Thursday, 2022-05-12

*** dviroel|afk is now known as dviroel00:00
dviroelrlandy|bbl: so yeah, is down atm00:10
dviroelwe can switch to other registries, like in master branch00:10
dviroelrlandy|bbl: maybe something like this:
* dviroel need to go out o/00:24
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rlandy|bbldviroel: yeah - it's an option if it's not back tomorrow01:08
rlandy|bblgiving up for today01:08
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dviroelgood night01:09
dviroeltesting scn001 and scn004 here:
dviroelalso hits stable/train :(01:18
*** ysandeep|rover|out is now known as ysandeep|rover01:19
* ysandeep|rover catching up with all the action01:19
dviroelysandeep|rover: hello there, hackmd has all the info I think - and Launchpad too01:20
ysandeep|roverdviroel, ++ thanks! 01:22
dviroelysandeep|rover: o/ np01:22
ysandeep|roverI will wait for to comeback, if not in few hour I will chat with franceso when he comes online if we can go ahead with your patch.01:22
dviroelysandeep|rover: yeah, agree. But since other branches are also affected, will need mode tripleo-common patches to move foward01:23
dviroelysandeep|rover: so, hope that comes back01:24
dviroelysandeep|rover: going out for today o/ see you later01:24
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ysandeep|roversee you tomorrow o/01:24
ysandeep|roverrlandy|out, >> - no success with networking patch on w c802:08
ysandeep|roverI think dlrn is not building rpm for ovsdbapp package - no gating repo02:08
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*** soniya is now known as soniya|ruck05:04
ysandeep|roversoniya29, good morning, once you settle down - lets sync - we got a lot in our plate today.05:07
ysandeep|roversoniya|ruck, ^^05:12
ysandeep|roverrlandy|out, soniya|ruck: I am force promoting tripleo (ignoring ovb failure )- tripleo line need new diskimage-builder(which we cannot get without promotion) , and integration line need new tripleo component to pass node provisioning issue.05:24
ysandeep|roverchandankumar, do you have idea who manages - wallaby and earlier blocked on gate05:27
chandankumarysandeep|rover: ceph team05:27
ysandeep|roverchandankumar: ack, I have pinged fmount - waiting for him to come online.05:28
akahatGood morning folks o/05:45
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soniya|ruckysandeep|rover|brb, hello06:03
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bhagyashrismarios, hey can you give me the edit rights on yesterdays retro board06:27
bhagyashrisi want to copy the ideas for improvements for todays planning meeting discussion06:28
mariosbhagyashris: ack sec 06:32
bhagyashrismarios, thanks 06:32
mariosbhagyashris: i think you can edit now?06:33
mariosbhagyashris: ack 06:33
marioscoffee brb06:33
bhagyashrismarios, Done. you can lock ....06:36
mariosthanks bhagyashris 06:38
jm1ysandeep|rover: good morning o/07:09
jm1ysandeep|rover: your fix with "force_non_periodic: true" has worked, all our tripleo jobs on stable branch are working now :)07:10
jm1ysandeep|rover: ansible-collections-openstack should now be fixed in rdo as well. at least its pulling the latest stable release here:
ysandeep|roverjm1, lets see how today's run goes07:16
ysandeep|roverjm1++ thanks for fixing that07:16
ysandeep|roversoniya|ruck, fixed now, I am working with francesco to test ceph fixes in gate.. Can you take a look at rdo promotion line to see if we have something new/07:39
soniya|ruckysandeep|rover, sure07:41
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ysandeep|roverjm1: I have confirmed - clients component is fixed now08:11
* ysandeep|rover closing the bug and cix08:11
ysandeep|roversoniya|ruck, if you get time can you investigate why - no success with networking patch on w c809:35
ysandeep|roverplease check why depends-on didn't work with container build job09:36
soniya|ruckysandeep|rover, ack09:38
ysandeep|rover++ thanks!09:38
chandankumarysandeep|rover: hello09:39
chandankumarysandeep|rover:  regarding with depends on ovsdbapp09:39
chandankumarcontainer build does not uses built test packages so there is no gating repo09:40
ysandeep|roverchandankumar, yeah i saw no build-test-package role running, was that expected? 09:41
chandankumarI saw this message from morning about gating repo 09:41
chandankumarysandeep|rover: yes, it is expected09:41
ysandeep|roverimho.. there should be a way to rebuild containers with depends-on09:41
chandankumarysandeep|rover: is used in container build09:42
chandankumarif we switch to then09:42
chandankumardepends on will work09:42
chandankumarand then we can discard toci build-containers role also09:43
ysandeep|roverack.. basically same role which we use in content-provider 09:43
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chandankumarwe can do similar thing for image build also09:44
ysandeep|roversound like this will need some work and difficult to test right away.. Someone will need to spend some time..09:45
chandankumarysandeep|rover:  yes, may be food to next sprint09:45
ysandeep|roverI think its worth to investigate if ovb works can work with build_container: true - that way we can directly build container in ovb job - we don't have to rely on container_build job09:46
chandankumarysandeep|rover: there is another way also for current timeing09:46
chandankumarwe can build the package in the dlrn side by sending a dnm patch with upstream-id of the depends on patch 09:47
chandankumarand once the rpm is available, we can inject it in release file and build the container09:47
chandankumarysandeep|rover: let;s try with build_containers:true in ovb and see09:48
ysandeep|roverinteresting 09:48
ysandeep|roverchandankumar, I remember ykarel doing some improvement that allow building container in undercloud itself but not sure we have update ovb to consume container from local registry09:50
ysandeep|roverchandankumar, we can give it a try.. /me updating patch09:50
soniya|ruckysandeep|rover, c8 sc01 victoria is failing for random failures09:58
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jm1chandankumar: this can be abandoned?
chandankumarjm1: yes10:13
jm1chandankumar: ack10:13
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:20
rlandyysandeep|rover|lunch: soniya|ruck: hello - let's sync when you are back10:21
frenzy_fridayhey rlandy, ysandeep|rover|lunch can we pl merge and ?10:26
rlandyfrenzy_friday: ack - master line was blocked yesterday10:26
frenzy_fridayrlandy, oh, np10:27
jm1ysandeep|rover|lunch, rlandy, chandankumar: can we browse and download rhosp packages somewhere like we can with rdo?10:30
rlandyjm1: what do you mean by browse? if you give me the rdo link you use, can send equivalent osp link10:31
rlandyjm1: like
rlandyor  released content?10:32
jm1rlandy: want to download ansible-collections-openstack package for different rhos releases to check its content.10:32
jm1rlandy: ah, great, will have a look. thanks!10:32
chandankumarjm1: let's chat in #openstack-pcci10:32
rlandyjm1: ^^ internal channel10:33
rlandyyou will need to join that10:33
jm1rlandy: yes, just joined10:34
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ysandeep|roverrlandy, sry late lunch today due to rr load :) I am back lets sync10:34
ysandeep|roversoniya|ruck, 10:34
ysandeep|roverratailor, ignore10:48
ysandeep|roverwas trying to ping ronelle10:49
rlandysoniya|ruck: can you hear us?10:53
*** soniya29 is now known as soniya29|ruck11:08
ysandeep|roversoniya29|ruck, I have triggered the ovb jobs in component already, could you please keep an eye: and see how that goes.11:09
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, ack11:09
* soniya29|ruck grabs a tea11:10
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|ruck|brb11:10
ysandeep|roverrlandy: thanks to delorean-current - steve node-provisioning fix is already in our current periodic master run... let see how that goes11:14
rlandyysandeep|rover: great11:15
*** dviroel_ is now known as dviroel11:33
rlandydasm|off: hello - when you are back in ... the patch you had for rhel-9 17 for uefi boot11:38
rlandycan you revive that11:38
rlandyand test11:38
ysandeep|roverovb fs001/fs020/64 passed in master run - looks promising so far11:42
* ysandeep|rover retriggered jobs which failed for tempest run - only few failures11:44
jm1rlandy: will not be able to join tripleo ci planning meeting because of doc appointment today11:52
rlandyjm1: ok11:52
rlandyysandeep|rover: thanks11:52
rlandyysandeep|rover: can we merge
ysandeep|roverrlandy, waiting for test project results11:53
rlandyin standalone deploy11:53
rlandyysandeep|rover: ok - going to testproject train integration line failures with that deps11:54
rlandyhmmm ... only fs00111:56
rlandy2022-05-12T09:00:25+0000 DEBUG Installed: python3-testtools-2.3.0-15.el8.noarch11:56
rlandysoniya: your bug on setup call failures ...11:57
*** ysandeep|rover is now known as ysandeep|rover|brb12:01
rlandychandankumar: do we need the later version of testtools in train?
rlandyseeing setup class failures that we were seeing in downstream12:02
chandankumarrlandy: Do the failure similar to RHOS-17 rhel-8?12:06
chandankumarin wallaby we have python-testtools-2.5.0-2.el812:07
frenzy_fridaypls add to review list (quay zuul secret for wallaby )12:07
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list12:07
rlandychandankumar: no - different error12:12
rlandywas in 1712:12
chandankumarrlandy: can you share the logs?12:14
rlandychandankumar: this is a keystone access error12:15
chandankumarthen may be something else is going on there, might not be related to package12:17
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ysandeep|roversoniya|ruck, I am updating all the launchpad/Cix bugs on which I was working last week with the current status - Please try to leave a comment on your bugs too before rr handover on where you left off and next action plan if any.12:44
soniya|ruckysandeep|rover, sure12:47
jm1ysandeep|rover: can you help me with creating a bz bug for downstream? 🙈13:08
ysandeep|roverjm1, gmeet?13:09
jm1ysandeep|rover: sure13:09
jm1ysandeep|rover: gimme a secf13:09
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:15
*** marios_ is now known as marios13:17
dviroelrlandy: chandankumar: question, wrt to ceph daemon promotion, which registry should I push the container to? 13:17
rlandydviroel: good question13:18
dviroeli was considering but not sure if 'config' has the creds needed13:18
rlandydviroel: does the ceph team have a preference?13:18
chandankumardviroel: yes, I would suggest both13:18
chandankumardviroel: and quay.io13:19
dviroelrlandy: probably no, but I can ask them13:19
chandankumardviroel: for, arxcruz knows where is the creds, toolbox copy-quay script pushes those containers13:19
rlandydviroel: checking secrets13:19
dviroelchandankumar: yeah, but I think that playbooks/secrets are not ready for that in 'config' - so i would start with first13:20
chandankumardviroel: sournds good13:20
rlandythere is a general quay_secret13:21
rlandywe'd need to track history on that13:21
dviroelrlandy: ack, but container-login will need to be updated to consider that one too, I think13:21
rlandylol - I added it 13:21
rlandydviroel: welcome to my world13:22
rlandytwo registries to log in to13:22
dviroellatest updates deal with and quay.rdoproject.org13:23
rlandydviroel: git blame on that file13:23
rlandysee the last comment13:23
rlandyfrom sagi13:23
dviroelrlandy: ah, so 'quay_rdoci' seems to be the one13:25
rlandydviroel: you tried it? 13:25
rlandyit works?13:25
rlandychandankumar: pls pass me anything you start with downstream fs00113:26
chandankumarrlandy: sure13:26
rlandywould be interested in carrying that on13:26
rlandyat least testproject13:26
ysandeep|roverrlandy, just need these now to promote master - 13:26
dviroelrlandy: no13:26
dviroelrlandy: didn't try that one13:27
rlandyysandeep|rover: ok - let's make an assessement at your eod if it makes sense to skip any13:27
dviroelrlandy: container-login playbook doesn't supports it yet - it would be good to have all logins within the same playbook imho13:28
ysandeep|roverrlandy, ack.. /me rerunning failing jobs in the meantime 13:28
dviroelrlandy: chandankumar: considering going with '' first, to validate my promotion playbooks, after that I can focus on different and multiple registries, wdyt?13:31
chandankumardviroel: sounds good13:32
rlandydviroel++ good13:33
rlandymarios++  all merged here?13:46
rlandydasm: pls review comments on
rlandyso we can merge what is left13:47
jm1ysandeep|rover: how to set blocker flag on that bug?13:48
jm1ysandeep|rover: i think i found it, but not sure13:49
ysandeep|roverjm1, I have never done that but there is a doc - let me ping you on #openstack-pcci13:49
ysandeep|roverjm1: please read the doc to understand what does blocker actually means.13:50
bhagyashrisarxcruz, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, chandankumar, frenzy_friday, dviroel, rcastillo, jm1, rlandy|ruck, dasm ysandeep|rover soniya|ruck 13:57
bhagyashrisTripleo CI planning meeting in 3 mins13:57
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bhagyashrisrlandy, ^14:01
bhagyashrischandankumar, ^14:02
bhagyashrisjm1, ^14:02
bhagyashriswe are waiting ...14:02
jm1bhagyashris: not joining today because of doc appointment. will be away in a minute14:05
ykarelysandeep|rover|mtg, just saw your message, ovb jobs use container updates, so packages are build and then containers are updated with it14:28
ykarelso build containers is not needed for this use case14:29
ykareland yes i too recall i did some improvements in past for undercloud container build, but don't recall the overall status14:30
ysandeep|rover|mtgykarel: >>  ovb jobs use container updates - ack thanks! 14:30
ykarelbtw not just ovb all deployment based j obs14:30
ysandeep|rover|mtgykarel: yeah make sense15:08
ysandeep|rover|mtgdviroel, rlandy, fyi.. outage where is hosted15:09
rlandyysandeep|rover|mtg: anything blocking w+ on
ysandeep|rover|mtgrlandy: just waiting for zuul to report back15:10
ysandeep|rover|mtgrlandy, may be sc-10-kvm is legit failure - failed thrice on same issue15:24
ysandeep|rover|mtgi was just checking the logs15:25
ysandeep|rover|mtg2022-05-12 14:17:19.252 ERROR /var/log/containers/nova/nova-api.log: 6 ERROR nova.api.openstack.wsgi     raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=exc.format_message())15:25
ysandeep|rover|mtg2022-05-12 14:17:19.252 ERROR /var/log/containers/nova/nova-api.log: 6 ERROR nova.api.openstack.wsgi webob.exc.HTTPNotFound: Keypair octavia-ssh-key not found for user 7527fbfe4d204aafaff987d944a250115:25
ysandeep|rover|mtgI am going to report a bug15:25
chandankumarrlandy: tracking stuff here: downstream centos ovb15:29
ysandeep|rover|mtgrlandy, arxcruz fyi.. this kind of issue I am talking about for tempest... octavia_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.v2.test_traffic_ops.TrafficOperationsScenarioTest run in integration but not in octavia component.15:30
ysandeep|rover|mtgint: 15:30
ysandeep|rover|mtgvs component:
ysandeep|rover|mtgchandankumar, ^^ fyi.. 15:31
dasmfyi, every other release is going to be called "SLURP" :)15:40
dasmSkip Skip Level Upgrade Release Process15:41
chandankumarrlandy: you can take it from here cert-install is not working15:45
chandankumarthat needs to be fixed15:45
chandankumarI tried fixing here
chandankumarplease have a look15:46
chandankumarseee ya!15:46
* dviroel lunch15:52
ysandeep|rover|mtggthiemonge, we are hitting a new issue in octavia tempest tests , we will report a bug soon.. This is blocking master promotion.. If you have any pointers about error please let us know.15:56
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ysandeep|roverrlandy, for sc010-kvm do we report a bug or launchpad because logs are private links15:57
gthiemongeysandeep|rover: hi, yeah it looks like octavia cannot communicate with nova15:58
gthiemongeoctavia-tempest-plugin not octavia15:58
rlandyysandeep|rover: ack lp bug beause product is upstream15:59
ysandeep|rovergthiemonge, rpm diff between last good job and current one 15:59
rlandyysandeep|rover: pls go when you have the bug15:59
rlandylate for you15:59
ysandeep|roverrlandy, ack.. let me open a lp.. I was worried if its okay to attach internal logs url in lp16:00
rlandyysandeep|rover: it's not ideal ... but no choice16:02
rlandyyou can sudo link if you want16:02
rlandylike <internal log server > ....16:02
ysandeep|roverack, and I will attach logs in cix card16:03
ysandeep|roverpinged logs to gthiemonge already, so he knows where to look16:03
ysandeep|rovergthiemonge, we can hold a reproducer node as well if that helps for debugging16:04
rlandyysandeep|rover: there is one running right now16:04
rlandyyou can hold that16:04
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johnsomysandeep|rover It's a nova issue, so maybe collect the nova RPM diffs or haproxy config changes.16:09
gthiemongethere's a huge backtrace in nova-api.log, it looks like nova cannot fetch a security-group that was created a few seconds before in neutron16:10
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* soniya|out leaving for the day16:11
johnsomMay 12 14:24:23 standalone haproxy[7]: [12/May/2022:14:22:53.266] nova_osapi nova_osapi_be/standalone.ctlplane.localdomain 0/0/0/90093/90093 504 397 - - ---- 41/3/2/2/0 0/0 "POST /v2.1/servers HTTP/1.1"16:12
ysandeep|roverjohnsom, gthiemonge could you please also add your investigation comments on as well, it would help to reach nova team.16:14
gthiemongeysandeep|rover: ack16:14
johnsomYeah, nova-api: 2022-05-12 14:24:47.095 6 ERROR nova.api.openstack [req-1b96272e-da6a-4025-b37a-2c073c789cce 7527fbfe4d204aafaff987d944a25019 516d2e21db7043e8aac29216b12572e0 - default default] Caught error: Apache/mod_wsgi request data read error: Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete.: OSError: Apache/mod_wsgi request data read error: Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete.16:14
ysandeep|rover - all the packages rpm diff16:17
ysandeep|roverjohnsom, gthiemonge thanks for investigation help, Its late for me (2200 here), if you need any help from us please ping rlandy 16:21
rlandythanks ysandeep|rover 16:21
ysandeep|roverrlandy: fyi.. , we will add logs link in cix card once it appears..16:22
rlandyysandeep|rover: ok16:22
ysandeep|roverrlandy, sry one more thing - please merge ceph V patch once zuul reports on same patch, and recheck W patch once train patch merges - and possibly +w that if all passes.16:23
* rlandy looks16:24
ysandeep|rovertestproject for all releases are already green16:24
rlandyysandeep|rover: ah - that was what I was going to check16:24
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ysandeep|rover|outrlandy: see you tomorrow , thanks for all the help o/16:29
rlandyysandeep|rover|out: have a good night16:30
* dviroel back17:08
chandankumarrlandy: please +w it17:08
rlandylunch brb17:13
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dasmhmm.. i'm trying to start uefi jobs downtstream. I see jobs starting, and immediately getting canceled. No report, nothing17:22
dasmNot sure yet what's happening there17:23
chandankumarrlandy: we need to hold the node
chandankumarcert is not working for cs817:28
chandankumarand returning Name or service not known>17:29
chandankumarwhen around, please have a look.17:29
rlandychandankumar: ok - I'll look 17:34
rlandyhave a good night17:34
dviroeldasm: my guess is that you need to do:  vars: *vars17:36
dasmdviroel: i'll give it a try. just removed it, copied-pasted17:40
dasmdviroel: and now it's starting.17:41
rlandydasm: going to be a few minutes late to 1-118:29
rlandyon call18:29
rlandymay run over18:29
dasmk, thanks for heads up18:31
rlandydasm: so sorry  - still ongoing - can I move meeting to tomorrow?18:43
rlandyor after review time?18:43
dasmrlandy: sure. missed your ping. sorry18:52
rcastillolunch brb18:53
rlandyjoined review time19:01
rlandyakahat: hey - we were looking at your OVB patches - can you explain at tomorrow's review meeting?19:35
rlandywe left a comment19:35
* dviroel going afk for a bit21:09
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* dasm disappears into bushes21:10
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl23:02

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