Tuesday, 2023-01-17

mariosarxcruz|ruck: fyi https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ansible/+/870492 merged so please try get the zed hash promoted today07:06
* soniya29|rover brb07:12
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Tenguhello there07:26
Tenguzed should work better.07:29
Tengufinger crossed. but since the inventory patch is indeed in.... I don't see why it would fail now.07:29
arxcruz|ruckTengu: 07:57
arxcruz|ruckTengu: marios zed promote 07:57
arxcruz|ruckso, all good 07:57
marioscool thanks arxcruz|ruck 08:03
mariosarxcruz|ruck: soniya29|rover|brb: lets sync at usual time (should be in calendar) in ~half hour08:03
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mariosarxcruz|ruck: are we even running validate-tempest any more?08:18
mariosi didnt think so any more08:18
arxcruz|ruckmarios: no08:18
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Tenguarxcruz|ruck: too easy :)08:20
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Tenguhmmm btw.. I think I'm on the rover duty next week.08:22
Tenguyep, that's on me.08:22
Tenguarxcruz|ruck, soniya29|rover is there some kind of meeting when ruck/rover are switched?08:23
* Tengu takes over on Thu08:23
arxcruz|ruckTengu: we do a sync before or after the scrum meeting 08:23
soniya29|roverTengu, yes, while switching proper handoff is given :)08:23
Tenguok - so I'll be with bhagyashris - I'll let you push a meeting whenever you want on that day.08:24
Tenguwe're on the same kind of TZ afaik. APAC/EMEA ?08:24
*** soniya29|rover is now known as soniya29|rover|lunch09:16
Tenguhmm. quick question: I'm working downstream on the rhel-9.2 for osp-17.1, and am in the process of getting my first testproject. I see in the past that a "dlrn_hash_tag" is passed at some point in the .zuul.yaml - I don't remember where I'm supposed to get it from.09:45
mariosTengu: unless you want a specific hash you dont need to set that09:47
Tengumarios: ah? ok.09:47
* marios biab09:49
Tengulet's see.09:49
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* pojadhav afk10:46
ysandeepchandankumar, hello o/ I want to chat with you about keeping common code in install_yamls before podified mtg.10:47
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy11:14
rlandyTengu: hi - you all set? with testproject?11:16
rlandymarios: soniya29|rover; arxcruz|ruck: how are things?11:16
arxcruz|ruckrlandy: pretty stable11:17
arxcruz|ruckpromotions everywhere 11:17
rlandyarxcruz|ruck++ nice work!!!11:17
soniya29|roverrlandy, there are new issues in downstream 11:17
arxcruz|ruckrlandy: i did nothing tbh great work of previous rr marios and sandeep 11:17
rlandysoniya29|rover: are there bugs for them?11:17
soniya29|roverrlandy, 17.1 rhel9 blocked on https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2161262 | https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=216150111:18
soniya29|rover17 rhel9 is blocked on https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=216126211:18
mariosrlandy: new issue for downstream (new dependency bug) and ongoing tripleoclient thing but soniya29|rover is trying sometthing there11:19
mariosrlandy: (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2161262#c10)11:19
rlandymarios: and https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2161501?11:20
rlandysoniya29|rover: marios: can we syn for a few - quicker11:20
rlandyso know what has been done11:21
mariosrlandy: yes 11:22
rlandysoniya29|rover: pls respond11:22
soniya29|roverrlandy, yeah11:22
rlandysoniya29|rover: marios: https://meet.google.com/ogb-fxeu-bzo?pli=1&authuser=011:23
soniya29|rovermarios, rlandy, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/870795/1/roles/oooci-build-images/tasks/pre.yaml11:34
mariossoniya29|rover: https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/src/commit/896e999c2976cdc8ffe6f4358a9fc2ce7b13dee0/roles/oooci-build-images/templates/build-images.sh.j2#L411:34
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rlandyarxcruz|ruck: chandankumar: ysandeep: are we ok to w+ https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/config/+/46554 - then I can put in the patch to put wallaby on ibm cloud11:45
ysandeeprlandy, looking 11:45
ysandeeplgtm, +wing11:46
soniya29|roverrlandy, marios, https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/testproject/+/43870211:47
mariossoniya29|rover: ack 11:48
rlandysoniya29|rover: still needs correction11:50
rlandysoniya29|rover: https://meet.google.com/uxb-xvef-yod?pli=1&authuser=011:50
rlandypls join now ^^11:50
rlandyI have 5 mins11:50
rlandysoniya29|rover: is there a new patch?12:07
soniya29|roverrlandy, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/87079512:07
rlandysoniya29|rover: ok - pls rekick https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/testproject/+/438702 now12:08
soniya29|roverrlandy, https://sf.hosted.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/zuul/t/tripleo-ci-internal/autoholds12:11
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rlandysoniya29|rover: pls check your jobs results and report out on the bug12:46
rlandymarios: ^^ fyi12:46
soniya29|roverrlandy, ack12:47
rlandymsg": "\n:stderr: ERROR: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/zuul/src/code.engineering.redhat.com/requirements/upper-constraints.txt'\n12:47
rlandysoniya29|rover: marios: maybe we try the other option??12:47
mariosrlandy: yes ... bypass venv with https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/src/commit/896e999c2976cdc8ffe6f4358a9fc2ce7b13dee0/roles/oooci-build-images/templates/build-images.sh.j2#L412:48
rlandyand osp_release is not defined12:51
rlandysoniya29|rover: marios: ^^12:51
rlandyto ignore that on downstream12:51
rlandyor in 17 and 17.1 only12:51
rlandyif ansible_distribution in ["RedHat"] and osp_release|default('') in ['rhos-17.1', 'rhos-17']12:52
rlandymarios: soniya29|rover: ^^ something like that12:52
soniya29|roverrlandy, okay12:52
mariosrlandy: seems reasonable yes12:52
mariosprobably osp_release is enough codesearch tells me we only set it d/stream 12:53
rlandysoniya29|rover; pls make that change now12:59
rlandyand put up the patch for marios and me to review12:59
rlandythen rerun the testproject with that depends on12:59
rlandysoniya29|rover: we need to see if that is a workable solution13:00
soniya29|roverrlandy, okay, give me 2 mins13:01
rlandysoniya29|rover: thank you13:01
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soniya29|roverrlandy, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/87079513:14
soniya29|rovermarios, ^^13:14
ysandeeprlandy, dviroel hey o/ can i play around with hive in stage tenant if its free, I haven't explored hive in details and want to get familiar with its workflow.13:17
pojadhavfolks, please add agenda if any for today's community call : https://hackmd.io/iraYQWGBT4qPCKH0VNG31A#2023-01-17-Community-Call13:23
rlandyysandeep: sending info on pvt13:28
rlandysoniya29|rover: that is the wrong change13:29
rlandysoniya29|rover: you around??13:29
soniya29|roverrlandy, yeah13:29
rlandysoniya29|rover: k - sec - sending some info to ysandeep then I will meet with you - pl shold13:30
soniya29|roverrlandy, ack13:30
jm1rlandy:  regarding your question from yesterday about https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2161262 < looks like job installs latest openstacksdk and openstackclient in python venv. this is unrelated to ansible openstack collection. outside that venv, the right combination of aoc (<2), sdk(<0.99.0) and osc is installed13:34
rlandysoniya29|rover: https://meet.google.com/bgq-eojj-wep?pli=1&authuser=013:34
rlandyjm1: I think we sorted it - thanks13:34
jm1rlandy: ack, good :D13:34
ysandeeprlandy, dviroel fyi.. chandankumar and me discussed about keeping common tooling in install_yamls, we need more time to finalize the plan before presenting to the podified team. We will most probably bring this up in next week call but not this week(to finalized details among ourself).13:49
rlandyysandeep: yep - agree13:49
rlandylet's get our story straight13:50
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soniya29|roverrlandy, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/87080914:10
soniya29|roverplease let me know if the review looks okay14:11
rlandysoniya29|rover: you need to close the if case14:13
rlandysoniya29|rover: left two comments14:14
rlandythe current expression does not work14:15
rlandyjust use if osp_release is not defined 14:15
soniya29|roverrlandy, done14:17
rlandysoniya29|rover: ack - looks right14:19
rlandypls retry the testproject with this depends14:20
ysandeeppojadhav, hey o/ I will miss community call today, if we discuss something imp, could you please record.14:25
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soniya29|roverrlandy, yupp14:30
*** soniya is now known as soniya|rover14:34
frenzy_fridayHey arxcruz, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, chandankumar, dviroel, dasm, Tengu : TripleO CI Community in ~10 mins. Meeting link: meet.google.com/igc-nxwj-gws, Meeting notes: https://hackmd.io/iraYQWGBT4qPCKH0VNG31A#2023-01-17-Community-Call14:51
Tenguah, right.14:51
Tenguthanks for the reminder, frenzy_friday 14:51
soniya|roverrlandy, i have holded the node successfully :)14:52
* frenzy_friday will get a bot to send out reminders :D14:54
soniya|roverrlandy, periodic-tripleo-rhel-9-buildimage-overcloud-full-rhos-17 passed14:54
soniya|rovermarios, ^^14:55
rlandyfrenzy_friday++ nice14:55
rlandysoniya|rover: ok - so that's one way around the problem14:55
rlandysoniya|rover: pls test a 16.2 test and a 17.1 test with that change as well14:55
rlandyso we know if it's safe to merge on all releases14:56
rlandysoniya|rover: also the commit message on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/870809 needs an update14:56
rlandyyou are just not using a venv with downstream builds14:57
soniya|rover<rlandy> soniya|rover: pls test a 16.2 test and a 17.1 test with that change as well - okay14:57
dasmfrenzy_friday: good idea about bot14:58
soniya|roverrlandy, https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/testproject/+/438702 - testing here for all releases15:08
soniya|rover<rlandy> soniya|rover: also the commit message on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/870809 needs an update - done15:08
rlandysoniya|rover: thanks - left some comments to improve the commit message15:25
chandankumarsee ya people o/15:25
rlandysoniya|rover: you can wait to update that message until the currnt testproject completes15:25
rlandysoniya|rover: ty for updating the bug :)15:25
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soniya|roverrlandy, i have updated the commit message15:35
soniya|roverrlandy, sorry but i updated it just now in hurry15:36
rlandysoniya|rover: thank you - will check after current meeting15:36
soniya|roverrlandy, thanks15:36
* soniya|rover leaving for the day15:37
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rlandymarios: fyi - this should be in a good state now: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/87080915:59
rlandywaiting on https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/testproject/+/438702 to report to vote16:00
rlandywil leave my vote for your review in the morning16:00
mariosack rlandy voted 16:04
mariosah i see.. waiting on test ... ack as discussed will check in my morning then removing vote for now 16:04
Tenguok Team - signing off for today16:14
TenguSee you tomorrow!16:14
* marios out16:27
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arxcruz|ruckrlandy: 1-1?16:36
rlandyoh sorry16:39
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rlandydviroel: can't hear you17:32
dviroelPR is passing again https://github.com/openshift/release/pull/3453618:27
*** Tengu7 is now known as Tengu18:59
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* dasm => break. bbl20:53
rlandyfrenzy_friday: arxcruz|ruck: pls review https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/45664 for dasm23:52
dasmmoar reviews plzz!23:52
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.23:52

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