Monday, 2022-07-11

*** chkumar|rover is now known as chandankumar03:26
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep05:38
ysandeepbhagyashris, chandankumar pojadhav akahat fyi.. Today is public holiday in india06:17
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|holiday06:18
chandankumarysandeep|holiday: I will be around today, will be swapping it with other day06:26
ysandeep|holidaysure, as it suits you. 06:27
*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej07:02
marioschandankumar: o/ fyi merged and depends-on just now 07:31
jm1hello :)07:37
jm1have a nice holiday, india 🥂07:37
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|ruck|lunch07:51
frenzy_fridayhey folks, can I run tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 in testproject? I tried here: but it did not run08:10
mariosfrenzy_friday: probably need to run stable/wallaby testproject for it 08:21
mariosfrenzy_friday: no c8 for master 08:21
mariosfrenzy_friday: you'll need sthing like and checkout stable/wallaby branch in testproject08:22
mariosfrenzy_friday: confirmed 08:22
mariosfrenzy_friday: cos 08:22
frenzy_fridaymarios: ohh, cool, lemme try. Thanks!08:23
mariosnp frenzy_friday 08:39
*** soniya29|ruck|lunch is now known as soniya29|ruck09:25
chandan_kumarThank you Mario's!09:26
chandan_kumarStepping out for 2 hours09:56
marioso/ np chandankumar 09:57
*** xek__ is now known as xek10:20
*** rlandy__ is now known as rlandy10:28
rlandysoniya29|ruck: hello10:29
soniya29|ruckrlandy, hello10:29
rlandysoniya29|ruck: does the cockpit reoslve for you?10:29
rlandyjm1: ^^?10:29
rlandy not working10:30
soniya29|ruckrlandy, ^^ its not working for me as well10:30
soniya29|ruckbut this works10:30
rlandysoniya29|ruck: yes - vexx must have gone down10:30
rlandyjm1: can you look into that?10:31
rlandydviroel|out: rcastillo: ^^ fyi 10:31
rlandysoniya29|ruck: how are things today?10:32
jm1rlandy: ack, will look into it10:32
rlandysoniya29|ruck: need to promote wallaby and train today10:33
soniya29|ruckcs9 wallaby fs35 is failing on tempest tests 10:33
rlandysoniya29|ruck: let's sync and we'll meet again when dviroel|out comes on line10:33
soniya29|ruckrlandy, sure10:33
jm1rlandy, soniya29|ruck: are you able to access or even ping ?10:46
rlandyjm1: no - also not accessible10:47
jm1rlandy: ack, will report on #vexxhost10:47
rlandyjm1: vexx updated over weekend10:47
rlandyjm1: have you tried restarting those vms?10:47
rlandyjm1; pls join internal10:49
jm1rlandy: on my way10:50
rlandylooking to chat on #rhos-ops10:50
rlandyjm1:  to see what our infra guys already know10:50
soniya29|ruckrlandy, -
chandankumarcockpit was not aceesible in the morning11:07
rlandychandankumar: ack - see above and #vexxhost11:11
rlandyjm1 working on it11:12
chandankumarjm1: rlandy thanks!11:12
chandankumarreview meeting seems silent, 11:18
marioschandankumar: yeah i dropped ... want me to rejoin? 11:18
marioschandankumar: i reckon most folks are out (that are around this time of day ) was waiting for someone to ping me11:18
chandankumarmarios: I have just one review11:18
chandankumarmarios: you can go over here also
rlandychandankumar: marios: sorry - was syncing with rr11:21
chandankumarwe just dropped11:21
rlandyarxcruz; you around?11:25
rlandyarxcruz; sync for a few re: tempest?11:25
arxcruz rlandy 11:25
arxcruzrlandy yes, i'm around11:25
mariosrlandy: o/ want to do reviews? 11:28
mariosrlandy: i can rejoin (not much on the list tbh though at least when i went through thtis morning as india out)11:28
mariosack chandankumar 11:28
*** dviroel|out is now known as dviroel|rover11:43
dviroel|roversoniya29|ruck: rlandy o/11:45
soniya29|ruckdviroel|rover, hello11:46
rlandysoniya29|ruck: dviroel|rover: let11:47
rlandys sync in 1011:47
* dviroel|rover looking at hackmd11:47
* jm1 lunch11:51
rlandydviroel|rover: soniya29|ruck: let's sync: 12:04
rlandydviroel|rover: soniya29|ruck: ^^12:04
rlandybhagyashris: around today?12:30
rlandychandankumar: holiday in india for everyone?12:30
chandankumarrlandy: yes12:31
chandankumarrlandy: I will be swapping today with other day12:31
rlandychandankumar: ah ok12:31
chandankumari am low on pto balanace12:31
soniya29|ruckdviroel|rover, rlandy, moving with cs9 wallaby components12:33
dviroel|roverack- tks soniya29|ruck 12:33
frenzy_fridayrlandy, hey, are you joining the 17.1 call?13:00
rlandyfrenzy_friday: one sec13:00
rlandydviroel|rover: soniya29|ruck: cockpit is back as is promoter - pls watch that operation is good13:02
soniya29|ruckrlandy, ack13:02
rlandyjm1; ^^ guess the cockpit is updating data?13:02
dviroel|roverrlandy: ack13:02
rlandydviroel|rover: wallaby c8 should promote, I think13:03
dviroel|roverrlandy: ack, lets see, we have at least one line log already13:04
jm1rlandy: the machine is up and has no failing services.. hmm...13:08
dviroel|roverjm1: rlandy: c8-wallaby promoting, pushing containers13:09
jm1rlandy: what are you looking at in rrcockpit? seems fine to me13:10
rlandyjm1: looks ok now13:10
rlandydviroel|rover: nice13:10
chandankumardviroel|rover: hello13:11
chandankumardviroel|rover: we saw this issue again today about missing ceph container13:11
jm1rlandy: ack. was first confused because its showing a lot of "No data to show" messages. but this is because the dashboard shows only the last 12 hours..13:11
chandankumardviroel|rover: is there a way to fix it to avoid pruning the container?13:12
dviroel|roverchandankumar: yeah, but I think thats the rdo prune script right? not a quay configuration?13:13
chandankumardviroel|rover: i think so13:13
chandankumarlet me check with dpawlik 13:13
chandankumardpawlik: hello, is there a way to avoid pruning of ceph containers?13:13
chandankumarcontext: got deleted13:14
chandankumarleading to failure of content provider13:14
chandankumarin last 3 weeks, we saw this issue twice13:15
dviroel|roverchandankumar: did you added it back? 13:16
chandankumardviroel|rover: nope promotion happened that time in the morning13:16
chandankumargot it fixed13:16
chandankumarfew jobs got hitt by that13:17
dviroel|roverchandankumar: ah ok13:18
dviroel|roverywah it runs on mondays, wednesdays and fridays13:18
dpawlikchandankumar: hey, once again it remove the images?13:19
chandankumardpawlik: the image got deleted13:20
dpawlikwhat project it was?13:20
chandankumardpawlik: ceph containers13:21
dpawlikTag current-ceph set to expire on July 10, 2022 3:06 AM by Pruner13:21
dpawliksorry for that. I will check what happen 13:21
chandankumardpawlik: can we extend it to more than 2 weeks13:22
chandankumardpawlik: thank you for checking. ++13:22
rlandyfrenzy_friday: what happened with the namespace patch for w c8?13:24
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch13:24
frenzy_fridayrlandy, tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 did not run - spoke to marios , I need to submit the testproj in stable/wallaby13:27
mariosfrenzy_friday: o/ let me know if you need more help with that? remember to include the .gitreview as mentioned earlier13:28
frenzy_fridayadded links to the new testpeojs in the 2 patches13:33
dpawlikchandankumar: it is just ceph, right?13:34
chandankumardpawlik: yup13:34
rlandydviroel|rover: cix13:36
chandankumardpawlik: thanks!13:38
chandankumardviroel|rover: rlandy 13:38
dpawlikonce again sorry for that13:38
chandankumardpawlik: no need to say sorry, thank you for extending it :-)13:39
dpawlikyou're welcome13:39
dviroel|roverthanks dpawlik 13:41
dviroel|roversoniya29|ruck: rlandy: sorry, missed the call, I thought that was after our scrumm =/13:50
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:51
rlandydviroel|rover: np - covered it13:58
* dasm will join scrum after rbac meeting13:59
dviroel|roverc8-wallaby promoted14:06
dviroel|rover2022-07-11 14:0014:06
soniya29|ruckdviroel|rover, that's great14:07
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej14:16
chandankumararxcruz++ dasm++ for bringing back skip list dashboard14:29
mariosthanks for suggestion chandankumar will try it next 14:31
soniya29|ruckdviroel|rover, rlandy, w.r.t to cs9 wallaby components other all components are good except fs01 tripleo wallaby14:32
soniya29|ruckit is failing with different issues on different runs14:33
dviroel|roversoniya29|ruck: not bad, thanks for checking 14:35
soniya29|ruckdviroel|rover, rlandy, i think we need a bug for it14:41
rlandysoniya29|ruck: you have the retro this week14:47
soniya29|ruckrlandy, ohh yes, i just confirmed14:48
dasmarxcruz: so, you're saying "run_skipped_tests: true" runs **only** skipped ones? Did I get it right?14:49
* dasm needs to verify the code14:49
arxcruzdasm yes14:50
arxcruzdasm it's tempest_run_skipped: true14:52
dasmarxcruz: hmm, something is not right. check this:
dasmand this:
dasmthe second one should be populated with list from the first one14:56
dasmfirst is "regular" periodic, second is "skipped" one.14:56
mariosrlandy: o/ see pvt do you need me on prod-chain call? 14:57
arxcruzdasm one is exclude list the other is include list14:57
dasmarxcruz: but "skipped" should contain all tests from "non-skipped" excluded list. Am I right?14:58
arxcruzdasm not necessarily, if a test is on the non-skipped list, and it is also on the skipped list, it will not run14:59
dasmarxcruz: but in the case of "skipped" job, "exclude" list is empty. Which means it can't be on both list.15:00
arxcruzdasm that's the idea, we get the skipped tests, and add it on the non-skipped list, so it will execute the tests that are on the skipped list15:01
arxcruzit will only executed the skipped tests, because we know the non-skipped tests are being fine, otherwise it would be on the skipped list 15:01
dasmarxcruz: I think I don't understand you. If tests are on "excluded" list for regular test run, should we have them running as "included" on "skipped" job?15:02
arxcruzdasm for exampe15:02
arxcruzyou have test.a.b on the include list15:02
arxcruzbut test.a.b.c is failing15:03
dasmarxcruz: show me on actual tests, from the two i pasted links15:03
arxcruzif you add test.a.b on the exclude list, it will skip also test.a.b.d test.a.b.e and so on15:03
dasminclude list for both skipped and non-skipped is the same15:04
dasminclude list for skipped should be == exclude list for non-skipped15:04
arxcruzdasm 15:04
soniya29|ruckrlandy, can we skip fs01 tripleo wallaby?15:04
arxcruzdasm let's sync :)15:05
dasmarxcruz: ^15:05
rlandyon prod chain call15:06
soniya29|ruckrlandy, ack15:06
soniya29|ruckdviroel|rover, rlandy,
dviroel|rovertks soniya29|ruck 15:06
dviroel|roversoniya29|ruck: will go to lunch now, you can leave message and I will check on my afternoon, thanks 15:07
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|lunch15:07
soniya29|ruckdviroel|rover|lunch, okay, i am also leaving for the day15:08
soniya29|ruckdviroel|rover|lunch, i will update the hackmd 15:08
dasmarxcruz: periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-skipped-scenario003-standalone-master15:09
* jm1 bbl15:18
chandankumarsee ya!15:31
* soniya29|ruck leaving for the day15:34
chandankumarfrenzy_friday: we need to fix the 17.1 condition there15:41
chandankumarthat will resolve openvswitch issue15:42
frenzy_fridaychandankumar, thanks, checking15:42
arxcruzfrenzy_friday where's the reviewbot? :)15:51
dasmarxcruz: thx15:55
rlandylunch quickly - -brb15:56
*** dviroel|rover|lunch is now known as dviroel|rover16:11
frenzy_fridayarxcruz, again it is gone! :O Lemme check16:14
frenzy_fridayhm.. sometimes it disconnects from irc randomly. I restarted it16:15
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off16:50
rlandydviroel|rover; other then rhos-17 on rhel-8, need anything else from me?16:54
rlandydviroel|rover: rekicked wallaby kvm internal job16:57
dviroel|roverrlandy: not now, just checking what is missing for promotions now16:58
rlandytrain and wallaby we need to get through today16:58
dviroel|roverrlandy: oh, for tripleo-ci-testing/c0/6d/c06ddd9562a59f9d5ab9a2796c0bb433 ?16:58
dviroel|rovertripleo-ci-testing/c0/6d/c06ddd9562a59f9d5ab9a2796c0bb433 is missing 035 and kvm16:58
dviroel|rover035 still running on tempest tests16:59
dviroel|roverthere is hope16:59
frenzy_fridayhey rlandy , dviroel|rover I am eod in few mins. Looks like passed (the two failures doesnt look related to quay auth)16:59
frenzy_friday this is still running16:59
frenzy_friday and are the fixes17:00
rlandyfrenzy_friday: thanks - looking17:00
frenzy_fridayBoth the testprojs passed. I am updating the commit msgs a bit17:02
rlandyfrenzy_friday: so the periodics periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset002-wallaby won;t be impacted17:03
rlandyonly check and component17:04
frenzy_fridayit is running c9 periodic? Oh, lemme check17:04
frenzy_fridayrlandy: I added it by mistake. periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-network-wallaby and tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 are the ones we need right?17:05
rlandyI want to rerun the one failing check job to see if it's consistent17:06
frenzy_fridayrlandy, ack, reran the testprojs removing the c9 job17:09
rlandyfrenzy_friday: awesome - thanks - let's see what shakes out17:10
rlandyI think the first approach is better17:10
dviroel|roverrlandy: we just need 10-kvm for wallaby c9 - fs035 passed \o/17:28
rlandydviroel|rover: OMG - miracle17:29
rlandydviroel|rover: promoted17:48
dviroel|roverrlandy: great17:48
rlandyfinding components that need rerun17:49
rlandydviroel|rover; also network on 16.2 failed17:49
rlandynot sure if same error17:49
rlandydidn;t get a chance to check yet17:49
rlandytempest and tripleo will kick shortly17:51
rlandyrerunning others17:51
dviroel|roverfull-tempest-api-network looks diferent - failed in class teardown17:52
rlandydviroel|rover: it's rerunning now17:59
rlandyscratch that17:59
rlandyreran 17 on 9 failed jobs17:59
rlandydviroel|rover: - not looking great18:14
rlandysame failures in setup calss18:15
rlandytrying one more time18:15
rlandydviroel|rover: ^^ if that does not work, you can skip and promo18:16
dviroel|roverack - will check these failures18:16
beaglesI'm having a weird problem that might be related to ci configuration  where it doesn't seem to be able to pull in the Depends-On patch from puppet-designate (or maybe I've got something wrong with puppet-tripleo patch)18:18
beaglesdoes something specific need to be done to have Depends-On from the puppet-designate to puppet-tripleo repo to work18:18
rlandybeagles: is merged18:21
rlandyso why would you still need a depends-on?18:21
beaglesrlandy, is there a reason why the change wouldn't be available? (the puppet-tripleo patch was proposed while the puppet-designate patch was still pending fwiw)18:22
rlandybeagles: if we didn't pick that change up from current18:23
rlandyie: if you needed a promo to get that into the build18:23
rlandylet me check18:23
rlandybeagles: so here:
rlandythat is the list we get from current18:24
rlandysince puppet-designate is not in the list, you would need it to get into current-tripleo to get it18:24
rlandylet me propose a patch18:25
rlandyand you can depends-on18:25
rlandyhold on18:25
beaglesahhh cool18:25
dviroel|roverrlandy: scn010-kvm is failing on
* dviroel|rover coffee18:49
* dasm => bbl18:59
rlandydviroel|rover: ugh  - inconsistent though19:05
rlandyso would promo w/o it if need be19:06
rlandywallaby 6 days out now19:06
dviroel|roverack - lets see how train goes in testproject, 23 jobs on tempest tests now19:12
dviroel|rover* 3 jobs19:12
rlandydviroel|rover: ugh - failed again - kvm internal  - skip and promote19:30
dviroel|roverrlandy: looks like this bug is very consistent in downstream19:30
dviroel|roverWaiting zuul vote on
dviroel|roverhum, integration-main not bad, rerunning these 3 jobs that failed19:45
rlandydviroel|rover; thanks - w+'ed19:51
* jm1 out for today, have a nice evening :)19:57
dviroel|roverrlandy: investigating fs001 and fs035 on train, those 2 are still failing20:21
* dviroel|rover biab20:36
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|biab20:36
*** dviroel|rover|biab is now known as dviroel|rover21:15
dviroel|roverwallaby c9 current-tripleo/2022-07-11 21:0121:16
dviroel|rovermerging revert21:37
* dviroel|rover openstack-periodic-integration-stable4 i want to believe21:40
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|biab21:41
*** dviroel|rover|biab is now known as dviroel|rover|21:59
dviroel|rover|need to step out21:59
dviroel|rover|only watching stable4 for, and compare results with previous runs21:59
dviroel|rover|master in rerun too21:59
dviroel|rover|missing only fs039 and scn10-kvm for master22:00
dviroel|rover|will try again fs03922:00
*** dviroel|rover| is now known as dviroel|out22:01
rlandydviroel|out: see you tomorrow22:04
dasmdviroel|out: o/22:05
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl22:06
* dasm => offline22:18
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off22:18

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