Wednesday, 2022-08-17

*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep|ruck01:36
ysandeep|ruckrcastillo|rover, ++ thanks for keeping an eye on testprojects01:36
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ysandeep|ruckwohoo.. 17/9 promoted03:45
ysandeep|ruckwohoo. master promoted.. and wallaby is promoting now06:03
mariosnice ysandeep|ruck 06:07
mariosnice report for prog call.. any luck d/stream 16 tho?06:08
ysandeep|ruck17/9 promoted as well.. just tracking 16.2 promotion 06:08
ysandeep|ruckonly 2 jobs left.. so i am hopefull we will promote 16.2 as well before prgm call06:08
mariosgreat even if we don't its on its way so good stuff 06:09
ysandeep|ruckmarios, chandankumar: We don't have to report for 17/8 anymore, right ?06:09
ysandeep|ruckI see last week, you left a comment as well that we will drop this line.. and move to 17.1/806:10
mariosysandeep|ruck: yeah we should start reporting on 17.1 once all in place but d/stream this last week has been not great infra 06:11
ysandeep|ruckI am wondering do we need to track 17/8 promotion anymore, before we move to 17.1?06:13
ysandeep|ruckI am thinking about not reporting for 17/8 today.. and we can start report for 17.1/8 once its up.. I don't think we are tracking 17/8 promotions for a while now.06:14
mariosack ysandeep|ruck this sounds fine + you can clarify if there are queries about it06:15
ysandeep|ruckmarios: ack, thanks!06:17
chandankumarysandeep|ruck: sounds good to report 17.1/8 once it is up and skip 17/806:22
ysandeep|ruckchandankumar, thanks!06:22
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frenzyfridaybot add to review list
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list06:40
ysandeep|ruckchandankumar, I noticed some of the jobs removed here are still parent of some jobs07:13
ysandeep|ruckchandankumar, could you please crosscheck07:13
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chandankumarysandeep|ruck: sure07:39
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frenzyfridayhey, for any changes to the internal cockpit do we usually attach screenshot to the commit msg like we do for upstream cockpit changes? (because of internal data and stuff)08:28
mariosfrenzyfriday: if it is for code.eng change then should be fine but for anything in ci-config/anywhere else upstream then no08:29
frenzyfridaymarios, thanks. For example this patch: proxy error here anyone else? 08:34
soniya29marios same i recieved08:34
mariosfrenzyfriday: so without looking it is code.eng so it is only accessible inside vpn08:34
mariosthx soniya29 08:34
frenzyfridaymarios, yep, oh right! you mean the snaoshot will be behind vpn!! ack, thanks08:35
mariosfrenzyfriday: yeah thats what i meant if it is code.eng then sure you can attach but otherwise no08:35
frenzyfridaybut it will be publeished to or somewhere right?08:36
soniya29marios, any idea what is wrong with
mariosfrenzyfriday: hmm that is a good question ... if you cant find a good answer then try screenshot ? there is internal image sharing service will find gimme couple mins08:36
mariossoniya29: they are checking see #opendev08:36
marios11:32 < frickler> I can confirm that gerrit seems to have issues, checking logs now08:36
marios11:34 < marios> ah k already known then 08:36
mariossoniya29: ^08:37
soniya29marios, thanks :)08:37
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ysandeep|ruckI don't want to jinx it with a gate blocker but what a lovely day it is.. 16.2 and 17.1/9 both promoted as well.08:40
ysandeep|ruckso if we promote 17/8 also - we are completely green (everything promoted today/or nothing to promote)08:41
mariosysandeep|ruck: lets go to the beach :D leave a voice note for the program call08:43
marios'sorry tripleo ci cant take your call right now. everything is green we're at the beach' 08:43
ysandeep|ruckhahahaha, lol!.. yeah we such definitely go to beach \o/08:44
ysandeep|ruckyeah we should* definitely go to beach \o/08:45
ysandeep|ruckoooq ansible experts - we are facing "ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipapermission'" in security component.09:31
ysandeep|ruckI think this started after merged, Do we need to add this collection `freeipa.ansible_freeipa` in our jobs as well? Or this collection should be shipped in our products?09:33
ysandeep|ruckmarios, chandankumar jm1[m] ^^ when you have a free slot, appreciate some suggestions.. I have already pinged security team for this bug and awaiting their feedback.09:34
chandankumarysandeep|ruck: checking09:42
mariosysandeep|ruck: immediate reqaction is that we should add to our jobs 09:48
mariosysandeep|ruck: perhaps try posting it (I think in tripleo-ci repo we're installing collections in 09:49
mariosysandeep|ruck: and testproject to see if it helps? 09:49
ysandeep|ruckchatting with adee_lee on #sec-interop (internal) - ansible-freeipa modules comes via rpm  ansible-freeipa ,
ysandeep|ruckBut I see its installed in both supplemental(ipa) and undercloud - 09:50
chandankumaransible-freeipa is already installed there09:52
chandankumarso we donot need to add the collection there09:52
chandankumarI think09:53
chandankumarI was checking the playbook
mariosysandeep|ruck: thinking about that
mariosdont see freeipa there chandankumar ^^ 09:53
mariosor 09:53
mariosysandeep|ruck: ^ maybe adding there may unblock? 09:54
chandankumarwe can try replacing to ipahost and try09:54
ysandeep|ruckyeah, I was of same understanding that if it comes via rpm as a part of tripleo.. we don't have to install in quickstart..09:54
chandankumarysandeep|ruck: may be go with both approach09:54
chandankumaradding the collection in qucikstart and replacing it with with ipahost 09:55
chandankumarand test it in two different patches09:55
ysandeep|ruckmove to freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipahost was intentional here 09:56
ysandeep|ruckmarios, thanks for the pointer, will check that approach, I am trying to understand the reasoning behind - why we need to install collection via quickstart if we have rpm already(which provides that collection)09:58
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* ysandeep|afk break10:35
mariossoniya29: do you want to discuss something today? i cant hear you if you are talking11:16
mariosotherwise lets drop if folks are busy 11:16
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soniya29marios..sorry, mic issues11:32
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mariossoniya29: glad you were able to resolve them 11:35
soniya29arxcruz, marios, can you both please have a look over this patch -
mariosadding to my list soniya29 11:40
soniya29marios thanks 11:41
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ysandeep|ruckregarding freeipa collection.. I think we can update as an alternative too. 12:25
mariosfolks please add to reviews when you get a chance 12:39
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.12:39
mariosthanks for reviews so far12:39
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.12:39
mariosdviroel: grateful for review when you have time please 12:39
dviroelmarios: will do12:40
ysandeep|ruckchandankumar++ thanks!12:51
dviroelmarios: wrt quincy repos, do you think that we should go with quickstart first or wait for a deloream-deps updates?13:08
dviroelmarios: this
mariosdviroel: ack if you have a way forward and it is faster than updating deps then fine13:10
fpantanodviroel: marios  o/13:10
mariosthanks for voting on my tqe patch dviroel 13:10
mariosdviroel: but delorean-deps should be updated anyway 13:11
mariosdviroel: i.e. lets not confuse the way we are currently working with ceph13:11
mariosdviroel: let me write on the patch might be easier to keep context one place 13:11
mariosfpantano: o/13:11
fpantanoalso I'm not sure how to update delorean-deps13:12
fpantanoI know we can overwrite that repo from quickstart13:12
fpantanobut yeah, the last step should be having delorean-deps providing quincy13:12
fpantanoand then we can revert the quickstart patch13:12
fpantanow/o having issues13:12
fpantanoor breaking CI in terms of rpms13:13
dviroelfpantano: yeah, that's the plan13:13
fpantanodviroel: marios as long as you're ready we can merge the quickstart patch and then promote (in sequence) the quincy container13:14
* fpantano following dviroel on this13:14
mariosack from me dviroel sounds good13:16
mariosakahat: o/ fyi looks good
mariosakahat: please try and sell it i'd like to merge periodic by friday if possible13:17
mariosakahat: add to reviews list etc 13:17
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.13:17
mariosakahat: try bribing people, blackmail etc 13:17
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akahatmarios, yeah.. sure.. let's start with you.. hey marios o/ could you please +2 and if possible +w. :) 13:21
mariosakahat: i did13:21
akahatmarios, +w?13:21
mariosakahat: it has -1 from zuul and you need another vote 13:22
mariosakahat: so start selling it ;)13:22
akahatmarios, convincing zuul to go faster will not work .. :I13:23
mariosakahat: is it on the reviews list?13:23
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.13:23
mariosyes it is 13:23
akahatand i can't blackmail it. :D13:23
mariosakahat: k if you dont get votes by tomorrow, ask folks to review in this channel13:23
akahatmarios, yes. I'll :)13:24
marioschandankumar: when you next have some time please revisit 13:25
chandankumarmarios: sure13:26
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arxcruzakahat jpodivin is around14:13
dviroelmarios: do you know if we need to update this too? is this being used on internal ci?
mariosdviroel: not sure if/where that is being used i don't know and cant see from quick search 14:16
mariosdviroel: if we don't know then avoid it and add if something breaks rather than just adding it14:16
dviroelmarios: yeah, I think in the same way14:19
dviroelysandeep|ruck: hey, quick question, where we use this file ?14:19
ysandeep|ruckcentos ci14:20
* dviroel it is the path14:20
* dviroel in the path*14:20
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dviroelysandeep|ruck: another quick question, do we use this ?14:25
dviroelI see lots of centos-8 things there14:25
dviroelprobably no14:25
dasmysandeep|ruck: when you're free you might give it a try on staging with rr script. I see chandankumar +Wed it14:30
dasmysandeep|ruck: i'd love to see how much change there is between your and staging environments14:30
dasmysandeep|ruck: thanks for +W on OVB14:31
dasm\( ゚ヮ゚)/14:32
toskykopecmartin, arxcruz, chandankumar: maybe you already discussed it, but do you know what broke python-tempestconf gate jobs?14:49
arxcruztosky not aware, let me check14:50
dviroelmarios: we are going with
mariosack dviroel voted 15:00
dviroelysandeep|ruck: rcastillo|rover: we plan to move ceph-daemon to quincy on master. So any related issue, you can ping me and fpantano 15:01
rcastillo|roverdviroel: ack, I'll keep in mind15:01
dviroelysandeep|ruck: rcastillo|rover: after merging release file changes, it will break ceph jobs for some minutes, until i get ceph-daemon container promoted via testproject15:02
ysandeep|ruckdasm, ack will try that15:05
ysandeep|ruckdviroel, ack15:05
* dviroel lunch15:07
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ysandeep|ruckrcastillo|rover, want to sync now?15:13
ysandeep|ruckreviewbot, please add to review list:
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list15:15
ysandeep|ruckchandankumar, ^^ could you please give me a +2 so that dviroel|lunch can +w it later.. needed for a promotion blocker testing in check/gate itself15:16
kopecmartintosky: i don't , i'm trying to reproduce right now15:16
ysandeep|ruckchandankumar++ thank you sir15:19
ysandeep|ruckrcastillo|rover, you around?15:25
* ysandeep|ruck dinner15:26
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toskykopecmartin, arxcruz : thanks15:28
chandankumartosky: not aware of that15:29
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chandankumarsee ta!15:41
chandankumarsee ya!15:41
kopecmartintosky: arxcruz i found the problem, network service has a different URL in the endpoint list .. before its endpoint was like <IP>:9696/ and now it is <IP>:9696/networking15:44
kopecmartinsomething with that, still investigating 15:44
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arxcruzkopecmartin ack15:49
toskykopecmartin: that doesn't explain the failure on the older branches, maybe different?15:51
kopecmartintosky: well, there are multiple issues, master fails due to neutron's endpoint, wallaby due to dependencies, xena and yoga seem fine and train and ussuri have dependency issues, those are too old, we should finally drop them15:55
toskyI guess it's time :/15:55
toskythe train is late, or it derailed 15:56
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* dasm leaves22:00
dasmtake care team o/22:00
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dasm|offrcastillo|rover: i think you're the only left! gl&hf22:00
rcastillo|roverdasm|off: o/22:01

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