Tuesday, 2022-06-07

*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep02:37
*** anbanerj is now known as frenzy_friday07:11
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jpodivinchkumar|ruck: The https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/validations-common/+/844823 was merged, but we'll prob have to wait for the build to get the job green again08:01
*** bhagyashris_ is now known as bhagyashris08:03
chkumar|ruckysandeep: hello08:04
chkumar|ruckysandeep: can you re-kick the wallaby integration line?08:04
ysandeepchkumar|ruck, ack08:05
ysandeepchkumar|ruck, https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/status#%20openstack-periodic-integration-stable1 done08:08
chkumar|ruckjpodivin: yes, we need to get the wallaby integration line promotion then, it will reach tripleo component line08:08
chkumar|ruckysandeep: ++ thanks!08:08
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rlandychkumar|ruck: hi - how are things?10:39
rlandywant to sync?10:39
chkumar|ruckrlandy: yes, ysandeep|afk also want to join?10:39
ysandeep|afkack i can join for few minutes, but than will go for break10:40
rlandychkumar|ruck: https://meet.google.com/uob-bgvm-rur?pli=1&authuser=010:41
rlandyysandeep|afk: ^^10:41
rlandychkumar|ruck: https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/buildset/489d5dd602204b4c95957618172bc5c310:53
rlandybhagyashris: ysandeep|afk: I have a meeting at 12:30 UTC - can we move downstream review after the community call?11:22
bhagyashrisrlandy, ack11:26
rlandybhagyashris: thanks  - can you move the meeting11:26
bhagyashrisrlandy, Done11:26
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|rover11:36
rlandy|roverrcastillo; hi - pls ping when you are in11:42
rlandy|roverre: sdk11:42
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chkumar|ruckrlandy|rover: ysandeep marios I am going to revert this patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/842551/5#message-96b4e9a480fba5c49917e1b7b1a330d16b40af0c11:50
chkumar|ruckbreaking wallaby component jobs11:51
ysandeepchkumar|ruck, container not available or login issue? 11:52
chkumar|ruckysandeep: namespace issue11:52
chkumar|ruckysandeep: on quay namespace is tripleowallaby<distro namedistro version>11:52
ysandeepchkumar|ruck, c9 job passed in testproject https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/4226511:53
chkumar|ruckysandeep:  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007 will fix the issue and it has got some comments11:53
ysandeepchkumar|ruck, ack11:53
chkumar|ruckhttps://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007 is still in review  and  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007 got merged yesterday11:54
chkumar|ruckrlandy|rover: ysandeep https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/844936 please +w it11:54
ysandeepimho.. let's fix https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007 11:54
rlandy|roverchkumar|ruck; ysandeep: frenzy_friday: ^^ how far out are we on merging that11:56
chkumar|ruckrlandy|rover: needs a revision11:56
ysandeepfrenzy_friday you around?11:56
* frenzy_friday checks11:56
frenzy_fridayysandeep, yep11:56
rlandy|roverfrenzy_friday; pls address this asap11:56
rlandy|roverso we can clear wallaby11:56
rlandy|roverprobably hitting c8 as well11:57
chkumar|ruckfrenzy_friday: I thought you are on pto11:57
chkumar|ruckso didnot distrubed11:57
marioschkumar|ruck: looking11:57
frenzy_fridaychkumar|ruck, yesterday was a holiday here. I am back today11:57
chkumar|ruckmarios: you can ignore above review, frenzy_friday is fixing her patch11:57
chkumar|ruckmarios: frenzy_friday ysandeep rlandy|rover thanks!11:58
marioschkumar|ruck: ack .. so we don't want the revert? 11:58
marioswe need the other patch that had -1 11:58
rlandy|roverif we can fix, let's do that11:58
mariosok ... unvoting11:58
*** akahat is now known as akahat|afk12:03
rlandy|roverbhagyashris: ysandeep: sorry - manager meeting canceled12:04
rlandy|roverwe can move back to 12:30 utc if you want12:05
ysandeeplet's keep it after community mtg 12:05
ysandeepI am planning to attend a session kubernetes in podman (in perfconf)12:05
ysandeepif anyone is interested: https://perfconfspring2022.sched.com/event/137U4/kubernetes-in-podman12:06
frenzy_fridayhey ysandeep chkumar|ruck - a question https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007/3..6/config/release/tripleo-ci/CentOS-8/promotion-testing-hash-master.yml#b812:07
rlandy|roverfrenzy_friday: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007/6/config/release/tripleo-ci/CentOS-8/promotion-testing-hash-master.yml12:07
frenzy_fridayrlandy|rover, yep, should I delete it? Are we using this file?12:07
rlandy|roverfrenzy_friday: no - we are using it - I think you correctedit now12:08
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch12:08
frenzy_fridayrlandy|rover, I changes the registry in the c8 master back to tripleomastercentos9 as we do not have tripleomastercentos8 registry12:09
rlandy|roverfrenzy_friday: chkumar|ruck: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007/6/config/release/tripleo-ci/CentOS-8/wallaby.yml12:09
rlandy|roverstill seems wrong12:09
rlandy|roverwhy remove .io12:09
rlandy|roverfrenzy_friday: chkumar|ruck: let's talk this through to clear this review12:10
frenzy_fridayrlandy|rover, I saw a comment from marios https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007/3..6/config/release/tripleo-ci/CentOS-8/wallaby.yml#b2412:10
frenzy_fridayyep, sure https://meet.google.com/dui-urpf-qnd12:10
rlandy|roverchkumar|ruck: pls review https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007 0 frenzy_friday updated12:21
chkumar|ruckrlandy|rover:  on it12:29
ysandeepkubernested in podman if folks are interested - quick talk: https://meet.google.com/rag-oxwu-pck12:30
ysandeephappening in perfconf 12:30
chkumar|ruckfrenzy_friday: https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/src/branch/master/config/release/tripleo-ci/CentOS-8/wallaby.yml#L26got missed from above review12:32
rlandy|roverchkumar|ruck: removed that12:43
rlandy|roverit's a check release file12:44
rlandy|rovershould use quay.io12:44
rlandy|rovercompare with master and wallaby c912:44
frenzy_fridaychkumar|ruck, I added a comment for it https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007/3..8/config/release/tripleo-ci/CentOS-8/wallaby.yml#b2412:47
chkumar|ruckrlandy|rover: frenzy_friday https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007/3..6/config/release/tripleo-ci/CentOS-8/wallaby.yml#b24 12:48
chkumar|ruckrlandy|rover: frenzy_friday https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/src/branch/master/config/release/tripleo-ci/CentOS-8/wallaby.yml#L2612:49
chkumar|ruckwe need to change docker_registry_namespace: "tripleo{{ release }}" to docker_registry_namespace: tripleowallabycentos812:50
frenzy_fridaychkumar|ruck, I changed "tripleo{{ release }}" back because it is the registry namespace in quay.io Only in quay.rdoproj we have tripleowallabycentos812:50
chkumar|ruckfrenzy_friday: ok ok now I got it12:51
chkumar|ruckwe need to use quay.io 12:51
chkumar|ruckthansk for clarifing it12:51
chkumar|ruckysandeep: https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/testproject/+/211643 works12:55
chkumar|ruckrlandy|rover: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/844952 will fix downstream /dev/sda4  issue we were discussing12:56
chkumar|ruckysandeep ++ thanks!12:56
rlandy|roverchkumar|ruck: ok - shoudl I w+^^?12:56
chkumar|ruckrlandy|rover: let's wait ysandeep reply12:57
ysandeeprlandy|rover, chkumar|ruck, nice let's merge that12:57
rlandy|roverysandeep: k - merging12:57
chkumar|ruckrlandy|rover: https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/testproject/+/211643 tp is here12:58
rlandy|roverchkumar|ruck: frenzy_friday: are we all set on wallaby review now?12:58
chkumar|ruckrlandy|rover: yes from my side12:58
frenzy_fridayyep from me as well12:58
rlandy|roverchkumar|ruck; frenzy_friday: ok - will w+ if passes check12:59
frenzy_fridayack, thanks12:59
rlandy|roverchkumar|ruck: going to depends on that to test c812:59
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rlandy|roverpojadhav: ysandeep: http://tripleo-cockpit.lab4.eng.bos.redhat.com/d/v8gltz4Mz/rhos-17-full-component-pipeline?orgId=1 - shows rhel-9 jobs13:05
rcastillorlandy|rover: helo13:05
rlandy|roverfor compute13:05
bhagyashrisarxcruz, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, chandankumar, frenzy_friday, anbanerj,  dviroel, rcastillo, dasm, jm1, marios, rlandy|rover chkumar|ruck 13:21
bhagyashrisTripleO CI community meeting in 9 mins13:22
bhagyashrisfeel free to add topic here https://hackmd.io/MMg4WDbYSqOQUhU2Kj8zNg?both#2022-06-07-Community-Call @ line 3113:22
bhagyashrischkumar|ruck, soniya29 rcastillo dviroel|afk ^13:31
rlandy|roverchkumar|ruck: dasm|ruck|off is here13:31
dasm|ruck|offrlandy|rover: i marked my calendar with pto, due to medical app13:31
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chkumar|ruckdasm|ruck: \o13:32
dasm|ruckrlandy|rover: it's later in the day, about 2h off twice, so 4h total.13:32
dasm|ruckchkumar|ruck: o/13:32
dasm|ruckchkumar|ruck: thanks for your updates on hackmd13:59
chkumar|ruckdasm|ruck: we are having node_failures13:59
dasm|ruckchkumar|ruck: can you show some example?13:59
chkumar|ruckdasm|ruck: https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/builds?result=NODE_FAILURE&skip=0 fbo on #rhos-ops (internal) is looking into that14:00
chkumar|ruckdasm|ruck: https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/status#%20openstack-periodic-integration-stable1-cs814:00
dasm|ruckhmm... it looked better yesterday14:01
dasm|ruckchkumar|ruck: have you seen these? https://logserver.rdoproject.org/74/42374/19/check/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-wallaby/7681689/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/undercloud_install.log.txt.gz14:11
dasm|ruck> Container image prepare | undercloud | error={"changed": false, "error": "401 Client Error: UNAUTHORIZED for url:14:11
chkumar|ruckdasm|ruck: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/843007/14:11
dasm|ruckack, as i thought14:11
dasm|ruckchkumar|ruck: can you +W that?14:12
dasm|ruck\( ゚ヮ゚)/14:12
mariosbhagyashris: rlandy|rover: ysandeep: we joining d/stream parenting call now? 14:17
rlandy|rovermarios; ack14:17
chkumar|ruckdasm|ruck: quick sync?14:18
* frenzy_friday lunch14:18
dasm|ruckchkumar|ruck: https://meet.google.com/mdd-gddw-izp14:29
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rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/36255 - test with depends on for fs035 w c814:34
dasm|ruckchkumar|ruck: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/status/change/843007,814:34
rlandy|roverchkumar|ruck: dasm|ruck:all set for what we need to watch in afternoon?14:35
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: taking |rover off my name since you are here14:35
*** rlandy|rover is now known as rlandy14:35
dasm|ruckrlandy|rover: thanks14:35
rlandychkumar|ruck: dasm|ruck: ok if we w+ https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/834352?14:36
chkumar|ruckdasm|ruck: https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/buildset/489d5dd602204b4c95957618172bc5c3 and https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/buildset/33ff0693ad974209917374d91ed17ffb14:36
rlandyfultonj is around to revert if needed14:37
chkumar|ruckrlandy: aye14:38
chkumar|ruckrlandy: check #rhos-ops regading node failure14:38
chkumar|ruckrlandy: dasm|ruck will follow up with fbo and dpwalik on that14:38
chkumar|rucksee y!14:39
chkumar|rucksee ya!14:39
rlandychkumar|ruck: have a good day14:45
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ysandeep|outrlandy, dviroel|afk I tried to debug the content-provider login issue, no luck yet..15:33
ysandeep|outsame creds working locally - not sure yet why ci is complanining15:33
* ysandeep|out will try to poke again tomorrow 15:34
rlandyysandeep|out: thanks - will look again this afternoon15:46
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* dasm|ruck stepping away for a bit. doc's appt.15:49
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rlandychkumar|ruck: dasm|ruck|afk: https://logserver.rdoproject.org/55/36255/86/check/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-wallaby/668e430/logs/undercloud/var/log/tempest/stestr_results.html.gz- part of known failures - can we skip promote?16:25
beagleswas checking the irc history but I don't see this mentioned, but this is showing up on deployment on a few jobs both wallaby and master  "FATAL | Enable os_enable_vtpm SELinux boolean for vTPM", is this a known/16:32
rlandydasm|ruck|afk: pls check master security component when you are back16:34
rlandybeagles: on master?16:34
rlandyTengu is doing some selinux work16:35
rlandybeagles: ^^ I see it now16:36
rlandychecking what merged16:36
beaglesrlandy, yeah, I think it's both wallaby and master fwiw16:36
rlandyI see that16:37
rlandythat code has been there for 8 months16:39
rlandyTengu: ^^ can you help out?16:39
rlandyhosing all of master16:41
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* dviroel o/16:42
rlandybeagles: maybe c9?16:46
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rlandyugh 16:49
rlandygate blocker16:49
rcastilloneed to run to the store, back in 1516:50
rlandydviroel:  https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:deployed_ceph_ci17:39
rlandyrcastillo: can you meet now?17:50
rcastillorlandy I have a meeting in  10 min17:50
rcastillowould that be enough?17:50
rlandyk - yeah17:50
rlandylet's join17:51
dasm|ruckrlandy: i saw your email. anything that i can help with?18:21
dasm|ruck(email sent to ML)18:21
rcastillodasm|ruck: they're following the issue up on #rhos-delivery in internal18:32
dasm|rucki joined there. i see lon mentioned something about that18:33
rlandydasm|ruck; ack18:44
rlandyon rhos-delivery18:44
dasm|rucki see the convo. thanks18:57
rlandydasm|ruck: hey - what are you working on now?19:16
rlandycan you dequeue and enque train line19:17
rlandyand try get that to promo?19:17
rlandyI'm chasing the lastest best victoria hash for a last promotion there19:17
dasm|ruckrlandy: i've never deq and enq lines.19:37
dasm|ruckrlandy:  i can kick off the promo tho.19:37
dasm|rucklemme try doing that19:37
rlandyno no19:38
rlandydasm|ruck: sending you info19:38
rlandydasm|ruck: https://meet.google.com/msc-xfxj-fcm19:39
rcastillolunch brb19:44
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|afk19:46
dasm|ruckdequeued and enqueued stable4 (cs8 train)19:51
dasm|ruckrlandy: fyi: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/43524 cc chkumar|ruck 19:58
rlandydasm|ruck: great - thank you19:58
rcastillono gate for us I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯20:20
dasm|ruck> Looking in indexes: http://mirror.regionone.vexxhost-nodepool-tripleo.rdoproject.org/pypi/simple, http://mirror.regionone.vexxhost-nodepool-tripleo.rdoproject.org/wheel/centos-8-x86_64\nCollecting git+file:/home/zuul/src/opendev.org/openstack/diskimage-builder\n20:44
rlandydasm|ruck: we're 6 days out on wallaby going to merge your patch20:45
dasm|ruck> Running command git clone --filter=blob:none -q file:///home/zuul/src/opendev.org/openstack/diskimage-builder /tmp/pip-req-build-5l2z1_3p\n  warning: filtering not recognized by server, ignoring\nERROR: Package 'diskimage-builder' requires a different Python: 3.6.8 not in '>=3.8'\n"20:45
dasm|ruckrlandy: k20:45
rlandypls revert when promoted20:45
dasm|ruckrlandy:  we're having real issue with periodic-tripleo-centos-8-buildimage-overcloud-full-train ^20:46
rlandydasm|ruck: pls bug to start with20:47
* dasm|ruck is checking all threads20:47
rlandythere was a  Python: 3.6. change20:47
rlandysee last week's rr20:47
dasm|ruckchecking last week's rr20:52
rlandydasm|ruck: https://github.com/openstack/diskimage-builder/commit/fe0e5324d4248d114660ec35111ae9601e05b95b20:56
dasm|ruckyup, that seems like the issue we might be seeing here20:56
dasm|ruckrlandy:  should we lock the version of diskimage-builder for train?20:57
dasm|ruckhmmm... but it should not affect train, shouldn't it?20:57
rlandydiskimage builder is not branched20:58
dasm|ruckso, we might pin the commit-id or release version for ourselves, am i right?20:59
rlandydasm|ruck: ^^20:59
rlandydasm|ruck: pls ping ianw on #tripleo21:00
rlandywith the bug and the 2 links 21:00
rlandyand ask the best way to deal with this21:00
rlandyhe is in austraila21:01
rlandyso he should be around nowish21:01
dasm|ruckheh. for promo of sc8 wallaby we just got: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/images/create?tag=2&fromImage=docker.io%2Fregistry: Internal Server Error ("toomanyrequests: You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the limit by authenticating and upgrading: https://www.docker.com/increase-rate-limit")21:05
dasm|ruckthis: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/4352421:05
rlandydasm|ruck: it's ok - it will try again21:08
dasm|ruckI'm leaving. I'll check status later21:27
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl22:08
* rcastillo out for the day22:24

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