Thursday, 2022-06-16

*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep03:45
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chkumar|roverrlandy|out: I synced regarding rr with soniya|ruck 09:30
chkumar|roverrlandy|out: Currently CI is unblocked but we might hit this again tomorrow09:30
bhagyashrismarios, thanks looks like issue resolved "freeze graph issue on sc010"09:37
mariosbhagyashris: o/ yeah was the branches:09:38
bhagyashristhis is blocking my patch
mariosbhagyashris: there is a c9 blocker chkumar|rover pinged earlier see
mariosmaybe related 09:41
chkumar|rovermarios: bhagyashris you can recheck the patches now09:43
bhagyashrischkumar|rover, ack thanks09:44
chkumar|rovertemprory unblocked the CI09:44
chkumar|roverfor today09:44
mariosthx chkumar|rover 09:44
Tengufolks, the new openstack-selinux is now in the component-ci-testing content - or should be.10:23
Tenguget ready to test that nasty boy before it crashes CI again :)10:23
Tengurpm -q --scripts -p  <- shows the "verify scriptlet (using /bin/sh):" block we need!10:24
rlandy|outchkumar|rover: thanks10:28
rlandy|outTengu: hello 10:30
rlandy|outthanks for heads up on common10:31
rlandy|outchkumar|rover: you still around?10:31
rlandy|outsoniya|ruck: hi10:31
soniya|ruckrlandy|out, hello10:31
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chkumar|roverrlandy: hello, yes10:32
rlandychkumar|rover: soniya|ruck: let's sync quickly10:33
chkumar|roverwill be around for one more hour10:33
*** soniya is now known as soniya29|ruck11:00
rlandyTengu: "block we need" does that mean we need a blocker bug on this or it's what you wanted to see?11:02
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Tengurlandy: oh, no, not at all! "the verifyscript block"11:23
Tengusorry. didn't want to trigger you on "block-er"11:24
rlandyTengu: k, good!11:24
frenzy_fridaydpawlik, rlandy Hey, I saw this card - the downstream registry is going away/down. Do we already have a quay downtream registry? Anything I can help with?11:30
rlandyfrenzy_friday: the downstream registry move is on hold11:31
rlandyas we don;t have an identified good new alternative11:31
rlandywe do need to move 11:31
rlandybut they are keeping up the current one11:31
rlandysoniya: hello11:32
soniyarlandy, hello11:32
rlandysoniya: can you pls post the two patch to promote wallaby and train11:32
soniyarlandy, on it11:33
jsanemeta question about zuul jobs11:35
jsanemetdoes anyone know how triple-o ci chooses the quickstart files it assigns to each zuul job?11:36
jsanemetI have been looking through the job definitions but could not see it11:36
rlandyjsanemet: hello - that's a very general question :)11:43
rlandyjsanemet: also - there are a lot of files in quickstart11:43
rlandywhich ones are you interested in?11:44
rlandyjsanemet: is a better starting point11:44
jsanemetrlandy: hello11:45
jsanemetwhat I am trying to do it to get from the a zuul job to the files that are passed to quickstart during a build11:46
jsanemetfor example, the featureset, scenario, nodes...11:46
jsanemetmy idea, for instance, would be to be able to look into a zuul job and tell for example the topology that it will deploy on a build11:47
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rlandyjsanemet: as a general rule you can  - but zuul jobs follow an inheritance - so not all the info would be in one single definition11:49
jsanemetand for such thing I would like to know the file under quickstart's nodes/ that it picks11:49
rlandyjsanemet: it's not as simple as all that11:51
rlandythe featureset is the closest to telling you the type of deploy you get11:51
rlandythe scenario tells you what services you have11:52
rlandythe nodeset - your node configuration11:52
rlandythat with the associated heat-template files and settings within deploy and/or standalone will give you what finally gets deployed11:52
jsanemetrlandy: exactly, and those are the files I am trying to get to from a zuul job11:54
jsanemetwhich ones does tripleo ci pick for each job11:56
jsanemetI can imagine that it is much more complicated than how I am putting it11:56
rlandyjsanemet: it is12:01
rlandythere are some how sections on a few sections in that doc12:03
rlandythat may give you some pointers12:03
jsanemetok, I will take a look12:03
*** soniya is now known as soniya29|ruck12:05
rlandysoniya29|ruck: thank you12:10
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bhagyashrisakahat, chkumar|rover rlandy soniya29|ruck 13:01
bhagyashrisscrum time13:01
bhagyashrisysandeep, ^13:01
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*** soniya is now known as soniya|ruck13:58
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rlandy|roverpojadhav; bhagyashris: pls book a tc/pm/ua sync for tuesday - thank you14:35
rlandy|roversoniya29: ping14:37
rlandy|roversoniya29: you around??14:37
rlandy|roverthere is a tempest failure on c9 standalone14:37
rlandy|rovergate blocket14:37
rlandy|roverneed a bug for this14:38
soniya29rlandy|rover, yeah14:38
soniya29rlandy|rover, sure, i will file it14:38
*** soniya29 is now known as soniya29|ruck14:38
rlandy|roversoniya29: ^^ failing for the whole day14:38
soniya29|ruckrlandy|rover, ack14:39
rlandy|roverDetails: Failed to attach network adapter device to 17d5f776-b73f-4aa1-a1c9-39f9d60c536414:39
rlandy|roverykarel: ^^ you familiar with  this?14:40
ykarelrlandy|rover, /me checks14:42
pojadhavrlandy|rover, ack 14:43
ykarelrlandy|rover, doesn't look familiar14:43
rlandy|roverykarel: ok - looking more - thanks14:43
ykarelrlandy|rover, but there was new push to c9s mirror, may be that caused it?14:43
rlandy|rovercomparing rpms versions14:43
rlandy|roverthanks - reading14:48
rlandy|roversoniya29|ruck: thanks14:50
gthiemongerlandy|rover: scenario010 is also affected by this issue14:51
rlandy|rovergthiemonge: ack - ok14:52
rlandy|roversending out mail to openstack-discuss14:52
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pojadhavrlandy|rover, bhagyashris, ysandeep, soniya29|ruck : created meet invite tc/pm/ua sync. feel free to change the meeting time which is suitable for all.15:06
bhagyashrispojadhav, thanks 15:09
ysandeeppojadhav, the proposed time works for me, thanks!15:14
soniya29|ruckrlandy|rover, leaving for the day15:18
rlandy|roverhave a good night15:18
soniya29|ruckrlandy|rover, thanks :)15:18
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|out15:18
rlandy|rovergthiemonge: hi - so on scenario010 I see ...15:22
rlandy|rover2022-06-16 14:11:17.888 17 ERROR nova.api.openstack.wsgi libvirt.libvirtError: internal error: unable to execute QEMU command 'netdev_add': File descriptor named '(null)' has not been found15:22
rlandy|roverinterestingly on  the vanilla standalone15:22
rlandy|roverdiff error15:22
rlandy|rover2022-06-16 09:05:19.355 6 ERROR nova.api.openstack.wsgi nova.api.openstack.wsgi.Fault: Instance 19525fed-c9d3-461f-a1d3-6da706e20711 could not be found.15:22
gthiemongerlandy|rover: in octavia/worker.log
gthiemongewe also have ERROR [-] Error plugging amphora (compute_id: 95f6f928-00b8-4111-8be0-0e606d538438) into port 1c2ead8e-33a6-467f-9be6-d2bc1d30cb56.: octavia.common.exceptions.ComputeUnknownException: Unknown exception from the compute driver: Failed to attach network adapter device to 95f6f928-00b8-4111-8be0-0e606d538438 (HTTP 500) 15:23
gthiemongeso it looks really similar to the reported issue15:24
johnsomnova failure15:24
* dviroel_ lunch15:37
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rlandy|rovergthiemonge: testing a downgrade of libvirt16:04
rlandy|roverlunch - brb16:16
* dviroel back16:21
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rlandy|roverdviroel: ha - here we go ... - "dnf downgrade openssl-3.0.1-5.el9 -y;17:09
rlandy|rover"Error: No packages marked for downgrade.17:09
rlandy|roveropenssl.x86_64                            1:3.0.1-33.el9                   @baseos                 17:11
rlandy|roveropenssl-devel.x86_64                      1:3.0.1-33.el9                   @appstream              17:11
rlandy|roveropenssl-libs.x86_64                       1:3.0.1-33.el9                   @baseos     17:11
* rlandy|rover tries to remove that17:11
rlandy|roverdasm|off: dviroel: fyi
rlandy|roverwe may need to update or revert that17:14
rlandy|roveridk yet17:14
dviroelyeah, hope that works with newer versions now17:14
rlandy|rovereverything is broken again :(17:17
rlandy|roverceph, libvirt, ssl17:17
dviroelrlandy|rover: how is libvirt downgrade?18:50
dviroeloh, you just posted a testproject18:50
rlandy|roverdviroel: there are multiple gate blockers going on atm18:50
rlandy|roverpls join review time18:51
dviroelack, 18:51
rlandy|roverwill discuss all of the above18:51
dviroelrlandy|rover: ceph fix depends on libvirt fix right18:51
dviroelmaybe we need to force libvirt downgrade18:51
rlandy|roverit's a whole mess18:51
rlandy|roverplus openssl18:51
rlandy|rovernot failing in promotion line18:52
dviroelssl one is affecting only ipa ones,  right?18:52
dviroelor no18:52
rlandy|roverdviroel: rcastillo: dasm|off: review time19:01
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|biab21:07
rlandy|roverdviroel|biab: looks like libvirt downgrade will work21:10
rlandy|roverdviroel|biab: waiting for current version to vote21:29
rlandy|roverthen updating with wallaby and promotion files21:29
rlandy|roverthe will make ipa job depends-on21:29
rlandy|roverthen will rebase ceph21:29
dviroel|biaback - i can vote when ready21:30
rlandy|roverarxcruz: chkumar|rover: pojadhav: pls see notes in hackmd - multiple gate failures22:19
rlandy|roverwith associated patches22:20
rlandy|rovertesting container builds
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*** rlandy|rover is now known as rlandy|out23:36

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