Thursday, 2022-07-14

dviroel|roverrlandy: yeah, the revert works, that change is the cause00:08
dviroel|roverrerun on fs001-train with xlarge flavor, tempest test looks different.00:14
* dviroel|rover out00:14
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|out00:14
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep02:46
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soniya29|ruckhey folks, pooja would be on pto today, she will resume her working from tommorrow07:08
*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej07:19
marioslooks like code review is down gerrit error07:34
jm1marios: ah just wanted to ask the same ^^07:36
jm1marios: getting "error: remote unpack failed: error No space left on device" errors07:37
jm1marios: shall we ping #opendev?07:38
mariosyeah 07:38
arxcruzit's working now for me 08:16
amoralejhi, since some days ago, scenario001 jobs started failing for wallaby in rdo with some ceph related issue. (wallaby on cs8)08:34
amoralejit seems previously there was no ceph in scenario001?08:34
amoralejthere has been any change in jobs definitions?08:35
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|ruck|afk10:33
rlandysoniya29|ruck|afk: hi - we can sync when you are in10:44
rlandysoniya29|ruck|afk: in merge conflict - rechecking 16.210:49
*** soniya29|ruck|afk is now known as soniya29|ruck11:01
soniya29|ruckrlandy, i am in11:01
rlandysoniya29|ruck: there is nothing burning - let's wait until dviroel__ gets in11:03
soniya29|ruckrlandy, yupp :)11:03
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep11:05
rlandyysandeep: when you can, pls review the patchsets related to New 16.2 base image (on review list11:11
rlandyready to merge11:11
rlandychandankumar++ thanks for looking at those11:11
ysandeeprlandy, ack will check shortly11:12
rlandydviroel__: hmmm ... train fs001 still fails11:14
*** dviroel__ is now known as dviroel|rover11:15
rlandyrechecking that11:16
rlandydviroel|rover: soniya29|ruck: let's sync - should be quick
* soniya29|ruck stepping out for an hour11:27
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|ruck|afk11:27
chandankumarmarios: please approve this one (irrelevant files patch) when free thank you :-) 11:42
marioschandankumar: k 11:59
ysandeeprlandy, +wed base image patches12:12
rlandyysandeep: we'll need to get dviroel|rover's patch in first12:22
chandankumarmarios: thanks!12:22
ysandeeprlandy, dviroel|rover patch merged12:22
rlandyok - I see that one merged as well12:23
rlandyysandeep: dviroel|rover: chandankumar: I will need to change the job names12:23
rlandybut I will do that in a follow up patch12:23
rlandyonce we get one clean pipeline run12:23
chandankumarrlandy: yes yes, thanks!12:23
rlandyand no reverts are needed12:23
ysandeepack, thanks for adding the #todo to change job name12:24
ysandeephey bhagyashris o/ I see invite for both scrum and planning. Do we need to cancel scrum?12:36
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|break12:38
*** soniya29|ruck|afk is now known as soniya29|ruck12:46
arxcruzbhagyashris do we have scrum today or will we use the scrum time for the retrospective?12:49
rlandybhagyashris: arxcruz: ysandeep|break: I'd say let's go with the later time12:51
rlandyso that dasm|off and rcastillo can join12:51
rlandyrcastillo: you here?12:51
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rcastillorlandy: hi12:53
rlandyhey - happy early morning to you12:53
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm12:53
dasmi'm around too12:53
rlandyoh wow - we're all here12:53
rlandyok - we can start early 12:53
rlandydasm: happy early morning to you too12:53
mariosare we doing retro in 7 mins or in 1 hour 7 mins? 12:54
dasmrlandy: thanks :)12:54
rlandymarios: like 7 mins12:54
marioscalendar says in 1 hour 12:54
dasm"What's that smell? It's a morning"12:54
rlandyoh- it's scrum not retro12:54
mariosrlandy: i mean it makes sense that we do it in the scrum slot, but was wondering if we left it at 1400 UTC for a reason (like folks not around now or something)12:55
rlandyI don't think so12:55
mariosbut its also late to change calendar now so... i guess if everyone is around we can go 12:55
rlandybut if we start at that point, the people in india can get out at a reasonable time12:55
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dasmmarios: usually i'm not around at this time. it's before 6am here12:56
dasmi *think* that was intention to keep it a bit later12:56
ysandeepack lets start in 4 mins12:56
bhagyashrisrlandy, ysandeep arxcruz hey sorrry forgot to cancel scrum12:56
mariosdasm: sure point remains that someone could have looked at the calendar and made plans accordingly12:56
mariosand not around now expecting retro in 1 hour12:56
rlandyok - fine ... see you all in 1 hour12:57
rlandyit will be worth the wait :)12:57
marioswell ... is anyone away?12:57
marios:/ 12:57
ysandeepi am here o/12:57
dasmmarios: "Plans? Where we're going, We don't need plans." (paraphrasing Back to the Future) ^^12:57
mariosfetching ping list lets see if folks around 12:58
mariosarxcruz, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, chandankumar, frenzy_friday, anbanerj, dviroel, rcastillo, dasm, jm1, marios,12:58
ysandeepfyi.. all pooja is on emergency PTO12:58
marioshello 12:58
bhagyashrissorry me too around..12:58
rlandywe'll all here12:59
marioschandankumar: around? arxcruz rcastillo ? 12:59
* chandankumar is half here and half enjoying the rain12:59
chandankumarit came after very long time12:59
rcastillomarios o/12:59
rlandylucky you12:59
rlandyno rain for weeks here12:59
mariosno arxcruz maybe12:59
akahatmarios, o/12:59
mariosor is he out? 12:59
rlandyarxcruz is here today12:59
frenzy_friday /me reading up13:00
mariosyeah but he may be out eg 'grab lunch before retro' kind of thing13:00
mariosrlandy: ^ 13:00
rlandyyeah - 1 hour it is13:00
mariosk i think so its the fairest13:00
akahatrain stopped here few hours back..13:00
ysandeepokay see you in 1 hour13:01
* ysandeep afk13:01
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk13:01
arxcruzchandankumar marios I'm around, sup?13:06
dasmarxcruz: we were trying to start retro 8 mins ago13:08
* dviroel|rover coffee13:08
mariosarxcruz: nothing we were trying to start retro early as there was a calendar mixup13:10
mariosarxcruz: no problem ignore13:10
mariosarxcruz: retro as normal in 50 mins13:10
arxcruzahhh :/13:17
rlandy17 on rhel-9 promoted today again13:44
rlandysoniya29|ruck: dviroel|rover: pls dequeue and enqueue wallaby c813:46
rlandyit failed and skipped some tests13:46
rlandywe should try promo that today13:46
dviroel|roverrlandy: will do13:47
chandankumarbhagyashris: hello13:53
chandankumarbhagyashris: you might be interested in these patches13:53
chandankumarZuul Job reparenting final closure13:53
chandankumar    *
chandankumar    *
chandankumar    *
chandankumarI hope it does not block your parenting wokr13:53
bhagyashrischandankumar, ack thanks will check that 13:56
bhagyashrisarxcruz, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, chandankumar, frenzy_friday, dviroel, rcastillo, jm1, rlandy|ruck, dasm dviroel|rover soniya29|ruck 13:56
bhagyashrisTripleo CI retro and planning meeting in 4 min13:56
bhagyashrisicebreaker:   13:57
bhagyashrisretro board:   13:57
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej13:59
rlandyarxcruz: chandankumar: we're starting14:01
dasmfrenzy_friday++ for bringing up ES14:31
arxcruzdasm it is documented 14:43
dasmarxcruz: i was laughing at your comment, not that skiplist don't have docs :)14:44
dasmeven tho it's documented, there is lack of interest in it :(14:44
dasmfrenzy_friday: i can help with reviewbot14:59
frenzy_fridaydasm, thanks! I'll ping you.15:00
dasmOh! I thought I'm doing RR next week, not this... That's a surprise!15:09
dasmakahat: are you able to go through the epic for skiplist by yourself? do you want me to do so?15:52
dasmakahat: do you want to communicate over irc/f2f?15:53
akahatdasm, It will be good if we have f2f discussion.15:53
akahatso may be we can talk about some things.15:54
dasmakahat: ack. i think i'm gonna have rr sync in a bit. not sure how much longer are you planning to hang around15:55
akahatdasm, oh.. so we can talk tomorrow.15:55
dasmakahat: k15:55
akahatdasm, ack15:55
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frenzy_fridaydasm, lemme know what you think of when you get some time - this is the current reviewbot code. I am working on a patch to refractor it ( :D )16:05
dasmfrenzy_friday: i think we should merge it asap. Even if it's not pretty.16:06
frenzy_fridaydasm, yep, works for me. 16:09
frenzy_fridaybot pls add to review list
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list16:09
rlandylunch - biab16:30
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dasmdoctor's appointment - bbl16:32
* dviroel|rover lunch16:35
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|brb16:35
frenzy_friday17.1 update: added the promote job definitions and empty criteria. I'll run the promote jobs in testproj tomorrow:
rlandyfrenzy_friday++ nice17:22
rlandy16.2 also promoted17:23
rlandyso we have some runway if new base image is an issue17:23
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*** dviroel|rover|brb is now known as dviroel|rover17:35
*** dasm is now known as Guest501317:59
*** Guest5013 is now known as dasm18:01
jm1review time anyone? :)19:00
rlandydviroel|rover: dasm: rcastillo: review time?19:01
rlandychandankumar: hi: pls review
jm1chandankumar: please also review thank you :)19:16
dviroel|roverrcastillo: jm1: i will get a coffee and look those patches19:23
jm1dviroel|rover: cool, thank you :)19:23
* jm1 taking a nap now ;) see you tomorrow 👋19:24
rlandyjm1: have a good night19:30
jm1jm1: thanks for +w'ing the other patch as well! once zuul has submitted those patches we should be safe in tripleo and can start merging breaking changes :)19:32
jm1omg, the last message was meant for rlandy, not myself 🙈19:33
* jm1 too late, will kill my computer now19:33
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|biab19:36
dviroel|roverrcastillo: you may want to try that in another DNM change, if you want20:04
rcastillohmm, that idea seems about right. I'll give it a shot20:04
dviroel|roverrlandy|biab: flavor change doesn't seems to change the behavior20:07
*** rlandy|biab is now known as rlandy20:29
rlandydviroel|rover: hmm ... that was a thought20:29
rlandyso I guess we're back to network issues20:30
rlandydviroel|rover: in that case, for train. we should add a downstream trigger job20:30
rlandyfor fs00120:30
rlandydviroel|rover: need help with that?20:31
dviroel|roverrlandy: no, i will follow the same pattern from wallaby20:32
rlandydviroel|rover++ thanks20:33
dviroel|roveroh, we already have create-fs001-train-c8-trigger-for-downstream20:35
dviroel|roverneed to add to the pipeline20:35
rlandythere is a piece in upstream and in downstream20:35
dviroel|roverok, will check 20:36
rlandydviroel|rover: rerunning fs001 wallaby c8 ... but passed in periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-internal-wallaby20:39
rlandywill adjust criteria if current run fails20:39
dviroel|roverrlandy: yes, thats the idea20:39
dviroel|rovergive one more change20:39
dviroel|roverrlandy: not sure yes what happened with latest main, lots of failures 20:40
rlandyoh dear20:41
dviroel|roverrlandy: downstream is ready too 20:43
rlandydviroel|rover: hmmm ... how were the others triggering?20:45
rlandywallaby and master are running already20:46
* rlandy confused20:46
rlandyonly train should be needed to add20:46
dviroel|roveronly add fs00120:53
dviroel|rovershould we add fs035?20:54
rlandydviroel|rover: I would - because today's it's fs001 and tomorrow it fs03520:54
rlandydviroel|rover: hmmm ... but the trigger patch in downstream is interesting20:55
dviroel|roverpoor psi, will work harder20:55
rlandyif those lines were not there20:55
rlandyhow are those jobs running now????20:55
dviroel|roverfs035-train is also failing a lot20:56
rlandyhas the trigger20:57
dviroel|rover - updated with fs035 now20:59
dviroel|roverrlandy: we should only need this ^ then21:01
rlandyvoted on 21:01
rlandywe do need that piece - I think 21:01
rlandycomparing with wallaby21:01
rlandy1 min 39 secs2022-07-14 15:34:19SUCCESS21:02
rlandy1 min 37 secs2022-07-14 15:33:59SUCCESS21:02
dviroel|roverrlandy: which one?21:02
rlandy is needed21:02
* dasm => offline21:23
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off21:23
dviroel|roverrlandy: we have a fs035 trigger on wallaby-c8, but we don't have fs035 running wallaby-c8 :P21:47
rlandydviroel|rover: ack - we reoved then from c821:47
rlandylimited line anyways21:48
rlandywe could remove that trigger21:48
dviroel|roverrlandy: yeah21:48
rlandyor use that as criteria if it's somewhat stable'21:48
rlandywill spend some time tomorrow going through all this21:48
dviroel|roverrlandy: updating criteria for fs001-internal-wallaby-c821:48
dviroel|roveri will go afk for a while, will come back to see how it is going21:58
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|afk21:59
rlandydviroel|rover|afk: thanks22:04
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl22:04

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