Monday, 2022-12-19

rlandyakahat|ruck: pojadhav|rover: chandankumar: left comments on - pls check in with takashi on that00:43
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out00:52
*** dasm|off is now known as Guest14903:32
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|rover04:35
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mariosmorning akahat|ruck pojadhav|rover o/ lets have a quick sync in 1 hour (just sent invite please check inbox)06:56
pojadhav|rovermarios, hey akahat|ruck will be joining apprx 1 hour late.. he informed me.06:57
mariospojadhav|rover: ok lets see maybe he will make it in time06:58
pojadhav|rovermarios, can you please postponed the time 1 hr more later from current meeting time as amol's request..??07:00
mariospojadhav|rover: k done. i thought you meant he will be 1 hour late and the call is in 1 hour so ... but fine i pushed it in 2 hours 07:03
pojadhav|rovermarios, akahat|ruck is out for some medical emergency07:03
mariosi see07:03
mariospojadhav|rover: do you have any more info? (please see private chat)07:04
pojadhav|rovermarios, yep07:06
* pojadhav|rover brb 07:09
mariosthanks pojadhav|rover 07:28
mariospojadhav|rover: see internal rhos-ops07:50
pojadhav|rovermarios, yes seen07:54
mariospojadhav|rover: so are we getting this in d/stream jobs (have you noticed something yet?)07:55
mariosat least not in yesterday runs 07:56
mariosah component common pojadhav|rover has some fails 07:56
pojadhav|roverreporting a bug for the same07:57
pojadhav|roverin middle of writting it07:57
mariosyeah seems to be a different one ... the issue dpawlik mentioned was for node failure 07:57
pojadhav|rovercan see node_failures there on current running07:57
mariosk we can catch up in 1 hour on call 07:58
pojadhav|roverbut i am reporting bug for missing modules07:58
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akahat|ruckmarios, o/ thanks for reschedule. 08:18
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jbadiapaGood morning, after getting merged, shouldn't be some periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade-ffu-wallaby jobs at ? or did I miss something ? 08:39
jbadiapawell, forget about the question, I do not why is not listed but at least it's been executed 08:45
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akahat|ruckmarios, ^^09:17
* pojadhav|rover lunch09:26
mariosjbadiapa: o/ 09:27
jbadiapamarios, Hi 09:27
mariosjbadiapa: not sure what your question is can you please clarify?09:27
mariosjbadiapa: ah checking i got it sec09:28
jbadiapamarios, I was checking the periodic job at so I search for ffu jobs and the standalone one wasn't showed up on the list... 09:28
mariosjbadiapa: yeah that is bizarre i don't know whyu it is missing. it merged many days ago so not some kind of zuul cache issue09:29
jbadiapaafter some other checking I went directly to  and the job was executing09:29
mariosjbadiapa: yeah it is executing09:29
jbadiapaI changed browser just in case... but I have the same result as well09:29
marioshold on when did it merge fetching...09:29
marioslike a week ago 09:30
jbadiapaand it also had some precious tests09:31
mariosjbadiapa: lets ask in rhos-ops (internal) going there now if you want to join maybe someone can tell us whats up09:33
jbadiapasure, thx.. I saw your patch on the comment thx09:34
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*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy11:39
* pojadhav|rover needing a tea break...11:50
rlandymarios: hello ... moving out of blocked - can you leave current status?11:53
mariosrlandy: see 11:54
mariosrlandy: package conflict 11:54
mariosrlandy: also, agree not blocked, probably degraded 11:55
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rlandypojadhav|rover: hi ... can you respond to julie's comments on
pojadhav|roverrlandy, done12:07
rlandydviroel: marios: can you pls review again - only one not review/merged for 9.1 move12:16
rlandythen pojadhav|rover can watch the changes in tomorrow's run12:17
pojadhav|roverrlandy, sure12:18
mariosdon rlandy 12:27
rlandygreat -  thanks both12:27
*** Guest149 is now known as dasm12:30
rlandypojadhav|rover: 17.1 failed the 9 node promote12:30
rlandylet's requeue that when the two jobs pass gate12:30
* akahat|ruck afk back in hour.12:30
rlandythen you can see the whole series with 9.112:30
pojadhav|roverrlandy, ack12:30
rlandybhagyashris: hello .. how's 18 looking - still blocked?12:38
rlandydasm: hey - we looked at your reviews at review time ... can you take a few minutes after scrum to explain so we can do a better review there?12:48
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.12:48
dasmrlandy: sure12:49
rlandyakahat|ruck: I'm rekicking master line12:51
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch13:12
akahat|ruckrlandy, ack13:31
marios***review*** please when you next have time Remove osp17.1 rhel8 component and check jobs and pipelines 13:43
mariosthank you13:43
bhagyashrisrlandy, marios chandankumar hey i want this patch to merge to promote to current-tripleo for rhos18 14:00
bhagyashrisif we keep the empty criteria then it's failed to promote 14:00
bhagyashrisso added job for time being once it promote to current-tripleo will revert the patch 14:00
pojadhav|roverscrum time folks14:01
pojadhav|roverplease join14:01
pojadhav|roverrlandy, chandankumar, bhagyashris, soniya29 ^^14:01
soniya29pojadhav|rover, i am in14:01
chandankumaroverrride-checkout issue:
rlandybhagyashris: merged14:09
bhagyashristhanks :)14:10
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej14:26
* bhagyashris dinner brb will back after some time 14:43
akahat|ruckrlandy, ibm cloud is good job is pgreen14:43
akahat|ruckgreen *14:43
rlandyakahat|ruck: pls leave that info on the card14:44
akahat|ruckrlandy, ok14:44
rlandylet's see status after we promote current master line14:44
rlandyakahat|ruck: ^^14:44
rlandywe have the ibm cloud fallback if we need it14:45
chandankumarsee ya people!14:46
rlandydviroel: fyi ....
rlandychandankumar's handiwork to ask infra the options14:59
dviroelrlandy: ack, i will take a look15:10
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*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|lunch15:14
rlandyakahat|ruck: failing master job reruns:
akahat|ruckrlandy, ack15:16
* akahat|ruck offline15:17
pojadhav|roverrlandy, i will be out in few mins.. please left notes if any will pickup tomorrow morning 15:34
rlandypojadhav|rover: ack 15:36
rlandywe'r eback with node failures15:36
rlandytrying to get 17.1 through15:36
rlandyand master15:36
pojadhav|roverrlandy, yeah saw that :(15:36
pojadhav|roverit is may be we merged our 9.1 patches ??15:37
pojadhav|roverrlandy, atleast we can see build image and container picked up correct node set15:40
pojadhav|roverLabel: upstream-rhel-9-115:40
pojadhav|roverwe got green run for periodic-tripleo-rhel-9-buildimage-ironic-python-agent-rhos-17.115:45
pojadhav|roverGREEN for periodic-tripleo-rhel-9-buildimage-overcloud-hardened-uefi-full-rhos-17.115:45
pojadhav|rover\o/ we are green on build image/containers for rhos17.1 on rhel9.115:56
pojadhav|roverrlandy, ^^15:56
* pojadhav|rover leaving for the day...15:57
mariosrlandy: did you want to discuss something in prod chain ? jjoyce is asking otherwise we'll drop 16:01
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rlandybhagyashris: hi - still around?16:27
bhagyashrisrlandy, hey16:30
rlandybhagyashris: hi - have a few to chat?16:30
rlandybhagyashris: trying
bhagyashrisrlandy, ack16:56
*** marios is now known as marios|out16:57
rlandybhagyashris: ha - worked16:57
rlandybhagyashris: when you have the new content, I'll rerun16:57
bhagyashrisrlandy, yup16:58
rlandybhagyashris: we're getting there :)17:00
rlandybhagyashris: running current-tripleo script again17:25
bhagyashrisrlandy,  there is one issue component-ci-testing is showing this hash 51ce4f61993f9db9b865e4a856bcf831 and tripleo-ci-testing is showing this hash 5aa6c3de91cca4836597c721e8670dc3 (old one)17:27
* rlandy looks17:28
bhagyashrisrlandy, it's correct17:29
rlandylooks the same to me17:29
bhagyashrisreflected when hit refresh button twice17:29
bhagyashrisyeah yeah it was browser fault 17:29
rlandy"tripleomastercentos9" is promoting17:30
rlandybhagyashris: should be up to date now17:31
bhagyashrisrlandy, Done
rlandybhagyashris++ thanks for staying late to work this out17:31
bhagyashrisrlandy, np thanks :)17:31
* bhagyashris out17:32
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off17:35
rlandylunch - brb17:36
rlandydviroel: dasm: could I get your review (shoudl be quick) on Add missing rhel-9-1 noeset for IPA job20:04
rlandywhat we need to complete the integration 9-1 move20:04
* dviroel looks20:04
rlandythanks - merging20:13
* dviroel out21:00
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl21:42
* dasm => offline23:40
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off23:40

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