Tuesday, 2022-11-29

*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out00:29
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*** pojadhav|out is now known as pojadhav|ruck04:51
*** khomesh|away is now known as khomesh06:00
akahatmarios, chandankumar ysandeep can you please +w : https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/45898, https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/46183 06:39
mariosakahat: k i will review 4589806:40
akahatthank you marios!06:41
mariospojadhav|ruck: frenzy_friday|rover: o/ invite sent for quick sync please check inbox 07:45
mariosin ~45 mins 07:45
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk08:02
Tengurlandy|out: heya! after checking on some other things, it seems there's *already* a proxy endpoint for ansible-galaxy, for almost a year now: https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/81878708:04
Tenguand, actually, you voted on its addition :).08:04
Tenguso we have basically nothing to do but ensure we're using this endpoint in molecule setup/related.08:04
Tenguhave to check how to do that.08:04
Tengumarios: -^^   you'll be interested as well I guess :)08:05
Tengu(and hello there ;))08:05
* Tengu braces himself and starts digging in ansible doc08:05
chandankumarmarios: thank you for reviewing it https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/863590 is ready for +w08:09
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pojadhav|ruckmarios, ack08:14
Tenguchandankumar, pojadhav|ruck, marios: heya! quick question: do you happen to know the URI of the infra proxies? afaik those are the same as the repositories mirror.08:17
Tenguis it something located in the /etc/ci/mirror_info.sh that seems to be available on the VM running the jobs?08:19
chandankumarTengu: yes it comes from /etc/ci/mirror_info.sh which gets available in vm in running job08:22
Tengugot it.08:22
chandankumarin RDO, we have this https://github.com/rdo-infra/rdo-jobs/blob/master/roles/mirror-info-fork/templates/mirror_info.sh.j208:22
Tenguchandankumar: are the RDO proxies configured like the opendev ones?08:22
Tenguah. nope. it's not.08:23
Tengunot the same endpoint. so it's probably lacking the ansible-galaxy.08:23
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chandankumarTengu: for ansible galaxy, we donot proxy anything08:23
Tenguchandankumar: opendev infra has an endpoint already. so it's "just" a matter of using it08:24
TenguI'll discuss this today over the community CI call.08:24
chandankumarsure :-)08:24
TenguI think I have most of the needed things.08:25
Tenguchandankumar: care to point to the RDO proxy config?08:27
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chandankumarTengu: I am not sure where is the config https://github.com/rdo-infra/rdo-jobs/blob/master/playbooks/base/pre.yaml#L33 is used for configuring mirror 08:48
chandankumarhttps://github.com/rdo-infra/rdo-infra-playbooks/blob/275e4c3d770f7e077a0fe386935ca6f739aed52a/doc/source/afs.rst and https://github.com/rdo-infra/rdo-infra-playbooks/blob/8ed05e8142729c20bc670c33037bfe9c1908eb40/hosts.yml#L1808:48
chandankumarnot sure how much it will help08:48
chandankumarregarding proxy config may be rdo infra people on #rhos-ops (internal) can help08:48
Tenguchandankumar: hmm I'll try to find that configure-mirrors role.08:50
Tenguyeah, found it (sorry, was on another issue)09:28
Tenguok, so that's "just" the package mirror.09:29
* pojadhav|ruck lunch09:29
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marioschandankumar: ysandeep: when you next have time please review https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/4614709:38
ysandeepmarios, ack09:39
jm1hey folks :)09:45
* marios food biab09:45
* jm1 finally replaced and restored my two dead and dying hdds. data checksums and raid1 really payed off :D09:46
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy11:05
rlandyjm1: hey - have a few mins to chat?11:07
chandankumarmarios: rlandy please +w this https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/config/+/46208 depends on merged, when free, thank you :-)11:09
rlandymarios: need to touch base with you .. pls ping when available11:09
rlandychandankumar: voted - looks ok11:10
marios rlandy: o/ 11:11
rlandyfrenzy_friday|rover: pojadhav|ruck: all set? how are thing with zed?11:11
rlandymarios: hey ... https://meet.google.com/qhy-vchy-zee?pli=1&authuser=0 - will be quick11:11
marioschandankumar: ack 11:11
mariosrlandy: on my way 11:11
frenzy_friday|roverrlandy, fs64 fails consistently in zed with a couple of errors. I am runnning it in internal11:12
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pojadhav|ruckrlandy, d/stream is very much good. all reruns got passed. checking on upstream component lines.11:12
jm1rlandy: have 20 minutes11:21
rlandyjm1: on call with marios - will ping you later11:23
jm1rlandy: ack :)11:23
rlandyjm1: now ok?11:34
rlandymarios: frenzy_friday|rover: pojadhav|ruck: any response from rhos-ops on why dowstream zuul is so slow?11:39
mariosrlandy: not to me 11:40
pojadhav|ruckrlandy, I (may be more folks from india too) am having znc bouncer issue, I am connecting/disconnecting to internal channels from couple of days.11:40
ysandeeppojadhav|ruck: Our ZNC server is hitting some network issues, chandankumar have opened a ticket. In the meantime we are connecting directly to RH irc server without znc.11:42
pojadhav|ruckysandeep, okay i will also try the same 11:43
rlandyfrenzy_friday|rover: I see the undercloud install error on fs064 internal11:43
rlandyI was working on that last night11:43
* rlandy will try fix11:43
* frenzy_friday|rover brb11:44
rlandychandankumar: could you pls review https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/4589811:50
rlandychandankumar: marios: are we ok to w+ https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/46183?11:51
mariosrlandy: yes but has depends-on 11:54
marioschandankumar: rlandy: commented again, not blocking so i think you can workflow both 12:00
chandankumarakahat: ^^ do you want to split?12:00
mariosadded w+ on 4618312:00
marioschandankumar: no need to split 12:01
marioslets go 12:01
chandankumarmarios: ok12:01
marioseven a commit message update would be nice12:01
akahatmarios, chandankumar ok.12:01
mariosbut i give up12:01
mariosakahat: /46183 failed because depends-on needs to merge first. when it does you can recheck /4618312:03
* bhagyashris tea brb12:06
akahatupdated commit message.https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/4589812:12
akahatrevotes needed.12:12
kkulahello frenzy_friday, any news about puppet promotion pipeline dashboard?12:14
*** frenzy_friday is now known as frenzy_friday|rover12:15
frenzy_friday|roverjm1, hey, if you get some time could you please check why https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/46047 this dashboard is getting no data. I checked on the staging cockpit - in the panel edit mode the queries/datasource are wrong. But the dashboard jaon looks correct. Not sure what is happenning 12:27
frenzy_friday|roverhey folks, did anything merge recently related to tempest? I see a lot of jobs failing a bunch of tempest tests12:28
marioso/ need reviews please when you have time https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/46160 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/config/+/46161 (on review list)12:35
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list12:35
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list12:35
rlandybhagyashris: hello - sent you some info on pvt re: 1812:44
rlandydlrn almost ready12:44
rlandybut there is a consistent hash to get started12:45
bhagyashrisrlandy, hey sorry yesterday i lost my connection may be i missed your messages 12:45
bhagyashrisrlandy, thanks for dlrn update 12:46
rlandybhagyashris: let me resend12:47
frenzy_friday|roverrlandy, marios I need some help with fs64 (on rdoproj) The errors seem inconsistent but it is failing since a long time . i have updated what I found on https://hackmd.io/Y9s_hAQVQhq5LUKk1lNKPw#Upstream-promotion-pipelines (Zed)12:51
mariosfrenzy_friday|rover: no bug yet?12:53
frenzy_friday|roverno, I cant figure out what exactly to bug. The erors are not consistent12:53
mariosfrenzy_friday|rover: ah this is different to 'zed fs64 issue' you were chasing earlier? this is about -internal job/?12:53
frenzy_friday|roverno, this is the fs64 on zed. rlandy is working on the internal fs64 on zed12:54
mariosfrenzy_friday|rover: so internal failing in the same way as rdo then? 12:54
rlandyiiuc, internal failed undercloud install12:56
frenzy_friday|rovermarios, fs64-zed-internal is failing at undercloud install (Ronelle is working to fix it) The fs64-zed on rdo jobs are running further and failing at overcloud deploy but with inconsistent failure reasons12:56
rlandyrdo is failing overcloud install12:57
frenzy_friday|roverlemme bug it anyways and put all the issues I see12:57
mariosfrenzy_friday|rover: yes i think it would be useful, just file what you had can update later don't need the root cause to file it12:57
rlandyfrenzy_friday|rover: in rotating meetings13:01
rlandyfrenzy_friday|rover: is 64 the only thing blocking zed?13:01
rlandyakahat: will be there in a few13:01
akahatrlandy, ack13:02
rlandyfrenzy_friday|rover: have an open slot after current meeting13:03
frenzy_friday|roverrlandy, ack thanks13:04
* dviroel coffee13:04
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:05
dasmmarios: good catch wrt: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/865050/7/zuul.d/upgrades-jobs-templates.yaml#12613:05
mariosfrenzy_friday|rover: interesting 2022-11-28 05:42:41.408 23 ERROR keystone.server.flask.application [None req-6702189d-c417-4420-978c-56b09177cab5 87df88ae624449999249d291c465640a - - all default -] Could not find project: service.: keystone.exception.ProjectNotFound: Could not find project: service. 13:08
marioshttps://logserver.rdoproject.org/openstack-periodic-integration-zed-centos9/opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset064-zed/9abdf8c/logs/overcloud1-controller-0/var/log/containers/keystone/keystone.log.txt.gz 13:08
mariosfrenzy_friday|rover: but lets have that bug so we can put info in one place13:08
mariosdasm: o/ 13:08
dasmmarios: pushed the update. 8th time is a charm? ;)13:09
marios;) ack dasm will revisit thanks13:09
dasmthere are so many small quirks13:09
rlandydasm: hey - you're here!!13:10
rlandyakahat: ^^ 13:10
dasmrlandy: o/13:10
rlandydasm: just asked akahat to touch base with you re: promoter infra13:10
dasmakahat: o/13:10
akahatdasm, o/13:10
frenzy_friday|rovermarios, thanks. Updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/199821113:11
rlandyfrenzy_friday|rover: out of 1-1 - do you need to meet re: fs064?13:11
akahatdasm, need to talk about infra work. 13:11
dasmakahat: sure13:12
akahatdasm, i'll set up call.13:12
frenzy_friday|roverrlandy, yep, lets meet quickly13:12
rlandyfrenzy_friday|rover: https://meet.google.com/zjk-nmup-jwq?pli=1&authuser=013:13
akahatdasm, In 15 mins ok?13:14
dasmakahat: don't we have community call in 15?13:14
dasmakahat: ah no. it's later. sure, in 15 works for me13:15
akahatdasm, it's shifted.13:15
* ysandeep stepping out for ~1.5 hour, will be back before community call13:16
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rlandyakahat: dasm: do you need me at the meeting?13:34
dasmrlandy: i don't 13:34
dasmwe can chat with akahat about details. thank you rlandy 13:34
rlandyk - need to skip - have a bunch of clashes13:34
rlandydviroel: hey - 6pm utc work for you - to meet this afternoon - re: MVP?13:41
rlandysent invite - feel free to change13:41
*** frenzy_friday|rover is now known as frenzy_friday|rover|food13:43
dviroelrlandy: works for me13:59
rlandyakahat: arxcruz: bhagyashris: chandankumar: dviroel: frenzy_friday|rover|food: jm1: marios: rcastillo: dasm: ysandeep|afk: reminder community call in 14 mins14:46
rlandyTengu has added topics14:46
Tengu(sorry ^^')14:47
* dviroel will join in 3 min14:59
mariosrlandy: please see pvt when you next get a chance (link to doc/comment)15:02
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep15:20
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ysandeepchandankumar, hey around?15:56
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chandankumarysandeep: yes,16:12
ysandeepchandankumar, ignore we hit the same podman issue you hit last week, its solved now16:14
ysandeepearlier, i wanted to confirm the workaround you did.. later found in old irc chat16:15
chandankumarysandeep: anyway it's here also https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/-/snippets/6011#LC216:15
ysandeepchandankumar, thanks!16:19
ysandeepfolks o/ fyi.. I am on PTO tomorrow16:20
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|out16:20
chandankumarfrenzy_friday|rover|food: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/46289 merged this, i will not break anything, if you see any ansible galaxy installation issue do let me know!16:21
*** frenzy_friday|rover|food is now known as frenzy_friday|rover16:21
frenzy_friday|roverchandankumar, thanks16:21
rlandylunch - brb16:44
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*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off18:38
* dasm => offline21:39
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* dviroel out22:00
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out23:51

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