Friday, 2022-09-09

*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep00:08
ysandeepgood morning/evening folks o/00:10
rcastillogood morning ysandeep 00:22
rcastilloearly for you00:23
ysandeepHey Rafael o/ yes comparatively earlier today00:24
rcastilloI was actually about to log off00:25
rcastillohave a great day o/00:25
ysandeepHave a great evening!00:25
*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy02:03
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* ysandeep|out will be back in evening03:42
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marioso/ bhagyashris jm1[m] 06:00
bhagyashrismarios, 0/06:19
*** chkumar|ruck is now known as chandankumar06:29
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mariosbhagyashris: once you and jm1[m] have a chance to sync/decide who is doing what we can talk after to see what i can help with 07:05
*** jm1|ruck is now known as jm1|rover07:06
jm1marios, bhagyashris, oooci: good morning :)07:07
marioso/ 07:07
jm1marios: bhagyashris chose downstream07:08
mariosjm1: ack cool i didn't know if you had a chance to discuss who is doing what already 07:08
jm1marios: i will go through our upstream integration and component lines, rerun jobs with intermittent failere  and update our rr notes07:09
mariosjm1: k mainly just ping me if you want to talk about something or need me to pick something up 07:10
mariosbhagyashris: same ^^ 07:10
jm1marios: ok, thank you!07:10
mariosjm1: bhagyashris: i'll let you catch up and we can sync in an hour or two as needed but ping me any time07:10
mariosjm1: 10:09 < jm1> marios: i will go through our upstream integration and component lines, rerun jobs with intermittent failere  and update 07:12
chandankumarjm1: o/07:12
mariosjm1: sounds good but don't forget to keep eye on the gate too 07:12
chandankumarjm1: let me know where can I help.07:12
mariosjm1: like checking periodically if all ok (seems fine now) things like cockpit there (Upstream gate jobs 1 fails/24 hours sounds ok)07:13
mariosjm1: or just at 07:13
mariosrlandy|out: regarding (we discussed last night in handover) it looks like the card was created ok @ trello /production-chain-escalation 07:15
marioso/ chandankumar happy friday \o/07:16
chandankumarmarios: o/07:16
chandankumarah it's friday07:16
mariosi see.. its been one of *those* weeks chandankumar well... you made it congrats ;) 07:17
chandankumarthank you thank you :-)07:17
chandankumarjm1: I have kicked the wallaby failing jobs in the morning via tp
chandankumaron master, there were different failures on different ovb jobs07:20
jm1chandankumar: hello :) thank you very much 07:24
jm1marios: yep will do07:24
mariosakahat: can you please add the mixed rhel reviews to reviews list? maybe we can merge today07:32
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.07:32
mariostonyb: let me know if you need more info for (I set -1 on the criteria patch and pointed at that )07:32
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bhagyashrismarios, sure07:36
mariosjm1: bhagyashris: please update your irc nick we need to be visible in #tripleo so folks know who to ping07:40
marios10:32 < marios> tonyb: let me know if you need more info for 07:45
marios (I set -1 on the criteria patch and pointed at that )07:45
mariossorry bad paste :)07:46
mariosjm1: bhagyashris: you'll need to be a bit more responsive to irc as ruck rover though ... :) please renick asap07:55
*** bhagyashris is now known as bhagyashris|ruck07:57
bhagyashris|ruckmarios, thanks :) due to network issue it reconnect with original name 07:58
jm1marios: wtf?07:58
mariosjm1: which bit07:58
jm1marios: ?07:58
mariosjm1: ? not sure whats going on right now what do you mean by 10:58 < jm1> marios: wtf?07:59
mariosbhagyashris|ruck: ack 07:59
jm1marios: "<marios> jm1: bhagyashris: you'll need to be a bit more responsive to irc as ruck rover though ... :) please renick asap" << ?07:59
mariosjm1: k ? 08:00
mariosjm1: i see you already have another nick here jm1 jm1|rover and jm1[m] .. i missed that (you could have just said ?)08:01
jm1marios: ah.. you are wondering why i have three nicks here. one is regular registered username, next one is for rr, last one is matrix client08:03
mariosjm1: no i was mainly wanting to make sure we have a nick|ruck and nick|rover in the channel (and #tripleo) 08:04
mariosjm1: i thought you didn't already renick and missed you had already a jm1|rover here but we didn't have a |ruck ... anyway 08:04
jm1marios: ack ok, sorry for the confusion08:04
mariosjm1: ack on the 3 nicks np as long as we have |ruck |rover 08:04
ysandeepjm1|rover, bhagyashris|ruck hey I pinged arxcruz|rover yesterday around your rr handover time about df complaning about rdo third party check jobs not stable, just want to repost to new ruck/rover so that that is not lost in handover transition08:08
ysandeepjm1|rover, bhagyashris|ruck
ysandeepRabi shared two example apart from mirror issues:-08:09
ysandeepramishra> ysandeep:
ysandeepramishra> ysandeep: A different one
ysandeepCould you please check if these intermittent failure are hitting happening and if we have a bug for these issues?08:10
*** arxcruz|rover is now known as arxcruz08:10
arxcruzysandeep i saw a card on trello, but i didn't check again yesterday 08:10
arxcruzgive me a few minutes and i'll08:10
ysandeeparxcruz: no worries, i think it was late for late when I pinged(you were near your eod), new ruck/rover can take a look.08:11
* ysandeep also checking cix board to pass bug ref. to Rabi08:12
ysandeephmm, I didn't find an exact bug but i wonder if is because of the same cause.08:17
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|lunch08:29
dpawlikhello folks, how many RAM can be used inside the VM for job periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master ?09:04
dpawlikI would like to change the multipliers in nova on IBM host09:05
jm1marios, chandankumar: wow upstream ci jobs are really in a shit state09:19
mariosdpawlik: don't have a simple answer but you can see meminfo for current jobs there :  controller @ 09:20
dpawlikthanks marios++09:20
mariosdpawlik: and compute @ is at 09:21
mariosdpawlik: glad it was useful09:21
mariosjm1: o/ looking.. where you mean gate? 09:21
jm1marios: did my first round on integration lines and component lines. listed all red stuff in rr notes. a looooot of jobs are failing09:22
mariosjm1: ack ok 'periodic' then not 'upstream' wrt 12:19 < jm1> marios, chandankumar: wow upstream ci jobs are really in a shit state09:24
jm1marios: non-periodic jobs are also affected by intermittent issues, so upstream (:= tripleo ci jobs) in general is unstable09:26
chandankumarjm1: fs01 check jobs are failing on node provisioning09:27
mariosjm1: i don't see anything failing in gate (this is what i assumed for upstream) . do you mean rdo/3rd party is unstable?09:27
chandankumarjm1: I am trying to exclude the latest kernel to see if it fixes the issue09:27
jm1marios: let me go through the current failures in integration lines, then it will be easier to talk about09:28
jm1chandankumar: cool, thank you!09:28
mariosjm1: sure 09:28
chandankumarjm1: on master line, fs01 passed on ibm cloud and internal psi cloud09:29
chandankumarfs01 failure might be cloud issue09:29
chandankumarperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-internal-master       │09:29
chandankumar│ periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master-ibm-3          │09:29
chandankumar│ periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-internal-master   09:29
chandankumaribm-3 job got picked from daniel stress testing09:30
jm1chandankumar: sync mirror issue on fs1?09:35
jm1chandankumar: nevermind, lets wait for reruns09:35
chandankumargnutls issue09:36
chandankumartime for revert09:36
mariosoooci o/ please add these to your reviews list and depends-on (testproject in commit message) thanks09:42
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.09:42
mariosreviewbot: please add to the review list and depends-on
reviewbotI could not add the review to Review List09:42
reviewbotI could not add the review to Review List09:42
mariosreviewbot: but you did. thanks then 09:42
reviewbotYou are welcome :)09:42
mariosakahat: ^^ 09:43
chandankumarjm1: for gnutls issue revert patch, will keep you posted based on results09:43
frenzyfridaysomeone finally used the thanks option on the bot XD09:43
akahatmarios, thank you.09:45
mariosakahat: welcome09:46
*** ysandeep|lunch is now known as ysandeep09:48
akahatchandankumar, ysandeep|lunch bhagyashris|ruck rlandy|out please review and
akahatif you are rechecking some projects please add this as depends-on so we can merge it by EOF.09:49
chandankumarakahat: can you add these jobs to pipleine also in same patch09:49
akahatchandankumar, ok09:50
jm1chandankumar: thanks for the gnutls update :)09:50
jm1ysandeep: tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 is a disaster. our periodic jobs for that fail a lot, e.g.
jm1ysandeep: or
jm1ysandeep: maybe ramishra's issue is related to ?09:58
ysandeepjm1, yes ^^ seems same issue09:59
jm1ysandeep: we have a cix card for that, its haunting us a lot10:00
jm1ysandeep: but lucky us its not affecting our integration lines today10:00
ysandeepack, good that we have a bug for this.. looks this this performance issue can fail on lot of different steps.10:00
jm1ysandeep: ooooh yes10:01
* bhagyashris|ruck brb10:04
akahatreviewbot, please add to the review list
reviewbotI could not add the review to Review List10:15
jm1hah, hello arecord error. glad to see you again this rr shift
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:34
rlandymarios: jm1: bhagyashris|ruck: hi - reading back10:36
jm1rlandy: o/10:38
jm1rlandy: have to check 3 more logs then we can sync10:38
rlandymarios: jm1: bhagyashris|ruck: yeah ... ok - we will needto pick up on check jobs for OVB10:38
rlandymarios: jm1: bhagyashris|ruck: pls ping when ready10:39
rlandymarios: sending you info on trello keys10:39
mariosrlandy: k 10:40
jm1rlandy: ready10:41
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: around?10:41
rlandymarios: jm1: ok  let's start with upstream
mariosrlandy: i will skip let me know if you need me 10:43
arxcruzbhagyashris|ruck jm1 10:44
arxcruzThis is a real bug, it's failing constantly, need to open a bug, and add it on skiplist 10:44
rlandyarxcruz: we're talking about that10:57
chandankumararxcruz: it is a known failure something from network component caused that11:02
rlandychandankumar: so we promoted that up from network?11:03
rlandywas there a bug on that?11:03
rlandyI assume that is what we skip promoted?11:03
chandankumarrlandy: yes we skipped the job, we have not filed the bug11:04
rlandydasm|off; hi - when you are in - let's talk about the cockpit scripts11:04
chandankumararxcruz: you are opening the bug?11:05
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|sick11:05
mariosanyone wants to discuss reviews? 11:15
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.11:15
chandankumarjust pinged steve on hardprov gchat regarding fs01 check job
frenzyfridayShutting down the bot for a while to test11:25
mariosfrenzyfriday: ysandeep: rlandy: i re-added yesterday from the history 11:36
ysandeepmarios++ nice!11:37
frenzyfridaymarios, thanks. Checking logs from the bot at 7:25 on sept 811:37
mariosysandeep: k not that big a deal but thanks :)11:39
ysandeepo/ 11:47
Tenguchandankumar: heya! seems there's still an issue with the image signature in molecule tests for tripleo-ansible ?  though I did rebase it onto HEAD...11:52
chandankumarTengu: wil take a look soon12:02
chandankumarrlandy: bug updated
chandankumarproposing a workaround12:02
chandankumartill we switch to dib based image12:02
Tenguchandankumar: ah. the downgrade happens BEFORE the package is actually installed...12:03
Tenguguess that may explain.12:03
Tenguchandankumar: so we have to ensure it's downgraded in the pre.yaml as well.12:04
Tenguthe directories.yml comes too early.12:04
chandankumarTengu: please propose the fix thank you :-)12:06
Tenguchandankumar: on it!12:06
chandankumarsorry fixing node provisioning issue12:06
Tengunp problem, the patch was already almost done :)12:07
chandankumarjm1: rlandy if rdo check jobs passes, merge it 12:19
jm1chandankumar: thank you very much, will have a look12:44
rlandychandankumar: jm1: pojadhav|sick: bhagyashris|ruck: akahat: marios: arxcruz: Tengu: dviroel: rcastillo: frenzyfriday: soniya29: ysandeep: pls see
rlandyACTION REQUIRED to receive the voting ballot from CIVS: opting in to receiving email communications from CIVS.12:48
rlandynote: ^^ you will need to opt in for emails to vote12:49
rlandychandankumar: jm1: pojadhav|sick: bhagyashris|ruck: akahat: marios: arxcruz: Tengu: dviroel: rcastillo: frenzyfriday: soniya29: ysandeep: please do this - we have a candidate on the ballot :) 12:49
mariosrlandy: dont think that one applies to us rlandy 12:50
mariosrlandy: or what do you mean by                 please do this - we have a candidate on the ballot :) 12:51
mariosrlandy: which candidate12:51
mariosah tc probably 12:51
mariosi thought it was just about teams 12:51
rlandymarios: see tc candidates12:51
marioschandankumar: :D12:51
mariosrlandy: ack 12:52
arxcruzrlandy just to request the civs right?12:53
Tengulet's see12:53
Tenguah, I have activated my thingy.12:54
mariosEmail address successfully activated. 12:55
chandankumarthank you rlandy for sharing it :)13:06
chandankumarThank you everyone :-)13:06
jm1rlandy: for c9 master promotion (hash 3edefe9728ecab11e979d22a0d03263d) we need 3 jobs: full-tempest, fs35 and kvm-internal.  arxcruz suggested to simply temporarily remove those three jobs from criteria instead of creating a skiplist for tempest and rerunning the other two jobs again and again and again.. what do you think?13:15
arxcruzjm1 rlandy yes, since we are skipping the kvm, and the full api we know the two tests should be skipped for now13:16
arxcruzonly miss the fs035 that is a pain to success 13:16
rlandyarxcruz: jm1: at nine days out - we will probably land up skipping fs03513:17
arxcruzmy though exactly 13:18
rlandythe kvm job just passed13:18
rlandyoh no13:18
rlandyit didn't13:18
rlandywe need the skiplist patch13:18
rlandyjm1: arxcruz: ok - so do this ... add skiplist patch13:19
chandankumarjm1: does downstream fs035 on that hash does not passed?13:19
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|brb13:19
rlandythat is what I just checked13:19
jm1rlandy, chandankumar: periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master13:19
chandankumarwe can skip it from upstream and promote it13:19
rlandyyep ok13:20
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:20
dasmrlandy: \o13:20
rlandyjm1: ok - so onec you have the skiplist patch13:20
rlandythen submit the ci-config patch to comment out those tests13:21
rlandyand we'll merge13:21
rlandydasm: hello ...13:21
dasmrlandy: you wanted to talk about cockpit scripts, right?13:21
rlandydasm: yeah - rdo zuul seemed super slow today13:21
rlandyare we still struggling with the scripts?13:22
dasmrlandy: it depends. if it's slow every 30 minutes, then yes.13:22
rlandyhmmm ... ok13:22
dasmdpawlik mentioned yesterday that's better now, but he suggested to stop querying zuul, and go straight to opensearch13:23
rlandydasm: ^^ would that be workable13:23
dasmor even completely bypass opensearch and push logs straigt to influx.13:23
dasmi'm checking both routes atm.13:23
dasmprobably it'13:23
dasmit's gonna be quick fix with opensearch, and later i'm gonna change ci-collector13:24
dasmyes, it is workable. everything is workable, it just depends how much time we have13:24
*** ysandeep|brb is now known as ysandeep13:30
ysandeepdviroel, rlandy, hey o/ podified mtg time13:30
jm1rlandy, arxcruz: okeee, lets see if c9 master wants to promote now..
rlandyjm1: sorry - I think I confused you 13:35
rlandyI agreed with arx13:35
rlandyyou can submit the  ci-config file to comment out those jobs and not rerun13:36
rlandythe skiplist patch we need13:36
rlandy periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-scenario010-kvm-internal-standalone-master won;t kick on rdo13:36
jm1rlandy: omg yeah of course...13:36
jm1rlandy: do we want to skip internal kvm job, too?13:45
chandankumarif it is not passing then yes we need to remove that also from criteria13:45
chandankumarotherwise it will not promote13:45
jm1chandankumar: last time it passed was 2022-08-3113:49
rlandyjm1: yes pls13:49
jm1rlandy: ack, updated patch
jm1chandankumar: ^13:58
chandankumarrlandy: done13:58
chandankumarjm1: done13:58
jm1chandankumar: thank you sir :)13:58
chandankumarjm1: rlandy for cs9 wallaby fs01 internal has passed13:59
chandankumarif we skip fs01 and fs039, it can also promote13:59
chandankumarit will clear one cix13:59
rlandyjm1: thank you13:59
jm1chandankumar: which hash?14:00
chandankumarjm1: it is the latest one a29104cf0a2a21bb5b863335b204ba1f14:00
rlandylet's try this one first14:00
chandankumarruck rover tool give that14:00
jm1rlandy, chandankumar: checked latest failures of c9 wallaby fs01 and fs39, both failed on intermittent failures twice14:06
jm1rlandy, chandankumar: rr notes updated with details14:07
jm1rlandy, chandankumar: will rerun them again anyway14:08
chandankumarjm1: ok14:09
chandankumarsee ya!14:12
chandankumarjm1: rlandy marios thank you, have a nice weekend :-)14:12
jm1chandankumar: have a nice weekend as well :)14:12
jm1chandankumar: and thanks again for helping out!14:13
marioshave a good one chandankumar o/14:17
bhagyashris|ruckrhos17.1 on rhel9 promoted14:24
rlandyjm1: sorry - reading back14:30
jm1rlandy: np, jobs are still running14:31
rlandyrotating meetings :)14:31
ysandeephappy weekend everyone o/14:37
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|out14:37
jm1ysandeep|out: have a nice weekend o/14:37
jm1rlandy, bhagyashris|ruck, marios: c9 master jobs are still running, links to skiplist patch and criteria removal patch in rr notes. c9 wallaby is missing fs39 and fs01 only, both fail on intermittent errors. reruns for c9 wallaby jobs still in progress. having a break now.14:38
* jm1 bbl14:38
rlandyjm1: ok - will check in on the wallaby failures next14:41
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rlandydasm: hey - have a few minutes now to to finish jira board discussion15:04
dasmrlandy: sure15:04
*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel15:53
rlandyjm1; wrt wallaby - we have a pass on periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-internal-wallaby15:55
rlandyso if fs039 gets by - you can skop fs001 and promote15:55
marioso/ have a good weekend oooci 15:56
rlandymarios: have a good weekend15:56
mariosrlandy: need any votes/something else before i go? 15:56
rlandymarios: ok for now, thanks15:56
mariosk 15:57
*** marios is now known as marios|out15:59
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off16:35
rlandy"tripleowallabycentos8" is promoting17:04
rlandyjm1: ^^17:04
rlandymaster should promote17:05
jm1rlandy: oh wow17:08
rlandyjm1: wrt wallaby17:08
rlandyfs039 passed17:08
rlandygave fs001 one more try17:08
rlandybut if not, will skip promote there17:08
rlandyinternal fs001 passed17:09
rlandyjm1: also ... bless chandankumar for this one
rlandymaster ovb check passed17:10
rlandyrerunning to see if wallaby will pass17:10
jm1rlandy: did you rerun c9 master full-tempest-api? it failed on my run17:11
rlandyjm1; I did17:11
rlandyjm1: so you can have a restful weekend17:11
jm1rlandy: ah i see, your testproject is still runnign17:11
rlandytempest-api passed17:12
jm1rlandy: yeah17:12
jm1rlandy: a little bit of cheating and.. voila.. c9 wallaby and c9 master promote 😆17:14
rlandyat this point????17:14
rlandywhatever works17:14
jm1rlandy: 😎17:15
jm1rlandy: lets cover our cheating up...
rlandyjm1: totally - will merge that after master promotes17:16
rlandywoohoo - here goes master17:25
rlandy16.2 and 17 are one job away  - rerun there17:37
jm1rlandy: cool!17:44
jm1rlandy: did some debugging on this lp bug and imho we can close it
jm1rlandy: all jobs failed for different reasons than this arecord msg17:45
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, 16.2 passed here but not sure why not promoted17:47
bhagyashris|ruckmay be the hash is different 17:47
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: hey - I rerun hash ... 5e940a6b412ccfb8d996eda15d5aeda917:47
rlandyit was only one job 17:47
rlandyhopefully wil pass17:47
rlandyjm1: nice17:47
rlandyjm1; after wallaby c9 promotes, we should be able to close
rlandy withstanding17:48
rlandyso we can check that on monday17:49
jm1rlandy: ack17:49
jm1rlandy: is there anything which needs immediate attention? else i would be eod17:49
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: here's one for you on monday :) ...
rlandyfs020 on master and wallaby could probably be removed there17:50
rlandyif we remove from skiplist and retest17:50
rlandyjm1: you're fine17:50
rlandyhave a great weekend17:50
rlandyyou too bhagyashris|ruck 17:50
rlandylaste for your both17:50
jm1rlandy: ack, thank you17:50
rlandysee you monday17:50
jm1have a nice weekend bhagyashris|ruck rlandy #oooq :)17:51
rlandylunch - brb17:51
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, jm1 have a nice weekend :)17:51
rlandydasm++ for sending out reminder to read robert's info17:51
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: thanks - you too17:51
rlandycurrent-tripleo/2022-09-09 17:57  - wooho master18:34
rlandywoohoo - wallaby will promote - no skipping required19:34
dviroelhave a great weekend team o/19:57
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out20:02
dasmdviroel|out: o/20:06
* rcastillo leaving as well o/22:41
dasmrcastillo: o/23:12
dasmi'm calling it a day too23:13
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off23:13

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