Thursday, 2022-06-30

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy01:02
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akahatysandeep, o/06:29
akahatysandeep, there are jobs stuck in the zuul queue.. from last 6 hours.06:30
ysandeephello akahat 06:30
* ysandeep looking06:30
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ysandeepakahat, check/gate queue?06:32
ysandeepI am looking at top gate queue - looks like its progressing:
ysandeeptop job* in gate queue06:32
akahatysandeep, yes check gate and other queues also.06:32
akahatysandeep, rdo one.06:33
ysandeepakahat, want to meet on gmeet to cross check we are looking at same thing?06:34
akahatysandeep, yeah.. sure.06:34
akahatone min06:34
*** akahat is now known as akahat|ruck06:47
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*** jm1|ruck is now known as jm1|rover07:00
jm1hello everyone :)07:02
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akahat|ruckjm1, o/07:17
jm1akahat|ruck: o/ we have yet another promotion blocker? 🙄07:21
akahat|ruckjm1, yes.. it's in component jobs.07:21
akahat|ruckWe are not able to provision overcloud network.07:21
jm1akahat|ruck: that must be something intermittent if it fails once and passes once with the same hash?07:28
akahat|ruckjm1, yeah.. we got one job passed. and many filed.. didn't checked hash.07:29
jm1akahat|ruck: updated rr notes about hash which failed and passed07:31
jm1akahat|ruck: moved that bug to "known bugs07:40
jm1" in rr hackmd07:40
akahat|ruckjm1, thanks!07:41
jm1marios: o/ i have a testproject which depends-on a change in rdoproject config repo. can that possibly work? or how can we test config project changes?
marioso/ jm1 looking (cant test config project though sec lemme check)08:40
mariosjm1: yah cant test that speculatively we have to merge to test it 08:42
mariosjm1: so you can try to confirm that url is OK (i.e. you can authenticate with that fine) then merge/test and revert if needed08:42
jm1marios: ah, ok. thanks for clarification! then i will wait for rlandy to get permission before playing with config repo :)08:44
mariosjm1: k :) - do you have something more to point to about the deprecated url *(left a comment) 08:44
jm1marios: there was a discussion on #vexxhost yesterday but afaik that channel has no logs, so nothing to point to08:45
mariosjm1: k, maybe file a bug on our side then - i assume it broke the job?08:51
mariosjm1: at least to have some record of what/why we had to change that URL08:51
jm1marios: will check with rlandy later. atm i am digging through all the other open bug reports08:53
mariosjm1: what will you check with rlandy if we need a bug?08:54
mariosjm1: k 08:54
jm1marios: mnaser mentioned that he notified teams a while ago about switching to new endpoint, so maybe there is a mail in the openstack/rdo archives somewhere which we could quote/reference08:55
mariosjm1: ok but imo we need a bug on our side to say 'look this broke us'08:56
mariosjm1: and in that bug you can add any other context you might find08:56
jm1marios: ack, so no way around that bug?! ^^08:56
mariosjm1: if i were ruck|rover i'd file one for sure but i am not so ultimately it is up to you and akahat|ruck 08:57
mariosjm1: few more hours to go hang in there ;)08:57
jm1marios: will create a new bug just for you XD09:00
mariosi will frame it and put in on the wall ;)09:00
jm1marios: yes please 😂09:08
mariosjm1: thanks :)09:09
mariosfires up printer09:09
jm1internal irc down?09:56
mariosyeah looks like it jm1 12:53 -!- Irssi: Connection lost09:56
marioslike ~3 mins ago 09:56
jm1it took akahat|ruck down as well 😭09:57
*** akahat is now known as akahat|ruck10:08
akahat|ruckjm1, hey.. are you able to connect internal irc?10:12
jm1akahat|ruck: nope, still down10:12
jm1akahat|ruck: but glad we got you back :)10:12
akahat|ruckoh.. Okay.10:12
akahat|ruckjm1, i'm not going anywhere. :P10:13
* jm1 lunch, bbl10:20
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mariosdo we have missing containers jm1 akahat|ruck fatal: [undercloud]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to pull following containers: ['']"}10:28
mariosperhaps related to the login issue? 10:28
mariosmm not sure if related 10:29
akahat|ruckmarios, container is exists in the repo. I also think it is not related.10:37
mariosakahat|ruck: yeah its something strange... this is *8* content provider and it failed pulling a *9* container10:39
mariosakahat|ruck: so might be some new issue, trying to understand if related to not sure yet 10:39
akahat|ruckthat's interesting.. 10:39
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rlandyjm1: akahat|ruck: want to sync?10:40
rlandyneed to change config10:40
akahat|ruckmarios, could you please share logs where you seen this issue?10:41
akahat|ruckrlandy, yes10:41
rlandyakahat|ruck: jm1:
mariosakahat|ruck: there  but... 10:44
mariosakahat|ruck: not sure if this is transient or what is going on yet ... i don't see it anywhere else like         * 10:44
mariosakahat|ruck: maybe just keep in mind for now in case it hits elsewhere but i dind't make any changes to content provider in my tests (so weird if this is just transient) lets see 10:45
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* marios going pickup kid from summer school back in a bit11:24
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rlandypojadhav: ysandeep: forwarded you both email about ntp servers11:41
rlandywe need to mass change our entries11:41
rlandywe have dozens of them11:42
ysandeeprlandy, reading11:42
rlandygoing to start putting in some changes now11:42
rlandyysandeep: ^^11:42
rlandypojadhav: ysandeep: I grepped tripleo-envs tripleo-ci-internal-jobs and config11:42
rlandypojadhav: ysandeep: I'm starting with patches for internal jobs and config11:43
ysandeeprlandy++ I can patch tripleo-environment11:43
Tenguanything I can help? /me reads "mass change".11:44
rlandyTengu: internal ntp server11:46
ysandeepTengu: thanks, all okay - just change in NTP in internal11:46
Tengu'k. if help is needed, lemme know.11:46
Tengubtw, how's the gate for master and wallaby? We found an issue earlier today, a patch is already pushed ( )11:46
Tenguissue created by a lack of test in tripleo-ansible - correction for this:
rlandyysandeep: let's use a single topic11:50
jm1rlandy, akahat|ruck: why is already marked done on cix card? its wallaby patch has not been merged yet11:51
* ysandeep just ran sed magic11:52
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ysandeeprlandy pojadhav
rlandyysandeep: pojadhav: the whole list:
rlandyysandeep: 417986 (ie: the tripleo-ci-internal-jobs) one will actually run a test12:07
rlandyif that passes, let's merge the whole series12:07
ysandeeprlandy, your patches looks good, we covered all the references. I have left my votes - ack to +w the series once zuul reports12:09
ysandeepsed++ thanks for making our life easy :)12:10
ysandeeprlandy, Is it okay with you if I add tripleo-environment patch as depends-on for your -jobs patch?  We can test release files change in same patch.12:13
rlandyysandeep: sure12:13
ysandeep++ thanks, updated12:14
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mariosakahat|ruck: just to close - the content provider 8 thing was transient at least I didn't hit it on re-runs sorry for noise 12:51
akahat|ruckmarios, oh.. that's great!! 12:52
akahat|ruckthanks for info!12:52
jm1rlandy, akahat|ruck: since i did not see a response, let me ask again 🙊 why is already marked done on cix card? its wallaby patch has not been merged yet12:52
akahat|ruckjm1, oh.. it's okay.. it will merge.12:52
akahat|ruckWe have +w on that.12:52
mariosdviroel: o/ hey is this a bug? content provider 8 pulls in tripleowallabycentos9/daemon:current-ceph (i.e. c9/wallaby?)12:53
jm1akahat|ruck: ack. we left the other cards open till the patches got merged. so i was just wondering why its already marked as Done. But okay12:53
mariosdviroel: eg there last one from the gate 12:53
rlandyjm1: looking12:54
mariosdviroel: the c8 content provider job passes but i noticed this as it failed in my job earlier (transient) 12:54
rlandyjm1: you are right - the wallaby patch has not merged12:54
dviroelmarios: it is expected, we didn't promote for c8, but the ceph daemon image is the same12:55
rlandyprobably the bug was marked fix-released when the master patch merged12:55
mariosdviroel: ah great was hoping for something like that thanks for sanity check then 12:55
dviroelsure, np12:56
bhagyashrisarxcruz, rcastillo dviroel ysandeep 13:01
bhagyashrisscrum time13:01
bhagyashrissoniya29, 13:01
mariosnice shirt dasm|off (doom?) also renick :D13:03
mariosand good morning13:03
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dasmmarios: it says "Not in the MooD" ;)13:03
jm1dasm: oh wow, i read Doom as well 😂13:04
soniya29bhagyashris, i will join by 5-10 min13:04
dasmbut it uses "DooM'. Now it should be visible ^^13:04
jm1dasm: yeah, nice ^^13:04
arxcruzindeed nice shirt dasm :D13:04
dasmjm1: I know. It looks very similar :)13:04
mariosdasm: yeah i saw it was mood but i assumed it was in the style of doom 13:05
dasmthank you :)13:05
mariosi thought it was intentional 13:05
dasmmarios: :)13:05
dasmnow my head looks like i'm bald xD13:05
dasmskiplist patch ^13:16
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jm1frenzy_friday: reviewbot down?13:29
frenzy_fridayjm1, bot is back13:32
jm1frenzy_friday: oh great, thanks :)13:33
* frenzy_friday checking something with the bot13:34
jm1rlandy: which friday afternoon will you be out? this or next week?13:37
dasmjm1: iiuc next.13:39
* frenzy_friday has stoped playing with the bot now13:46
Tengu /1313:49
ysandeeprcastillo, hey o/ just want to confirm - Are you out on Monday?13:57
rcastilloysandeep: nope13:58
ysandeeprcastillo: ack, good for me :) 14:01
ysandeeprlandy, ntp patch - zuul gave +1 but.. we are still using old ntp server14:19
ysandeeprlandy, i think that because we have ntp in config repo:
ysandeeprlandy, we need to merge the config patch first to test 14:19
rlandyysandeep: ack - that is in config14:20
rlandygo ahead and merge that one14:20
rlandyand we can see14:20
rlandyysandeep: jm1: akahat|ruck: rcastillo: rr sync in 4 mins?14:26
ysandeepsure , works for me14:27
rlandylet's see if we get more responses14:28
jm1rlandy: ack, gimme a sec14:28
ysandeeprcastillo, akahat|ruck ^^ please join if around 14:29
rlandyysandeep: periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-tripleo-master14:43
ysandeeprcastillo, jm1 created new rr hackmd for us: 14:47
jm1rlandy, akahat|ruck, ysandeep: eod now14:50
rlandyjm1: thanks - have a good night14:52
ysandeepjm1, akahat|ruck thanks for keeping things in shape and for very good handover :)14:53
ysandeeprcastillo, rlandy: I am eod too, drop me notes on if you want me to pick anything.14:54
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rlandyysandeep: ack - see you tomorrow14:55
ysandeepbhagyashris, hey o/ could you please check why 16.2 jobs are triggering on ceph 5 related changes.14:57
ysandeepbhagyashris, we use ceph 4 in 16.2 jobs14:57
* dviroel lunch + manila community meeting14:58
ysandeepbhagyashris, We need to optimize the resources we trigger against rhos-release now - looks like ton of jobs triggered on this patch.14:58
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rlandyysandeep|out: periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-bm_envD-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-rhos-16.2 - need some work again - maybe another reboot15:06
rlandyrerunning the other two failures15:07
ysandeep|outrlandy, yeah same issue - reboot will solve - I can try to rca tomorrow(last time we didn't find the cause) - If its urgent I can reboot the node15:37
rlandyysandeep|out: not urgent15:37
rlandyI am trying to fix other failures15:38
rlandyso you can deal with that one in your morning15:38
rcastillorlandy: libvirt exclude revert. Waiting on results
rlandyrcastillo: cool - let me know15:47
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rlandylunch - brb17:17
rlandyrcastillo: failures in master line need tkajinam's fix18:06
rlandywill rerun after that merges18:06
rcastillorlandy: do we need to kick tripleo component when that merges or just directly integration lines?18:25
rlandythe tripleo master line is very behind18:38
rlandyI'm trying to rerun  the failed job there now18:38
rlandyfix for scen001 is second from top in gate18:39
rcastilloI saw18:46
rcastillosmall tool I wrote to run scripts when zuul jobs change status
rcastillousing it to get desktop and phone notifications when jobs finish18:53
rcastillorlandy: latest libvirt works18:55
rlandyha - fun18:57
rlandyok - you can put the revert on review list - we'll vote in a few18:57
rlandydviroel: dasm: review time?19:01
dviroeloh, joinning19:01
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rlandyrcastillo: rhos-17 on rhel-8 just promoted20:19
rlandyrcastillo: fs001 in network component master - passed in testproject but the hash changed20:21
rlandythe whole component is running now20:21
rlandymay need another rerun20:21
rcastillorlandy: ahh, was gonna ask if I needed to rekick, I'll watch it20:21
rlandyrcastillo: wallby c8 should promote now ...
rcastillorlandy: nice. rerrunning c9 wallaby fs03520:34
rlandyrcastillo: chatting on #rhos-ops20:39
rlandyasking to get the last of the hanging check jobs cleared20:39
* dasm signs off20:41
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* dviroel afk20:42
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rcastillorlandy: takashi's patch merged, kicking master22:19
rlandyrcastillo: nice22:28
rlandyrcastillo: ugh - we're very backed up on rdo zuul22:28
rlandyhopefully it will start to clear out22:28
rlandystepping out - will check back later22:29
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rcastillook, ttyl22:29

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