Friday, 2023-01-06

*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|ruck01:30
ysandeep|ruckakahat|rover, when you are around, do we need cherry-pick of ?03:14
ysandeep|ruckreviewbot: please add in review list:
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list04:09
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akahat|roverysandeep|ruck|afk, yes. we need cherry pick for Z. 05:12
*** akahat|rover is now known as akahat05:12
akahatysandeep|ruck|afk, cherry pick05:13
akahatthis error is there in passed job:
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ysandeep|ruckakahat: ack, thanks!05:53
*** marios is now known as marios|rover06:04
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, good morning, happy friday :)06:04
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, I am doing ruck/rover with you for the first time in my ~3 year tenure in this team :)06:05
marios|rovertox jobs failing06:07
marios|roverysandeep|ruck: no i'm sure we've done before/06:07
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, yes, rabi is working on that.06:07
marios|rovercool thanks rabi 06:08
ysandeep|rucknah, never did it together iirc :D 06:09
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, New ruck/rover hackmd:
marios|roverysandeep|ruck: thanks was just looking at it06:10
ysandeep|ruckwohoo wallaby c9 just promoted06:15
marios|roverysandeep|ruck: lets do sync call in a bit so we can split who is doing what 06:15
ysandeep|rucksure o/06:19
ysandeep|ruckchandankumar, could you please revisit when time permits.07:22
Tenguhmm, I think rlandy_ pointed a link yesterday, but since I had to reconnect IRC, I don't have it in here.07:40
Tenguah, that was on #tripleo.07:42
chandankumarysandeep|ruck: Done07:57
chandankumarGood morning o/07:57
chandankumarTengu: glad to know you got the EDPM thing working in tripleo-lab.07:57
chandankumarlet me know when I can start reviewing the patches07:58
bhagyashrisis anyone facing tox-cover failure on tripleo-repos patches 08:06
bhagyashrisi am facing this issue
bhagyashrisif anyone have any clue to resolve plz let me know 08:06
ysandeep|ruckbhagyashris, looking, probably related to tox4 issues08:07
marios|roverbhagyashris: we have a few tox issues atm 08:07
marios|roverbhagyashris: might be
bhagyashrisi checked the tox.ini but didn't see anything to do with tox408:08
Tenguchandankumar: almost, for tripleo-lab, I'm having some network issue. Hopefully I'll find the right thing.08:08
Tenguand apparently the CI version is having some (new) issue with the refactoring.08:10
Tenguaha! ok, same thing I got locally: repositories aren't set, because nothing sets them in the actual deploy playbook. I had to add a prep step here, guess I'll have to be smarter on the CI.08:11
Tenguand now I understand a bit better the inclusion of one of the role.08:11
chandankumargood good08:12
chandankumarwe run two roles there08:12
Tenguok, the undercloud-setup role is needed on the subnode-108:12
Tengubecause that's the one setting up the repos, and installing the built packages.08:12
chandankumarone for repo setup and another one is container prep08:12
chandankumarfor proper container tag08:12
Tengucontainer-prep is in08:12
Tengumissing the undercloud-setup. Though I want to check what's going on in there, and see if we can't include specific task file for subnode-108:13
* Tengu digging08:13
chandankumarTengu: ok08:13
marios|roverysandeep|ruck: decided not to rekick the whole line just the node fail jobs 08:13
chandankumarTengu: undercloud-setup calls repo setup
chandankumarbuild test packages08:14
Tenguchandankumar: ok, basically we may be able to include 3 dedicated roles for the subnode-1: repo-setup, build-test-packages and install-built-repo08:14
chandankumarwhere we buid all the rpms for depends on08:14
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, ack, zed will promote now.. all job passed08:14
TenguI think this should do.08:14
marios|rovergreat ysandeep|ruck 08:14
chandankumarrepo-setup role uses from release file08:15
chandankumarto do repo generation08:15
chandankumarand run commands before and after repo setup08:15
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, fyi.. infra pinning tox<4 for older branches: , but the one which bhagyashris will still need fix as its for master08:15
marios|roverysandeep|ruck: thanks i saw mail from gman on mailing list about that yesterday or so was wondering about it a little while ago08:16
Tenguer. nope. bad idea. ok. guess we're good to include that undercloud-setup as-is.08:16
ysandeep|ruckbhagyashris, are you able to reproduce the issue in local?08:16
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bhagyashrisysandeep|ruck|lunch, haven't checked locally 08:43
bhagyashrisysandeep|ruck|lunch, hey ran same issue locally as well08:52
bhagyashrisAssertionError: 'Logging level set to DEBUG' not found in []09:45
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ysandeep|ruckbhagyashris: ack, I will take a look 10:13
marios|roverfood brb10:36
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, fyi.. master promoted as well along with zed :D10:53
marios|rovernice ysandeep|ruck we should also get 17.1/9 waitign on 8/16 couple jobs left10:59
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy11:12
rlandymarios|rover: ysandeep|ruck: hey - sure you guys are all set - pls just ping when you are EoD and let me know what to watch11:13
marios|roverack 11:13
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, good morning, sure o/ We have promoted almost everything, just trying to deal with couple of tox related failure with rabi's help.11:15
bhagyashrisjoining review time in sec11:16
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*** dviroel|afk is now known as dviroel11:24
rlandydviroel: chandankumar: hi - we have two cores on rr - can you review dasm|off 's patches on review list pls11:38
dviroelrlandy: sure11:39
dviroelysandeep|ruck: hi o/11:39
ysandeep|ruckdviroel, hello o/11:40
dviroelysandeep|ruck: i have a xs fix here, can you check
dviroelone line :)11:40
ysandeep|ruckdviroel, ack, will check shortly after review call11:40
ysandeep|ruckdviroel, ack.. our namespace name is `openstack-k8s-operators`, added /lgtm flag11:48
dviroelysandeep|ruck: yes, `openstack-k8s-operators-ci` is our group name11:50
Tenguchandankumar: hmm, seems the inventory provided to the ansible run bootstraping the env is really, really annoying...12:19
Tenguchandankumar: 2023-01-06 09:55:43.460428 | primary | [WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: subnode-112:19
Tenguguess we'd may want to pass "primary,secondary"12:20
marios|roverysandeep|ruck: should get 16.2 as well fyi waiting on fs1 report but passed tempest 12:27
chandankumarit is creating subnode-112:27
chandankumarthat's why ansible is giving weired error12:27
Tenguchandankumar: we can't use "all", nor the final name.12:28
chandankumarsubnode-1 inevntory gets added12:28
Tenguit's... annoying.12:28
Tenguso let's use primary, secondary, and let's see how it works.12:28
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, awesome12:30
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, bhagyashris reported tox failure noticed in tripleo-repos project.12:36
marios|roverthx ysandeep|ruck 12:36
bhagyashristhanks ysandeep|ruck 12:36
rlandypojadhav|sick: arxcruz: I'm pulling the tempest-skiplist work off the current sprint - any objections?12:40
arxcruzrlandy: no12:40
rlandyarxcruz: I don;t see soniya on line12:40
rlandybut I chatted with her yesterday12:40
arxcruzrlandy: me too, i pass her the link for the course 12:40
dviroelysandeep|ruck: it worked12:41
dviroelNAME    IMAGE REPOSITORY                                          TAGS                               UPDATED12:41
dviroeltools   openstack-operator-ci-pre-commit   32 minutes ago12:41
rlandyakahat: hi - are you still actively working on registry retirement?12:41
ysandeep|ruckdviroel, wohoo nice, we don't need to duplicate that container everywhere12:42
rlandyfrenzy_friday: hello - any word on the cockpit stats?12:43
rlandymarios|rover: ysandeep|ruck: are you having to rerun OVB jobs still or are they promoting w/o reruns?12:45
frenzy_fridayrlandy, the query looked okay at a glance, I need to check some more to find out what is wrong. Is it okay if I take a look next week? Reading on kuttl tests and operator now12:45
akahatrlandy, not really.. some upstream patches needs to get merged. Will take a look there.12:46
marios|roverrlandy: d/stream ok today ... eg 16.2 nodefailures got a few ovbs green on first attempt 1 20 35 12:46
rlandyakahat: ok - I'd like to drop that for the next sprint - co can you add the last patches to be merged on to review list and we can close out12:47
rlandyfrenzy_friday: ack - sure12:47
marios|roverrlandy: for upstream i think still early to say ... we need to wait for runs now that we cleared the xfs thing or at least workaround it12:47
ysandeep|ruckrlandy_, ovb pass rate is good, but for some component I hit tempest failure twice/thrice already on same ovb job.12:47
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, ^^12:47
rlandyysandeep|ruck: ak - ok12:48
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rlandyarxcruz: chandankumar: ysandeep|ruck: dviroel: marios|rover: Tengu: as discussed in Podified meeting in ~40 mins - we will need to divide up work, decide what goes to MVP (then we can do JIRA work off line) ... pls update with any items you see missing12:52
rlandyalso - I'll change that meeting name12:52
arxcruzdviroel: let me know when you're free so we can talk :) 12:52
Tengurlandy: 'k12:54
rlandyk - now called Modernization Design meeting12:54
dviroelarxcruz: i have 30 min now 12:59
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm14:14
Tenguysandeep|ruck|afk: soo... yeah. vbmc will probably be in the loop at some point imho14:17
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ysandeep|ruckTengu: yes, mostly likely14:18
Tenguso we'll have to find a place to run it.14:22
Tenguwhile ensuring it will get enough accesses to libvirt14:22
Tenguthat will be "nice"..... rlandy we probably need some time to investigate vbmc usage and integration as a requirement for the node provisionning. Added a line in the doc.14:24
ysandeep|ruckprobably we can utilize also ovb - where nova translate on/off for power management.14:24
Tenguhmm does it translate the boot setting as well?14:24
Tengui.e. "network", "cd", "disk"14:25
ysandeep|ruckI think it wait for network for first boot, because for ovb job we do node provision via network14:27
Tenguhmm. not really optimized, network timeout may be long14:27
ysandeep|ruckwe can crosscheck ovb code to confirm14:28
rlandyTengu: sure - add to doc and we'll get a JIRA on that 14:28
Tengurlandy: done. guess it will be a spike.14:30
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, rlandy I am out soon, I will keep troubleshooting on Monday, nothing to handover for now.14:59
ysandeep|ruckHave a great weekend everyone o/14:59
Tengusee you next week ysandeep|ruck 15:00
ysandeep|ruckTengu, see yaa o/15:00
rlandyysandeep|ruck: thank you15:00
rlandyhave a good weekend15:00
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marios|rovero/ ysandeep|out 15:05
chandankumarsee ya people o/15:19
arxcruze-book about podman made by the man himself
marios|rovero/ off in few rlandy nothing to handoff here either (hackmd updated/latest promotions are all good we got d/stream today too)16:34
rlandymarios|rover++ nice16:34
rlandythank you16:34
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marios|roverhave a good weekend o/ 16:43
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dasmmarios|out: o/16:45
Tenguchandankumar: refactoring almost good! the compute is properly deployed AND registered against the standalone! Now there's just a weird thing, apparently the hostvars[target_host].ansible_fqdn points to "standalone.localdomain" instead of the actual external compute.16:56
Tengubut that's almost a detail at this point. It's almost all good. pffff.16:56
Tenguand now... I'm off.16:56
rlandyhave a good weekend16:58
rlandylunch - brb16:58
Tengusee you around :)16:58
dasmTengu: o/16:59
*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel17:50
rlandydasm: hey ... wrt your reviews ..18:48
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.18:48
rlandythe updated deployment 18:48
rlandythat's the last before the three bigger patches?18:50
dasmrlandy: yes19:40
dasmsorry, been fighting water leak at my place19:40
dasmsweet. another change landed19:41
dviroelsee you all in a week o/21:11
* dviroel pto21:11
dasmdviroel: o/ take care!21:12
dviroelyou too o/21:12
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|pto21:12
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off21:37
* dasm|off leaves too21:37

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