Thursday, 2022-11-03

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy|out01:09
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ysandeep\o hello06:03
jm1ysandeep, marios, #oooq: o/07:07
ysandeepjm1, hello o/ good morning07:09
marioso/ jm1 ysandeep 07:11
*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej08:13
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*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:38
rlandyhello alll10:38
abregmanfrenzy_friday, rlandy: hey, can we get a review on this one?
frenzy_fridayabregman, checking10:39
rlandyabregman: frenzy_friday: left a comment ...10:41
rlandypls add some more info about why we need to change these interval so much10:41
rlandyarxcruz|ruck: hi - how are things today?10:43
arxcruz|ruckrlandy, all good10:43
arxcruz|ruckhackmd updated 10:43
rlandyarxcruz|ruck: thanks - pls comment on any components you are watch so we can transfer that to the rr taking over tomorrow10:45
arxcruz|ruckrlandy, ok 10:45
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk10:53
rlandyakahat: arxcruz|ruck: frenzy_friday: marios: wrt ... we should sync about what is safe to merge and what order11:08
rlandythere are some that can probably go - and some victoria changes needed11:09
rlandyakahat: arxcruz|ruck: frenzy_friday: marios: we can do this at after scrum today if you are all around11:09
rlandyakahat: ^^ we'll need you to talk to these changes11:09
frenzy_fridayrlandy, yep, sounds good11:09
arxcruz|ruckbrb, food11:09
*** dviroel|holiday is now known as dviroel|rover11:19
rlandydviroel|rover: hello11:21
rlandydviroel|rover: arxcruz|ruck: we need to sync with new rr later11:22
rlandydviroel|rover: arxcruz|ruck: anything to sync on before?11:22
dviroel|roverrlandy: arxcruz|ruck: looking hackmd - I will start chasing downstream promotions11:23
rlandydviroel|rover: shouldn't be too bad downstream11:25
rlandypromoted 17 on 9 yesterday11:26
rlandydviroel|rover: also pls make a note on rr hackmd of any components you're chasing11:26
rlandyso we can pass on to next group11:26
dviroel|roverrlandy: thank you for covering me yesterday :)11:29
dviroel|rovertripleo-ansible py38 is broken on check/gates11:30
mariosdviroel|rover: rabi is looking at that sec there is bug/patch 11:31
dviroel|rovermarios: ah, i see now11:31
mariosack dviroel|rover ^ got them in meantime anyway 11:33
dviroel|rovermarios: patch works here, will review in a bit11:34
mariosdviroel|rover: wasnt ready when i checked earlier but looks like it is ready now 11:34
dviroel|rovermarios: actually i tested this one - which depends on previous one11:35
mariosrlandy: so we actually have stable/zed today btw11:44
dviroel|rover16-2 should have a new hash after network component pipeline,  will wait11:44
rlandymarios: ok ... good ... now we know that we are actually testing the right branch11:45
mariosrlandy: yeah - you can see patches like 11:46
mariosi think we'll see more in the next week or so when folks start porting things e.g. no tht yet11:46
marioscoffee brb11:47
rlandytht is the major contributor11:47
rlandygood to know it's started11:47
mariosactually we got the .gitreview stuff there so tht had at least those 11:52
akahatrlandy, ack11:53
rlandychandankumar: reading through your EDPM doc again  - let's discuss the CI workflow in meeting in 20 mins12:09
rlandylike what you have there12:09
rlandyakahat: arxcruz|ruck: chandankumar: dviroel|rover: frenzy_friday: jm1: marios: ysandeep|afk: soniya29: rcastillo: dasm|off: so ... scrum today shows up on my calendar as 1pm UTC ... with the daylight savings changes ... is that the time you are all expecting to attend?12:14
mariosrlandy: in 40 mins from now12:17
mariosish 12:17
frenzy_fridayrlandy, yep, ~45 mins from now, but it might be early for dasm|off and rcastillo 12:18
mariosrlandy: that's what google tells me (yeah 1300 UTC)12:18
rlandyok - good12:18
chandankumarrlandy: sure, let's chat during CI workflow call12:20
chandankumarrlandy: I have rewritten the whole doc and cleanup so many things based on previous discussion12:21
chandankumarrlandy: i will skip the scrum got some work to do12:21
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mariosysandeep: chandankumar: rlandy: dviroel|rover: please sanity check when you have time i'd like to merge so i can work/test that (should not break anything as commented) 12:24
mariosfor mixed rhel 8 on 9 line rework 12:24
mariosrlandy: exploring the alternative (instead of dummy job, just re-report to dlrn ^^^ wdyt?)12:24
rlandydviroel|rover: rekicking jenkins job for 17 on 9 tripleo component promo - need to report that at DF call12:25
dviroel|roverrlandy: tks, it was on my list12:25
rlandydviroel|rover: been running for 15 hours12:26
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rlandypinging on openstack-pcci12:26
ysandeeprlandy: current time works for me, but if this time is too early for dasm|off and rcastillo - shifting the call by 1 hr will work as well.12:26
ysandeepmarios, looking12:26
rlandyysandeep: leaving today as is12:27
rlandyfor next week, US will change clocks12:27
mariosrlandy: time will go back to normal next week yeah that ^^ 12:28
chandankumarrlandy: meeting time12:31
rlandy rerunning for tripleo 17.112:31
rlandyjm1: scrum time13:02
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mariosysandeep: eye glasses is a recent thing? i don't recall you having them before :)13:02
jm1rlandy: on my way13:02
ysandeepmarios: yes :) I got them recently.. 13:10
mariosrlandy: there
rlandyakahat: can you join scrum call again?13:38
akahatrlandy, yeah.. joining.13:38
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rlandymarios: thanks for catching my typo ... updated13:59
rlandymerge resolution mess up13:59
akahatfrenzy_friday, marios rlandy Remove container build jobs from integration line.14:00
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rlandyakahat: looks good- there is also job in the c8 line14:06
rlandyfor wallaby14:06
rlandyand 14:07
rlandyperiodic-tripleo-ci-build-containers-centos-8-quay-push-trainopenstack/tripleo-cimasteropenstack-periodic-integration-stable456 mins 39 secs2022-11-03 04:07:11SUCCESS14:07
rlandyperiodic-tripleo-ci-build-containers-ubi-8-push-trainopenstack/tripleo-cimasteropenstack-periodic-integration-stable456 mins 31 secs2022-11-03 04:07:10SUCCESS14:07
rlandytrain as well14:07
rlandyakahat: ^^ can you add those two?14:07
rlandyfrenzy_friday: marios: ^^ fyi14:07
akahatrlandy, ok adding.14:07
rlandythank you14:08
mariosrlandy: ah ok so there were more :)  .. but the centos-8-quay-push is probably not pushing to trunk.registry 14:09
mariosakahat: that first though
rlandy2022-11-03 13:05:26.906191 | primary |                   ecab4196e43c16aaea91ebb25fb25ab1          56e4684d5215   5 minutes ago    844 MB14:13
mariosakahat: (post criteria removal)14:13
rlandyfrom all14:14
mariosrlandy: i meant the periodic-tripleo-ci-build-containers-centos-8-quay-push-train 14:14
mariosthat one from the name sounds like it pushes to quay14:14
marioswe should probably remove that but don't think related to trunk.rdoregistry removal 14:14
akahatmarios, yeah.. centos-8-quay-push should stay.14:14
mariosakahat: well, not sure maybe it is a leftover before we added the ubi-8 jobs but you don't have to remove in this series i think14:15
mariosakahat: but before rdo-jobs/+/45921  you need new patch to remove from criteria 16:13 < marios> akahat: that first though
akahatmarios, all buildimage job ? or just that one?14:16
mariosakahat: line 24 my bad... 14:17
mariosakahat:       - periodic-tripleo-ci-build-containers-centos-9-push-wallaby14:17
mariosit is in criteria ^ the oen you are removing? 14:17
rlandymarios: I posted both jobs from train and wallaby c814:17
rlandyso akahat could see the diff14:17
rlandyack the quay ones stay14:18
akahatmarios, ok.14:18
akahatrlandy, ok14:18
mariosakahat: rlandy: in fact our criteria is wrong... we have the centos-push there but NOT the ubi- one :/ we should add the ubi one akahat OK?
*** yadnesh is now known as yadnesh|away14:19
mariosakahat: does it makes sense? when you remove periodic-tripleo-ci-build-containers-centos-9-push-wallaby add the ubi-push job in its place OK14:20
akahatmarios, yeah.. it make sense.14:20
rlandymarios: akahat: correct - the criteria should change14:21
mariosyeah 14:21
rlandybigger project than we thought14:21
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm14:28
arxcruz|ruckbrb 14:31
rlandydasm: hey - welcome14:46
rlandydasm: I think scrum landed up super early for you  today14:46
rlandyhope it will be better when we change the clocks14:46
dasmrlandy: next week it should be better14:46
mariosjm1: do you have time to talk today about the zed/cockpit thing i mentioned in scrum?14:59
rlandyrcastillo: frenzy_friday: meeting15:02
mariosdasm: o/ wanted to catch you - as I mentioned to you I've been looking at adding zed promotion panel for cockpit. yesterday I posted (no dashboard updates yet) but am blocked. basically i cannot find where we are declaring that the 'known' releases are 'master, wallaby, train' so I can add zed to that list. probably it is more than one place but 15:16
mariosother than the ones in ci-config/+/45908 cant find anywhere else 15:16
mariosdasm: if you have some time we can do a quick call and I can show you what i mean perhaps you can unblock me15:17
dasmmarios: sure15:17
rlandyfrenzy_friday: rcastillo: jm1: for your reference:
mariosdasm: does it work for you in 13 mins half past?15:18
rlandylinks copied there15:18
rlandyfrenzy_friday: rcastillo: jm1: NO RUSH on this15:18
frenzy_fridayrlandy, thanks15:18
dasmmarios: yup15:18
mariosdasm: cool thx15:18
jm1marios: was in a meeting and have another appointment now15:19
mariosack thanks jm1 np15:20
rlandymarios: busy now? 15:30
mariosrlandy: yes just chatting with dasm about cockpit need 10/15 mins15:39
rlandymarios: k - I have a meeting after that - will comment on the patch15:41
mariosthanks for your help dasm++15:44
mariosrlandy: OK thank you - less of a rush since I'm picking up ruck tomorrow so it can wait a couple days15:45
mariosrlandy: or we can talk after your next call 15:45
rlandygoes for a hour15:48
rlandywill be late for you15:48
mariosrlandy: ack ok then tomorrow/next week fine15:49
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* dviroel|afk lunch15:50
rlandymarios: ok - I think I get what you want to do ... 15:58
rlandyleft one comment on
mariosrlandy: thank you - yeah nice catch, that other patch merged since I posted 434123 so i do need to add force_fetch_md516:03
mariosrlandy: if that works i think it will be easier than having a new job and much more efficient than spinning whole new node for that16:03
mariosrlandy: will explore it and if we hit a blocker with that we can revert this and try the dummy job approach 16:03
mariosrlandy: ah didn't merge yet but we will need it after that anyway (the other one merged so confused myself)16:06
mariosdasm: i tidied that up for merging please when you have time can you check 16:08
rlandymarios: meeting - will read back afterwards16:09
mariosrlandy: sure16:11
dasmmarios: ack16:12
dasmmarios: lgtm, thx16:13
mariosthx dasm 16:16
mariosakahat: left some comments on your patches fyi 16:20
mariosakahat: and on the ci-config one 16:20
mariosakahat: you confused things a bit ... keep ubi-8 jobs, remove centos-8 jobs 16:20
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rlandydasm: rcastillo: review time?19:01
dviroel|roverrlandy: we are still facing issues with jenkins jobs19:35
dviroel|roverrlandy: jobs don't get scheduled19:35
rlandydviroel|rover: hmmm ... 19:35
dviroel|roverrlandy: this blocks our components in 16-219:35
rlandy stuff is running19:35
rlandybut looks like it's hanging19:36
dviroel|roveryeah, but never finished19:36
rlandythat is what I reported this morning19:36
rlandydviroel|rover: I think that is the real problem19:37
rlandydviroel|rover: just keeping pinging on #openstack-pcci and leave a note for marios to follow up19:39
rlandywe don't have access there to see the machines19:39
dviroel|rover17 rhel9 will promote19:41
dviroel|roverreal issue on validation component20:04
dviroel|roverare we tracking this?20:04
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* jm1 have a nice evening folks 😴20:25
dviroel|roveroh, tripleo-component bleeding20:47
rlandywhat happened?21:41
rlandy FATAL | Run init bundle puppet on the host for haproxy | standalone | error={"changed": false, "cmd": "puppet apply  --detailed-exitcodes --summarize --color=false --modulepath '/etc/puppet/modules:/opt/stack/puppet-modules:/usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules' --tags 21:42
rlandywow - looks like different errors21:43
dviroel|roveryeah, i didn't investigate them yet21:50
dviroel|roverrlandy: new bug for validation component
dviroel|rovertesting a fix atm21:55
dviroel|roverrlandy: hackmd updated22:26
dviroel|roverrlandy: tired, going afk22:26
dviroel|roverrlandy: safe travels22:27
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|afk22:29
* dasm => offline too22:58
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|PTO23:33

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