Friday, 2022-06-10

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy01:07
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*** soniya29 is now known as soniya29|ruck05:09
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mariossoniya: o/ let me know if you need sthing07:06
soniyamarios, sure07:06
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*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep08:05
*** soniya is now known as soniya|ruck08:18
*** soniya|ruck is now known as soniya|ruck|lunch09:01
*** marios is now known as marios|waiting_room09:46
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:29
rlandysoniya|ruck|lunch: hello10:29
rlandysoniya|ruck|lunch: updating hackmd 10:31
rlandypls start a latest day status10:31
rlandysoniya|ruck|lunch: dasm: looking to promote
rlandyonly missing fs00210:34
rlandydasm: soniya|ruck|lunch: - updated for fs00210:39
rlandyto promote wallaby10:39
*** soniya|ruck|lunch is now known as soniya|ruck10:46
rlandysoniya|ruck: let's sync10:46
ysandeepfolks anyone else wants to join review time?11:18
ysandeeprlandy, ^^11:18
ysandeepbhagyashris, ^^11:18
mariosbhagyashris: o/ wana discuss your reviews? 11:18
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.11:18
rlandyysandeep: working with soniya|ruck 11:18
rlandypls continue11:18
bhagyashrismarios, yes11:19
mariosakahat: o/ hey can you check when you have a minute11:19
akahatmarios, o/ hey.. just commented.11:24
akahatmarios, we don't get any output if we don't have issues in file.11:24
bhagyashrismarios, test patch
bhagyashrismain patch
*** dviroel_ is now known as dviroel11:30
mariosakahat: replied11:40
ysandeepbhagyashris, voted on both downstream reparenting patches , definition one lgtm and left few comments on layout one.11:53
bhagyashrisysandeep, ack11:54
bhagyashrisrlandy, hi, in the review call marios ysandeep dviroel and me discussed about reparenting stuff, should we meet again? i have shared all the updates there11:56
rlandybhagyashris: up to you11:56
rlandydo you need my review?11:56
rlandyif so, we can meet, if not feel free to cancel11:56
rlandybhagyashris: sorry - got caught up in rr stuff11:57
bhagyashrisrlandy, ack canceling meeting ... if i need anything will ping you 11:57
rlandybhagyashris: sure11:57
bhagyashrismarios, ysandeep ^11:57
ysandeepbhagyashris, sounds good, thanks!11:58
akahatmarios, Issues are fixed here: 12:01
mariosbhagyashris: thanks12:02
mariosakahat: k if you reply I'll check again later but not sure of the association between those patches12:02
akahatmarios, this is job patch: and it's depends on patch where linting issues are fixed: 12:04
mariosakahat: k 12:05
mariosakahat: so if you remove the depends-on it finds a bunch of issues?12:06
akahatmarios, yes. 12:13
mariosakahat: i see ok will revisit i am going to remove -1 for now then 12:13
akahatmarios, okay. Thank you !!12:13
rlandyjpodivin: hello ... 12:18
rlandy is marked fixed released12:19
jpodivinrlandy: yeah I know12:19
rlandystill shows failure12:19
rlandyis the bug in the wrong status?12:19
rlandyor do we need a promotion here?12:19
jpodivinrlandy: I do believe the other, as I've indicated on the trello card.12:20
jpodivinrlandy: it worked in testproject and all ... 12:20
jpodivinthat being said I'm open to other options. 12:20
rlandyjpodivin:I belive you it worked in the testproject :)12:22
jpodivinrlandy: you don't have to take my word for it! Chandan saw it too :D 12:23
rlandysoniya|ruck: periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-containers-multinode-common-wallabytestprojectmastercheck39960,5212:26
rlandy1 hr 12 mins 49 secs2022-06-10 11:07:29SUCCESS12:26
rlandywallaby common should promote now12:26
rlandyjpodivin: rolling meetings now12:26
rlandywill ask dasm to take a look when he gets in12:26
rlandyand leave comments for you on the bug12:26
rlandypls reopen the bug though12:26
soniya|ruckrlandy, ack12:27
jpodivinrlandy: you mean the one we were talking about ? 12:27
rlandysoniya|ruck: re: components - pls start with octavia, security, network on c9 wallaby12:29
rlandythose are old12:29
soniya|ruckrlandy, on it12:29
jpodivinrlandy: One more thing, while we are discussing the pipeline ... VF has a promotion problem due to unrelated bug in THT. 12:30
jpodivinrlandy: so it might take a bit ... unless we disable the validation in question completely. 12:30
jpodivinwe also have an LP bug
rlandyjpodivin: ok - so maybe a promo will help12:44
jpodivinrlandy: worst case scenario we can merge to disable the tests. The bug will still exist, but just like in other jobs, will go by undetected. 12:50
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|break13:02
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*** dasm is now known as dasm|ruck13:45
dasm|rucksoniya|ruck: o/ how is it going?13:45
soniya|ruckdasm|ruck, hello13:45
soniya|ruckdasm|ruck, we got a new bug -
dasm|rucksoniya|ruck: are we good with libselinux?13:46
dasm|ruckdid we get promo?13:46
soniya|ruckreckicked main and 16.2 lines13:46
dasm|ruck:( i don't see wallaby and master cs9 :'(13:47
soniya|ruckdasm|ruck, we didnt get a promo, but we are hoping to get it soon13:47
dasm|rucki'm hoping to get one last few days xD13:47
soniya|ruckdasm|ruck, yeah :)13:48
soniya|ruckrlandy, dasm|ruck,
rlandydasm|ruck: we don;t know if it's a thing yet14:00
dasm|rucktransient bug?14:00
soniya|ruckrlandy, it is failing consistenly from 3 days with same issue14:01
rlandysoniya|ruck: sorry - was talking about other bug14:03
soniya|ruckrlandy, ohh14:03
rlandysoniya|ruck: dasm|ruck: I have another meeting now14:04
rlandypls sync with eachother14:04
soniya|ruckrlandy, ack14:04
rlandysoniya|ruck: you need the container prep log in
soniya|ruckrlandy, i will update it accordingly14:09
rlandyI did14:09
rlandysoniya|ruck: pls also debug that further14:10
rlandylook into that container14:10
rlandydoes it exist14:10
soniya|ruckrlandy, sure14:11
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dasm|ruckbrb, i need to reboot my laptop. it's misbehaving14:18
dasm|ruckhmm... still misbehaving :/14:24
dasm|rucksoniya|ruck: is rr script working for you? for me, it's getting stuck on fetchinkg yaml 14:30
soniya|ruckdasm|ruck, yeah, working for me14:31
dasm|ruckso i might have some other issues then14:32
dasm|ruckyeah. something is not right with my fedora. the same thing works flawlessly on debian :(14:33
dasm|ruckmade it working by downgrading requests to 2.2514:37
soniya|ruckdasm|ruck, ohh14:45
*** soniya|ruck is now known as soniya|ruck|dinner14:45
dasm|ruckhmm... dashboard doesn't show charts
dviroelmarios: yeah, you are correct, there is a crc install script in install_yamls, but I installed using OpenShift Local Getting Started Guide15:00
* dviroel lunch15:02
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mariosthanks dviroel|lunch 15:11
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ysandeep|outhave a great weekend and see you all on Monday o/15:22
dasm|ruckysandeep|out: o/15:23
rlandyakahat: 1-1?15:34
akahatrlandy, yeah.. joining.15:35
rlandydasm|ruck: want to sync  I have 15 mins now15:39
dasm|ruckrlandy: k15:40
*** soniya|ruck|dinner is now known as soniya|ruck15:49
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dasm|ruck> 2022-06-10 15:36:09.306 | dib-run-parts Ignoring non-executable files: 05-selinux-9-stream15:51
soniya|ruckrlandy, dasm|ruck, cloudops wallaby also failing over this issue - 16:00
* dasm|ruck stepping away for about 1h16:02
*** dasm|ruck is now known as dasm|ruck|afk16:02
*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel16:13
marioshave a good weekend tripleo-ci o/16:16
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soniya|rucksame with c8 tempest wallaby16:38
soniya|ruckrlandy, dasm|ruck|afk 16:38
rlandysoniya|ruck: ok- thanks16:46
rlandystill trying to get master promoted16:47
soniya|ruckrlandy, ack16:52
soniya|ruckrlandy, it seems all components in wallaby c8 are failing over the same issue16:52
rlandysoniya|ruck: can you testproject rehceck tests failing from rhos-17 on rhel-9?16:52
rlandysoniya|ruck: ok - then can you update the bug title to show that it's all components16:53
rlandywe may need a promotion there 16:53
rlandyfor c816:53
soniya|ruckrlandy, i still have few more components to check in c8 wallaby..may be after that i can recheck for testproject 16:54
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*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:11
*** dasm|ruck|afk is now known as dasm|ruck17:15
soniya|ruckdasm|ruck, rekicked c8 wallaby jobs here:-
dasm|rucksoniya|ruck: k17:20
soniya|ruckrlandy|afk, dasm|ruck, rekicked rhel9 17 jobs here:-
dasm|rucksoniya|ruck: add it to rr hackmd for easier tracking17:46
soniya|ruckdasm|ruck, added17:46
dasm|ruckack, thx17:46
dasm|rucksoniya|ruck: your cs8 failed: > "The DLRN hash or tag is not recognized. The hash or tag should not contain path slashes."}17:53
soniya|ruckdasm|ruck, what does that mean?18:01
soniya|ruckam i mispelled somewhere?18:01
soniya|ruckdasm|ruck, i have updated the testproject18:04
* soniya|ruck leaving for the day18:05
*** soniya|ruck is now known as soniya|ruck|out18:05
*** rlandy|afk is now known as rlandy18:21
rlandydasm|ruck: hey - how it looking now?18:30
dasm|ruckcs9 master and wallaby slowly going through18:32
dasm|ruckchecking components for cs9 master18:32
rlandydasm|ruck: ok - looking at fs039 deploy failure18:38
dasm|ruckcs8 wallaby components:
dasm|ruckcs9 master components:
rlandydasm|ruck: interesting fs039 both runs failed deploy  - diff places19:04
dasm|rucknot good19:07
rlandydasm|ruck: so looking at ...
rlandyfs002 - we know why that failed19:07
rlandykvm internal failed but 19:08
rlandypassed on vexx19:08
rlandyso ok19:08
rlandyso real issue is fs064 and fs03919:08
rlandydasm|ruck: I think we give them one more run and promote afterwards19:09
rlandyhow old is the sec component in master?19:09
dasm|ruck3 days, i think19:09
dasm|ruck> 7 days ago security promoted-components 3 days ago19:10
dasm|rucki have it here:
rlandy7 days ago19:10
dasm|rucksecurity fs039 ^19:10
rlandydasm|ruck: let's consider the results:19:11
* dviroel going afk - taking the kid to doc appt19:20
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dasm|ruck> 2022-06-10 14:06:19.238203 | fa163eee-d4b3-a2bf-bc21-000000001448 |      FATAL | Container image prepare | undercloud | error={"changed": false, "error": "401 Client Error: UNAUTHORIZED for url:", "msg": "Error running container image prepare: 401 Client Error:20:10
dasm|ruckUNAUTHORIZED for url:", "params": {}, "success": false}20:10
dasm|ruckit's still not working, even with depends-on20:10
dasm|ruckhowever it looks like the address is the same20:10
dasm|ruckit didn't change between no-dependson and dependson20:11
dasm|ruckthe change is still in gate:,820:13
* rlandy checks20:13
dasm|ruckshould be > docker_registry_namespace: tripleowallabycentos820:14
rlandydasm|ruck: we'd need to check if the container is actually there20:15
rlandyit istere20:15
rlandydocker_registry_namespace: tripleowallabycentos820:15
dasm|ruckbut logs didn't change with and without depends-on. i see the same url in logs.20:16
dasm|ruckif i'm not mistaken20:16
rlandyit needs to change in ...20:17
rlandy^^ that file is in use20:18
rlandyin this test20:18
rlandywhich is not changed20:18
rlandyit should be using either quay.io20:19
rlandyOR 20:19
rlandy "tripleo{{ release }}"20:19
dasm|rucki think that might be the culprit20:20
rlandybut in vexx it will default to rdo registry20:20
dasm|rucknot sure yet. going through logs to see where it's configured20:20
rlandywhere the namespace changed20:20
rlandydasm|ruck: getting20:20
rlandysend this one to frenzy_friday 20:20
rlandydasm|ruck: we are only seeing it in w c820:21
rlandyas that is the one where the namespace is diff20:21
rlandydasm|ruck: comment on the bug and send it to anaya to fix20:22
dasm|ruckon it20:22
rlandydasm|ruck: ^^ breaking change20:23
rlandyfrenzy_friday: ^^ pls when you are in on monday20:23
rlandy {%- if (release not in ["victoria"] and ansible_distribution|lower in ["centos"]) -%}20:24
rlandy  quay.rdoproject.org20:24
rlandyso it's picking rdo reg with namespace20:24
dasm|ruckfrenzy_friday: i assigned the bug to you:
rlandydasm|ruck: ha - fs064 passed ipa setup20:30
dasm|ruck:/ security component cs9 master is failing due to libselinux 20:37
dasm|ruckfs039 wallaby passed as well20:42
dasm|rucks/passed as well/succeeded20:42
dasm|ruckskip on fs002 for wallaby20:45
dasm|ruckfs064 master fails due to missing ansible-core:
dasm|ruckit sounds very familiar to what we have with security component20:50
dasm|rucki wish we had a way to search for "ansible-core" in logs.20:51
dasm|rucki remember there was some kibana instance, back in the days20:51
rlandydasm|ruck: we peomoted wallaby this morning - newer hash to promote?20:52
dasm|rucki think that's the same, sorry20:53
rlandynp 20:55
rlandyyou can just abandon patch20:55
dasm|rucki abandoned that20:56
dasm|rucki'm a bit afraid that by pushing through with koji version of libselinux we might caused more issues.21:00
dasm|rucklike security component which is failing too.21:01
dasm|rucki'm not sure if we should do the same thing like with the other "workarounds"21:01
rlandydasm|ruck: ok - let's do this ...21:16
rlandyfs064 passed21:16
rlandywe're promoting master21:16
rlandyfs039 is probably a legit fail21:16
rlandyso let's bug that21:16
rlandyand raise at CIX21:17
* rlandy puts up patch21:17
rlandydasm|ruck: pls vote Temp skip croteria to promote master 21:21
dasm|ruck> Data could not be sent to remote host \"\". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.\r\nheat-admin@ Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,keyboard-interactive).\r\n"}21:24
dasm|ruckand the other one: > . The error was: keystoneauth1.exceptions.http.InternalServerError: Internal Server Error (HTTP 500)21:25
rlandydasm|ruck: looks legit21:25
rlandyhappened three times21:25
rlandysend  bug/CIX to our friends in security21:25
rlandyxek often picks it up in his morning21:25
dasm|ruckthree different errors. i'll add it under one umbrella21:26
dasm|ruckrlandy: for periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039-master in last 6 test runs, there is no the same issue.21:47
dasm|ruckIt's like chasing ghosts.21:47
dasm|ruckI'm not gonna create the bug, instead -- I'll leave the note to chkumar to look into that again.21:48
rlandydasm|ruck: sure21:49
rlandypromoting master21:49
rlandywe can be done here21:49
rlandyfor today21:49
rlandydasm|ruck: and 16.2 got going so it's fine21:51
rlandydasm|ruc: just going to hang around to revert master patch after promo21:51
dasm|ruckrlandy: fyi:
dasm|ruck6 different test runs, all failed due to completely different issues21:54
dasm|ruckcalling it a day21:54
dasm|ruckrlandy: o/ have a nice weekend21:54
rcastillodasm|ruck: o/ have a good weekend21:55
*** dasm|ruck is now known as dasm|off21:55

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