Wednesday, 2022-11-16

*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out03:00
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soniya29|roverakahat|ruck, hello05:32
akahat|rucksoniya29|rover, o/05:34
soniya29|roverakahat|ruck, downstream seems quite stable enough now05:35
soniya29|roverakahat|ruck, rhel9 17/17.1 got promoted yesterday05:35
soniya29|roverhope so 16.2 also get promoted today :)05:36
soniya29|roverand we are unblocked on the,
akahat|rucksoniya29|rover, nice. 05:37
akahat|rucksoniya29|rover, start chasing with 16.2 05:37
soniya29|roverakahat|ruck, line is running already05:38
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mariossoniya29|rover: akahat|ruck: sent meeting invite so we can complete the program call reporting together 06:06
mariossoniya29|rover: let me know if this time is not ok for you06:06
mariosakahat|ruck: let me know if this time is not ok for you06:06
akahat|ruckmarios, checking invite06:06
akahat|ruckmarios, i'll be there. Thanks.06:07
soniya29|rovermarios: ack06:07
mariossoniya29|rover: ack you will let me know or ack the time is OK06:07
mariossoniya29|rover: pleas confirm06:07
soniya29|rovermarios: time is OK06:08
mariossoniya29|rover: great thanks06:08
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akahat|ruckmarios, hey.. mixed os job is failing with package dependency, please take a look when you are free. Thanks.
mariosakahat|ruck: ok will do 06:27
akahat|ruckOne more thing Mixed OS job is blocking c8-wallaby promotion.06:35
* soniya29|rover will be back in 15-20 minutes06:37
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soniya29|roverakahat|ruck, let me know if you need any help07:19
akahat|rucksoniya29|rover, sure. 07:19
*** akahat|ruck is now known as akahat|rover|lunch07:35
*** soniya29|rover is now known as soniya29|rover|lunch07:43
* bhagyashris lunch brb07:51
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mariosakahat|rover|lunch: fyi (tkajinam is working on it but patches across a few repos)07:59
mariosakahat|rover|lunch: eg 07:59
mariosakahat|rover|lunch: ah its on the hackmd i missed it my bad08:00
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*** akahat|rover|lunch is now known as akahat|rover08:28
akahat|rovermarios,  :)08:28
akahat|rovermarios, issues with ansible 2.14 considered to be resolved (, I think we should unpin ansible version and run check08:33
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mariosakahat|rover: no not yet08:44
mariosakahat|rover: we also need to wait for
mariosakahat|rover: consult with Tengu about that ^?08:45
akahat|rovermarios, okay.. i've created revert to check if it works..08:45
akahat|roverand updated your tht patches.08:45
Tenguwe're on a good path I think08:45
Tengubut not yet over.08:46
marioslets go tripleo to include takashi08:46
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mariosakahat|rover: soniya29|rover: joining09:00
soniya29|rovermarios, i am in the call09:00
mariosakahat|rover: please join us09:01
soniya29|roverakahat|rover, meeting09:01
akahat|rovermarios, closing since there are no NODE_FAILURE reported.09:51
mariosakahat|rover: cool yeah agree i had a quick look earlier, only a couple from 14/15 so we are OK i think09:52
mariosakahat|rover: i mean
kkulahello, would you like to review a new dashboard? I deployed it here (sorry, VPN is needed)
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soniya29|rovermarios, akahat|rover: i am stepping out for an hour or so10:15
akahat|roversoniya29|rover, ok. anything to watch out in downstream?10:15
soniya29|roverakahat|rover, nope..nothing is burning as such :)10:16
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mariosack soniya29|rover 10:16
* marios food biab 10:16
marioscan we get some votes here please 10:20
* akahat|rover coffee 10:23
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chandankumarmarios: done!10:37
akahat|rovermarios, thanks for sanity check. wallaby-c8 promoting.
mariosakahat|rover: cool 10:54
mariosthanks chandankumar 10:54
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rlandymarios: akahat|rover: soniya29|rover|afk: hello10:55
rlandyhow are things10:56
akahat|roverrlandy, hello o/10:56
rlandythanks for working on program call doc - will read through10:56
akahat|roverrlandy, we are good with upstream promotions.10:57
rlandyakahat|rover: what's the story with wallaby c8?10:57
rlandymixed os job is failing10:57
akahat|roverrlandy, mixed_os job i was running with dlrn_hash_tag. which we don't have to do.10:57
rlandyakahat|rover: so is there a rerun to promote?10:59
rlandyw/o dlrn_hash_tag set?10:59
akahat|roverrlandy, yes
marioso/ rlandy under control - promotions are caught up for prog call (we met earlier and updated the status)11:00
mariosrlandy: akahat|rover: and soniya29|rover|afk are updating the cix cards status before the call today 11:00
rlandytripleowallabycentos8 promotng now - nice11:00
rlandymarios: very nice11:01
rlandytakashi saved us last night from gate blockers11:01
mariosyeah saw those11:01
rlandyTripleO CentOS-8 wallaby  RED - current-tripleo promotion on 10 November ... maybe we get to update this if promo finishes11:03
rlandymarios: ^^ going to edit that to say it's promoting now - since you spotted that rerun issue11:04
mariosrlandy: sure thanks11:05
rlandymarios: any reason we don't add 17 pipeline status?11:06
rlandyif not, will just add that 11:06
mariosrlandy: only because jjoyce/mburns don't add it into their reporting11:06
mariosrlandy: like we just take the minutes from monday call and edit them 11:06
rlandyweird - I'll ask Jason why11:06
rlandychandankumar: ysandeep: dviroel|afk: hello - I'd like to use today's operator testing meeting to talk about MVP and what we want to lay down there11:09
chandankumarrlandy: ok11:09
rlandychandankumar: ysandeep: dviroel|afk: spoke with Jon yesterday11:09
ysandeeprlandy: ack.. May be we should add that in Agenda:
rlandyalso been thinking about upstream line11:11
rlandyand running that in PSI11:11
rlandyhave a question out to Jon about that11:12
rlandyysandeep: ^^11:12
rlandyre: impact on imports11:12
ysandeepfyi.. Pini also wanted to discuss something about VPN and prow, I already him to discuss in operator mtg.11:12
rlandyysandeep: we can cover Pini's topic first11:15
ysandeepack, let me move it above11:15
rlandychandankumar: ysandeep: dviroel|afk: also - I assigned a few JIRAs but not all - based on what we decide on MVP - I will assign what is required11:16
ysandeepsounds good11:16
bhagyashrismarios, ysandeep
mariosrlandy: o/ want to join us for reviews? we can discuss your fs39/6411:18
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.11:18
*** dviroel|afk is now known as dviroel11:20
* dviroel o/11:20
dviroelrlandy: ack11:22
kkulaadd to review list
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list11:27
rlandyjm1: hi - we -1'ed the stage patch as there was no commit message and a lot of file changes - pl could you add some explanation for the reviewers11:32
jm1rlandy: its not supposed to be reviewed yet11:38
jm1rlandy: its still wip11:39
rlandyjm1 - ok - if they are on the review list and not ready for review yet - pls note that on the hackmd11:41
jm1rlandy: no idea why they are on review list, did not add it there11:42
rlandyjm1: review bot?11:42
mariosbhagyashris: now we got workflows can you please prepare 'removal of 8 line' patches? 11:43
jm1rlandy:  review bot is usually a very passive guy who only acts when you force him to do :D11:43
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mariosbhagyashris: i'll start digging at upstream (the reporting thing may need some working out there it is slightly different from dstream)11:43
mariosbhagyashris: if new line is good we will want to merge the 8 line removal asap as discussed just now in reviews call 11:44
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.11:44
jm1rlandy, marios: removed those infra patches from review list. no idea why its there, its still wip and not supposed to be reviewed11:45
mariosack jm1 11:45
rlandyjm1: ok - no worries   - I'll tak eout my -111:47
bhagyashrismarios, sure will work on it11:47
rlandyfrenzy_friday: hello - welcome back11:47
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frenzy_fridayrlandy, hey 0/11:47
*** soniya29|rover|afk is now known as soniya29|rover11:49
soniya29|roverarxcruz, kopecmartin, do we anything to discuss for today's tempest meeting?11:53
rlandysoniya29|rover: arxcruz: I will need to attend program call12:00
rlandyclash with tempest meeting12:00
arxcruzsoniya29|rover: i don't have anything in special tbh 12:02
rlandyfrenzy_friday: pls join rhos-delivery internal12:02
soniya29|roverarxcruz, kopecmartin, rlandy, we can cancel today's meeting in the lack of agenda  if that is okay with everyone else12:03
rlandyok by me12:03
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rlandymarios: there are two cards in untriaged on the CIX - did you want to leave those there?12:08
rlandyone is the invalid mixed rhel12:08
mariosrlandy: so akahat|rover will update cards before the cix call 12:10
mariosrlandy: the invalid one we will close, the other one is continuation of ansible 2.14... not blocker as we are pinned but there for tracking fix & unpin ansible 12:11
mariosakahat|rover: reminder please update ^^ 12:11
akahat|roverrlandy, i've updated the card. 12:11
akahat|roverShould i move it to done?12:11
rlandyyou can do that in CIX if you like12:12
mariosakahat|rover: but please triage and update the other card regarding the content provider/ansible 2.14 please 12:12
mariosakahat|rover: nothing there at the moment12:12
akahat|rovermarios, content-provider.. missed it. updating.12:12
rlandyakahat|rover: marios: thank you12:13
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* akahat|rover brb12:20
soniya29|roverrlandy, marios: all jobs are getting skipped - 17.1 rhel9 line 12:33
rlandysoniya29|rover: checking12:34
soniya29|roverrlandy, i guess we need to rekick the whole line12:34
rlandypost fail12:34
rlandysoniya29|rover: ack12:34
rlandypls dequeue12:34
rlandyand requeue line12:34
soniya29|roverrlandy, okay12:34
rlandysoniya29|rover: ping if you need help with that12:37
soniya29|roverrlandy, sure12:37
marioscoffee brb12:42
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rlandydviroel: we have a 1-1 today13:16
rlandydviroel: may extend that to 1 hr to cover PSI and hive 13:17
dviroelrlandy: ok, works for me13:17
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rlandypojadhav: hello13:37
pojadhavrlandy, hey13:37
rlandypojadhav: can you add a section to the planning doc - to ask people who has and is taking end of year shut down13:37
pojadhavrlandy, yes sure.. will add13:38
rlandypojadhav: the sprint after this coming one will likely be the last we plan for the year13:38
pojadhavrlandy, yeah13:39
rlandyit will take us through dec13:39
rlandypojadhav: so a section and list with everyone's names13:40
pojadhavrlandy, yep13:40
rlandyso we can see at a glance what the last sprint will look like13:40
rlandythank you13:40
soniya29|roverrlandy, 17.1 rhel9 line shows 41 min when most of jobs are waiting13:44
soniya29|roverrlandy, is something suspicious or i am thinking wrong :)13:44
rlandysoniya29|rover: waiting on container push to complete13:45
rlandythe rest depend  on that13:45
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*** Guest1634 is now known as dasm13:48
dasmjm1: o/ i see your changes and i see some new VMs running on stage. Sounds like we're heading towards possibility of merge? :)13:52
soniya29|roverrlandy, periodic-tripleo-build-containers-ubi-9-internal-rhel-9-build-push-upload-rhos-17.1 passed13:59
* akahat|rover afk for some time14:03
*** akahat|rover is now known as akahat|ruck|afk14:03
chandankumarysandeep: my network just dropped14:34
dviroelchandankumar: hey, can you manage to add the proper key to ibm nodes? So I can update this and get this ready top merge?14:35
mariosrlandy: soniya29|rover: 115 and 116 passed now so good 14:43
marios(116 still running but passed the undercloud phase where we were hitting validation issue)14:43
soniya29|roverohh yes14:43
soniya29|roverwe are now resolved on the validations issue14:44
rlandyall: note open forum after our retro meeting14:50
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pojadhavfolks retro time14:59
pojadhavretro : arxcruz, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29|rover , pojadhav, akahat|ruck|afk , chandankumar, frenzy_friday, dviroel, rcastillo, jm1, rlandy, dasm15:00
*** akahat|ruck|afk is now known as akahat|ruck15:00
ysandeep|retromiro board link:
jm1dasm: still working on the patches, but its improving with every revision ;)15:01
ysandeep|retrodviroel, rcastillo retro15:01
dasmjm1: are you gonna still update something?15:02
dviroelpojadhav: joinning15:02
jm1dasm: yeah, hostname issues :/15:04
dasmjm1: any details? Or do you want to talk about that after meeting?15:05
dasmjm1: if you want to, you can play with rhos-dev-stage15:19
jm1dasm: this is necessary because cloud-init module "hostname" was not applying the name early enough
jm1dasm: rerunning the deployment right now15:21
dasmoh... because you used *-2 name, hence playbooks stopped working.15:21
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ysandeepysandeep++ for guessing who wrote which card :D16:02
rlandyysandeep++ nice retro16:03
ysandeepand arxcruz++ great job - guessing all Cartoon characters16:04
ysandeeprlandy, thanks!16:05
akahat|ruckIt was really nice retro ysandeep++ Thank you!16:05
arxcruz;) 16:05
arxcruzit's a gift, and a curse :P16:05
* akahat|ruck leaving for the day16:06
ysandeepakahat|ruck: thanks man o/16:07
* ysandeep out for the day, I will check open forum's recording tomorrow.16:08
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* soniya29|rover leaving for the day16:11
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rlandyrcastillo: you around?16:42
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rlandydasm: meeting?19:01
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* dviroel|afk run errand19:34
jm1rcastillo: heeeelllooooo! still alive? we are missing you 🥺19:42
jm1rcastillo: then see you tomorrow, hopefully19:59
* jm1 out for today, have a nice evening folks :D20:00
rlandyrcastillo: happy you are still with us20:16
rcastilloI"m alive lol20:29
rcastillosorry about that20:29
rcastillohopefuly didn't miss much20:29
* dasm => offline23:11
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out23:25

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