Wednesday, 2022-10-26

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy00:20
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*** raukadah is now known as chandankumar03:10
*** marios is now known as marios|ruck05:26
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dpawlikmarios|ruck: o/ 09:09
dpawlikmarios|ruck: do you remember about decommissioning old registry, right :D ?09:09
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arxcruzreviewbot please add in review list09:20
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list09:21
marios|ruckdpawlik: yes09:36
marios|ruckdpawlik: this sprint we try to sort it... i have it in my notes.. 09:37
dpawlikthanks :)09:44
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:33
rlandymarios|ruck: hello - how are things? need help with anything?10:33
marios|ruckrlandy: o/10:37
marios|ruckrlandy: ok nothing new/major right now10:37
marios|ruckgetting some food10:37
marios|ruckrlandy: lets sync in 20 quickly 10:37
* soniya stepping out for an hour10:42
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rlandyfrenzy_friday: hello - can you look at
rlandyso we can take care of getting those through at review time10:57
frenzy_fridayrlandy, checking10:57
rlandyreview time folks11:15
rlandymarios|ruck: ok - to merge this yet?
rlandyleft one comments about removing wallaby from other check jobs but that ca be follow up11:20
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marios|ruckrlandy: yes thanks will check 11:28
marios|ruckrlandy: sure let me update before we merge no fire 12:01
marios|ruckrlandy: done please revisit when you next have review time 12:06
rlandymarios|ruck: ^ one branch is missing stable12:08
rlandyrest looks good12:08
marios|ruckrlandy: checking12:11
marios|ruckrlandy: sorry :/12:12
marios|ruckupdated again12:12
rlandywill check in a sec12:12
marios|ruckack np12:12
chandankumarhello people12:15
chandankumarI am trying to set insecure registries here
chandankumarusing tripleo_podman role by calling this task tripleo_podman_install.yml12:16
chandankumarI am trying to set this var via tripleo_podman_insecure_registries: "{{ podman_insecure_registries }}"12:16
chandankumarbut somehow it is not getting applied12:16
chandankumarLook for "tripleo_podman : Write containers registries.conf"12:17
chandankumarif you look at this file
chandankumarit is not getting sett there12:18
chandankumarand here
chandankumarcan someone please have a look what I am doing wrong?12:21
chandankumarThank you!12:21
rlandydviroel: ^^ you're a master at this12:24
dviroelrlandy: chandankumar: I will take a look12:25
rlandymarios|ruck: looks good now12:25
chandankumarrlandy: dviroel thank you :-)12:25
rlandychandankumar: dviroel dug me out a few of these12:26
marios|ruckhappy diwali chandankumar are you back today ? o/12:26
rlandychandankumar: how was diwali?12:26
chandankumarmarios|ruck: thank you & Happy Diwali, yes, I am back12:27
rlandysoniya|afk: welcome back12:27
chandankumarrlandy: I was good12:27
chandankumar*it was good12:27
rlandychandankumar: where are our pictures????12:27
marios|ruckthanks for checking rlandy o/12:27
rlandymarios|ruck: - failing ...12:29
rlandycomponent - no force_periodic12:29
rlandyshould work if you take that out of your testproject12:30
rlandyakahat: you back??12:30
rlandyakahat: let's meet when you are around12:31
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marios|ruckrlandy: i have force_periodic 12:32
marios|ruckrlandy: oh yhou mean we don't want it for components? 12:32
marios|ruckk 12:32
rlandymarios|ruck: you should not12:32
rlandyit uses current-tripleo12:32
marios|ruckthanks rlandy done12:32
rlandyok - should pass now12:33
chandankumarrlandy: marios|ruck dviroel not able to click much pic as krishna got annoyed by crackers sound12:33
rlandychandankumar: nice - so pretty12:33
marios|rucknice chandankumar 12:35
kkulahello! I'm working on new dashboard for RDO team needs. 12:36
kkulaWe would like to have information about status of puppet promotion pipelines (like weirdo-zed-promote-puppet-.* ones) in I deployed developer env by using but now I'm wondering how to create desired datasource. Data can be generated in json by script
kkulaies, but I assume it has to be loaded to influxdb before fetching by graphana. am I going in right direction? maybe the data is already in influx? I'd be very greatful for help:)12:36
rlandyfrenzy_friday: dasm|off: ^^ can you help kkula here?12:38
dviroelchandankumar: this might be the issue:
dviroelchandankumar: you need to set "tripleo_container_registry_insecure_registries" var12:45
dviroelchandankumar: even though, since you are setting tripleo_podman_insecure_registries, it should not take default value12:47
chandankumardviroel: thank you, trying with tripleo_container_registry_insecure_registries12:50
frenzy_fridaykkula, lemme take a lok12:56
*** soniya|afk is now known as soniya13:01
soniyarlandy, thanks :13:01
soniyathanks :)13:01
arxcruztosky sorry, i did not see your comment on the tempest unpin patch, i reply there now13:03
jm1chandankumar: welcome back! nice picturees :D13:09
rlandysoniya: hi  - let's meet for a few since we missed 1-113:12
soniyarlandy, sure13:12
kkulafrenzy_friday: thanks, let me know if more details needed13:29
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm|rover13:38
frenzy_fridaykkula, the way we fetch data from zuul and send it to influxdb is like this: we have a python script that gets the data from zuul (example: and then a conf file which gets the data into influxdb (example:
marios|ruckdasm|rover: o/13:48
marios|ruckdasm|rover: sync in 10 mins? not much should be quick one13:48
dasm|rovermarios|ruck: sure13:49
dviroelchandankumar: testing in my local env works - - so, something else is happening there.13:49
dviroelchandankumar: I got the insecure registry list in my host. 13:50
frenzy_fridaykkula, I think you can use a conf file like this where in commands you can add your script (the script should print to stdout)14:00
frenzy_fridaywe generally use data_format=influx (example: But json should also work14:04
marios|ruckchandankumar: please check and merge? cc rlandy 14:07
marios|ruckrlandy: chandankumar: ^^ 14:07
marios|rucksomeone remind me where d/stream promotion criteria is please tripleo-environemtns or internal-config?14:10
marios|ruckgot it thanks14:11
rlandymarios|ruck: sorry - was on call - you all set with ^^?14:31
dviroelchandankumar: hey, I think that the problem is that, the next tasj, "" calls tripleo_podman role again :)14:37
marios|ruckrlandy: thanks got the criteria i was looking for14:38
dviroelchandankumar: 2022-10-26 10:04:59 | TASK [tripleo_podman : Write containers registries.conf]14:38
marios|ruckrlandy: thx looking at test/review 14:38
rlandymarios|ruck: thanks - guess we w+'ed concurrently14:41
marios|ruckugh sunset at 1758 yup its winter \o/14:48
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marios|ruckrlandy: dasm|rover: off in a little while need sthing before i go ?15:11
dasm|rovermarios|ruck: i need some PTO :) But not today :P15:11
marios|ruckthen you should plan to take some dasm|rover 15:12
dasm|rovermarios|ruck: def. End of Nov we have Thanksgiving15:13
rlandymarios|ruck: should be fine15:13
rlandymarios|ruck: dasm|rover: - will need a rerun of sce 004 here to promo tripleo15:15
rlandyand the then a rekick of 17.1 line15:15
marios|ruckrlandy: ack if its the one i' thinkging of it had no logs15:15
dasm|rovermarios|ruck: that's the one15:16
marios|ruckso yeah rerun we spoke about it with dasm during our sync call 15:16
dasm|roverfailed on retries15:16
rlandymarios|ruck'; saw zed was a bit behind - any concerns there?15:16
marios|ruckrlandy: whichi bit 'a bit behind' what are you referring to? 15:16
dasm|rovermarios|ruck: oct 20 last promo15:16
marios|ruckah i see i didn't check maybe you can dasm|rover otherwise will do tomorrow 15:17
dasm|roverfs035 and fs06415:17
dasm|roverwill check that today15:17
chandankumardviroel|lunch: thank you, I missed that competely15:18
rlandynot sure - was a comment from before15:20
rlandyoh zed15:20
rlandylooked at promo date15:21
rlandycurrent-tripleo/2022-10-20 06:24 15:21
rlandyjust some reruns?15:21
dasm|roverrlandy: no worries, i'm on it15:22
chandankumarmarios|ruck: jm1 thank you :-)15:24
marios|ruckchandankumar: which bit?15:26
* marios|ruck off15:26
chandankumarmarios|ruck: Diwali Pics15:26
marios|ruckah 15:26
marios|rucko/ 15:33
*** marios|ruck is now known as marios|out15:33
dasm|rovermarios|out: o/15:34
arxcruzreviewbot please add in review list15:44
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list15:44
arxcruzdasm|rover rlandy once is merged, we can close allow-list epic 15:45
arxcruz\o/ 15:45
rlandyarxcruz++ nice15:46
rlandyarxcruz: I +2'ed - tempest results match current15:47
rlandyyou can try sell that to another core to merge15:48
rlandydviroel|lunch: ^^?15:48
rlandychandankumar: ^^15:48
dasm|roverwe're gonna have rhel8 osp16.2. last job passed16:09
dasm|roverwaiting for a promo16:09
dasm|rovercs8 push containers fails on16:20
dasm|rover>  requirements. This could take a while.\n\nThe conflict is caused by:\n    python-heatclient 2.3.1 depends on oslo.serialization!=2.19.1 and >=2.18.0\n    The user requested (constraint) oslo-serialization===4.1.116:20
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dasm|roverrlandy: fyi:
dasm|roverit worked locally in cs8 container.16:40
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dasm|roverchecking one more thing. i pulled changes without adding upper reqs16:45
* rlandy looks16:51
rlandypython-ironicclient 4.6.3 depends on openstacksdk>=0.18.0\n The user requested (constraint) openstacksdk===0.55.1\16:52
rlandydasm|rover: might have gotten recently updated16:52
rlandyrcastillo: ^^>16:52
rlandyor jm1: ^^?16:53
dasm|roverrlandy: i thought that too, but openstack sdk 0.55.1 is bigger than openstack sdk 0.18.0 so that should be ok16:53
rcastilloyeah it's pip being weird again16:54
dasm|roverpip being pip16:54
rcastilloreqs for ironicclient haven't changed in months16:55
dasm|roveri'll try rekicking this job. last 2 days it failed due to the same issue, it's blocking cs8 wallaby (after we finally cleared ovb image issue)16:55
rcastilloand sdk 0.55 is quite old16:55
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dasm|roverfor now i'll keep the bug open16:56
rlandydasm|rover: let's see how consistent that is16:56
rlandylunch - brb16:56
dasm|roverosp16.2 promoted17:04
dasm|roverrekicking 17.1 rhel917:04
dasm|roverrekicked cs8 wallaby to see if the problem persists:
dasm|roverrlandy: fyi, i updated your patch for alt criteria in RR Tool:
dasm|roverI'm using that for recent rechecks17:56
rlandydasm|rover++ thanks - see you updated the calls17:59
rlandyhope it's somewhat useful now18:00
rlandydasm|rover: if tests pass, we can put it on the review list18:00
rlandydasm|rover: ^^ does the testproject also get updated?18:00
rlandynot to add the jobs where alt criteria pass?18:00
dasm|roverit should, but i'm gonna double check that18:01
dasm|rovertestproject content is built based on "to_promote" var, which is changing18:02
rlandyjust need to get the designate stuff done - then can test out18:18
frenzy_fridayhey rlandy , both ibm and vexx sc 10 kvm passed. ( and Should we wf the vexx job def for now and see if it passes in the lines?18:20
rlandyfrenzy_friday: really? that's great18:20
rlandyfrenzy_friday: let's try add the ibm cloud one18:21
rlandyif it's not a consistent pass. we go back to vexx18:21
frenzy_fridayack, putting -wf on the vexx for now18:21
rlandybut for the master nodeste, vexx should be the default18:21
rlandyfrenzy_friday: ^^18:21
rlandywith the train job using the ibm cloud override on nodeset18:22
rlandyfrenzy_friday: ^^ - ok?18:22
frenzy_fridayrlandy, oh, ack, updating the patch18:22
rlandythen will w+18:22
frenzy_fridayrlandy, does this look ok ? I have rechecked the tp just in case something is wrong.18:29
rlandyfrenzy_friday: pls see comments18:43
rlandyyay 16.2 network and tripleo promoted18:46
dasm|roveryes, osp16.2 >  last_promotion=2022-10-26 16:30:5618:46
rlandyand 17.1 tripleo18:46
dasm|roverrhel9 or 8? rhel9 is having issues18:46
rlandyso nect 17.1 run should clear18:46
dasm|roverwe might be missing sbaker's change18:47
dasm|roverlast attempt ended bad for mount image18:47
rlandydasm|rover: are we all sorted with zed?
rlandywas behind is promo18:47
dasm|rover>  /tmp/tmp.XAnf31gfUd/boot/efi: mount point does not exist.",18:48
dasm|roverrlandy: there are two testprojects, both left with one job failing18:48
dasm|roveri'm trying both to see which one is gonna work18:48
rlandyk - let me know if you need help there18:49
dasm|roverk, thx18:49
* jm1 out for today, have a nice evening folks :)19:20
dasm|roversuccess on  > periodic-tripleo-ci-build-containers-ubi-8-push-wallaby19:53
dasm|rovernow, let's rekick all other things to pull it in19:54
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|afk20:03
rlandydasm|rover: how did do with tesproject?20:25
rlandytests pass now20:25
rlandythank to you20:25
dasm|roverrlandy: there is no literal testproject. I need to check that against cs9 with alt criteria.20:26
dasm|roverrlandy: a bit busy with rhel9 osp17-1. It should be fixed by now, thanks to marios' patch, but there are still some issues.20:26
dasm|roverseems like some missing component or smth20:26
rlandydasm|rover: need help?20:27
dasm|roverall tests fail like that:
dasm|roverrlandy: i think so, yes.20:27
rlandydasm|rover: kick the whole line again20:28
rlandyyou need updated tripleo component20:28
rlandythat marios kicked this morning20:28
dasm|roverwe did that this morning20:28
rlandyto get steve's latest changes20:28
rlandybut 17.1 on 9 ran before that20:28
dasm|rovermaybe i need that again?20:28
rlandyso you have old tripleo now20:28
rlandyunless you updated the hash20:28
dasm|roverno, i reran 17.1 after finishing marios' patch20:28
rlandywith a new promote job?20:29
dasm|roveri did not. lemme double check20:29
dasm|roverrr tool shows dlrn_hash_tag: 18a7462c5f09c391607ddf21fdce2fe320:29
rlandylet me check rpms20:30
dasm|roveri have the same for my testproject:
rlandy - let's compare20:30
rlandypromoted components is:20:31
rlandy  commit_hash: 7c10fdb67b66bdb49f06545d35a4d5446b3aeb9c20:31
rlandy  component: tripleo20:31
rlandy  distgit_dir: /home/rhel9-osp17-1/data/ansible-pacemaker_distro/20:31
rlandy  distro_hash: d49180ab75f7b1411dfe0e6a0b9a60998387518320:31
rlandytripleo-ci-testing is:20:31
rlandy  commit_hash: 1533716c2d8d9832281af89180ae3ae87c3d385020:32
rlandy  component: tripleo20:32
rlandy  distgit_dir: /home/rhel9-osp17-1/data/tripleo-ansible_distro/20:32
rlandy  distro_hash: 838726c6840183a3d1b64811d76c8645f63b464220:32
rlandydasm|rover: ^^ different20:32
rlandyyou need to rekick the whole line20:32
rlandyto rebuild images20:32
rlandyand rerun ovb20:32
rlandydasm|rover: make sense?20:33
dasm|roverso RR tool output is incorrect then20:33
rlandyhow so?20:33
dasm|roverit shows different tag, right?20:33
rlandyit shows agg hash?20:33
rlandyor you are checking per component?20:34
rlandyok - maybe I can explain20:34
dasm|roveri think we got cs9 zed promo21:42
dasm|rover\( ゚ヮ゚)/21:42
dasm|rover> last_promotion=2022-10-26 21:33:2721:42
dasm|roverwe're still waiting for rhel9 osp17-1 and cs8 wallaby21:51
dasm|roverbut both are in grogress21:51
dasm|roverbbl, will check progress22:14
rlandyme too - need to go to volunteer job22:26
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl22:26

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