Thursday, 2022-08-11

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy01:33
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ysandeepgood morning o/01:51
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ysandeeppojadhav|rover, hey o/ issue known?04:13
ysandeepurl": ""[0m - 40404:14
ysandeeplooks like ipa image is not present here: 04:14
pojadhav|roverysandeep, hello I haven't came across this.. looks like new issue..04:58
pojadhav|roverreporting a bug as its a consistent issue in last three runs.05:01
*** marios is now known as marios|ruck05:38
marios|rucko/ pojadhav|rover 05:38
pojadhav|rovermarios|ruck, morning \o05:39
pojadhav|rovermarios|ruck, I reported a bug some time ago as ysandeep pointed out
marios|ruckpojadhav|rover: thx05:54
marios|ruckpojadhav|rover: lets sync in 1 hour as usual ?05:56
pojadhav|rovermarios|ruck, sure05:56
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk06:04
marios|ruckysandeep|afk: pojadhav|rover: going to re-push ipa image for now (running job)06:06
chandankumarmarios|ruck: pojadhav|rover the component runs of cs8 train looks good on IBM cloud06:08
chandankumarI am not seeing any issue except fs039 failing due to missing cs8 image06:08
chandankumarI am working on uploading the image06:08
marios|ruckchandankumar: which image? ipa?06:09
marios|ruckchandankumar: we have 06:09
marios|ruckhmm running the job is not what we need06:10
marios|rucki need to get onto the image server and copy the image there (if not with full promotion)06:10
marios|ruckchandankumar: do you have access to
chandankumarmarios|ruck: let me check the access06:11
marios|ruckchandankumar: that is stack create error there? ? 09:11 < chandankumar>
chandankumarmarios|ruck: yes06:12
marios|ruckchandankumar: 09:09 < marios|ruck> chandankumar: which image? ipa?06:12
chandankumarmarios|ruck: Error validating value 'CentOS-8-x86_64-GenericCloud-1911': No images matching {'name': 'CentOS-8-x86_64-GenericCloud-1911'}.06:13
marios|ruckchandankumar: ah something else then k06:13
chandankumarmarios|ruck: I donot have access to image server06:13
chandankumardpawlik: around?06:13
marios|ruckchandankumar: right i was thinking amoralej|off but dpawlik might have access thanks06:13
chandankumarmarios|ruck: dpawlik is your saviour06:13
dpawlikGenericCloud-1911 is only for centos 7 :P06:14
marios|ruckdpawlik: we need to copy an image to 06:14
dpawliksure, what image ?06:14
marios|ruckdpawlik: can you help with that? it would normally have been pushed during promotion but something went wrong seems. to unblock for now we need to push the ipa image there let me find a link to it 06:14
marios|ruckdpawlik: we might have to wait for it to be rebuilt with 06:17
marios|ruckdpawlik: i cant find it wasnt pushed at all seems like ... it will show up there after the job finished 06:17
marios|ruckdpawlik: so will ping you again after sorry 06:17
pojadhav|rovermarios|ruck, ack06:17
pojadhav|roverchandankumar, ack06:17
dpawlikno problem. Ping me and I will copy/symlink the resources06:18
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marios|ruckdpawlik: looks like existing symlink worked OK thanks for offering to help seems good now @ 06:37
marios|ruckysandeep|afk: pojadhav|rover: chandankumar: fyi thanks ^^ 06:37
dpawlikcool. No problem06:37
pojadhav|rovermarios|ruck, yep :)06:38
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jm1happy quasi-friday aka last-day-of-the-work-week o/06:53
ysandeepmarios|ruck, pojadhav|rover thanks!06:55
ysandeepjm1, o/ good morning06:56
ysandeepmarios|ruck, I saw your ping about sc01 last night, want to talk about that?06:57
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ysandeepmarios|ruck, pojadhav|rover, checking rr sheet looks like you guys had a rough week, thanks for holding up!07:17
ysandeeppojadhav|rover, please let me know if you need any help in downstream 07:17
marios|ruckysandeep: o/ normal rr shift mate i mean its been pretty heavy for everyone for a while now... 07:18
marios|ruckysandeep: thanks for encouragement 07:18
marios|ruckdefinitely ready to re-nick 07:18
pojadhav|roverysandeep, sure thank you :)07:19
* pojadhav|rover lunch07:30
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frenzyfriday0/ Happy Rakshabandhan :D09:03
* marios|ruck needs a rakhi09:03
pojadhav|roverHappy rakshabandhan :);)09:04
pojadhav|rovermarios|ruck, you know about rakshandandhan ? ;) 09:05
marios|ruckpojadhav|rover: no just learnt about it 09:05
pojadhav|rovermarios|ruck, thats great :)09:05
Tenguysandeep|lunch: I'm seeing something really weird:
Tenguit's as if the OC deploy wants to use iptables and, later, switch to nftables.09:17
Tenguthat's not supposed to be possible09:17
Tengu"centos-9-stream-iweb-mtl01-0030695605 still blocked"  what does it mean?09:18
Tengusounds like something's wrong on the node..09:19
Tenguok. we'll need to add nftables package in the OC image. Apparently, it's not present....09:21
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Tenguysandeep|lunch, marios|ruck ok, so a "tiny" issue: package "nftables" isn't installed on the OC image. I overlooked that apparently. Need to find out where I can add that package so that diskimage-builder will push it.09:34
Tenguany idea?09:34
chandankumarTengu: what about adding here
chandankumarjust like iptables, we can add a new element for nftables09:36
Tenguchandankumar: oh damned. I overlooked that repository, I was running through diskimage-builder elements.09:37
Tenguchandankumar: that's exactly what I needed, thanks!!09:37
chandankumarif addition customization is needed, we can do there09:37
Tenguyep - but we just need to make that package present :)09:37
Tenguysandeep|lunch: updated the "switch default firewall engine" patch to Depends-On the needed changes in tripleo-common (and that one depends-on a change in tripleo-image-elements)09:42
Tengulet's see.09:42
chandankumarTengu: Do we want to keep both iptables as well nftables? does it cause any collision?09:42
Tenguchandankumar: :) we have to, actually.09:42
Tenguno collision at all - iptables is already calling nftables under the hood - it's a symink to "iptables-nft"09:43
chandankumarTengu: ok09:43
Tenguso, basically, translating rules to nft format.09:43
chandankumarcool :-)09:43
Tenguwe're good.09:43
Tenguand we have to keep iptables for at least neutron09:43
Tenguit's still calling `iptables' in plain.09:43
Tenguand it will probably do it until nftables is allowing to remove rules based on the actual rule rather than a generated ID.09:44
Tengucf that terrible thing we have to do right now to remove a rule:
Tenguhm, so it basically mean we didn't deploy any OC with nftables until now, ysandeep|lunch :)09:45
Tenguonly the UC got the config.09:46
Tenguguess we'll find some more things....09:46
Tenguanyway, lunch as well.09:46
marios|ruckack Tengu ysandeep|lunch sounds like you got it was chatting elsewhere 09:51
soniyachandankumar, hello10:03
chandankumarsoniya: hello10:03
soniyachandankumar, i want to test this job  tripleo-ci-centos-8-9-multinode-mixed-os10:04
soniyacan we test this directly in rdo?10:04
chandankumarsoniya: so above job is called in this pipeline
chandankumartripleo-multinode-container-minimal-pipeline is called in these project
chandankumaryou can send a dnm patch to any of these projects, it will trigger it10:09
soniyachandankumar, okay, thanks10:09
chandankumarsoniya: another example is this also from marios|ruck's testing patches10:10
soniyachandankumar, this is the same job what i want to test with the allow list10:11
chandankumaryou can use the same approach as used in tht10:11
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soniyachandankumar, yupp10:13
soniyachandankumar, thanks10:13
ysandeepTengu, >> so it basically mean we didn't deploy any OC with nftables until now - errrr.. :) 10:15
marios|rucko/ chandankumar need somethign? 10:20
marios|rucki think not... 10:21
* pojadhav|rover brb10:27
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:38
rlandymarios|ruck: pojadhav|rover: hi - would you like to sync now?10:40
rlandyor wait until after scrum?10:40
marios|ruckup to you rlandy - i just updated the upstream cix and pojadhav|rover promised she would do same for d/stream ;) 10:42
marios|ruckrlandy: i am going to go chase some promotions see what we can do (master out but maybe others)10:42
rlandymarios|ruck: downstream is in outage again10:42
marios|ruckrlandy: new issue you mean or ongoing one? 10:42
rlandymarios|ruck: yeah - just wanted to touch base about he master bugs10:42
rlandyPSI RHOS-D RDU2 - Incident - 2022-08-10 15:35 UTC10:43
marios|ruckrlandy: i've updated all the launchpad/cix stuff - do you want to check that? 10:43
rlandymarios|ruck: ^^ that one10:43
rlandystill on going10:43
marios|ruckrlandy: yeah we already spoke with pojadhav|rover this mornign as usual 10:43
rlandynode failures everywhere10:43
marios|ruckrlandy: waiting for the metadata/ovndb fix 10:44
marios|ruckrlandy: but pojadhav|rover is chasing for promotions by rerunning those Node-fail jobs10:44
pojadhav|roverrlandy, hi10:44
pojadhav|roverI am back10:45
rlandymarios|ruck: ack - reading the comments on
rlandyno good run on it get10:45
marios|ruckrlandy: k lets do a quick call in 15 mins pojadhav|rover ? 10:45
marios|ruckyou can check the updates rlandy 10:45
marios|ruckand we can do a quick call 10:45
rlandychandankumar: hey - 10:45
rlandywe still don;t have console for ibm cloud :( - at least that is what I saw10:46
rlandyif that's true, it's a blocker10:46
rlandymarios|ruck: ok -  I read the update on the master bugs10:50
rlandyre: the mirrors - which was my major concern10:50
rlandyare you seeing that impact wallaby c9 at all?10:50
marios|ruckrlandy: no have not seen any 10:51
marios|ruckrlandy: we don't have undercloud-upgrade wallaby 10:52
* rlandy checks fs002 on wallaby10:52
marios|ruckrlandy: but i guess it was also hitting th fs2 job 10:52
marios|ruckrlandy: yeah maybe fs2 one 10:52
rlandypojadhav|rover: pls dequeue the clients pipeline- hanging at almost 7 hours10:53
rlandymarios|ruck: ack - same error - adding to the bug10:53
marios|ruckrlandy: but for both it will be the same fix/root so ... 10:53
marios|ruckrlandy: ack thanks for bug update10:54
chandankumarrlandy:  hello10:55
* ysandeep stepping out, bbl10:55
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chandankumarrlandy: console = zuul console of running job or job-output.txt?10:55
pojadhav|roverrlandy, done10:56
rlandychandankumar: ack - that is what I noticed when trying ovb jobs10:56
chandankumarrlandy: if a job pass or fail, we have job-output.txt10:56
rlandynot seeing anything in zuul console10:56
rlandyjob-output.txt is good10:56
chandankumarwe can see what happended in the job once it finishes10:56
rlandychandankumar: how did the train experiment go?10:56
chandankumarwe cannot stream anything while it is running10:56
chandankumarrlandy: it went weel10:56
rlandychandankumar: correct - but that's still not great10:57
rlandychandankumar: is it fixable?10:57
chandankumarrlandy: it is due to private network in ibm cloud10:57
rlandysome jobs run almost + hours10:57
chandankumarwe cannot do anything10:57
rlandywe won't know they are hanging10:57
chandankumarrlandy: I have not compared the hours but in the morning, the train component jobs were looking good10:58
rlandychandankumar: hmmm ... the lack of zuul console still worries me10:58
chandankumarrlandy: alan told me that floating ip will be not available on IBM cloud10:59
chandankumarit will operate privetly10:59
rlandychandankumar: is nicholas back yet?10:59
marios|ruckrlandy: pojadhav|rover: whenever you're ready 10:59
chandankumarrlandy:  he is coming back on 19th or 22nd may be10:59
chandankumarrlandy: let's move cs8 wallaby component line on ibm cloud11:00
chandankumarand keep train integration line on vexxhost for this week11:00
pojadhav|roverrlandy, marios|ruck :
chandankumarstepping out for 2 hours!11:18
marios|ruckdpawlik: sanity check can you see if we are OK on disk space for 11:20
marios|ruckrlandy: pojadhav|rover: fyi as discussed just now ^^ 11:20
marios|ruckdpawlik: we are wondering if disk space is the problem that caused missing image for 11:20
marios|ruckfrom quick look rlandy didn't think so dpawlik but maybe you can sanity check 11:20
dpawlikit uis used in 22% - /dev/mapper/vgimage-image 1000G  212G  788G  22% /var/www/html/images11:26
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Tengumarios|ruck: re: gate blocker. Seems facebook mirrors are often out of sync... ?11:34
marios|ruckTengu: well unfortunately not that clear11:37
marios|ruckTengu: before it was facebook bad rax good11:37
marios|ruckTengu: like few months ago11:37
marios|ruckTengu: now swapped... but amoralej reached out to someone at fbook to see if it can be fixed (still out now)11:38
marios|ruckTengu: otherwise yeah we swap with again 11:38
amoraleji didn't receive any response yet11:38
marios|ruckthank you amoralej 11:41
* pojadhav|rover tea break11:43
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Tengumarios|ruck: ok.. guess it'd be too complicated, and would require too much resources to get "our own" mirrors?11:53
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rlandyTengu: see #rhos-ops11:54
rlandyon going discussion11:54
rlandyhit every now and again11:54
Tenguiirc it would require some storage to mirror things, but not THAT big.11:58
marios|ruckthank you for checking dpawlik sorry missed it in calls/pings etc re 14:26 < dpawlik> it uis used in 22% - /dev/mapper/vgimage-image 1000G  212G  788G  22% /var/www/html/images12:05
marios|ruckrlandy: fyi ^^^ 12:06
rlandymarios|ruck: ok - os maybe a blip 12:06
rlandywe'll watch it12:06
rlandybut I did notice the same yesterday12:06
dpawlikmaybe VM disk is full ? 12:09
rlandywallaby looks to be running ok12:09
* rlandy checks master12:10
rlandymaster had some failures - but not the same12:11
frenzyfridayis slow today?12:31
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rlandyseems ok12:38
pojadhav|roverscrum in 2 mins : arxcruz, rlandy, marios|ruck , ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, chandankumar, frenzy_friday, anbanerj,  dviroel, rcastillo, dasm, jm112:58
pojadhav|roversoniya, scrum13:01
rlandyarxcruz: waiting for you on scrum13:01
rlandyoops - sorry - arxcruz - forgot you are on  pto13:07
pojadhav|roverReviews :13:18
marios|ruckpojadhav|rover: rlandy: i have to join the multi rhel sync call in 35 mins so we may have to push ruck|rover handoff to after 13:24
rlandymarios|ruck: df call afterwards13:25
marios|ruckrlandy: worst case i can sync with the ruck|rover ysandeep rcastillo tomorrow 13:25
rlandyor after df call13:25
marios|ruckrlandy: ack 13:25
marios|ruckrlandy: might be getting late for some folks then but lets see if people around np13:26
ysandeeprlandy, marios|ruck I am okay to skip df call for handover sync13:26
ysandeepholiday for me tomorrow13:26
rlandylets' sync13:26
rlandyimportant before recharge13:26
marios|ruckysandeep: i have a conflict at same time with df call 13:26
rlandylet's invite chandankumar as well13:26
marios|ruckysandeep: in 35 mins have multi rhel call 13:26
ysandeepmarios|ruck, ack, whenever you get free then13:27
marios|ruckysandeep: ack i think the multi rhel call with be brief 13:28
*** rcastillo is now known as rcastillo|rover13:57
chandankumarthank you marios|ruck :-)14:00
ysandeepmarios|ruck, thank you for explaining all the issues o/14:00
marios|ruckysandeep: chandankumar: o/ 14:02
marios|rucksorry for rush 14:02
rcastillo|roverthanks marios|ruck 14:02
chandankumarrlandy: please merge this to move cs8 component line14:10
ysandeepthanks pojadhav|rover and chandankumar++ for coverage for me 14:10
pojadhav|roverysandeep, wc :)14:11
rlandywill look after df call14:18
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ysandeeprlandy, /me looking at config-drive for downstream14:19
marios|ruckrcastillo|rover: o/ welcome14:29
marios|ruckrcastillo|rover: but you shouldn't re-nick until tomorrow ;)14:29
marios|rucki mean if you really want to sure but you pickup tomorrow officially 14:29
rcastillo|roverI'm just that excited14:30
ysandeeprlandy, fyi.. on further checks -   In CI, undercloud config drive is managed at nodepool level,which is outside of scope of ovb-manage. 14:32
ysandeepwe got config-drive by default for instance running on vexx but not for downstream instances14:32
ysandeepfor undercloud14:32
ysandeepfor ex. In vexx - -  /mnt/config14:33
* ysandeep checking further14:33
ysandeepchandankumar, could you please pass one job log for c8 wallaby on ibm cloud14:34
ysandeepwant to check if you got config_drive in that cloud14:34
Tengumarios|ruck, rlandy so this is also caused by the mirror issue I guess?  2022-08-11 12:03:16.931 | >  Problem: package fence-agents-sbd-4.10.0-27.el9.noarch requires fence-agents-common = 4.10.0-27.el9, but none of the providers can be installed14:40
Tengurlandy: you were saying another package was also failing iirc?14:41
rlandyTengu: ack - bug should have that update14:41
Tengulemme check14:41
Tengurlandy: yep:
Tenguthat's the one.14:42
marios|ruckTengu: yes14:54
marios|ruckTengu: duplicate bug same root cause 14:54
ysandeepchandan_kumar, ack.. it have config drive14:57
rlandychandan_kumar: w+'ed
rlandypls check in next week on that damage14:57
chandan_kumarrlandy sure14:58
chandan_kumarysandeep does downstream ovb does not have config drive?14:58
ysandeepchandan_kumar, please check comments on this patch:
ysandeepwe get undercloud node from nodepool not from ovb stack15:01
ysandeepafaik.. so its should be enabled while instance creating of nodepool15:01
* ysandeep trying to check why we don't have config drive in downstream undercloud15:01
* dviroel manila community meeting15:08
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marios|ruckpojadhav: rlandy: going in few mins need something before i do?15:22
pojadhavmarios|ruck, nope15:22
rlandymarios|ruck: should be fine - thanks15:28
rlandyhave a good nigh15:28
marios|ruckthanks for help this week rlandy hopefully i can start to help more with that stuff moving forward... 15:28
rlandymarios|ruck: np - thanks for all your efforts15:29
pojadhavrlandy, me too leaving for the day.. 15:29
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marios|outo/ have a good one pojadhav 15:30
pojadhavmarios|out, same to you ;)15:30
rlandyhave a good night15:30
* pojadhav see you next week folks, have a good weekend to all..!15:31
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ysandeepchandankumar, rlandy rcastillo|rover new rr hackmd:
rcastillo|roverthanks ysandeep 15:44
ysandeeprcastillo|rover, I haven't copied older bug because it would be good to only copy active bugs.15:47
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rlandyysandeep|dinner++ thank you15:49
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* jm1 bbl16:26
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rlandylunch - brb17:12
rlandywallaby c8  promoted17:43
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dviroelrlandy: rcastillo|rover: i will miss review meeting, need to run errand (paperwork) in 15 minutes18:55
rlandydviroel: np - checking list now18:59
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rlandyrcastillo|rover: hello ...19:35
rlandylooking to merge marios patch to  make undercloud upgrade job non-voting and free up gates19:36
rlandywhat do you think of this error?19:36
rlandyalso doing recheck to confirm19:36
rlandy2022-08-11 15:29:01.824634 | ubuntu-focal |         File "/tmp/pip-build-env-jfkvnan7/overlay/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 604, in _find_namespaces19:36
rlandy2022-08-11 15:29:01.824642 | ubuntu-focal |           for pkg in packages:19:36
rlandy2022-08-11 15:29:01.824649 | ubuntu-focal |       TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable19:36
rlandydviroel|afk: ^^ when you are back19:37
rlandyupdated patch20:10
rcastillo|roverrlandy: sorry, was eating20:21
rcastillo|roverack waiting on ci20:24
rlandyrcastillo|rover: I edited the patch20:47
rlandynot sure if there is a better way20:47
rcastillo|roverI saw20:47
rcastillo|roverlooking at the pip issue tracker, I think that's the way to go for now20:51
rlandyrcastillo|rover: so let's try get that through20:51
rlandyto unblock the gate20:51
rlandyrcastillo|rover: wallaby c8 promoted20:52
rlandytrying to get train to promote as well20:52
rlandyto clean up a bit before your shift20:52
rcastillo|rovermuch appreciated :)20:52
rlandyrcastillo|rover: is blocked on marios patch20:55
rlandyto we need to clear that 20:55
rlandythe you will need to get in20:55
rcastillo|roverhopefully we get the non-voting patch in today20:57
rlandyrcastillo|rover: timing out - recheck21:08
rlandyrcastillo|rover: fs001 on train still failing fs035 is in21:10
rlandydoing one more recheck21:10
rlandycomparing tempest results21:10
rlandyrcastillo|rover: running again21:37
rlandyso you can compare tempest results21:37
rlandybhagyashris: reviewed and commented on 17.1 on 6 hackmd21:48
rlandyysandeep|out: ^^ left some notes above chatting with rcastillo|rover 21:51
rlandyre: patches21:51
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl22:12

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