Thursday, 2022-12-29

*** bhagyashris is now known as bhagyashris|ruck06:30
chkumar|roverbhagyashris|ruck: pojadhav akahat let me know when we can do the handover today!07:03
pojadhavchkumar|rover, around 6 or 7pm IST ??07:07
chkumar|roverpojadhav: ok, let me send an invite07:07
pojadhavchkumar|rover, sure.. thanks!!07:07
bhagyashris|ruckchkumar|rover, pojadhav ok for me07:23
* dviroel coffee11:50
pojadhavbhagyashris|ruck,  RR hand over ??12:31
chkumar|roverdviroel: o/13:02
chkumar|roverakahat: can you propose a patch to update tox-py36-ci-config  to tox-py3913:03
chkumar|roverand to drop this job mol-tripleo_common_integrationfailure 13:03
chkumar|roverand to drop this job mol-tripleo_common_integration13:03
chkumar|rovermol-tripleo_common_integration is non voting from long time13:04
akahatchkumar|rover, this job no longer required? 13:04
akahatyeah.. this is non-voting since long time.13:04
chkumar|roverit is always failing13:04
chkumar|roverso I think we can drop13:04
akahatchkumar|rover, ok13:05
akahatReviews requsted: 13:10
akahat* soniya29 (~soniya29@2401:4900:1c9b:ce7a:8ca6:d3d0:6a5a:445e) has joined13:10
akahat* ratailor has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:10
akahat* Tengu has quit (Quit: updates)13:10
akahat* ratailor__ (~ratailor@ has joined13:10
akahat* Tengu ( has joined13:10
akahat* ratailor_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:10
akahat* dviroel (~dviroel@ has joined13:10
akahat* dviroel coffee13:10
akahatoops !!13:10
akahatReview requested:
chkumar|roverit is first needs to be removed from rdo-jobs13:13
dviroelchkumar|rover: hey, needs anything?13:37
pojadhavchkumar|rover, dviroel : please merge to promote rhos17.1 line
chkumar|roverdviroel: currenty nope13:41
* pojadhav afk13:42
dviroelchkumar|rover: have no merge rights on environments, but added my vote there]13:52
chkumar|rovernp, already +wed it13:52
chkumar|roverdviroel: see ya!15:50
chkumar|rovernothing to check for now15:50
chkumar|rovereverything is calm!15:50
dviroelchkumar|rover: see ya p/15:56
dviroelchkumar|rover: nice 15:56
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|lunch16:25

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