Thursday, 2022-08-04

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jm1moin folks06:31
jm1it is going to be one of the hottest days today, temp raising to 38°C 🥵 curl
mariosjeez jm1 thats like here ... :/06:46
mariosi mean its weird for central europe o_O06:46
mariosjm1: i turned on the aircon at 0815 this morning because it was already 30 degrees :)06:47
jm1marios: aircon... what is that? 😉06:47
chandankumarjm1: too hot there06:47
mariosjm1: its like 2 boxes, one inside your room on the wall typically the other outside and it sucks in air and uses magic and electricity to make it cold inside the room06:49
jm1chandankumar: we could need some rain, too. maybe you can send some monsoon over here?06:49
chandankumarjm1: I cannot sent monsoon there but you can try sattu drink it might bring some coolness there06:50
chandankumarnot sure all the ingredients are available there06:51
chandankumarmuch popular during summer in india06:51
tweining|off /nick tweining06:51
ysandeepchandankumar, lol! :D06:51
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chandankumarysandeep: it is very hard to find indian cooking video in english06:52
jm1chandankumar: oh nice! /me googling for ingredients...06:54
akahatjm1, you can try this also:
chandankumarjm1: frenzyfriday|rover is there, you can take the help from her.06:55
jm1chandankumar: yeah, sattu flour is the only thing that is not available here, although i guess our indian supermarkets have it. 07:00
chandankumarjm1: yup07:00
jm1akahat: that looks cool! never heart of Kokum before, so no idea how it tastes. but this drink looks delicious 🤤07:02
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jm1chandankumar, ysandeep, akahat: would be cool to see a ptg in india. in europe, thanks to globalization, (bigger) supermarkets have more or less the same supplies across france, germany, brittain, italy etc. nowadays. but as your recipes show, we europeans are missing a lot from asia ;)07:06
ysandeepjm1, my favorite drink - AAM panna
ysandeepakahat, thanks for sharing, I have never tried Kokum also07:07
jm1ysandeep: hah, for that we have all ingredients at home!!!07:07
ysandeepjm1, yes you can try this one easily and it taste really well.07:09
frenzyfriday|roverchandankumar, yeah, my mom used to make me drink sattu when I was a kid XD07:12
chandankumarfrenzyfriday|rover: bhagyashris|ruck please have a look when free thanks!07:13
frenzyfriday|roverand there is woodapple juice07:13
ysandeepDo you have wood apple trees in Germany? 07:14
chandankumarfrenzyfriday|rover: bhagyashris|ruck also merged this it is not going to break cs8 ovb but still notifying07:14
frenzyfriday|rovernope, the indian store sometimes have woodapple07:15
frenzyfriday|roverchandankumar, ack, thanks07:16
bhagyashris|ruckchandankumar, ack07:18
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jm1frenzyfriday|rover: next time you are around cologne/bonn, you could drop one or two wood apples around here ;) 07:23
frenzyfriday|roverXD XD07:23
frenzyfriday|roverjm1, you can try - you can use zucchini instead of jhinge07:25
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jm1frenzyfriday|rover: my wife +2'd it ;)07:30
jm1frenzyfriday|rover: now i only need a +w 🙊07:31
frenzyfriday|roverXD 07:31
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mariosyou guys are making me hungry way before lunch 08:05
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rlandybhagyashris|ruck: frenzyfriday|rover: hey - how are things? pls ping when you want to sync10:38
frenzyfriday|roverrlandy, Iam still updating the component section of the hackmd - lets sync in 30 mins?10:38
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover: sure10:39
frenzyfriday|roveripa mirror issue is back, I am holding a node10:39
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, ok to sync after 30 mins me too looking at component line10:39
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: sure - common components should be both cleared10:40
rlandyI think it's just tripleo on 1710:40
rlandywith the ipa thingy10:40
rlandybut we'll chat then10:40
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, yes common components are cleared now10:41
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: yay!!!10:41
bhagyashris|ruckwe are just lagging the rhos17 on rhl8 promotion due to multinode ipa job failure 10:41
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, today we promoted 16.2 and 17 on rhel9 yesterday 10:41
rlandyhmmm ... now that passes 11:06
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frenzyfriday|roverwe can sync now11:13
bhagyashris|ruckgive me min11:15
rlandybhagyashris|ruck; I diff'ed the ipa file jons11:16
rlandythis is the extra file I see:11:16
bhagyashris|rucki am back11:16
rlandyk - let's sync11:17
chandankumarrlandy: dpawlik please merge this
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chandankumar#oooq will be starting soon11:41
ysandeepchandankumar, will the sessions be recorded?11:44
ysandeepour calendars are packed today so won't be able to join ^^ today11:45
chandankumarysandeep: yes, all will be recorded and will be uploaded to youtube11:46
rlandydviroel: any word on the service user?11:50
rlandyoh - I see alan's response11:50
rlandysent again in pvt'11:51
rlandydviroel: let me know if you need help with ticket11:51
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rlandybhagyashris|ruck: ha - think your testproject passed12:05
rlandyso you shouldn't need to revert all the reparenting - just try add the vars to 17 on 812:06
rlandyto override which files get added to deploy12:07
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, yeah12:07
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rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover: hey - you may have a check/gate issue12:35
rlandycontent provider12:35
mariosyes i also saw that one there fyi
pojadhavhello all, retro in 6 mins : arxcruz, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris|ruck , svyas, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, chandankumar, frenzy_friday|rover, dviroel, rcastillo, jm1, rlandy, dasm12:55
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, uploaded a fix for multinode ipa failure and retesting here
bhagyashris|ruckonce it passes then we can merge the fix12:58
frenzyfriday|roverrlandy, yep, checking that12:59
pojadhavchandankumar : retro13:01
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chandankumarpojadhav: sorry in call with dpwalik13:10
pojadhavchandankumar, yeah.. np. please carry on.13:10
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rlandytripleo-ci-centos-9-content-provider - on wallaby13:24
rlandydefinite issue here13:24
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rlandyamoralej: hi - was there some update on rdo-openvswitch? wallaby provider jobs are failing with:
amoralejrlandy, actually we tried to bump it today in wallaby but we didn't merge it ...13:58
amoralejlemme check13:58
rlandythank you13:58
amoralejwe updated in master a couple of weeks ago, i'd say13:58
amoralejand in yoga and xena today, but i guess that shouldn't conflict13:59
rlandythat should not impact wallaby13:59
rlandylet me check the branches13:59
amoralejit seems openvswitch2.17 is installed before ...13:59
amoralejyep, 2.17 is being installed14:00
rlandyso looks like a wallaby issue14:01
amoralejwe abort the merged after starting gate jobs, mmmm14:01
mariosjm1: though i agree with your comment about +1 with comments, the danger is to not alienate folks that only have the +1 i.e. don't make them stop voting altogether14:01
ysandeepfrenzyfriday|rover, i like your idea to rekick job if job history is good, my idea was slightly different - i was thinking about comparing sova reason of last failed job.14:01
mariosjm1: but for the +2 are you saying the team is not good at taking responsibility? 14:02
mariosfor merging stuff14:02
frenzyfriday|roverysandeep, yep, lemme go through the hackmd 14:03
rlandyamoralej: maybe we are mixing it on our side?14:04
ysandeepfrenzyfriday|rover, not much details there but we can discuss more.14:04
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover: bhagyashris|ruck: ^^ fyi - on wallaby provider failure14:04
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover: can you add a tracking bug?14:04
ysandeepfrenzyfriday|rover, but i would like to collaborate with you to create this new bot as you already running our reviewbot 14:05
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover; ^^ related log14:05
rlandyamoralej is looking into it14:05
amoralejrlandy, it's suspictious that it started failing right after we tried to bump it ...14:05
jm1marios: the +2 part is not a criticism of anyone in the team. it was meant as a addition to the +1 part, to discuss my understanding of +2 with the team. Maybe others have a different understanding of +1 and +2. 14:05
frenzyfriday|roverputting on hackmd14:05
rlandyjm1++ dasm++ for bringing up topics for team improvements14:06
rlandythank you for keeping us moving forward14:06
rlandyamoralej: maybe we are installing the wrong version for wallaby14:06
mariosjm1: i think we should have had more time to discuss this it is a loaded topic and folks will have lots of different opinions14:06
dviroeljm1: the +1 without comments topic was raised once in openstack-discuss, there was a lot of discussion about that at that time - let me try to find that14:07
jm1marios: in general i am worried about +1 and +2 without comments. a quicky typed +1 does not entail any consequences for the +1er, but a +2 definitely includes responsibility.14:07
jm1dviroel: oh nice! would be interesting to see the discussion14:08
dviroeljm1: - check +1 code review section14:09
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover: thank you... amoralej: tracking bug
amoralejrlandy, we get any openvswitch installed from the images?14:13
amoralejrlandy, i suspect from multi-node-bridge : Install openvswitch14:14
amoralejmaybe it's using xena or yoga14:14
rlandyamoralej: ack ^^ that is my thought14:14
rlandyit's from the zuul repos14:14
amoralejyes, as we did wallaby the last one, we may have added yoga14:14
jm1dviroel: great, that is a helpful doc, thank you!14:14
amoralejrlandy, xena14:15
amoralejthat's root cause14:15
amoralejwe updated it in xena today14:15
amoralejso we have two options updating rdo-openvswitch in wallaby, which is in gate
amoralejor update zuul repo14:16
amoralejmmmm, or reverting in xena14:16
amoralejlet me check how ci jobs are going14:16
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rlandyamoralej: if patch in gate works, let's go with it14:16
amoralejtwo jobs just failed14:17
amoraleji think i'll revert xena ...14:18
rlandywhat about the zuul repo  update?14:18
amoraleji guess it will be slower as we depends on upstream maintainers14:18
amoraleji mean, it'd be good to move it to wallaby14:18
amoralejwhich is the older supported in cs914:19
rlandyamoralej: ok - will go with what ever you suggest14:19
amoralejbut from practical point of view, revert will be faster14:19
rlandyamoralej: ok - if you want to resubmit - maybe we can prep the zuul patches first14:19
amoralejyep, we can do both, actually14:20
rlandyamoralej: +1 - let's do the revert to clear gate14:21
rlandyand then if you want us to do something on the zuul side, we can14:22
rlandymarios: frenzyfriday|rover|lunch: ^^ fyi14:22
mariosrlandy: thanks (assume its for the gate blocker?) frenzyfriday|rover|lunch do we have a bug for that? 14:25
mariosrlandy: i will pickup in the morning either way 14:25
mariosthank you frenzyfriday|rover|lunch 14:25
ysandeepfrenzyfriday|rover|lunch, bhagyashris|ruck rel-del want us to test new gnocchi build to fix:
ysandeep^^ could you please promote the cloudops components and try the new build.. or add sc001/02 in cloudops component line14:26
amoralejrlandy, unfortunately we'll need to wait for AFS mirror to sync the revert14:29
rlandyamoralej: ok14:29
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover|lunch: pls send out a message to  openstack-discuss14:30
rlandywith gate blocker 14:30
rlandyand amoralej note that we are waiting for the AFS mirror to sync the revert14:30
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover|lunch: left notes in the bug14:31
amoralejrlandy, whatever happens first should fix it14:36
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover|lunch; lost you  ... [tripleo] gate blocker - tripleo-ci-centos-9-content-provider-wallaby14:37
frenzyfriday|rover|lunchack, sending out the mail14:37
rlandyamoralej++ thanks - will add to bug14:37
bhagyashris|ruckysandeep, hey we dont have 17.1 component line so i will hit the testproject14:38
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: you may need to promote the component hash14:40
rlandyand promote up to integration14:40
rlandyand test14:40
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, hey multinode ipa is now passing on my fix
bhagyashris|ruck result:
bhagyashris|rucki think we can merge the fix14:43
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: does that fix the tripleo component ipa job?14:44
bhagyashris|ruckthat should but haven't tested 14:44
bhagyashris|rucki will hit the testproject for component14:44
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: pls run a test on that - and then I'll merge14:44
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, hit testproject for tripleo component multinode ipa job on my fix 14:46
* bhagyashris|ruck cooking and dinner brb14:47
ysandeepfolks o/ fyi.. I am on 1 day PTO tomorrow.. (I earlier planned to take whole week out but my plan got cancelled so just 1 day out)14:49
rlandyysandeep: enjoy14:49
rlandysee you monday14:49
ysandeeprlandy, thanks! o/ see you on monday14:50
dviroelysandeep: o/ 14:50
ysandeepdviroel, o/14:52
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dviroeljm1: found this one
jm1dviroel: Oh that guy was pissed of ^^14:57
jm1dviroel: It is from 2019! have you been with Red Hat for 3 years already 😳14:58
dviroeljm1: no, but i was an openstack contributor already, before red hat:)15:02
jm1dviroel: were have you been before i may ask?15:03
* jm1 curious ^^15:04
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover|lunch: let make a decision about tripleo-train before your EoD15:05
rlandyas well as wallaby promo15:05
dasmbhagyashris|ruck: frenzyfriday|rover|lunch have you seen this before? Problem: package rdo-openvswitch-1:2.15-2.el9s.noarch requires openvswitch2.15, but none of the providers can be installed15:07
dasmis it something new?15:07
dasmwe might have an issue:
dasmrlandy: fyi ^15:09
mariosdasm: 17:25 < frenzyfriday|rover|lunch> marios,
mariosdasm: if its the package thing15:09
mariosyeah it is 15:09
dasmmarios: ack, i missed that. thanks 15:10
dasmi was about to submit one15:10
mariosdasm: i think it blocks all wallaby but amoralej was going to revert sthing to try and fix it 15:11
mariosi don't have all the details dasm 15:11
rlandydasm: ack - see marios responded15:11
rlandyon it - we need revert to propogate15:12
rlandydetails on bug15:12
dviroeljm1: sure, it is actually public :)15:12
dasmmarios: no worries, i checked hackmd but i've must've missed that15:12
dasm*i must've15:12
amoralejactually, for buildlogs mirrors are based on cached proxy, not on afs, so i'm not sure how long it takes in refresh, it'd be worthy to try15:13
amoralejcould we lobby somehow to get merged ?15:13
rlandy[tripleo] gate blocker - tripleo-ci-centos-9-content-provider-wallaby15:13
rlandydasm: ^^ also posted on openstack-discuss15:14
dasmrlandy: my evolution just refreshed and i see new email :)15:14
* jm1 bbl15:42
chandankumarsee ya!15:42
chandankumardasm: thank you for keeping an eye and rechecking on ibm cloud patches :-)15:44
dasmchandankumar: do you need more of that today?15:44
chandankumardasm: I am doing a new test if it fails today please recheck15:45
dasmchandankumar: ack, have a good night!15:45
chandankumarmay be results will be available after 5 hours15:45
chandankumarin one go 10 jobs runs15:45
chandankumardasm:  thank you, see ya :-)15:46
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rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover|lunch; lunch - brb15:53
amoralejfyi, has passed the "run the package installationg script"15:53
amoralejso i guess the revert is propagated15:54
amoralejwrt issue with ovs in wallaby15:54
amoralejrlandy, dasm ^15:54
dasmoh, nice!15:54
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rlandyamoralej|off:  ty15:57
mariosakahat: fyi what we spoke about this morning with the os-net-config and compute ping (see comment 1) trying the workaround but blocked on the new wallaby bug15:58
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akahatmarios, ok. Thanks for update. 16:29
akahatmarios, is is new wallaby bug:
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marios|outakahat: yeah thats the one 16:35
marios|outakahat: its       
akahatmarios|out, ack16:36
frenzyfriday|rover|lunchrlandy, I am leaving for the day - the reruns are on hackmd16:41
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover|lunch: thanks - have a good night16:42
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover|lunch: checking into tripleo train16:43
rlandyone test fail there16:43
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover|lunch: going to skip promote that16:44
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: merged your ptach16:47
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, ack thanks 16:50
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frenzyfriday|roverrlandy, ack, thanks16:55
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover: real issue in validations component - left notes to  pass to next rr17:07
rlandyneed to alert jiri or matbu17:07
frenzyfriday|roverrlandy, thanks17:09
rlandytomorrow is fine17:09
frenzyfriday|roverrlandy, where do we add the component line like we added the integration lines in ?17:12
bhagyashris|ruckfrenzyfriday|rover, hey here you will need to add 17.1 component pipeline file name  to triggred the component jobs17:16
bhagyashris|ruckohh that is already there 17:16
frenzyfriday|roverbhagyashris|ruck, yep but the promote jobs are still not running17:17
frenzyfriday|roverwait, I think they are running
bhagyashris|ruckfrenzyfriday|rover, hey if you see all the pipelines are there
frenzyfriday|roverso openstack-component-validation includes all 17, 17.1 16.2 validation jobs?17:19
bhagyashris|ruckfrenzyfriday|rover, hey it was my bad i was looking at this line openstack-component-cloudops17:20
bhagyashris|ruckthis "openstack-promote-component" line basically runs all the components promote jobs17:21
rlandyreading back17:27
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover: same place17:28
rlandywhat am I missing?17:28
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, ignore17:29
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, promoted cloudops 17.1 component and re-testing sc001 and sc002 and sc010 jobs here 17:30
bhagyashris|ruckit should pass now 17:30
rlandybhagyashris|ruck++ great17:31
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: rerunning ipa jobs to promote 17 on 817:32
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, i see thanks 17:32
rcastillohave to go drop off family at the airport. I'll bbl18:43
rlandydviroel: review time?19:02
* jm1 out for today, have a nice evening :)19:57
dviroeldasm: merging your telegraf upgrade patch20:57
dviroeldasm: can you look if is going to be working afterwards?20:58
dviroelI can come back later to take a look too o/20:58
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dasmdviroel|afk: thanks! i'll check that one later21:18
dasmok, docker change merged22:05
dasmalso 2 ovb changes are merged!22:05
* dasm => off22:10
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