Tuesday, 2022-10-04

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy|out01:51
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* soniya29|ruck stepping out04:31
* soniya29|ruck will be back by 2 pm04:32
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ysandeepGood morning everyone o/04:37
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marioso/ 05:03
ysandeepmarios: good morning o/05:12
*** marios is now known as marios|ruck05:14
ysandeepjm1: hello mate o/ good morning 05:50
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*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|lunch08:08
*** soniya29|ruck|afk is now known as soniya29|ruck08:21
*** marios|ruck is now known as marios08:26
marioso/ soniya29|ruck 08:26
soniya29|ruckmarios, hello08:28
mariossoniya29|ruck: nothing to update gates all quiet 08:28
soniya29|ruckmarios, that's great :)08:29
soniya29|ruckthanks for covering08:29
mariosnp soniya29|ruck 08:29
mariossoniya29|ruck: i see you got most of the prmotions sorted only train left nice one08:29
mariossoniya29|ruck: ping if you want to discuss anything08:29
soniya29|ruckmarios, yesterday also we got promotions..i will update hackmd first08:30
soniya29|ruckin the morning..lines just started08:30
soniya29|ruckmarios, sure08:30
jsanemethello everyone, i have a question regarding heat templates09:40
jsanemetif i were to make a change to a scenario, is it possible to have a job run under that change?09:41
jsanemetso as to be able to see the effects of it on a build09:42
soniya29|ruckykarel ping09:52
soniya29|ruckykarel, can you please look into this - https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1990480?09:52
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ykarelsoniya29|ruck, pong10:22
ykareli had updated the CIX for it couple of hours back, you seen it?10:23
soniya29|ruckykarel, yeah..saw just now10:24
soniya29|ruckykarel, compute and network tests are failing for c8 fs35 train - https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/199109310:25
soniya29|rucki have added certain data points..have a look whenever you have time10:25
ykarelsoniya29|ruck, yes for those i responded last week, but will look at issue today10:26
soniya29|ruckykarel, thanks10:26
ykarelsoniya29|ruck, fyr https://meetings.opendev.org/irclogs/%23oooq/%23oooq.2022-09-30.log.html#t2022-09-30T16:49:3410:26
soniya29|ruckykarel, logs arent available10:27
ykarelsoniya29|ruck, you can't access ^, i see all the logs?10:29
soniya29|ruckykarel, The requested URL was not found on this server.10:31
ysandeepI can access https://meetings.opendev.org/irclogs/%23oooq/%23oooq.2022-09-30.log.html#t2022-09-30T16:49:3410:32
soniya29|rucki havent configured bouncer for OFTC..may be that is why i cant see the logs10:34
ykarelno bouncer not related to this10:34
ykarellikely issue with the browser you using10:34
ysandeepjsanemet: yes to your question your pinged earlier >>  if i were to make a change to a scenario, is it possible to have a job run under that change?10:35
ysandeepjsanemet, this is configured using zuul files filter10:36
ysandeephttps://github.com/openstack/tripleo-ci/blob/master/zuul.d/standalone-jobs.yaml#L125 10:36
ysandeepYou can see these standalone scenarios have some particular file filters, any changes in these files and that scenario will run on that patch.10:37
ysandeepjsanemet, https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-ci/blob/master/zuul.d/standalone-jobs.yaml#L140 10:38
soniya29|ruckykarel, exactly..firefox didnt showed these logs but chrome did10:39
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:39
ysandeepjsanemet, As you can see in ^^ that all the scenarios already have files filters for the tht file they are using, so correct scenario should trigger.10:39
rlandysoniya29|ruck: marios: hi - anything we need to sync on?10:41
rlandysoniya29|ruck: you should have new train content now10:41
soniya29|ruckrlandy, yupp10:42
rlandysoniya29|ruck: line running now so we'll need to chase what fails there10:42
soniya29|ruckyeah..rerunning the train failed jobs10:43
jsanemetysandeep: so if i make a change the job triggers by itself then10:43
jsanemetysandeep: great, thanks a lot10:43
rlandysoniya29|ruck: today is a holiday in india?10:43
ysandeepjsanemet: yes, nw :)10:44
ysandeeprlandy, tomorrow is public holiday10:44
soniya29|ruckrlandy, yeah10:44
soniya29|rucktommorrow is holiday for india10:44
* soniya29|ruck thought today is also holiday10:44
rlandypojadhav: hi - pls adjust the tc/ua/pm sync .. you can remove ysandeep and bhagyashri10:45
rlandyis bhagyashri in today?10:45
mariosrlandy: o/ not much from me for ruck it was quiet this morning 10:46
pojadhavrlandy, no bhagyshri is out today10:49
pojadhavrlandy, sick leave, she dropped mail10:49
pojadhavrlandy, ack10:50
pojadhavrlandy, I moved tc/ua/pm sync 1 hour earlier, I cant see any meetings that time on your calender.. is it ok?10:54
rlandypojadhav: no ok for dasm10:56
pojadhavrlandy, If I set meeting to after 3 pm UTC then may be india folks will have to wait lil late..10:58
pojadhavrlandy, previously I set 2 pm UTC bcz I cant see any bookings on your calender. 10:59
rlandypojadhav: dasm won;t be in to even see the meeting invite11:02
rlandymarios: I added you to an email I replied to bhagyashri11:03
rlandyre: the rhle-8 line for 17.111:03
rlandymike burns was insisting only on container builds for rhel-811:03
rlandywhich is actually easier for us to keep up if that is doable from the mixed-rhel side11:03
pojadhavrlandy, yeah I agree11:03
rlandymarios: pls ping when you have 5 mins to discuss11:04
rlandypojadhav: pls move the meeting back to the original slot for today11:04
mariosrlandy: o/ 11:04
mariosrlandy: looking at mail11:05
rlandyyou can rethink the time another week - not just before the meeting11:05
rlandypojadhav: also chandankumar and ysandeep and bhagyashri are not needed11:05
rlandyonly you are in india11:05
mariosrlandy: hmm... i should have joined the prod chain call 11:06
pojadhavrlandy, ack11:06
mariosrlandy: k want to discuss now? (call?) or ?11:06
mariosrlandy: lets try the email let me reply there for now11:06
rlandymarios: email is ok - just fyi - I am out tomorrow11:07
rlandyand thursday is planning and retro11:07
rlandyso we should have an idea of what we want to add to planning - so we can discuss there11:08
rlandysoniya29|ruck++ for keeping up rr notes so well11:09
mariosk rlandy see pvt tht ok?11:10
soniya29|ruckrlandy, thanks :)11:10
ysandeeprlandy, Could you please cancel tomorrow's "Operator testing kickoff" sync - mostly everyone who join that meeting are out tomorrow.11:10
rlandyysandeep: ack11:13
rlandychandankumar: hello11:14
chandankumarrlandy: hello11:15
rlandychandankumar: any news on second ibm cloud?11:15
chandankumarrlandy: no news yet11:15
chandankumarrlandy: are we hitting resources issue on current infra?11:16
rlandychandankumar: getting some better results with https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/4535711:16
rlandyluca's patches plus ibm cloud11:17
rlandytrying w/o ibm cloud11:17
chandankumarrlandy: ah ok11:18
*** dviroel|afk is now known as dviroel11:30
mariospojadhav: can you revisit that when you have time please needs rebase and we can merge - (did you run a testproject for that? if not please do that too?)11:48
mariospojadhav: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/45292 that one for zed 11:48
ykarelsoniya29|ruck, added the findings in https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1991093/comments/711:50
soniya29|ruckykarel, thanks11:51
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch11:52
mariosoooci o/ when you next have some time please need some votes here if you agree https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/45255 11:54
mariosthanks chandankumar ^^ 11:54
rlandysoniya29|ruck: hi - pls get all the failing train jobs in rerun12:00
rlandynote fs035 internal failed as well12:00
rlandylooks like all OVB failed12:01
soniya29|ruckrlandy, https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/4356012:02
soniya29|ruckwill rerun fs035 internal as well..give me a moment12:02
rlandysoniya29|ruck: pls add fs020 to https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/4356012:03
soniya29|ruckrlandy, ack12:08
rlandychandankumar: hi - what's the best way to test out a promoter change - would like to see if https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/45454/2/ci-scripts/dlrnapi_promoter/logic.py works12:21
*** frenzyfriday is now known as frenzyfriday|food12:22
chandankumarrlandy: best way = test in prod (just kidding)12:29
chandankumarfinding a way to test that part12:29
chandankumarrlandy: is it ok if I pick this change up?12:34
chandankumarand may make some modification12:34
pojadhavmarios, I didnt tested the jobs i have added, but I will do that12:35
mariospojadhav: thanks12:37
rlandychandankumar: sure12:37
rlandychandankumar: I am not sure if this is the right approach12:38
rlandychandankumar: I am going to try two different ideas12:38
chandankumarrlandy: I was thinking about something like this promotions:12:41
chandankumar  current-tripleo:12:41
chandankumar    candidate_label: tripleo-ci-testing12:41
chandankumar    criteria:12:41
chandankumar      - periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master12:41
chandankumar    alternative_criteria:12:41
chandankumar      periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master:12:41
chandankumar       - periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master-internal12:41
chandankumarfirst promoter will check for criteria, if missing jobs found12:42
chandankumarthen look for alternative_criteria12:42
chandankumarfor each missing job as a key12:42
chandankumarlook for alternative job mapping12:42
chandankumarif that passes, then promote it or otherwise fail it12:42
rlandychandankumar: yep12:48
rlandywas working on an alternative_criteria: section as a second approach12:48
rlandytwo separate patches12:49
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej13:12
pojadhavcommunity meeting in 9 mins : arxcruz, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29|ruck , pojadhav, akahat, chandankumar, frenzy_friday, anbanerj,  dviroel, rcastillo, dasm, jm113:21
pojadhavhackmd : https://hackmd.io/MMg4WDbYSqOQUhU2Kj8zNg13:21
pojadhavmeeting invite L https://meet.google.com/igc-nxwj-gws?authuser=013:22
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:49
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|out14:04
* ysandeep|out out see everyone on Thursday 14:04
dasmysandeep|out: o/14:08
soniya29|ruckrlandy, rcastillo|ruck, leaving for the day14:21
rcastillo|rucksoniya29|ruck: o/14:21
soniya29|rucksee you all on thrusday :)14:22
rlandyrcastillo|ruck: we need to promote train today14:28
rlandyrcastillo|ruck: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/43560 plus job running fs035 internal14:29
rcastillo|ruckrlandy: ack14:30
rcastillo|ruckanything else to sync up on?14:30
rlandyjm1: hey - just a reminder - you have the retro this thursday14:43
jm1rlandy: yes, thanks! but you are on pto 😭14:45
rlandyjm1: no - I am back14:45
rlandyout tomorrow14:45
rlandyI wouldn't miss your retro14:45
jm1rlandy: ah then i was confused by rhos pto calendar 😅14:46
jm1rlandy: ok cool :D14:46
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|lunch14:50
mariosrlandy: for https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2131275 (mixed rhel d/stream jobs bug i mentioned previously)... issue is same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1989341 i.e. version mismatch (see comments on bz pvt cos internal logs linked)14:53
mariosrlandy: to fix it we need version bump... i want to move https://trello.com/c/e2us0FZu back to blocked for that wdyt? i think its better than filing a new cix on it.14:54
mariosrlandy: (same issue just d/stream hittign it now)14:54
rlandymarios: ack - cleaner that way14:55
mariosrlandy: ack doing/commenting there14:57
mariosoooci o/ please add to your reviews https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/45450 Start building out zed component lines standalones multinode 15:06
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.15:06
chandankumarsee ya people!15:07
marioso/ 15:07
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rlandyrcastillo|ruck: just rechecked https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/testproject/+/430167 - had a node failure16:46
rcastillo|ruckrlandy: k thanks was falling behind on downstream stuff16:46
rlandyhttps://logserver.rdoproject.org/60/43560/12/check/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset002-train/ecaf0b9/job-output.txt deployment failure is probably bigger issue to look into16:47
rcastillo|ruckrlandy: ack was looking at that. Nova logs has Compute host undercloud.localdomain could not be found16:55
rcastillo|ruckbut not sure where to go next with that16:56
rlandylet's see if it's the same failure twice16:56
rlandyrcastillo|ruck: ugh - two diff deply failures16:57
rcastillo|ruckI'll recheck16:57
rlandyI guess we run again - I would run it twice  -once o ibm cloud and once on vexx16:57
rcastillo|ruckI looked into the fs002 one and it smells like some intermittent infra setup16:58
rcastillo|ruckwould need pointer on how to run on ibm cloud16:58
rcastillo|ruckjust set nodeset on tp?16:58
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off17:00
rlandyhmmm ... fs035 n internal not going anywhere https://sf.hosted.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/zuul/t/tripleo-ci-internal/stream/bba9ee95d82f44919fe661c7f41c1056?logfile=console.log17:46
rlandymaybe we try that one on upstream17:46
rlandyand switch criteria if needed17:47
rlandydviroel: hi - writing up next gen status17:56
rlandydo you have a link to your end-to-end test or results17:57
dviroelrlandy: yes, not merged yet, but has job's results18:04
dviroelrlandy: PR https://github.com/openshift/release/pull/3273118:05
rlandydviroel: perfect - ty - just want to post a status18:05
dviroelrlandy: https://prow.ci.openshift.org/view/gs/origin-ci-test/pr-logs/pull/openshift_release/32731/rehearse-32731-pull-ci-openstack-k8s-operators-mariadb-operator-master-mariadb-operator-e2e/157692829097368371218:05
rlandyrcastillo|ruck: hmmm ... a bunch of OVB stack create failed in downstream18:08
rcastillo|ruckrlandy: trying to look. Downstream zuul and grafana are slow as molasses for me today for some reason18:12
rlandy2022-10-04 17:44:13.899579 | primary | | stack_status          | CREATE_FAILED                                                                                                                                                            |18:16
rlandy2022-10-04 17:44:13.899583 | primary | | stack_status_reason   | Resource CREATE failed: WaitConditionTimeout: resources.baremetal_env.resources.bmc.resources.bmc_wait_condition: 0 of 1 received    18:16
rlandyrcastillo|ruck: ^^ that is the error18:16
rlandyasking on rhos-ops18:16
rcastillo|ruckk, following there18:17
rcastillo|ruckweird, I can use psi fine looks like18:21
rcastillo|ruckneed to take a call, missing review time19:03
* jm1 out for today. have a nice evening!19:16
rlandyrcastillo|ruck: dviroel: dasm: got to log off and prep for holiday. see you thursday20:24
rlandyrcastillo|ruck: looks like you ahve fs035 going on internal20:25
rlandyhopefully that passes20:25
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out20:26
rcastillo|ruckrlandy|out: see you on thursday o/20:33
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dasmrlandy|out: o/ take care!20:38
rcastillo|ruckbbl to check on results20:58
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off22:32

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