Monday, 2022-08-15

*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|holiday06:35
chandankumarmarios: Good morning06:36
chandankumarmarios: happy monday o/06:36
chandankumarwe have node_failures on vexxhost cloud , so we can fun and relax06:37
marioso/ chandankumar06:38
marioschandankumar: buildsets don't have it but they are all from 2/3 days ago (master there wallaby there and train
marioschandankumar: so does it only hit component line? or another question why nothing ran on the weekend (per the latest buildsets i just linked)06:42
marioschandankumar: ok thats why 06:43
mariosso promote to tripleo-ci-testing is hitting the node failure06:43
chandankumarmarios: thank you :-) I have not seen the buildset results, now we have more data, 06:46
marioschandankumar: added to bug with comment & screenshot06:47
marioschandankumar: basically they are all blocked on promote to citesting hiting the node failure06:47
chandankumaryes, correct, thank you for commenting on the bug.06:52
chandankumarwaiting for dpawlik4 come back online and take a look at the issue.06:52
*** chandankumar is now known as chkumar|ruck07:37
marioschkumar|ruck: from earlier that one eg master from saturday 13 has like 4/5 RETRY 09:53
marioschkumar|ruck: (per the chat just now)09:53
mariosso still seeing that (if you want to update the status on lp/trello) 09:53
mariosso for c8 train/wallaby you mean IBM cloud resources exhausted? 09:54
marioschkumar|ruck: ^ ? 09:54
mariosor heat stacks ? 09:54
chkumar|ruckmarios: yes09:54
chkumar|ruckmarios: at max, 3 ovb jobs can run now09:54
marioschkumar|ruck: k do we can we do something about it now? i am guessing we are trying to get moar09:54
mariosah 09:54
mariosso 09:54
mariosthen why are we moving lines over09:54
mariosi mean we should wait until we have enough to run them ? 09:54
mariosi think you probably only moved some of the train jobs if i recall the review ... 09:55
chkumar|ruckif more jobs starts running and there is no resources then it leads to no valid host found, 09:55
marioslike some ovb jobs09:55
mariosbut still ... we should not move lines over or any ovb jobs at least until we get that increased09:55
chkumar|ruckmarios: regarding IBM cloud resource issue, Nicholas will come back from PTO next week and he can take a look09:56
marioschkumar|ruck: k but agree on ovb/lines cannot move yet? 09:56
marioschkumar|ruck: :)09:56
mariosmaybe we should move some back if we are seeing this out of resources already 09:56
mariosuntil next week 09:56
chkumar|ruckmarios: based on these, 5 runs consisting of 2 client component and 3 cs8 wallaby component09:59
chkumar|ruckhave hit retry issue10:00
chkumar|ruckrest of the lines are good10:00
chkumar|ruckso I think we are good on IBM cloud10:00
chkumar|ruckwe are not going to move any further lines there till we sort out zuul console and resource issue.10:01
marioschkumar|ruck: taking ages to load that build result 10:01
chkumar|ruck this one?10:02
mariosyeah 10:02
mariosah finaly10:02
marioschkumar|ruck: so actually that has 2 different things there ... the lines running on ibmcloud are retry because of resource/ovb stack limit eg
marioschkumar|ruck: but the ones on vex are for the dns issue Could not resolve host:] eg
chkumar|ruckyes correct10:04
marioschkumar|ruck: i think if we consistently hit resource issue on ibm cloud then we should consider reverting some of the jobs there until it is sorted10:04
marioschkumar|ruck: cos a week is a long time for something that can take 15 mins to post and merge 10:05
marioschkumar|ruck: but i leave it to your judgement since you're watching those today 10:05
marioschkumar|ruck: mainly as mentioned earlier, ping if you need something esp. context from last week 10:05
chkumar|ruckmarios: I will monitor for today, if still comes, I will move cs8 wallaby component fs01 jobs to vexxhost10:05
chkumar|ruckmarios: I think I need help on this one 10:06
chkumar|rucknot this one10:06
chkumar|ruckyou can update the status10:06
chkumar|ruckon the bug and card 10:06
marioschkumar|ruck: to be clear, you mean i should update this card correct? 10:07
chkumar|ruckmarios: yes 10:07
marioschkumar|ruck: k will do in a bit np10:07
chkumar|ruckmarios: thank you :-)10:07
mariosnp chkumar|ruck just ping for anything 10:09
mariosyou should get some company in a bit with rafael 10:09
chkumar|ruckyup :-)10:10
mariosjust dropped from review time ping me if you want to talk reviews11:18
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.11:18
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mariossup brazil bro dviroel o/ 11:48
dviroelhey there marios 11:51
chkumar|ruckdviroel: o/12:00
dviroelhey mr chkumar o/12:11
chkumar|ruckmarios: so zuul scheduler ran out of space due to multiple times rewrite of message ssl certificate expired for rdo vexxhost12:44
chkumar|rucktristan has filed a vexxhost ticket to update the certificate12:45
chkumar|ruckit might fix the node_failure issue12:45
chkumar|ruckdetails here:
chkumar|ruckdviroel: fyi we are hitting node_failures on rdoproject tenant. more details here:
dviroelchkumar|ruck: thanks for sharing12:49
marioschkumar|ruck: thanks for update12:54
marioschkumar|ruck: let me know if can do something12:54
*** Guest5 is now known as rcastillo13:06
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chkumar|ruckrcastillo|rover: o/13:07
chkumar|ruckrcastillo|rover: let me when ready we can sync13:07
rcastillo|roverchkumar|ruck: we can do it now if you want13:07
chkumar|ruckrcastillo|rover: grabbing gmeet then13:08
chkumar|ruckrcastillo|rover: all cix cards updated. I will be around during cix13:26
chkumar|ruckrcastillo|rover: cs8 wallaby will promote today13:26
chkumar|ruckmarios: rcastillo|rover dviroel as per tristin,  nodes are now properly spawning in rdo's zuul13:41
chkumar|ruckfeel free to recheck your patches13:41
dviroelchkumar|ruck: hey, do you know if we can get some public ips on those ibm servers?13:43
chkumar|ruckdviroel: as per apevec, Nope. But I will check again13:44
chkumar|ruckdviroel: any specific requirement for public ips13:44
chkumar|rucki think apevec is not around today13:44
marioschkumar|ruck: thanks just did a recheck 13:44
marioschkumar|ruck: it was hitting my testproject too 13:45
chkumar|ruckmarios: yes, everywhere on rdo zuul13:45
marioschkumar|ruck: k thanks lets see 13:45
dviroelchkumar|ruck: if we want to continue testing prow, prow will need to reach those instances via public ip13:45
chkumar|ruckdviroel: ok got it. 13:46
chkumar|ruckI will check with him and let you know. :-)13:46
dviroelthanks chkumar|ruck, we can check with Prow team if there is another way too, later this week13:50
dviroelchkumar|ruck: you have nodepool running in the same server right?13:51
chkumar|ruckdviroel: yes13:57
chkumar|ruckdviroel: nodepool launcher, zuul executor and afs mirror are in the same cloud having private ips13:59
mariosscrum time folks 14:01
frenzyfridayshort scrum \o/14:13
mariosfrenzyfriday: short and sweet. lets bring this to retrospective (we often deep dive into each topic but that is not the purpose of scrum)14:13
mariosthere are advantages/disadvantages for both ways of course but if we are talking about actual 'scrum' it should be short/update/blockers 14:13
marioswell i guess we try to do it with the more scrum like thursday call but we often deep dive there too 14:14
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* dasm is in srbac meeting atm14:16
marioso/ dasm 14:26
dasmmarios: \o14:26
dasmshort scrum >> long meeting :)14:26
mariosthanks chkumar|ruck++14:52
chkumar|ruckyw :-)14:56
dviroelchkumar|ruck: we need catatonic workaround on wallaby too14:57
chkumar|ruckdviroel: once tp finishes, will add there also and merge that15:02
mariosam off in a min chkumar|ruck need something rcastillo|rover o/ 15:41
rcastillo|rovermarios: I'm good, thanks. Have a good evening o/15:46
chkumar|ruckmarios: dviroel please +w it for fixing catatonit issue15:46
chkumar|rucktp results:
chkumar|ruckit will unblock master and wallaby promotion15:47
marioschecking chkumar|ruck 15:48
dviroelchkumar|ruck: voted15:49
* dviroel lunch15:49
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|lunch15:49
marioschkumar|ruck: ready for workflow when zuul votes you or rcastillo|rover can do it laster15:50
chkumar|ruckmarios: yes ready for +w15:50
chkumar|ruckdviroel|lunch: please +w once zuul +115:51
chkumar|ruckmarios: have a nice evening and thank you for all the help today :-)15:51
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marioso/ 15:54
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dviroelrcastillo|rover: - workaround in gate19:23
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* dviroel out22:12
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dasmo/ dviroel|out 22:13
* dasm => offline22:28
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