that jumped out to me is enabling the conflicts checking. The mergeability checking showed us that people do rely on and use those features so we shoudl toggle them on before upgrading19:23
ianwyeah, i can send changes to turn that on explicitly 19:23
clarkb++ thanks19:24
ianwthe other one was that there's a new ssh "set-account" ability to remove external id's19:24
ianwmight make it slightly easier for duplicate accounts19:24
clarkbya I think the migration automatically adds that perm to admins? But then we can possibly take advantage of it to clean up the user db further19:25
clarkblearning what we can about the downgrade and possibility of a mariadb upgrade at the same time are the other major things. Basically we seem to have the known things under control and now its a matter of investigating the unknowns a bit19:26
ianwand out of interest i did dump the username: id's to see which ones conflicted in case-insensitive; that's an interesting list19:26
clarkbyup, a few of them are people getting a second account and needing to set a non conflicting usename19:26
fungii ran into one for a third-party ci system last week19:26
clarkbI noticed patterns like ^ when doing the db cleanups19:26
ianwassuming i get those other bits marked off, do we want to think about a date?19:27
clarkbYes, I made a note on the agenda to talk about scheduling19:28
clarkbhttps://releases.openstack.org/zed/schedule.html is the openstack release schedule which is a big thing to consider when planning this19:28
clarkbthat makes note of the summit too which is nice19:28
ianwthe options seem to be pre summit or post -- pre meaning we have it done and deployed for that, post being i guess slightly safer19:29
clarkbpersonally I feel like I have enough distractions pre summit to make doing it between now and then difficult. But maybe soon after the summit? That gives us plenty of time to announce it too19:29
clarkbWith previous releases I've done enough java'ing that I'd worry about doing an upgrade and not having some time to do that if necessary again19:30
ianwfair enough, i do like the idea that we go into the summit with it fully updated just as a point about the way we deploy, but i see the argument19:31
fungisounds good to me19:31
fungiafter i mean. just worried about summit prep and maintenance19:31
funginot that i'm super against before19:31
clarkbya I think if I didn't have a bunch of commitments for the summit I need to prepare for and then attend while there I'd be ok before19:31
clarkbbut I do have those things and I need to be sure I get around to them :)19:32
clarkbThe week after a summit tends to be pretty quiet too (not sure if that will hold during a pandemic) so could be a good time for it from a user perspective19:32
ianwsomething like the 12th?19:32
clarkbI return the 11th. The 12th would work for me assuming I can power through jetlag19:33
clarkbas far as conflicts go thats a fairly easy one to deal with.19:34
clarkbfungi: frickler ^ thoughts?19:34
fricklerI won't summit so I'm pretty flexible about it19:34
fungii'm not going to be around i don't think... checking19:34
ianwhrm 13th june is a public holiday here actually, so i am likely as not to be afk from that weekend19:35
fungiyeah, i'll be on my way home from boston on the 12th19:35
clarkbwhat about the 19th then? gives us a week to recover from the event then do the upgrade19:35
fungii can absolutely do the 19th19:35
clarkbor depending on location enjoy a public holiday :)19:35
clarkband then we can also give everyone a months notice if we announce it in the next day or two19:36
ianw++ i'll be happy to drive and do it very early on my monday, and hopefully !australian people can just be standyby in case of issues19:37
clarkbsounds like a plan19:37
clarkband to be clear thats australian 20th, but late 19th UTC ?19:38
clarkbianw: and is that something you want to send email for or should I work on that bit?19:38
ianwsay 20:00 UTC if that's ok.  that's 6am which is fine19:38
ianwi can send the announcement today19:39
clarkbJune 19 starting at 20:00 UTC. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes so blocking out an hour is probably plenty?19:39
clarkb(I really do appreciate that gerrit upgrades are quick now)19:39
ianw++ (famous last words, haha)19:39
clarkbAnything else on the subject of Gerrit upgrades?19:40
ianwbut yeah, we really have a ton of ci/cd that gives us great confidence!19:41
ianwnope, sounds good, thanks!19:41
clarkb#topic Open Discussion19:41
clarkbJust to reiterate I do plan to get a new annual cert for wiki.o.o next week (one of my pre summit todos that interferes with pre summit gerrit upgrades)19:41
clarkbfrickler: ^ fyi since you called that out19:42
corvusi have thing19:42
clarkbcorvus: go for it19:42
corvusi'm a little behind, but shortly i'm going to send an email reminder to zuul-discuss about the deprecation of the 'queue' attribute on project-pipeline stanzas19:43
corvuswe (opendev) should run this script to find instances of it: https://opendev.org/zuul/zuul/src/branch/master/tools/deprecated-queues.py19:43
corvusor at least our tenants should :)19:44
corvusso my question is, how would we like to handle that?19:44
clarkbI don't mind running it and sending email to our various users. I have done similar in the past for zuul config errors19:44
corvuscool, should be easy to run, and you can do a whole tenant at a time19:44
corvusistr there were many instances in the openstack tenant19:45
fungiand we have only a handful of tenants19:45
corvusthere's like 1 or 2 in zuul; i'll take care of that19:45
clarkbcorvus: any ballpark on when it will become an error to have in your config?19:45
corvusclarkb: v7 i think; but no idea when that is.  probably > 1 mo.19:45
clarkbok that works. Mostly so that I can warn them with info on when it will convert to an error in the emails19:46
corvus(should have been v6, but i think v6 was too fast/urgent for that)19:46
corvusnote that "become an error" in the case of a project-pipeline definition is sort of equivalent to "stop running many/all jobs"19:46
clarkbah right19:46
clarkbI'll also call this out in the TC meeting thursday (that is likely to be before I send email about it) so that they are aware19:47
clarkband ya I spot checked with codesearch last week and there are a number with those configs in place19:47
clarkbI'll likely get to running it and sending emails on thursady just not before the first thing in the mroning meeting19:48
corvusthat's all from me19:48
clarkbI'll give ti a couple more minutes for any other topics and if not we can end 10 minutes early19:49
clarkbSeems like that was it. Thank you everyone!19:51
clarkbAs always feel free to reach out in #opendev or on the mailing list if something comes up before the next meeting19:51
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue May 17 19:51:24 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:51
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/infra/2022/infra.2022-05-17-19.01.html19:51
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/infra/2022/infra.2022-05-17-19.01.txt19:51
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/infra/2022/infra.2022-05-17-19.01.log.html19:51
fungithanks clarkb!19:51

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