Friday, 2022-10-21

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy00:48
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rlandy|outdasm|off: bhagyashris|ruck: frenzyfriday|rover: left line status on older hckmd00:53
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*** marios is now known as marios|ruck05:10
bhagyashris|ruckmarios|ruck, o/05:13
*** bhagyashris|ruck is now known as bhagyashris05:13
chandankumarmarios|ruck: good morning05:14
chandankumarmarios|ruck: will fix content provider05:14
marios|ruckchandankumar: is that train or wallaby? checking thanks 05:20
marios|ruckchandankumar: looks like old bug do you have some more context (please add note on the lp?)05:21
marios|ruckchandankumar: hm review is old too05:23
marios|ruckchandankumar: is this blocking gate?05:23
chandankumarmarios|ruck: yes it is blocking checking jobs05:24
chandankumarmarios|ruck: the bug is old may be I can update the commit msg and bug05:24
marios|ruckchandankumar: the review os old too 05:25
chandankumarmarios|ruck: yes, I created the revert long time back for testing05:25
marios|ruckchandankumar: i am going to recheck but if you will update the commit then i wont05:28
marios|ruckchandankumar: has zuul -1 there05:28
marios|ruckchandankumar: voted if you want to update otherwise just workflow it05:28
chandankumarmarios|ruck: commit msg updated05:28
chandankumarand bug also05:28
marios|ruckthanks chandankumar 05:31
marios|ruckchandankumar: ....05:32
marios|ruckyou changed closes-bug to related-bug> 05:32
chandankumarI have changed it to related-bug to reference back the revert review05:33
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*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej06:16
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* pojadhav stepping out few hours for dr_appt.06:43
ysandeep\o hello jm1 and everyone06:49
marios|ruck\o 06:52
* bhagyashris lunch time 07:16
frenzyfriday|rovermarios|ruck, bhagyashris do you want to rr sync/handover around the usual time?07:20
marios|ruckfrenzyfriday|rover: sure lets do that sounds good thank you - can you send invite pls?07:26
frenzyfriday|rovermarios|ruck, ack, sending07:31
jlarribamarios|ruck im so sorry for losing your time in so a stupid way, I have fixed the patch: :-(07:35
frenzyfriday|roverwe have a new issue for tripleo-ci-centos-9-content-provider : No package gnutls-3.7.3-10.el9 available07:35
marios|ruckfrenzyfriday|rover: yeah chandankumar fixed it waiting for the merg07:37
marios|ruckjlarriba: o/ :) no worries ... at first i was wondering if you were doing it on purpose liek a joke :) ... it happens  i will revisit thanks07:37
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frenzyfriday|rovermarios|ruck, thanks07:38
jlarribamarios|ruck I was just not paying enough attention, such a small cherry-pick...07:40
marios|ruckack np jlarriba thanks for taking the time to ping about it 07:44
jm1hello folks :) anyone with +w rights on tripleo-quickstart?
jm1marios|ruck, chandankumar: ^ maybe?07:49
marios|ruckjm1: chandankumar: beat me to it07:55
jm1marios|ruck: :D07:56
jm1chandankumar: thank you :)07:57
jm1lets hope it wont break stuff ^^07:57
marios|ruckthanks bhagyashris frenzyfriday|rover o/#08:18
frenzyfriday|roverthe component thing resolved08:18
*** frenzyfriday|rover is now known as frenzyfriday08:18
* bhagyashris stepping out for bit08:36
jm1marios|ruck: tripleo-ci-centos-9-content-provider is failing with "No package gnutls-3.7.3-10.el9 available", "Packages for argument containers-common-1-40.el9 available, but not installed" and "Error: No packages marked for downgrade.". is this known?08:39
jm1marios|ruck: looks like its failing since 6:00 utc
marios|ruckjm1: will fix 08:45
chandankumarjm1: np :-)08:45
jm1marios|ruck: nice, thanks!08:45
marios|ruckthanks chandankumar 08:45
marios|ruckRETRY_LIMIT in 9s08:46
jm1marios|ruck: omg 😳08:47
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk09:47
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:33
rlandymarios|ruck: hello - need help with anything?10:35
marios|ruckrlandy: o/ 10:35
marios|ruckrlandy: sure, getting some food lets do quick call in ~25 mins OK?10:35
rlandymarios|ruck: sure10:35
rlandyanyone getting an error with rr tool? 503 Server Error: Service Unavailable for url:?10:38
pojadhavrlandy, yep same error10:40
pojadhavrlandy, i think issue is for d/stream.. upstream working10:41
rlandyarxcruz: soniya29: pojadhav: hi - I'd like to touch base about the allow list project before you are out for holidays next week10:41
pojadhavrlandy, sure10:42
rlandyarxcruz: soniya29: pojadhav: there are still some open cards10:42
rlandyarxcruz: soniya29: pojadhav: I put a meeting in your calendars for 12:30 UTC10:44
pojadhavrlandy, ack 10:44
rlandylooks like is not reachable10:46
rlandyarxcruz: bhagyashris: chandankumar: dviroel|out: frenzyfriday: jm1: marios|ruck: pojadhav: rcastillo: soniya29: ysandeep|afk: dasm: hello ... ok if I use today's today hour for a quick announcement? Appreciate it if you could all join for the 15 mins10:53
rlandyhappy hour10:53
frenzyfridayrlandy, yep sure10:54
arxcruzwow, announcement... scary...10:54
pojadhavrlandy, sure10:54
rlandyhappy friday - so 2 pm10:54
rlandyarxcruz: it's good news10:54
frenzyfridaywill it be happy? :D10:54
rlandyit will be10:54
rlandysorry - didn't mean to scare you all - it's nothing that major10:55
rlandyjust wanted to catch everyone before next week's holidays10:55
pojadhavhope it should be happy announcement for all of us ;):D10:56
rlandywell, to set expectations, I didn't win the lottery and write you all in to the will :)10:57
marios|ruckrlandy: you mean the social call? or scheduling another call? 10:57
rlandybut I would if I did10:57
rlandymarios|ruck: the social call10:57
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep11:16
ysandeeprlandy, ack11:16
rlandyfrenzyfriday: hi - can you update ?11:20
rlandypls se marios|ruck comments11:20
frenzyfridayrlandy, checking11:20
chandankumarrlandy: sure11:21
*** dviroel|out is now known as dviroel11:26
rlandychandankumar: hey - have a few minutes to chat with me about ibm cloud capacity?11:27
* dviroel o/11:27
chandankumarrlandy: sure11:28
rlandyour lines are waiting now up to 20 hours for nodes there11:28
chandankumarrlandy: one ovb job is on hold for debugging11:29
chandankumarrlandy: please merge this to move cs8 check jobs back to vexxhost11:41
rlandymarios|ruck: ok - chatted with chandankumar - I;m killing all component lines were we don't need a train promotion of that component11:41
rlandyso leaving network and tripleo11:41
marios|ruckthank you for digging into that rlandy and chandankumar 11:46
soniya29rlandy, ack11:46
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch12:25
rlandymarios|ruck: chandankumar: going to merge
rlandyto ease up on ibm cloud resources12:31
pojadhavrlandy, waiting for you 12:31
marios|ruckrlandy: ack 12:32
pojadhavfor allow list meeting12:32
rlandymarios|ruck: any concerns with my merging:
rlandyyou have a +2 there12:40
rlandyso assume we're good12:40
rlandytesting logs have expired12:41
marios|ruckrlandy: checking12:52
rlandymarios|ruck: it's ok - I'm retesting12:52
marios|ruckrlandy: ack yeah its been a while but lgtm lets try it 12:54
Tenguhello there! is this one known already? 2022-10-21 07:50:46 | + sudo dnf -y downgrade gnutls-3.7.3-10.el9 containers-common-1-40.el9 => No package gnutls-3.7.3-10.el9 available.13:00
Tenguthis is caught here:
Tengualready failed twice in zuul, for instance here:
chandankumarTengu: fix is in gates13:03
Tenguchandankumar: ok!13:03
Tenguthanks for the info. Won't recheck then :)13:03
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej13:05
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk13:10
rlandymarios|ruck: added a tp job to run the standalone in 16.2 line that was in retry_limit status13:16
rlandymarios|ruck: checked baremetal .. it got past modify image so should be ok there13:16
marios|ruckrlandy: thanks... do you have d/stream promoter ip ? gimme in pvt please ? tried a coupld of things called 'promoter server' in psi instances but they aren't right13:17
rlandymarios|ruck: ack sending13:17
marios|ruckwe should delete those if they aren't in service , as a side point13:17
rlandychandankumar: hmmm ... looks like openstack-promote-component promote jobs are also waiting13:19
rlandyfor c813:19
rlandylocalhost | Provider: ibm-bm2-nodepool node13:19
rlandyok if we move those to vexx?13:19
chandankumarrlandy: only promote job?13:20
rlandychandankumar: component promote13:20
rlandysee separate line13:20
rlandyso leave all in the integration line13:20
rlandyjust move the component one13:20
chandankumarok moving it13:20
rlandyas there are 30 jobs13:20
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep13:23
rlandyysandeep: dviroel: anything for today's meeting?13:25
ysandeepyes let's meet today if you don't have conflict13:25
chandankumarrlandy: component promote jobs are very small jobs13:26
chandankumarfor these jobs I donot think we need a vm13:26
rlandylikely we don't13:29
chandankumarmay be we can evaluate to move these jobs to containers and execute it via pod13:30
chandankumarif zuul provides13:30
rlandychandankumar: yeah - if we can13:30
chandankumarand instead of running multiple promote jobs, can we also run a single job13:30
chandankumarand for each component check the criteria and promote the content13:31
* chandankumar will think on this and put it on paper13:31
chandankumarrlandy: marios|ruck
pojadhavrlandy, done with email for UA/TC/PM sync and next sprint schedule updates.13:42
frenzyfridayhey rlandy , I am trying to check if all the sc10 kvm jobs are running on the upstream and downstream and are in criteria. For wallaby c9 in the internal I dont see the job running through the trigger ( But the trigger job is running in the integration pipeline13:43
frenzyfridayIt is also defined in tripleo-downstream-trigger-nested-virt projects.yaml13:43
frenzyfridayDo you know what might be missing?13:43
* pojadhav brb13:45
rlandysec - on meetings13:50
rlandydasm|off: marios|ruck: want to rr sync before marios|ruck eod?14:12
rlandyI think downstream is recovering14:12
marios|ruckrlandy: dasm|off: yes ... in 15 mins OK for you? 14:13
marios|ruckalso available now if you want 14:13
rlandyack - 15 is good14:13
marios|ruckk 14:13
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm|rover14:16
dasm|roverrlandy: marios|ruck sure. just finished checking backlog14:16
marios|ruckrlandy: dasm|rover: 14:29
rlandychandankumar: thanks  - merged
rlandyfrenzyfriday: I'll look after rr sync14:32
frenzyfridayrlandy, cool, np14:32
ysandeepTime flies, just realized today I have completed 5 years in RH.. and tomorrow is my work Anniversary :)14:38
ysandeepJust got an email that I am getting service anniversary puck14:39
ysandeeparxcruz, thanks!14:39
dviroelysandeep: wow, congrats14:48
chandankumarysandeep: congratulations \o/14:49
soniya29ysandeep, congrats14:50
ysandeepdviroel, chandankumar soniya29 thank you! :)14:52
ysandeepHappy Diwali everyone \o/ see you in a week14:53
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|PTO14:54
rlandyfrenzyfriday: ok - let's check this out ...14:56
rlandyfrenzyfriday: ^^14:56
marios|ruckcongrtulations ysandeep|PTO and happy Diwali o/ 14:56
rlandyysandeep|PTO: congrats14:57
rlandyhappy Diwali14:58
chandankumarysandeep|PTO: Happy Diwali :-)14:58
ysandeep|PTOmarios|ruck, thanks and congratulation to you once more :)14:58
rlandyfrenzyfriday: ok - dropped14:58
ysandeep|PTOrlandy, chandankumar thank you \o/14:58
* ysandeep|PTO out14:58
rlandyso for master the kvm scen 10 job is running upstream and downstream14:58
rlandyon the other lines, the trigger runs in upstream14:59
rlandyand the job kicks in downstream14:59
rlandythe upstream scn010 job is not added yet14:59
rlandyto check for running14:59
rlandyfrenzyfriday: ^^15:01
rlandyso you'd need to add the upstream job to the line15:01
rlandycheck it passes15:01
rlandythen do the criteria change15:01
chandankumarmarios|ruck: can you upgrade the vote and +w it, thank you :-)15:14
chandankumarDepends on is used here
marios|rucklooking chandankumar 15:18
marios|ruckdone 15:19
chandankumarthank you :-)15:19
chandankumarSee ya people happy weekend o/15:19
*** chandankumar is now known as raukadah15:19
marios|ruckhave a good one raukadah o/ 15:20
marios|rucko/ have a good one folks 15:45
*** marios|ruck is now known as marios|out15:45
* jm1 out as well, see you next week :D15:46
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|lunch15:51
rlandydasm|rover: for 17.1 - rekicked the rbac job15:53
rlandyneed to promote the hash15:53
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*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel16:24
dasm|roverrlandy: qq wrt supported osp. Config file for OSP has rhel-8 with osp16-2 and osp17 but this change says it should be osp16-2 and osp17-1:
dasm|roverrlandy: which one is right?16:28
dasm|roverthe config file:
rlandydasm|rover: supported now is the following16:28
rlandy16.2 on rhel-816:28
rlandy17 on rhel-916:28
rlandy17.1 on rhel-816:28
rlandy17.1 on rhel-916:29
dasm|roverbut the config file does not have int_url nor comp_urls for rhel8 osp17-116:29
dasm|roverrlandy: we need to update this file: with rhel-8 & osp17-1 instead of osp17. Do you know how to do that?16:35
dasm|roverthe only thing i16:35
dasm|roveri'm seeing is access to openstack16:35
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off16:36
rlandydasm|rover: check internal16:44
rlandysending you repo16:44
dasm|roverupdated the code, sent it for review. Link on Review List16:51
dasm|roverperiodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-bm_envD-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-rhos-16.2 passed, it's wrapping up test results.16:56
pojadhavrlandy, fyi me and soniya updated all the checklist of allow list of all featuresets and updated hackmad @line 261. and also created few cards those are pending on sprint board.17:13
pojadhavarxcruz, jfyi @26117:13
rlandypojadhav: thanks17:13
soniya29rlandy, good night :)17:14
rlandysoniya29: thanks - good night to you17:14
arxcruzpojadhav i think test_regeix is no longer being used, but i'll take a look 17:14
soniya29arxcruz, can we add this in skiplist cleanup?17:15
soniya29cleanup of test_regex17:15
arxcruzsoniya29 i need to double check 17:15
pojadhavarxcruz, yeah we can track it in diffrent story/task if we decide to remove.17:15
soniya29pojadhav, yeah17:15
arxcruzpojadhav oh, nevermind, it's being used in os_tempest 17:16
arxcruzalthough os_tempest change it to tempest_test_regex but still collect from test_regex17:16
pojadhavarxcruz, ack17:16
soniya29arxcruz, ack :)17:16
pojadhavhappy weekend to all !!17:17
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|pto17:17
dasm|roverpojadhav|pto: o/17:17
soniya29happy weekend to all 17:17
arxcruzhappy divali 17:19
arxcruzdiwali 17:19
rlandylunch - brb17:22
frenzyfridayrlandy, sorry, went afk for some time. reading back17:51
frenzyfridayoh ok, the vexx sc10 wallaby is not added, got it. Lemme check if it is defined, then I'll add to the pipeline17:52
rlandydasm|rover: do you know how to restart jenkins jobs?18:03
dasm|roverrlandy: i did something like that in the past. but it's been a while18:10
dasm|roverrlandy: which one needs to be restarted?18:10
rlandyjust rekciked 16.218:11
rlandywas missing one job18:11
* rlandy sending link18:12
rlandydasm|rover: hey - you around?20:47
rlandywant to help me out??20:48
rlandyneed some python suport20:48
dasm|roverrlandy: shoot20:48
rlandymeet for 5?20:48
rlandyyou dropped?20:50
rlandydasm|rover: ^^?20:51
rlandydasm|rover: ok - here you go ... DNM: WIP: Add alt criteria to RR tool 21:01
dasm|roverfirst patch from series of patches for ovb is merged. 3 more to go21:01
dasm|roverrlandy: checking21:01
rlandydasm|rover: 16.2 and 17.1  on rhel-9 both promoted21:02
rlandyI'll update the rr hackmd with those21:02
rlandy17.1 on 8 is running now21:02
rlandydasm|rover: going to rekick 17 on 9 so we can clear all the lines21:07
dasm|roverrlandy: i added some pseudo-code. I didn't check if it runs properly21:15
dasm|roverYou were very close to the final version.21:15
* rlandy looks21:15
rlandyok - let's try this out21:16
rlandydidn't work21:27
dasm|roverrlandy: i think i fixed my phone. wanna jump on a call?21:28
rlandywant to call me21:28
dasm|roverwe can try gmeet21:28
rlandyalt_jobs = set(k['alt_criteria'][job_to_promote]) doesn't work21:29
rlandyk - let's try join the same one as before21:29
* dviroel out21:39
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dviroel|outhave a great weekend team o/21:39
dasm|roverdviroel|out: o/21:44
rlandyI'm out as well21:55
rlandyhave a good weekend21:55
rcastillome as well o/21:56
* dasm|rover => offline22:08
*** dasm|rover is now known as dasm|off22:09

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