Tuesday, 2020-05-05

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clarkbwe'll start the meeting shortly18:59
clarkb#startmeeting infra19:01
openstackMeeting started Tue May  5 19:01:24 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is clarkb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:01
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: infra)"19:01
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'infra'19:01
clarkb#link http://lists.opendev.org/pipermail/service-discuss/2020-May/000017.html Our Agenda19:01
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clarkb#topic Announcements19:02
*** openstack changes topic to "Announcements (Meeting topic: infra)"19:02
clarkbJust the standing reminder that we are meeting here now. I can probably drop that at this point19:02
clarkb#topic Actions from last meeting19:02
*** openstack changes topic to "Actions from last meeting (Meeting topic: infra)"19:02
clarkb#link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-04-28-19.01.txt minutes from last meeting19:02
clarkbThere were no actions from last meeting (maybe need to get better at tracking those)19:02
fungiit's a cool meetbot feature19:03
clarkbI think we can dive straight into the agenda for today19:03
clarkb#topic Priority Efforts19:03
*** openstack changes topic to "Priority Efforts (Meeting topic: infra)"19:03
fungibut i kinda like having no action items ;)19:03
clarkb#topic Update Config Management19:03
*** openstack changes topic to "Update Config Management (Meeting topic: infra)"19:03
clarkbfungi: me too :)19:03
clarkbFirst up is a check in on the Gerrit and particularly Gerritbot situation19:03
clarkbPeople keep noticing that gerritbot's config isn't updating19:03
clarkbmordred: ^ anything new to share there or things people can help with?19:04
mordredno - mostly still slogging through the zuul/nodepool rollout19:04
mordredso I have made zero progress on gerrit/gerritbot since last week19:05
clarkbmordred: is the plan there to deploy it in a container on eavesdrop?19:05
mordredBUT - as soon as we rollout nodepool and then do your reorg patch, I'll work on that19:05
mordredso it should be easy - once there are slightly fewer plates spinning19:05
clarkbalso I suppose if anyone wanted to help they could start with changes to build those docker image(s)?19:05
mordredyou know - and fewer memory leaks19:06
mordredalready done19:06
clarkbah perfect19:06
mordreddone and merged even: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/715635/19:06
mordredso it's really just adding the ansible to run gerritbot on eavesdrop19:06
mordredbut - that's new jobs, so I think is an after-clarkb-zuul.yaml-split sort of thing19:06
mordredelse we might lose our minds ;)19:07
clarkb#info Next up for Gerritot is to add asnible to run gerritbot docker image on eavesdrop. Will want to do it after the system-config zuul config reorg19:07
clarkbLets talk about that then. The bit we are waiting for before reorging system-config's zuul configs is getting nodepool running via ansible and docker19:07
clarkbmordred: I think most of the changes ofr that are ready to go? its just a matter of deploying them?19:08
clarkbmaybe we can pick a launcher and a builer to convert, test that everything works on them then roll out to the other launchers abd builders? my biggest concern is with openstack doing release things nowish that we want to avoid big disruptions but a staged rollout should be pretty safe19:08
mordredyeah - we'll have chowns to do like we did for zuul19:09
mordredbut - it's launchers and builders - so one being down for a minute isn't a big deal19:09
clarkbyup rolling updates on those is pretty small impact19:09
mordredclarkb: maybe we put everything in to emergency, then just work them one at a time19:09
clarkbthen when that is rolled out I can refresh my system-config reorg and hopefully land that quickly before it conflicts with anything19:10
clarkbThe last thing I wanted to talk about here was trying to minimze user impacts for a bit to help openstack's release process go smoothly as possible19:11
clarkbI know we want to restart gerrit and we'll want to restart zuul services on the scheduler once new images land to pick up the jemalloc update19:11
clarkbif we want to do that in the next week and a half we should coordinate with the openstack release team19:12
clarkbBoth should be relatively low impact but zuul-scheduler in particular will dump queues restarting jobs19:12
mordredclarkb: we could do the scheduler restart on the weekend when there's less traffic19:12
mordredthe gerrit restart should be super easy - that one we can probably do whenever - no new functionality - really just the repl config19:13
clarkbya, maybe plan both for friday (releas ethings go quiet on fridays iirc)19:14
clarkbI'll ask the release team if that works fo rthem19:14
mordredsounds good to me19:14
clarkbgreat. Anything else on the subject of our config management manuevers?19:15
mordredoh - re: nodepool, we've also got arm images working through the system - so we should also be able to update nb03 to ansible/docker19:15
fungigerrit restart still needs the release team to avoid pushing release changes though, since in the past they've had trouble with replication lag and a gerrit restart will force a full replication run, right?19:15
mordredand the other nb's can get rebuilt as opendev and go ansible/docker too19:15
fungiso anything which merges shortly after the restart may not get replicated for a while19:15
mordredfungi: it should not force a full repl19:15
clarkbfungi: we don't force replication on restart anymore19:16
mordredyeah - we finally fixed that19:16
fungioh, excellent, i had clearly forgotten that!19:16
clarkbbut we'll clear it with them anyway19:16
clarkb#topic OpenDev19:17
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenDev (Meeting topic: infra)"19:17
clarkbI made a call for Service Coordinator volunteers with a deadline set for the end of April. Last week I promised I would volunteer officially to mkae that more official and I did not see any other volunteers19:18
clarkbI think that means I'm it, but wanted to get some acknowledgement of that beyond me asserting it if that makes sense19:18
clarkbAre there any other opendev related topics? I haven't heard anything new on citycloud/vexxhost network trouble so I assume that got sorted?19:20
AJaegerthanks clarkb for volunteering!19:20
fungioh, in other opendev news, i've started on a poc for reporting aggregate user activity statistics for our services19:20
fungi#link https://review.opendev.org/724886 Create new project for OpenDev Engagement Stats19:20
fungionce that is approved i can push my initial work in there19:21
fungiso far it's just measuring gerrit changes created/merged, revisions pushed, comments added, et cetera19:21
fungiqueried from the rest api19:21
fungiplanning to add stuff for counting our mailing list archives, irc logs, and so on19:21
clarkboh related to new projects we fixed the long standing bug where jeepyb didn't update gerrit acls for retired projects19:22
AJaegerstackalytics version 3? ;)19:22
clarkbfungi: ^ thank you for getting that in and running it19:22
funginot per-user stats, no19:22
fungiand nothing related to affiliation19:22
AJaegerfungi: so overall commits for all of openstack, all of Zuul?19:23
fungithis is more like how many reviewers interacted with projects in a given namespace, how many reviews were done, et cetera19:23
fungithe gerrit stuff so far has per-namespace and total across the gerrit deployment19:23
clarkbmore a project health than comparison metrics19:23
fungiand can chunk by month, quarter or year19:24
AJaegerunderstood now19:24
fungithe idea is taht we can at least provide some additional useful numbers to folks who are investing in our services (whether volunteering their time, donating server quota, ...)19:25
fungiso that they can see what kind of impact we're having19:25
fungianyway, once the code's up i'll start up a conversation on what direction(s) we should take it in19:26
clarkb#topic General Topics19:27
*** openstack changes topic to "General Topics (Meeting topic: infra)"19:27
clarkbFirst up is the PTG19:27
clarkb#link https://virtualptgjune2020.eventbrite.com Register if you plan to attend. This helps with planning details.19:27
clarkbIt is free registration. This is mostly for planning and related bookkeeping purposes19:28
clarkbI've requested three 2 hour chunks of time as mentioned previously and haven't been told no so I expect we'll get those19:28
fungiand it makes sure "attendees" have agreed to eth event's code of conduct19:28
clarkbMonday 1300-1500 UTC, Monday 2300-0100 UTC, Wednesday 0400-0600 UTC with Monday being June 1, 202019:28
fungias much as it can anyway19:28
clarkb#action clarkb prep PTG agenda etherpad19:29
clarkbI've been meaning to do ^ and now that things are getting close I should actually do that19:29
clarkbI'll send a link for that out to the mailing list once I've got it up19:29
clarkbHope to see you there and please register when you have a moment if you plan to attend19:30
clarkbNext is the wiki server. fungi any updates there?19:30
fungior some similarly-spelled word19:30
clarkbfungi: you're still next: Gerrit reviewers plugin19:31
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:gerrit-plugins+is:open19:31
fungiahh, so this is an interesting one19:31
fungijim sommerville from the starlingx project reached out to me about this because i was the only user in #opendev...19:31
fungi...on oftc19:31
fungi(i'm squatting the channel there in case we ever need it)19:31
funginot sure what prompted him to /join it, though i did suggest to him that in the future the equivalent channel on freenode was a better bet for finding us19:32
fungianyway, it sounds like folks in some of the starlingx teams are looking for better ways to organize their review backlogs and notifications19:33
fungiand he found the reviewers gerrit plugin and was asking whether it was something we'd consider adding19:33
fungiso i took a look, it seems to be maintained19:34
clarkbwhen I saw this go on the agenda  Idid check that the plugin has gerrit 2.13 versions and it does19:34
fungii pushed up a couple of preliminary changes to add it to our images19:34
fungimarked wip for now until we could talk it through19:34
fungithere's a big missing piece, which is figuring out how to manage the configuration for it19:34
clarkbfrom a technical standpoint I think my only concern would be if we need to rebuild the plugins like we did for melody and storyboard ics?19:34
clarkbfungi: oh its configurable?19:35
clarkbwhen I looked at it it seemed to look for a file in repos and if that was there add the listed users as reviewers19:35
fungia quick summary is that the project-specific configs are where you say certain file or branch patterns in a repo should get specific reviewers or groups (i think we'd just support the latter maybe for sanity) get mapped to one another19:35
fungithese are implemented similarly to how acls and other project options are set19:35
fungiso i think we'd need to handle them the same way we do acl configs with manage-projects19:36
corvus"Per project configuration of the @PLUGIN@ plugin is done in the reviewers.config file of the project."19:36
corvusmy guess is that's in the refs/meta/config branch19:36
fungiand probably auto-create any new groups they reference in reviewers.config just like we do for groups referenced in an acl19:36
mordredI think it should be fine to roll that out as part of >=2.14 - I don't want to try to build new stuff for 2.1319:36
corvusbut i don't know that19:36
fungicorvus: yeah, that's what it looked like to me as well19:36
mordredlike - last time I tried it was a complete failure which is why the dockerfile for 2.13 just downloads the war19:37
clarkbmordred: ya thats why I was concerned about needing to build things19:37
fungiso anyway, it's not just as simple as adding the plugin, doesn't look like (though that part seems straightforward and easy, thus the changes i've pushed so far)19:37
corvuswe're planning on stopping at 2.16 for a bit; how about we open the window for new plugins there?19:37
clarkbfungi: also we might want to make sure we understand what starlingx's needs are to ensure that plugin would help them19:38
fungithat seems reasonable to me, for sure19:38
mordredwfm. and I don't see anything about this plugin that would make me think it's a bad idea19:38
clarkbcorvus: ++19:38
fungiright, it seemed like a reasonable request, i wanted to dig into it some more, but since it looks like it'll require additional automation i wanted to make sure to start talking about it19:38
fungii can start up a thread on the service-discuss ml if that'll help us get through the specifics19:39
fungiand i agree, waiting until 2.16 is probably warranted19:39
fungiso as not to further complicate our upgrades19:39
fungii can update my wip patches to remove it from <2.1619:40
fungianyway, that answers my questions for now, i think19:40
corvusfungi: thanks, this was a good discussion :)19:40
fungii didn't know if it warranted a full spec, but i'll write up the use case and how i would envision it working and send it to the ml19:41
fungiand solicit feedback from the starlingx crew there19:42
clarkb#topic Open Discussion19:42
*** openstack changes topic to "Open Discussion (Meeting topic: infra)"19:42
clarkbThat was all I had on the agenda. Anything else before we close the meeting?19:43
mordredfungi: it's worth noting that we're motivated to get upgraded to 2.16 - so we're not talking about years here19:43
fungiwe've found some more stale afs volume locks from broken vos releases resulting from the 2020-04-28 afs01.dfw.o.o outage19:43
fungii took care of mirror.fedora earlier today, corvus fixed mirror.centos yesterday19:44
fungii've got mirror.opensuse running now19:44
fungiand mirror.yum-puppet needs doing as well19:44
clarkbmirror.opensuse and mirror.yum-puppetlabs in particular seem to be the remaining locked but no transaction cases19:44
fungithere may be others19:44
clarkbfungi: I don't think there are based on my read of vos listvldb and vos status19:44
fungii recall i (or someone) fixed some of the docs/static site volumes last week19:44
clarkb(someone should double check it though)19:45
fungithanks for checking that, clarkb19:45
ianwmatches up with http://grafana.openstack.org/d/ACtl1JSmz/afs?orgId=1 , thanks19:46
fungiyeah, i think the fedora one should clear when the current rsync and vos release pulse ends19:47
fungithe manual vos release in these cases seems to only redo/finish the incomplete vos release from the time of the crash19:47
fungiso doesn't actually switch to the current data19:48
clarkbthe second vos release will do the catch up19:49
fungiwhich i've just been letting the mirror-update cronjobs take care of19:49
clarkbalright last call for any other items otherwise I'll call it a few minutes early today19:50
ianwif i could request some reviews on https://review.opendev.org/#/q/status:open+topic:cleanup-test-image-python19:51
ianw#link https://review.opendev.org/#/q/status:open+topic:cleanup-test-image-python19:51
ianwthat will help me make progress getting rid of pip-and-virtualenv19:51
ianwthere's also some nodepool things out there that could use some eyes too19:53
ianw#link https://review.opendev.org/72421419:54
ianwis another one just to get afs testing on focal19:54
ianwfocal did the same thing as bionic unfortunately and shipped a ~pre version of openafs19:55
* fungi grumbles19:55
clarkba different version though I expect19:55
funginot the same ~pre version i guess?19:55
ianwthe arm64 job @ https://review.opendev.org/724439 fails due to pip-and-virtualenv19:55
corvusianw: know whow well it works?19:55
ianwbeing removed on that platform.  i need to fix ensure-tox, as we install tox for the zuul user and then try to run it as root which blows up19:56
ianwcorvus: it being openafs?  we put in 1.8.5 packages to the ppa and it passes testing, at least19:57
corvusya.  thx.  so we just need to get one of the mirrors on it and see how it holds up over time?19:57
corvusalso sounds like we'll be wanting the new executors on it too19:57
fungigreat point19:58
ianwyep that would be a good start.  although our bionic hosts are on 1.8 series too, so i would expect things are ok19:58
clarkbya iirc 1.8 can client to 1.6 but we can't mix fileservers between 1.6 and 1.8 ?19:58
clarkbsoits the upgrade of the fileservers that will be "fun"19:58
clarkband we are at time. Thanks everyone19:59
*** openstack changes topic to "Incident management and meetings for the OpenDev sysadmins; normal discussions are in #opendev"19:59
openstackMeeting ended Tue May  5 19:59:18 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:59
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-05-05-19.01.html19:59
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-05-05-19.01.txt19:59
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-05-05-19.01.log.html19:59
fungithanks clarkb!19:59

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